Feb 7th, 2015 Archives

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Hi guys! Welcome again to the MNO blog for the next news issue on the most popular investment programs in the HYIP industry. I must say that I didn’t plan on posting anything until at least Monday, but some urgent problems in MajesticSwan put a stop to any thoughts of a day off on Saturday. Apart from that if you continue reading you’ll also find some news from the best investment program at the moment CoinAssets and find out my thoughts on the recent overhaul of the investment plans in BTPerfex.


I’d like to start with some shocking news from what was perhaps the most promising program of the year – MajesticSwan. If you ask me, it would be the last program I was expecting to have to move to Problem status, but there you go – the program has stopped paying as of today and currently only the small payouts to Payza are getting processed with all others halted. I have to issue this warning with a great personal disappointment as I genuinely believed MajesticSwan had a bright future. Using the same script from the best program of 2014 RockwellPartners I had really high expectations, but it just didn’t work out this time. Almost five weeks online would still be a great result for any program that would have allowed investors to withdraw their seed money at any time but MajesticSwan was really something special in my mind and I was very sure they had a long way to go. I believe such sentiments were shared by many of my readers and other experts in the HYIP industry who could clearly see the enormous potential of MajesticSwan. In fact only recently the program was significantly improved with the introduction of two more language versions. More were promised in the latest newsletter hailing the first month online that is sadly not going to become reality. I can only speculate what triggered the admin’s decision to stop payouts on Saturday and the only thing that comes to mind would possibly be an unusually high number of principal withdrawals by members over the last couple of days that emptied the coffers and made it impossible to continue. While RockwellPartners managed to last for many months, MajesticSwan only barely surpassed one month online which while disappointing, is nevertheless understandable given the fragile nature of perpetual payment programs like this. Of course when you are able to decide when you wish to leave many investors still made a good money from MajesticSwan, but surely the expectations from the most promising program of the year were better than this. Anyway, the surprising collapse of MajesticSwan earlier today followed by the inability of the admin to pay principals to large investors will surely have a huge impact on the whole HYIP industry and a domino effect could possibly be seen for the next couple of weeks. Fingers crossed that a proper replacement for MajesticSwan will fill the gap pretty soon and those who lost money in the program would be able to recover it from other sources. As for those who managed to get profits from MajesticSwan please accept my congratulations on your wit, good timing, or just a good gut-feeling. Unfortunately the program has stopped paying now and further investments there are not advised.


Well, I hope that didn’t scare you all off from investing as the HYIP industry can still boast such undeniable hits like CoinAssets (reviewed here). The program has been paying like clockwork for over two months already and only a couple of weeks away from the completion of its first investment cycle paying 4% to 6% daily over a period of 90 calendar days. Over the first nine weeks online none of the investors of CoinAssets was ever spoilt by fast payouts as the admin has always been cautious about not getting investors used to the idea of expecting quick payments all the time. The 48-hour rule is still in place so please don’t be alarmed if your payments are not processed within 24 hours, as this is not the case with CoinAssets and never was. The admin actually reminded about the waiting time once again in the latest newsletter issued earlier today while also mentioning the EgoPay exchange still available for members and non-members of CoinAssets for a hefty fee. You can contact the admin at the email address in the newsletter for more details on how to exchange any EgoPay funds (a now defunct payment processor) and get some PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin instead. By the way, all those four payment processors (including EgoPay) are still accepted by CoinAssets and you can make an investment there starting from a $20 minimum. For all the reminders and updates from CoinAssets please refer to the latest email below:

Egopay Exchanges
Please allow some time for us to respond to all Egopay exchange inquiries. As we all know Egopay may go under at any time with no notice. We are exchanging as quickly as possible as their system will allow us. If you are interested in exchanging your Egopay funds while the lights are still on at Egopay.com, send us an email at admin@coinassets.net
Also a reminder about our withdrawals, as we get this question a lot. Withdrawals are processed within 48 hours and can average anywhere from 24-48 hours for processing. They are processed from oldest to newest when withdrawal batches are processed.


To wrap things up for today’s post then I have some changes in BTPerfex to report, specifically some changes to their investment plans which if I’m honest I’d say will result in some mixed feelings from many of the existing investors. To start with the additional plans did not come as a complete bolt from the blue. In fact this has been expected for the last couple of weeks now ever since Andy, the BTPerfex admin, announced that he intended making some widespread changes throughout the program, e.g. site design, plans, and also a regional representatives scheme. If you’re already a member of BTPerfex then OK, your investment has not been changed and all existing plans are still valid and remain unaltered. These include 1.25%-2% for calendar 180 days, the exact rate being determined by the size of your deposit, and your principal counted as part of the payments so it won’t be returned on expiry. This requires a $50 minimum deposit and can be done through PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. You can read about this and other aspects of BTPerfex in more detail in the review of the program first published on MNO here. Andy was also interviewed on MNO where he explained his program in his own words, however that was done back in mid December and long before the recent changes were announced. If you’re interested then you can also read that here.

