February 2015 Archives

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Hello all! There’s been a few interesting, mostly positive developments with the sites covered on the MNO monitoring list so I’m back today with another regular daily news update from the most elite programs you can find in the HYIP industry. You might have noticed that very few really good programs have been launching recently and the last few weeks have seen the industry inundated with fast scams stealing money from both newbies and even some experienced investors alike. Fortunately those who read and follow MNO closely can avoid sharing this this fate. Moreover, almost all the programs listed on Premium and Standard status on the MNO monitor continue payouts as usual during all this time, thus enabling some savvy investors to make decent profits even in these harsh times. I’ll remind you of some of my own views on the latest trends in the HYIP industry later on at the end of today’s post when I’ll have a closer look at the results of the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page. I’ll also be adding a new question there for you to think about. First off though, we should talk a bit more about the latest events among some very highly rated programs on MNO such as MajesticSwan, CryptoStrategy, and CoinAssets.


Let’s start with the latest newsletter sent yesterday by perhaps the most talked about programs in the industry now which is MajesticSwan. The program attracted a whole lot of attention when it first launched more than a month ago while bearing some striking similarities with one the best programs of 2014 RockwellPartners. While we can never confirm if that’s true or not and shouldn’t really expect the same brilliant results under different circumstances, one thing is for sure – the admin behind MajesticSwan knows perfectly well how to run a hit and the program has been steadily climbing the MNO ratings over the last five weeks finally reaching a well-deserved spot in the Top Five (read the latest article on those programs here). In my honest opinion, it’s just a matter of time before we see MajesticSwan on top of the MNO ratings above all others. For now though MajesticSwan is simply doing what a great program should do best – process payouts to its investors promptly. Sometimes it takes only a few minutes to get paid, sometimes a few hours, but you shouldn’t expect to wait any longer than 24 hours to get money to your Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin wallets. Possibly, the very best thing about MajesticSwan is the lack of any limits as to for how long you wish to stay an active investor and the great level of flexibility that’s being offered there. For only an initial $20 minimum deposit you won’t have either a fixed term for your investment (you can withdraw your principal at any time you like) or a fixed daily interest rate (it all depends on the performance of the program on any given day as posted on MajesticSwan‘s website and the size of your principal). In any case, you shouldn’t expect anything less than 1% on any calendar day and for a better understanding of the plans and rates I would really advise you to read the detailed review posted on the MNO blog here which the admin of MajesticSwan himself picked above all others to be featured on the news section of the website. The clear and concise review of MajesticSwan posted on MNO will give you the best explanation of how best to use the website to maximize your profits and give you some valuable tips on the best investment strategy.

The newsletters from MajesticSwans are not overly frequent as the admin is clearly preferring to report news only when he actually has something important to say. For the latest newsletter we saw the result of the hard work performed in the background to assure the program’s longer term growth while appealing to various local markets of the HYIP industry to the people who would rather prefer to read the site in their own language to make themselves more comfortable and/or aware of understanding the whole investment process. Of course I’m talking here about the translation of the MajesticSwan website into different languages (and I don’t mean just an auto-translation tool from Google that anyone can use but rarely gives totally accurate results). So now if you speak German or Russian languages you can switch to a different website version by simply clicking on the respective flag you see on top of each page. Please note that it’s not just the public area of the website that’s been translated, it’s also the private member’s account areas that are now available in German and Russian. While I’ve only got a very basic grasp of the German language myself, I would assume it’s a proper version judging by a very highly professional standard to which the Russian version has been done. I firmly believe that the efforts taken by the admin in translating the website (along with the previous dumping of EgoPay in favor of the now expanding Payza) will work wonders for the program over the next weeks and hopefully months online. The initial buzz has already produced over 5,000 members (according to the admin) and that is surely just the beginning for this most wonderful program which will define the HYIP industry in 2015 and which I’m very satisfied to be a promoter of. Here’s the latest news from MajesticSwan for your information:

MajesticSwan 3rd Newsletter
Dear clients, friends and fans,
We hope you are all doing well. We had an exciting week here at MajesticSwan and now we have quite a few important things to report:
1. We are proud to inform our valued members that we are celebrating today the successful completion of our 1st month online; During this period, we have proved our efficiency, and our investors can witness that MajesticSwan is just doing great with very fast payments, proper members support and without any major complain. This is just the beginning, and MajesticSwan still have a very long way to travel along with the investors who trust us.
2. Today we’ve reached the 5,000 members mark and we’d like to welcome you all. Thanks for being with MajesticSwan! We will try our very best to exceed your expectations.
3. We would like to inform you that our website is now available in 3 different languages – English, German & Russian. We hope that browsing our website will now be more convenient for those clients who are not familiar with English. We will be adding more languages from time to time.
Have a great day and enjoy intelligent investing with MajesticSwan.
MajesticSwan Team,
MajesticSwan Limited.


