Sep 24th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! HashPrime has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Plenty of news to catch up with today so I’ll skip any long introductions and get straight down to the main point of today’s update – HashPrime. This is one of of the most ecclesiastically received new programs joining the MNO Premium List in recent weeks, and judging by the initial reactions/feedback from readers it’s a program I have little doubt is going to close contender for the #1 spot on my monitor in the coming weeks and months. It’s another of the perpetual/no expiry date style programs that I guess (love them or hate them) almost every HYIP player is at least very much aware of these days. In the case of HashPrime however despite having the option to leave the program when you want I would have to say it’s very much set up with the longer term investors in mind. It’s also the only program around now with official SolidTrustPay approval so that’s going to be a massive boost for them before they’ve even really gotten started.
As the industry gets more and more competitive between now and 2015, something that’s going to play a major role in the success of what will become the new generation of HYIP giants is originality – something that HashPrime has in abundance. The whole concept behind the program you see is BitCoin trading. But unlike the countless other HYIPs that drone on incessantly about ForEx trading, this is a program where you can actually get involved and, if you’re lucky, make a couple of bucks independently of your active investment. You are allowed you see to buy and sell BitCoins from inside your account balance and take advantage of the price fluctuations to buy when the price is cheap and sell when it recovers. You can click the “Trade BitCoins” tab once inside your HashPrime account to try it out, but before we get too far let’s just see how the basic mechanics of the program work out first and you can decide if this is a suitable investment for you or not.

On the actual investment plan then, this is simple, understated, and I think will appeal to enough investors just by itself to make HashPrime a popular choice before we ever look at the other main features. Mind you, the plan is probably the most important feature to most of you anyway. You can join the program with a minimum deposit of $25, and anything up to a maximum of $10,000. Once you’re in, there’s only one plan you can join, so it’s an easy decision – you either like it or you don’t so take it or leave it. That’s very much an over simplification of things though, because in reality what HashPrime offer is a “perpetual” style plan which has become extremely popular in the industry in recent times. In other words it’s up to you to chose determine your own investment term. So when I say “there’s only one plan”, this also means there’s as many possible strategies for that plan as there are investors, so the possibilities are countless.

And this is how it works. First of all once you join HashPrime, your money is committed to a minimum term (lock-in period) of 10 calendar days. As long as you remain a member the admin will pay you 1.5% interest per calendar day. Once the ten day lock-in has expired you are free to leave. I can’t really give you any practical example of how this might work out for individual investors – like I said, the number of possibilities is equal to the number of members – but it’s not that difficult to work out. Subject to a ten day lock-in period the very first members to leave HashPrime at their earliest opportunity will take a 15% net profit with them. Going past that is just a matter of calculating an extra 1.5% for every extra day you’d like to stay.

Personally I have to say I like that plan a lot. It has everything we as investors need to establish in the more traditional style HYI programs, that is to say a successful combination of profitability and sustainability. But in this case however HashPrime have added flexibility into the mix which for me only improves what was already an attractive option. I’ll also admit though that at the end of the day it’s still a matter of personal choice as to whether you are the one who thinks it’s all that good, it being your money after all. But one thing that won’t be denied by anyone is the payment options, in many ways the main focal point of HashPrime and what will bring in a lot of the bigger spending investors. Payments to members are made manually and will need to be requested from inside your HashPrime account area. Once the request has been submitted you will then need to allow anything up to 24 hours for it to be completed. For now I can tell you that payments are usually much much faster than that, but still, best allow the full 24 hours especially when the numbers of investors starts to grow. The processors one normally associates with the HYIP industry are all there of course, which includes PerfectMoney, Payeer, and EgoPay. HashPrime is also one of the latest online investment projects to enable the newer crypto-currencies, such as BitCoin which is already getting more popular among HYIP users but also the lesser known alternative which is LiteCoin. If you choose to join using BitCoin by the way (and I assume LiteCoin as well) then your deposit will be converted into dollars at the exchange rate of the day. Following that all interest payments will continue to be made in dollars, not BitCoins.

The real jewel in the crown here though is SolidTrustPay. HashPrime is the only program online currently allowed and approved by STP to use automated payments and a payments button. Considering the rigorous verification process this requires as evidenced by the number of other programs that have tried and failed to achieve this in recent months, you really have to agree that this is a big deal. I know a lot of investors will anyway, as traditionally this is the payment method most favored by the biggest spending players.

