Sep 9th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! TradingAllianceLimited has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! There’s been a few new HYI sites opening up around us recently and joining the MNO Premium List, something I expect will get a lot more pronounced now that summer has been gradually giving way to autumn. One of these new programs is called TradingAllianceLimited which was added to my monitor’s Premium List only yesterday but which has already put me in profit. The reason for that of course is that the program has actually been on my monitor for the last three and a half weeks, but only on the Basic List so it hasn’t really been mentioned on my blog much in the past. It’s been trundling along in fact, largely unnoticed and under the radar, but I believe deliberately so since last March until the admin was ready to start treating it not like a “sleeper” but start pushing it more seriously. So prior to upgrading TradingAllianceLimited to Premium Listing there’s been a complete overhaul of plans and design to such an extent that one could almost start treating it like a new HYIP. Almost. So before we move on to the day’s news stories I’d like to take a closer look at some of the program’s features for you and see if it’s worth a shot. Certainly TradingAllianceLimited does have a lot in common with several other short term HYIPs, some of which have been successful, but with a lot less of them (this style of program I mean) in recent times.

There are six basic investment plans which are then followed by two let’s say less realistic so-called VIP plans, all of which pay you just once on expiry. The first of these runs for a term of just 1 single day. So in other words join today and get paid tomorrow. You can sign up for as little as $10 and for anything up to a $4,000 investment you can get back 102.4% interest, principal included, on expiry. Payments are based on how much you invest so if you are prepared to take a bigger gamble then you can earn rates as follows:
105% for $4,001 to $10,000, or 120% for anything between $10,001 and $50,000, the maximum allowed in the program.

On a day by day basis TradingAllianceLimited‘s second plan is only marginally more profitable than the first one. In fact that can also be said about all of their plans with the only exceptions applying to the very biggest deposits – something I wouldn’t recommend. So if you’re not bothered about withdrawing and depositing on a daily basis you might want to consider running with the first plan for a number of different cycles as an alternative to the longer term ones. You won’t earn as much but for smaller deposits the difference is negligible.

Anyway, for a $10 minimum you can join the second plan which runs for a term of 5 calendar days. Payments are made on expiry, and this time for anything up to $4,000 you can can earn a return of 114%. Again should you wish to take a chance with a little more then the rate goes up. All payments include your principal and are calculated as follows:
128% for $4,001 to $10,000, and 230% for anything between $10,001 and the maximum $50,000.

The next option runs for a 15 calendar day investment term and pays on expiry. You may join for a $10 minimum and for anything up to $4,000 TradingAllianceLimited are offering 145% back, principal included. For a deposit between $4,001 and $10,000 they offer 190%, and for anything above that to a value of $50,000 the rate is 720%.

As you can see the plans get progressively more risky as the terms get longer without the profit on a per day basis getting all that much better for smaller deposits but becoming almost laughably unobtainable for the bigger ones. The next option sees TradingAllianceLimited raise the opening deposit to a $100 minimum spend with anything up to $4,000 being offered 200% on expiry of a 30 calendar day term, principal included. The following rates apply to bigger deposits:
350% for $4,001 to $10,000, and 1650% for anything between $10,001 and the $50,000 maximum.

Next up is a plan running for 45 calendar days and asks for $200 as a minimum spend. Amounts up to a $4,000 limit see TradingAllianceLimited offering their members a 350% return on expiry, principal included.
Larger deposits see the offer go to 800% on expiry for deposits between $4,001 and $10,000, and an even more unlikely 2,800%.

This one is then followed by TradingAllianceLimited‘s longest term plan, running for 60 calendar days with one payment on expiry. Investments start at a $250 minimum, with an offer of 600% on amounts up to $4,000.
For information purposes I’ll just tell you the rate goes to 1,500% on amounts between $4,001 and $10,000, and 4,500% on anything from $10,001 to $50,000.

Finally there are two options perhaps best avoided as frankly they are unlikely to result in anything positive for regular members. The so called VIP plans I mentioned at the start of the page. For a $10,000 minimum deposit you may join TradingAllianceLimited‘s 11 day VIP Plan, with amounts up to $15,000 offered 1,100% interest after 11 calendar days. The VIP+ Plan takes amounts from $8,000 to $15,000, runs for 21 calendar days, and offers 2,300% interest on expiry.