More and more admins are thinking of adding Payza as a new payment processor at the moment. The admin of CryptoStrategy however has decided less talk, more action, and take some positive measures to implement this. CryptoStrategy therefore becomes the latest example of this forward-thinking policy of encouraging new and bigger spending investors. I remind you that just a few months ago Payza resumed work in the HYIP market, offering very convenient methods of funding and withdrawing from accounts including such direct options as Bank wires, Credit cards, and BitCoin which are all available to verified users. The transaction fees of 2.5% + $0.25 for every received payment might be off-putting for smaller investors, but Payza is surely the payment processor of choice for the more serious players and larger investors looking to take advantage of the direct funding and withdrawing options, bypassing exchangers and so making the fees a lot less prohibitive when you remember that any third party handlers of your money can now be removed from the equation. In fact I can quite clearly see it now myself that the biggest investors in my downline are moving to Payza more and more. Payza is (unlike PerfectMoney) friendly to US residents which it has no problem in accepting, while the HYIP admins must make more of an effort in order to verify their business account with Payza and to submit sufficient documentation on their company’s activities. That’s the main reason you won’t see Payza being used by small and short-term programs who are here to deliberately scam fast. The prevailing trend is for Payza to really be added more by the better and more experienced admins who realize the full potential of this new payment processor in taking both their own businesses and eventually the entire HYIP industry in general back to the heights it once saw. With that admittedly lofty sounding ambition in mind then I’m really quite pleased to see that CryptoStrategy has followed the example set by the likes of MajesticSwan and Rockfeller and provided a Payza option to investors as of yesterday. As the withdrawals for CryptoStrategy‘s clients are processed instantly and automatically, the addition of Payza might become the very cornerstone that will change and improve the program’s growth tremendously within the coming weeks and months. CryptoStrategy (reviewed here) is run by an experienced admin Olivia who only changed the investment plans in favor of somewhat more attractive ones four weeks ago when the program was first introduced to MNO readers after having already paying for a number of months. There’s little doubt in my mind that after the addition of Payza CryptoStrategy will become another favorite choice among bigger spenders which will in turn push it into the Top Five list on MNO before long. I remind you that apart from Payza CryptoStrategy also accepts deposits via PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. The minimum to invest starts from quite a hefty $50 which is as much an indicator as any that the program is intended for bigger investors with the aim in mind to run for a longer time. When choosing from the available plans for CryptoStrategy I would strongly suggest choosing one that pays you daily – 3%-4% for 90 days with the principal return on expiry – rather than going with much riskier on expiry options like the 750%-1,000% after 75 days. Apart from the Payza addition which was the main topic of yesterday’s newsletter from CryptoStrategy, the admin also reported a minor issue that caused a very brief downtime period which I myself hadn’t even noticed. Read more on that below:

CryptoStrategy News
Dear Customers, this night a small problem happened with our server MySQL database but for now all was fixed by our technical team and site works normally as usual. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Anyway there are positive news too. Earlier we announced that we will replace EgoPay with Payza payment processor and now I am glad to say that Payza is now officially added as one of the CryptoStrategy Limited payment processors.
We provided all documentation to Payza team and our business account was successfully verified.
Best Regards, Olivia
CryptoStrategy Limited“.


For those of you who still not aware of one of the main factors that caused the very visible slowdown in the HYIP industry in the month of January, it was the collapse and scam of EgoPay – one of the main payment processors used serving the HYIP industry over the last couple of years. While the underlying reasons behind what caused the scam in the first place are open to speculation (read my article about that here) the fact is that EgoPay cannot be exchanged to other e-currencies any longer and thus, became more or less useless for HYIP investors and anyone else who still has any money left in their EgoPay accounts. That is unless you know a way to exchange EgoPay which can perhaps somehow still be done. I believe that’s one of the main reasons why some HYIPs still accept EgoPay as a payment method (although more and more programs are dropping it with each passing day), and is possibly why the EgoPay exchange to PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin (for a hefty fee, mind!) was re-opened by the admin of CoinAssets of which he informed members in the following short newsletter:

Egopay Exchanges Re-opened
We have resumed Egopay exchanges. If you are looking to exchange Egopay into Perfectmoney, Payeer, or Bitcoin, please e-mail us at admin@coinassets.net

I remind you that CoinAssets (first reviewed here) is currently ranked in the #1 position on the MNO monitor and after two months online the program has managed to become the most profitable HYI venture for readers during the festive period of December-January. Fingers crossed CoinAssets will continue paying as usual for even longer on the 4% to 6% for 90 calendar day term plans where you can invest anything from a $20 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and even the now redundant EgoPay. The first investors of CoinAssets managed to more than double their profits already during the program’s time being listed on MNO (it has been on the Premium List from day one) and the admin is doing a tremendous job in keeping the payments going for such a long time. Let’s wish him good luck in managing to complete the first investment cycle in another month.