The reason for HashPrime‘s approval by STP above any other HYIP of course is that they can do more to prove they have a genuine business concern operating here and not merely hoping for new deposits to pay off older investors, ponzi style. From within your account area you see, members are genuinely able to buy BitCoins. And this in turn is something you can sell, buy back, trade, etc at a later date at a profit. Of course you might also make a loss, that’s the joy of trading, but the fact is that the option to do it at all is genuinely there and that’s what essentially satisfied STP enough to allow HashPrime use their services.

Direct bank wires have been made available too, something I’ve never known to be popular myself, but you can contact the HashPrime admin for further information is you’re interested.

Incidentally, I should also mention that Payza is also in the pipeline. Exactly when that happens is not something I can tell you as it’s not really a decision the admin has that much control over, but the application is pending and HashPrime await permission to include them as a payment option. I don’t know what technical or bureaucratic reasons are holding it up, or whether the admin has decided to temporarily shelve the idea and concentrate more on the initial promotion of HashPrime for now. It’s just that if she managed to get STP on board than I can’t imagine Payza being any more difficult. Maybe she’ll return to it in the future and try again when she has more time, we’ll just wait and see.

Moving on to some of the more technical, design, and security and security aspects of the HashPrime website, hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks supplied by DDoSGuard, who have earned themselves a solid reputation as a high standard service provider. The program is running off a script under license from GoldCoders, a version that’s been fairly well modified to such an extent that many regular investors may not recognize it at first. It still works more or less the same way as any other GoldCoders powered HYIP anyway, which is always very simple and straight forward even for first time investors, so shouldn’t really cause anyone any confusion. For safer browsing and more secure transactions there’s an extra layer of protection on the HashPrime website via an extended Green Bar SSL certificate from Comodo, a significantly better version than the standard one found on most HYIPs (that bother to have any form of SSL at all I mean). Members will be able to find a short video explaining the BitCoin process if it’s something you find helpful or have any interest in.

A couple of other safety features in place include browser and IP sensitivity detectors which require members to set their own levels. This only takes a simple click of a button within your HashPrime members area to prevent any access to your account from other computers or IPs, though obviously this won’t be suitable to all members who may be moving around, working from different computers, using mobile devices, and so on. But it’s still a good feature for everyone else. Likewise and specifically with those mobile device users in mind there HashPrime‘s Google Authenticator, which is an Android based app for added account security. While I’ve seen the IP and browser detection settings used a couple of times before, I think this particular function is a lot less common. I mean I’ve seen it a couple of times but it is still all too rare. So kudos to the admin for bringing us into the 21st century with that! You can find all of this by clicking the “security settings” button in your member’s area.

If you need to get in touch with the admin with any further questions you don’t think were explained here or have any account related issues you need dealing with then HashPrime can be reached mainly by filling out your details in the online support form you’ll see on the contacts page and submitting it. You may if you prefer write to them directly at either of the e-mail addresses listed on the same page. There are still a couple of things probably best described as “works in progress” with the HashPrime communications set up which, as they don’t currently function, I’m tempted to skip over in this review. On second thoughts I decided I may as well include them for readers’ future reference. So for one thing there’s a Live Support feature which hasn’t actually been activated yet at the time of writing (HashPrime still being brand new) but you can check this yourself from time-to-time as I’m sure the admin will open it up soon. Also is the regional representatives page where international investors will be able to find support operators working in their own localities/languages. There’s no one listed there just yet, but I imagine you can contact the HashPrime admin yourself if taking a role there is something you think you’d be any good at. One other information tool that may be of use to members in the future is the blog created by the admin. There’s nothing there just yet but when I consider how communicative she’s been with me over the past couple of weeks while the program was still in the research and development stages I doubt very much it’s going to stay quiet there for long.