Looks nice but the fact is that these plans are only suitable if you wish to do nothing more than make a no strings attached donation to the admin, because he’s about as likely to pay you that rate as I am!

PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin as the choice of payment processors is pretty much what one might expect from a program like this one. Payouts to members are made through the members area, i.e. you will need to log in to your account, make a withdrawal request, and allow the admin to process them manually. The FAQ specifies that you should allow a maximum of 28 hours (and no, that’s not a typo, I mean 28 hours and not 24) for your payment to be processed in full.

On the technical side of things TradingAllianceLimited is hosted on Koddos, which just like the program itself gives an air of nostalgia considering how few programs I’ve monitored on them in recent times. They’re keeping TradingAllianceLimited on a dedicated server. The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and the website is SSL encrypted by Comodo. Also included in the website is a built-in calculator to give investors an idea of the potential earnings before they spend, and a short introductory video on the homepage to try and explain what TradingAllianceLimited are all about.

Customer support if you need it is provided by filling in your details on the ticketing support form found on the contacts page and submitting it. There’s a couple of improvements here though over some similar style programs as you can also use Live Chat support to contact them or try the telephone number listed there if you expect someone would answer and deal with your enquiries. I can only suggest you skip on the postal address as unlikely to be anything other than a hosted office and not where you’ll find anyone connected with TradingAllianceLimited actually located. Likewise with the company certificate of incorporation, it’s all well and good that the admin went to the trouble of getting one, but I happen to know you can get these quite easily, cheaply, and anonymously over the net with few questions asked.

All that really remains to be said about TradingAllianceLimited is a brief reminder to those new to the online investments industry reading this that anything you come across on the net is high risk, so set yourself a sensible spending limit based on what you personally won’t mind if you lose, base your investments on what you spend rather than what you would like to earn, and always try to keep smaller amounts spread out between a larger number of programs. Experienced readers will of course already be well aware of that for a long long time by now I know, but with a vastly improved website today than when they started we can hope that the admin is going to at least try and do something worthwhile with this one. If nothing else though you can at least see a small profit on a small deposit in just one day, and that’s never a bad starting point with any online HYIP.



Sorry to start the news issue for today on a bad note, but I have to warn everyone against investing in WeTradeWePay which is a proven scam now. That happened just yesterday, so my suspicions about the delayed payouts from the program were fully justified, as was my fast action in moving WeTradewePay to Waiting and then Problem status on the MNO monitor. That made MNO once again the first site to react quickly to the scam. When I noticed the admin of WeTradeWePay on my ShoutBox earlier but he failed to reply to a simple question about why the payouts had been delayed, the writing was on the wall. The fact that he preferred to run away rather than answer pretty much confirmed it. The last newsletter sent on Sunday night said that the first investors from WeTradeWePay had seen a limited profit, but from my calculations in less than two weeks the program has been online investors getting 8% daily interest would barely break-even, meaning time was lost and nothing gained. Come to think of it, I can see now the high activities of the admin online was to entice new members to scam even before the first investors saw a profit. That’s why he promised to return the initial investment on expiry of term that already doubled your deposit – it’s an easy promise to make when you have no intention to deliver. I believe this was an experienced scammer who deliberately runs programs with a limited lifespan that profits no one but him. Unfortunately it’s very hard to spot such admins and totally impossible to name and shame them from the beginning. The only thing I was surprised to see in WeTradeWePay is that it became as popular as it did despite the obviously high risk plans and a promise to return the principal on expiry when this was very unlikely to be achievable. Perhaps the admin knows some secret to opening the wallets of investors, but WeTradeWePay still goes down as a fast scam. Please do not make any investments there as it has been moved to Scam status on the MNO monitor as of today!


