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Beware! CryptoStrategy has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! To finish up the business week I’m delighted to be able to post the following interview with Olivia, the admin of CryptoStrategy and I’m sure the most interesting and comprehensive you will find anywhere. If there’s one program listed on MNO that probably needs no introduction to readers then it’s this one, given that it’s been without doubt one of the very best performers in the HYIP industry in recent months. The program’s rise to the top has been both swift and well deserved, making consistently instant payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and most recently and arguably something that will contribute to the longer term growth of the program with Payza.

CryptoStrategy originally launched back in October of last year, staying very much under the radar for the following three months, but by January had been completely overhauled and redesigned into the successful profit making program we see today. You can read all about that in the original review of CryptoStrategy, which includes a more detailed explanation of the investment plans that offer terms of 3%-4% for 90 days (principal back), and 750%-1,000% after 75 days (principal included) first published on MNO here. You can refer back to that if you like what Olivia has to say (I’m sure you will), but first of all the best thing to do I think is to let her talk about CryptoStrategy for a while in her own words.
1. Hi Olivia, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own involvement in CryptoStrategy. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?

Hello, Paul and hello to all MNO subscribers! Let’s get acquainted. My name is Olivia and I am the chief executive of CryptoStrategy Limited. As the most experienced employee, at the moment I’m trying to administrate of all processes. Earlier I was involved in the development of the website and investment plans, formed marketing strategy of the future project. To date, I oversee the work of all the staff in the project and that all the accruals would make in a timely manner and all payments were instant. Besides, I am responsible for communication with our investors, business correspondence and I’m also doing periodic newsletters by email.

2. Can you give us some background information on CryptoStrategy? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

We have long nurtured the idea of launching this project and carefully developed all our investment plans. When we realized the perfection of our strategy, we registered the company and began to take money as an investment. CryptoStrategy Limited was registered in 2014 and at the moment 130 days online have already passed. I think that’s a good indicator. Indeed, during the work we have proven the project as a stable and safe place for investment. Except for me 25-27 people depending on the load are involved in the project management.

3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest?

We offer two simple and clear investment strategies. If you choose the first one, you can withdraw your accrual of profits daily from 3% to 4% within 90 calendar days, including weekends and holidays. The minimum deposit to invest there is only $50, in such case your daily income will be 3%. You can also invest as minimum $5,000 to get 3.5% daily and $10,000 to get 4% daily. Accrual of profits is made every 24 hours, and then you can get paid. After creating withdrawal request money will be transferred automatically and instantly using the same payment method that was used when you made deposit. In addition, after the end of the investment period, you will also get your initial deposit back.

The second strategy involves a one-time investment income accrued at the end of the term of the investment, the so-called “After” plans. This gives you the opportunity to receive higher profits in a shorter period, in just 75 days! If you invest $50, then after only 75 days period your profit will be 750% (including your initial deposit). If the deposit is $5,000, your total income will be 850%. Finally, you get 1000% profit, if you make a deposit for $10,000. As in the first case, immediately after the accrual of income you can make a withdrawal request for instant payout.

4. I said in my review that I was skeptical about CryptoStrategy‘s second group of plans, the payment on-expiry options. Particularly investors willingness to commit their money for such a long term without any daily payments, and also your ability to sustain such high returns. How would you like to reply?

Certainly, I fully understand your skepticism. Many of our clients have been exposed to such thoughts. However, as practice shows, we’re able to charge and pay such profits without any problems. Before starting the project, we all thoroughly thought through, so that all financial calculations have been repeatedly tested. Yes, we are ready to sustain this mode of accruals and payments. And the proof of this is the end of the first circle of such final payments. For those who wary of investing for long periods, I can recommend our investment plans for 75 calendar days. There is more short-period and a higher level of income than in the 90-days plans. Just try and see for yourself.

5. $50 is a bit higher than the average minimum to join a program. Have investors expressed any strong feelings on that or asked you to reduce it? Has it had any impact on the program do you think if the minimum was just $5 or $10? Or has it just helped reduce your personal workload?

Frankly, over the lifetime of the project, we have never received any such questions or suggestions. Actually, I do not think that $50 is too much money to invest and get a guaranteed profit. At least when we conceived the project we did not consider lower deposit thresholds.

6. What payment options are you currently accepting? What have been the most popular options in terms of a) the number of investors, and b) the amount of actual money deposited?