As for the business activities (or alleged activities), well, I already mentioned the idea of mining and trading BitCoins above. This was good enough, albeit after much debate, to satisfy the auditors employed by SolidTrustPay enough in order for them to allow HashPrime make use of their services. I’m a bit more skeptical (some might stretch that to cynical) myself when it comes to these things, so I’m afraid I wouldn’t encourage the attitude that “if it’s good enough for STP then it’s good enough for me”. You see the one simple fact of the matter remains that even if this were all true, and yes, I know you can use HashPrime to acquire BitCoins yourself, there is absolutely zero guarantee of any profitability from these business practices. So positive as I might be about HashPrime, you still need to be wary enough to treat it like any other online investment game. It’s a form of gambling, but as long as you’re comfortable with that concept then it might be an OK place up to a point to make a few dollars for yourselves. Just remember to not get carried away with the imagined excitement of others and stick well within a sensible spending limit. And if you do proceed with an investment in HashPrime you should always remember that they are probably better kept as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Staying on the topic of the above reviewed HashPrime, the admin of the program already issued the first newsletter on day one in which she encouraged members to try out an alternative method of earning money. I have already described it in my review, so there is no need to repeat it again here, but it’s there to be taken so in order to exploit the ever-changing BitCoin prices you may as well check out the extra earning stream in addition to the more conservative 1.5% daily forever plan. But remember you may earn as well as lose money there, subject to the rate at which you buy and sell your BitCoins. Here’s the latest news from HashPrime:

HashPrime Trade BTC Now
Just a tip, bitcoin price is now going to rise cause of good news –
It’s the perfect time now to buy Bitcoins in our trading system –
Buy Bitcoins now for lower price and sell them back to system for higher price.
If you need any help, contact us.
You can add Trading money in same BTC trading page, choose amount and click Spend Funds (In page footer).
Best Regards.


It’s amazing to think of it this way, but after only a week on MNO CryptoArbs managed to secure the top position on my monitor. The rating is pretty much reflective on the growing popularity of CryptoArbs among my readers, as the figures for MNO rankings in the Premium List combine my own earnings with referral commissions received from my downline. On this account and taking into consideration that MNO is the most popular blog-monitor online, you can see that this is the most accurate tool for investors to check the progress of any given program and determine its level of growth and your own strategy based on that information. And as for CryptoArbs, the earnings ceiling you can possibly achieve is totally up to you, as the program allows you to withdraw your principal at any time you wish without any fees. Crediting your account with 3.8% to 6.8% daily fixed interest which only depends on the size of your investment, CryptoArbs delivers prompt payouts with the admin doing a great job up to now. Not making the program too affordable, the minimum to invest in CryptoArbs starts from $30 which can be deposited via PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay, or BitCoin, so all the main payment bases are covered. Just yesterday the admin reported some good news about the profits made on the sudden spike in BitCoin prices over the last 24 hours. Of course we can be quite skeptical on whether to believe it or not, but if he kept at least some of the members’ money in BitCoin and sold it now, the profit could actually supply some additional funding for deposit withdrawals and make CryptoArbs more sustainable in the long term. You can read more information on CryptoArbs in my detailed review published here and the latest news from the admin is below:

CryptoArbs Newsletter: Bitcoin Spikes Today
The price per Bitcoin is spiking as we speak. A buy order from today of 225 Bitcoin at $392 per bitcoin totalling $88,200, we have sold at a price of $440 per bitcoin mere hours later for a total of $99,000. That is the single highest profit we have earned from a single buy/sell trade in one day. On occasion we will unveil trade figures like this especially when they break records.
Your team at CryptoArbs.


I don’t understand why some admins try to impress the public by posting pictures of some shabby offices with homemade placards with their logos hanging on the walls of rented garage spaces, but apparently some Russians are still buying it. Obviously first posting pics of their alleged “office” in St. Petersburg, and now some from the “Astrakhan Region”, the admin of GepardAlliance is here to impress his audience, but somehow it looks to me as convincing as other HYIPs posting pics of their virtual offices with the serviced phone lines and certificates of incorporation bought for a few dollars. Anyway, I believe it’s the payment record that counts in the HYIP world and speaks much louder than any words or pictures of offices like GepardAlliance posted in the latest newsletter:

Our Representative
Dear Clients! We are glad to report that since September 24, 2014 was opened office/representation in the Astrakhan Region. Red Yar St. Sovetkaya 37 +7 (905) 360 96 02
You can get advice, requisites for payment of the deposit and also to sign the contract.
Opening of deposits cash in this representation isn’t provided. All operations are carried out through bank details of the company.
Any client can specify requisites by mail of

Actually, I have nothing bad to say about the program, and can only praise GepardAlliance‘s long-haul performance and prompt payouts for the four months the program has been listed on the MNO monitor. Over the last couple of weeks the program has expanded the list of payment methods and now includes PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, Qiwi, and even directly with some bank transfers. The minimum to invest in GepardAlliance is only $10 and for that you can get 0.35% daily profit for an unlimited term and the option to withdraw your principal any time after a 22 day lock-in period. For the more serious investors there are two more traditional plans with daily interest payments and principal back on expiry – 0.56% for 62 days and 0.75% for 93 days. For the original review of GepardAlliance please check MNO blog here.