Despite some initial scepticism of CryptcoMiner in certain quarters, the program not only made the critics eat their words by paying flawlessly for over two weeks now, it also became quite a popular choice among MNO readers. This was enough to push the program into the Top Five Popular Programs on the MNO monitor’s Premium List. I’ll have an updated article on the new updated list of the most popular programs on MNO on Thursday, but already we can clearly see that CryptcoMiner (reviewed here) is climbing to the top and being taken more seriously by investors all the time. I must say well done to the admin for getting there so fast by the way, because it requires a lot of work to do this. Timely payouts have helped, and during the first couple of weeks I think there was only one occasion when I waited the 12 hour maximum for a payment, all the others being much faster. This is just one of the main features that attracted dozens of readers to join and deposit CryptcoMiner, which requires a $20 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, or Payeer. Another appealing feature of CryptcoMiner is the “perpetual” style plans. As you know these allow members set their own investment term, and place no restrictions such as lock-in periods or withdrawal fees for getting your principal back any time. All you need to do is invest and then collect a 3% to 4.5% profit per day (fixed interest depending on the size of your deposit in the program). Then when you’re ready to withdraw your principal fully or partially you need simply ask for it and you will be paid to your e-currency account, also within a 12 hour maximum. Plus there’s a handy internal exchanger when you can request your payment to a different e-currency from the one your original deposit was made from (some exchange directions are now subject to fees). Not much else I can say here except to praise the admin of CryptcoMiner for doing a great job over the first two weeks. Today I received the first very short email from him informing investors of the new Twitter account which they can now follow for any future updates from the program. The link to the Twitter account is given below:

CryptcoMiner – Twitter
Just a short update : We are on Twitter now –
Please Follow us.
Best regards.


A couple of days ago I noticed that my daily earnings with GoldLoanFinancing program were not being properly credited, so yesterday I decided to contact the admin only to discover the site was already offline for several hours. Fortunately it didn’t last long as the DDoS attack causing it had been fully mitigated so the admin was then able to address the issue of missing earnings. I must say that despite the issues the communication with the admin was great which I really liked. Here’s the email I received from him on the subject of the attack on his website:

GLF website has been subjected to relatively large DDOS attack, has lasted 10 hours, our technical staff has been dealing with DDOS attack the problem, so there is no interest on the settlement deal, sorry!
Currently DDOS has been fully resolved, the next will be processed immediately Interest Settlement.
Because it is the weekend, so our technicians only one person on duty

This morning the earning issues were fully resolved and I noticed that in my own account in GoldLoanFinancing the withdrawals are still getting paid instantly as usual:

Interest problems have all been dealt with, since the weekend, our technical staff on leave, on duty a person can not handle too much work, so some delay, please understand, I’m sorry”.

If you haven’t read my review of GoldLoanFinancing (published here), I have to remind you that fixing script issues is not that simple due to the custom-made script GoldLoanFinancing is running off. Still, I believe such original scripts are valued by experienced investors much higher than generic scripts others use. I believe that GoldLoanFinancing intends to stay with us for as long as possible judging by the admin’s attitude and the slow and gradual growth of the program paying rates of 1%-1.5% for 30 days, 1.2%-2% for 50 days, 1.5%-2.5% for 70 days (all with the principal returned on expiry). The main advantage of GoldLoanFinancing over many other HYIPs is the use of Payza and the instant payments to all e-currencies. Aside from Payza these also include PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and most recently Paxum. SolidTrustPay is also promised to be added soon, and I will keep you updated on my blog when/if it actually happens.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RemiTradeLinumFund, TraderWaysAssuredAssets, CryptcoMinerGlobalBuildingGroupPurpleWealth, LaxoTradeCryptoFarm2FXLtd, TradingAllianceLimited, GoldLoanFinancing.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list:  20DayGold, TrustForexTradeVioletStockOgdenOrganization, Relazia (the first payments received).

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. Hope you’re enjoying reading MNO as I do my best to meet your expectations to see only elite programs on my monitor for the new autumn season. Just remember that analyzing the current trends in the HYIP industry is very important to understand what is popular and what is not, therefore, please give a few moments of your time to vote in the opinion polls that run on the MNO TalkBack page. If you like reading MNO then follow me on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to receive the daily news straight to your email address every day. See you all soon!

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