It came as a bit puzzling then and from what I’ve heard from some members a cause of some resentment when brand new plans offering 3%-6% daily forever, your principal back anytime after a 10 day lock-in period for a 10% fee, and only requiring a $10 minimum spend. The problem that some people are expressing here you see is that the new plan pretty much removes any reason anybody can think of for joining the original one (I mean what would you ask for if given the choice? 1.25% per day or 3% per day?). People who have only just joined and deposited in the original plan are the ones feeling most hard-done-by, especially as they are not being allowed the option to get their principals back at all and move it to the BTPerfex‘s new more profitable plan.

Personally I’m in two minds about the whole thing. It’s a rare enough occurrence in the HYIP industry that such radical re-structuring of a program’s investment plans is entirely successful, but then again on the other hand I have to say there have been many exceptions to this as well. Anyone who remembers 2FXLtd will know exactly what I’m talking about (it was a massive success story), I just hope that in the case of BTPerfex the existing members of the old plan don’t start feeling hostile towards the program, or somehow cheated. The loyalty and support of members is not something to be taken lightly by admins after all. I don’t mean this as any sort of warning by the way, indeed BTPerfex is a program in good standing on my monitor and keeps a well deserved Paying status there. I would only suggest that you may wish to wait around a couple of weeks before making any serious deposits, you know, until after you can confirm that the first investors who ask for their principal back are definitely being given it.

Below are the two most recent e-mails from Andy, the first outlining BTPerfex‘s new investment plans and the second one explaining the requirements from regional representatives if you are interested in getting involved with the customer support and promotion of the program:

As We Promised Changes Has Been Installed….
We hurry to share the good news with all our investors. As we have announced before, the company already moves to the next level of development because of the continuous increasing number of clients of BTPerfex Limited. Today we finally adopted a new design of our website and brought major changes in our investment proposal, made it even more attractive and profitable as ever!
Now you can make a deposit for an indefinite period and pick a date when you close it and get your money back. New investment plans are merged into a group called Unlimited Earner. Profit rate in this group of plans was increased and can be from 3% to 6% daily according with your deposit amount. The larger the size of your investment, the more your daily earnings! The only restriction in the Unlimited Earner group regards the duration of the locking period. You can’t get your investment amount within the first ten days of its activity. Starting from the 11th day, you can withdraw your principal back at any time with only 10% fee deducted. As before, all accruals of profit are done automatically, but for security reasons all payouts are proceed in the manual mode.
We have also increased the size of affiliate commission in the new plans. Now your partner reward will be 5%, 7.5% or even 10% depending on deposit that your referral makes.
From today, BTPerfex Limited starts to attract and cooperate with company’s representatives around the world. We are waiting for your requests with personal and contact details to get status of official representative in your region. This is a great opportunity to gain an additional reward and earn more to be our representatives please visit our website representative page.
We continue to work for you and try to earn and justify your trust! Join us today to enjoy all benefits of business related with e-currency exchange service.
Thank You. BTPerfex Team

An Invitation For Being A Regional Representative For BTPerfex
I am Andy admin of BTPerfex. I would like to invite you to be our Regional Representative in this way I can thank you for your support that you have
provided us from your side.As a result of your constant support we are able to be online and in paying status on over 50+ monitors for 50+ days and we will work hard to be always online and provide best investment offer for you and your refferals so that everyone will make money here.
As you know we have upgraded our website design and added new investment plans on our website along with that we have added a special representative section which
you can find on our website at https://btperfex.com/representatives.php. The representative section is for users who are willing to get more additional commission
for their refferals in return ofcourse they will help the company to grow and promote the program on various social media and other modes of advertising. The more refferals they get the more commisions they have and also they will provide support to their refferals and describe them regarding companies plans and profits in return they will be rewarded with additional commisions for their refferals as a thank you for their effort towards the company.Below are the commision chart which describe the commision structure you can also get more information on that at our website representatives page.
UNLIMITED EARNER 2   7.5%  12.5%
As you can see our representatives will get additional 5% along with regular refferal commision. All representative accounts will be manually upgraded so I request you to please this below information and reply us so that we can upgrade your account to representative.
Please get back to us with this following information:
Thank you for being a part of success of our company.
Happy Earnings…
Thank you. Andy Admin


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listCoinAssetsBITC1RockfellerSilveksCryptoStrategyBTPerfex, AtrexTrade.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness, HashCoin.
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization.

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. Hope to see you all back on MNO sometime next week. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone, and don’t forget to vote on the MNO TalkBack opinion poll about your favorite payment processor. See you all soon!

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