As good as it was when paying for almost a month, we have to say goodbye to PurpleWealth, now on the verge of collapse. No further investments are recommended, as the admin has without warning disabled the principal withdrawal option and hasn’t explained why. And while the interest withdrawals are still processed instantly it’s only a matter of time now until all payments come to a halt. PurpleWealth has unfortunately to be moved to Problem Status on MNO to prevent any further investments being made by my referrals, as I do not want to give anyone false hope that it might still be safe to invest there. Those who are already in PurpleWealth but are trapped by not being able to make a withdrawal of their seed money are advised to make as frequent withdrawals of their interest as possible, as we’re talking about mere days or even hours before the total and final collape. Come to think of it, a month online for a program like PurpleWealth was not a bad result at all given that investors were able to choose their own term and enjoy instant deposit withdrawals while being paid 2.6%-6.6% daily profits. I think it was a fair and equal chance to profit for experienced players, but I must say that the lifetime of PurpleWealth could have been much longer if the admin promoted it more actively.


Finally, the last but not least item for today is the introduction of the very promising program BrinoGmbH that finally made its way to the Premium List on MNO after four weeks online. During this time the program applied a very unique approach towards online investments and introduced some novelties which I will talk about in more detail in the upcoming review.

So, does four weeks online make BrinoGmbH too old to join or do you still have a fair chance to make a profit? I believe that the program still has enormous potential for growth as it’s been very well protected against hit-n-runners with a very sophisticated system of gradual deposit withdrawals which can be processed at any time ask, but is done over a ten day period. I’ll discuss that further in the review, but for now just understand that you can operate your deposit by using two buttons in your account area “Profit” and “Unload”. By clicking the “Unload” button you start the process which is totally unique to the custom-made script BrinoGmbH runs off and allows you to stream your deposit gradually into the balance available for withdrawal. The whole process continues every second and will take ten days to be completed during which you will be still credited your interest earnings on the decreasing working principal balance. At any time during this period you can change your mind and click the “Profit” button again to stop the process but allow you to continue earning interest on whatever figure you stopped on. If that sounds confusing then please check the more detailed review of BrinoGmbH on the MNO blog on Friday.

Now that we see the withdrawal process, let’s see how deposits work. You can literally invest any amount in BrinoGmbH as investments via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin start from a $1 minimum. Your daily profit starts from a very conservative rate of 0.7% but can possibly reach 2.4% depending on the size of your deposit. Please note that despite the rates given on the website being calculated by the day, the accruals in your account actually occur every second which means you see your account growing in real time. More bonuses are also provided for the more active promoters of BrinoGmbH which can be beneficial to investors who recommend the program to others. BrinoGmbH is definitely built to become a long-lasting program and I hope this is the aim of the admin. It’s got everything to succeed in the long term – a beautiful account area with plenty of features, reasonable investment returns and opportunities to make your experience with the program more flexible by allowing principal withdrawal at any time, Russian and English language versions to appeal to more members, hosting on a dedicated server with DDoS protection by OVH, and SSL security from Comodo. The admin is also constantly improving the account area as outlined in the latest newsletter today which coincided with the addition of BrinoGmbH to MNO. You can read it below:

“Virtual Office” Upgrading
Being concerned about the clients, the BrinoGmbH team constantly works at “Virtual Office” on-line service upgrading and updating. Under the program the website security was upgraded and a set of minor improvements was carried out:
– 10-days countdown timer in “UNLOAD” mode was added;
– Compounding function panel functionality and interface were improved;
– Date and time fixation of conversion between “UNLOAD” and “PROFIT” modes was added.
Kind regards, The BrinoGmbH Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listCryptoArbs, RemiTrade2FXLtdAssuredAssetsPiNeverEndsLaxoTrade, GepardAllianceCryptoFarmMaverBet, HashPrimeEastOilAriaInvestments, Anancias, BrinoGmbH (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: TrustForexTrade, VioletStock, OgdenOrganization.

That’s all for today, guys. Thanks a lot for reading, I hope you enjoyed it or at least found something useful, and don’t forget to tune in again tomorrow for more news and a more detailed review of Anancias, another new addition to the MNO Premium List. See you all then!

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