At the moment, we use a wide range of payment instruments such as PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer and Payza. With the recent introduction of Payza many of our investors from Europe and the United States were able to comfortably invest using credit or debit cards. For Russia and its neighboring countries, the use of payment cards is still available when making a deposit through Payeer. All payment methods are equal when investing. Of course, as usual, the leader in use is PerfectMoney, most investors are making deposits through this payment system. To our surprise, the second highest frequency in use is BitCoin. More and more people are using BitCoin not only for storage, but also for investment. This is a very correct decision. Also Payza is rapidly gaining popularity, we have recently added this payment processor instead EgoPay.

7. The problems with EgoPay only started after CryptoStrategy already launched, and I know you subsequently (did the right thing and) dropped it from your list. Did you have a lot of active deposits there at the time? What affect did it have on the program, and what were the consequences for the investors that used EgoPay to make deposits?

Of course, the problem with EgoPay touched so many players in the industry of high-yielding investments. As far as I know, the most online currency exchangers were affected in the first place. They were first who learned about the problem when we did not know anything yet. I can’t say that this payment method was very popular among the investors, such as for example LibertyReserve couple of years ago or PerfectMoney today. However, I still know many people who used EgoPay and they were very upset by sudden problems and the inability to get their money back. It would be wrong to say that CryptoStrategy project was not affected by this situation at all. But we quickly made the right decision and have transformed EgoPay deposits in convenient for investors another electronic currency by their choice. It was fair to our customers, and I hope this has strengthened the credibility of our project.

8. How secure is the CryptoStrategy website? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

That’s not a secret that any project that is related to financial activity and has a website should have a maximum level of protection. I know many cases when the savings on quality hosting or licensed script was the cause of the loss of hundreds of thousands dollars. We have never faced such a problem before because we clearly understand the importance of such protection. To date, I’m sure that CryptoStrategy website has the best defense among similar investment projects. The company has passed the required verification procedure for SSL Certificate with an extended validation (we have green address bar). This means that the transfer of any data is strongly encrypted and safe as possible. In addition, we have chosen the best hosting with protection against DDoS attack from DDOS-Guard service and got a dedicated server for our website. We also scan all the data on the website on a daily basis with the help of modern anti-malware software. We use such excellent services as Symantec, GeoTrust and McAfee and you can be absolutely sure about your safe investment.

9. What kind of script is CryptoStrategy off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members? What kinds of modifications were made to it to suit your individual needs?

I will not deny that as a basis for a system of accrual profits we used a licensed script from GoldCoders. Anyone who wants to can check the license on the site of script developer. However, I would not call our script GoldCoders, because we strongly modified it and made it more user-friendly for investors and more convenient in the admin area. I believe that this script is the most suitable for such investment projects like ours.

10. Can we see any statistics regarding CryptoStrategy? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

Our statistics is open and you can anytime look at information about the number of investors, recent deposits and a list of our top investors. We have hidden some of the statistics. This is done because of the privacy policies and not to overload statistic section on the site with superfluous information. To date, more than 46,000 participants are registered in our system. Of these, about 40,000 are already active investors and have a minimum of one deposit (our investors may have several deposits at the same time, in one investment plan or in several). Of course, we are grateful to all our clients who have entrusted us with their funds management. This rendered a powerful impetus to the development of the project, and has significantly increased the size of the underlying assets of the project. Besides, when investors began to get their deposits back as well as profits, they began to attract more and more new members to the project, and they started to inform about our project their families, friends and colleagues at work. An important role in this is affiliate program, which I’ll discuss below.

11. Do you think you could be making better use of the likes of Twitter and Facebook both to promote CryptoStrategy to new and potential investors, and also as a communication tool?

The modern world can not be imagined without social networks. This is an additional channel of communication not only between people in everyday life, but also between companies and their clients. When using pages in social networks, we can notify about any events, quickly convey important information about current problems and workarounds. The important role social networks play in advancing the project. This is a very effective marketing tool, which we are actively using. I want to take this opportunity to urge all our readers subscribe to our news updates on Facebook and Twitter.

12. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

To operative connect with the administration of CryptoStrategy project, our investors can use any function available in the Help section of our website. The easiest way is to use the feedback form. However, you can also send us a request via e-mail or use our social media (Facebook and Twitter). In any case, your request will not remain without our attention. We also have strong support on the phone, which is available in business hours. In the near future we plan to add a live chat on the website to be even closer to our investors.

13. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

About the serious and not fatal problem I mentioned earlier. This was the situation with EgoPay. However, we pretty quickly and painlessly solved this problem and safely forgot about its existence (along with the payment processor itself, we no longer use EgoPay as a payment method). No more complex issues we have faced with. Often we get requests to add the ability to invest directly with Debit / Credit cards. I believe that this method is very disadvantageous for us and for our customers because of the high bank fee. In addition, it immediately attracts the attention of tax authorities and our customers can be in trouble after receiving large profits. I want to remind you that we have the opportunity to make a deposit using the cards through Payeer for citizens of Russia and the surrounding area and Payza for residents of other countries. This is a proven method that you can absolutely trust.

14. Tell us a bit more about the Regional Representative scheme you are running? What are the responsibilities of those taking part? Exactly how much support can these people provide to investors besides simply quoting copy/pasted material already on the website? Can they realistically do anything to help members who might have problems with their accounts?

First I must say that our team of regional representatives is doing a fantastic job. And this is no exaggeration. We did not even expect how good solution was to create such a program and run it. Why do we need regional representatives? There are a lot of people who want to invest in our project, but not corny know English and have trouble using the site and getting information. Therefore, it is much easier to ask questions to their compatriots, with whom they share a common language. In addition all of our regional representatives are active investors of project and they receive a regular income and can already share their real-world experience of cooperation with the company. And such experience is so important for novice investors to decide to make a deposit or not and what investment strategy they should choose. Company’s representatives cope with these tasks perfectly; we get a lot of thanks to their address. We do not oblige anyone to regional cooperation and do not set specific and impossible tasks. Our representatives should only conduct consulting work. We’re offering a higher affiliate commission for this: 12% instead of the usual 5%.

15. How have you been promoting CryptoStrategy so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

As you have already paid attention that our banners you can find on most monitors websites. In addition, we actively use promotion through Google and use certain methods of advertising offline. As I said earlier, we offer excellent affiliate program of five levels (5% -3% -2% -1% -1%) and develop direction of regional representatives around the world. Good and stable operation, instant and automatic payments are an excellent indicator of quality of the project, so our customers are in a hurry to join the project of their friends and family members.

16. It’s no secret that things in the wider online HYIP industry have been in decline recently compared to previous years. Why do you think this is, and what can be done from the point of view of an admin to help turn this around over the coming months?

Today the industry of highly profitable projects is really not up to par. I believe that currently we have a set of problems: recent scam of EgoPay, unstable BitCoin exchange rate. Unfortunately, many projects were closed last month and disappointed a lot of investors. I want to reassure our readers: this is not about CryptoStrategy Limited! We do not plan to leave beneficial to us activity! Especially now, when we get so strong financial support from our clients.

17. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

Thanks to all the readers of MNO blog and personally to you, Paul, for the great work that you are doing. This is a very important mission: to gather in one place so much useful information as your blog contains. Thank you all for the time you have spent to read my answers. I hope I was able to convince you of the quality and reliability of CryptoStrategy investment project! See you soon on our website!

That’s all for today, guys. Except of course to say thanks a lot to Olivia for taking the time and effort to answer all my questions in such great detail. I hope you found it as interesting as I did and if you’re already a member of CryptoStrategy it helped illuminate some aspects of the program for you. And if you’re not yet a member but are still deliberating over whether to join or not then I hope this was useful in helping you to make up your mind.

Remember also that while CryptoStrategy may be the #1 program on the MNO Premium List, the rest of the selected programs there are always worth your attention. Looking around at some (well, most) of the other blog/monitor related sites I can see it’s just one cheap scam after the other. That’s not been the case on MNO where almost every single program listed has been stable and runs for more than enough time for a significant number of investors to profit handsomely. I always talk about diversification in your portfolios because it’s important, so while today’s article is all about CryptoStrategy remember there are plenty of stable options there to fit nicely alongside any investments you make there. MNO is a monitor for elite programs run by professional admins who know how to make as much money as possible for as many of their investors as possible, from which CryptoStrategy is the current leader. Anyone in search of cheap and fast scams, well, I could name more than one website where you’ll find an abundance of them listed but MNO won’t be among them if I have anything to do with it.

So, we’ll leave it at that, guys. Enjoy your weekend but remember if you do have any spare time to vote in the opinion poll running on the MNO TalkBack page, follow MNO on Twitter and Facebook, and subscribe to have my news updates delivered straight to your mailbox every day. Bye for now and see you all soon!

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