Finally for today I want to finish with the final results of the last two opinion polls that ran on the MNO TalkBack page. I’ll be adding a new question as well of course, but I’ll get to that in a moment. The most recent questions however relate to the current wave of deliberate fast scams that are blighting the HYIP industry. I have to say I do feel a bit weird saying that myself as you wouldn’t really know it was happening if you were just staying exclusively with the MNO blog and monitor, as all the programs there are stable, paying well, and in most cases will already have put a significant number of their members comfortably into profit. Enough for all of them to be considered as success stories no matter what happens next anyway. Other monitors have not been so lucky however, and their track records so far this year would in my opinion best be described as ranging from dreadful to at the very best somewhat mixed. And no, I’m not singling any one resource out for criticism here. There’s no need to mention any names as I’m talking about pretty much all of them. It’s just that some have been so bad they’d be laughable were it not for the very tragic reality of the fact that real people who deserve better treatment are being robbed of money they can barely afford. It’s for that reason therefore that I’m most proud of the fact that the readers of MNO have been spared this ongoing wave of fraudulent websites, as the admins of cheap scams simply don’t come here.

But what then do you think is the underlying cause of the recent explosion in the number of fast scams that put absolutely none of their members into profit? 100% the only people making any money from these programs are the admins and the owners of the monitors people who have shall we say less scrupulous standards about what they present to the readers unlucky enough to still be paying any attention to them. The first of two questions asked in the last poll then went as follows:
Why do you think there are so many fast scams in the industry right now?
As a rule I don’t vote in my own polls obviously. I mean I already know what my own opinion is which I can express on my blog anytime I like, and the object of the exercise is to hear the thoughts of others. In this case perhaps all the four options readers had to choose from combined to make things the way they are now, because the results were lose enough. Taking first place however with 33% of the votes was the answer “Admins deliberately create scams to finance other programs”. A close second with 25% of the vote, readers took the view “The members hit-n-run and don’t reinvest”. The remaining two options are tied, with 21% of readers believing that “Admins try to compensate for earlier EgoPay losses”, and 21% blaming “A lack of interest from the general public”.

In this case I myself feel a bit more strongly about the effects of the EgoPay scam had on the finances of not just the programs using them, but crucially also on the personal finances of the admins that were behind them. Programs come and go every day, that’s always been the way, but one thing that rarely happens when a program closes if for the admin himself to personally lose money. I think with the collapse of EgoPay that may have been turned on its head somewhat. Anyway, I don’t want to go on about it at length just repeating myself over and over. If you are interested in the event then it was already covered in an article on MNO you can read here, plus another article published here discussing the best alternatives to EgoPay which I think you might find useful.

On the second question as to exactly where the better admins all seem to be hiding out when all the scams are happening every day, specifically it was phrased:
Why do you think good admins do not launch so many big programs?
the results were a bit more clear cut. The clear runaway winner with 77% of the readers votes was the opinion “They wait for the industry’s recovery which hasn’t happened yet”.
Way back in distant joint second/third spot with 9% of the vote each were the options of “They are afraid of a lack of interest in their programs” and the somewhat more pessimistic view “They lost hope and left the industry temporarily / for good”. The remaining 5% of voters believe the reason for experienced admins being reluctant to get big programs started up now is “They lost much money in the EgoPay scam and need to collect more from fast scams”.

So with all this talk of payment processors featuring so prominently in the news in recent weeks, that sort of logically brings me on the the subject of the next opinion poll I’d like to run.
What’s your favorite HYIP related payment method?

Please note now that I’m not asking which is the payment method you use most often, that much can be determined by the fact that it’s the admin who ultimately decides what his program will and will not accept. I mean you may very well think that Payza (for example) is your favorite, it’s just not your fault that it’s not your decision whether an admin actually allows you to use it or not. So what could be your favorite may also be the one you use least often if you see the point I’m trying to make here. Possible answers then are fairly self-explanatory, I’ll only remind you that I’m only including the four biggest options that currently serve the HYIP industry (so I won’t be including SolidTrustPay and definitely no PayPal).
Your choices therefore include:
– BitCoin

I’ll let this run for about the next week or so, maybe ten days, so that’s plenty of time for anyone who’s interested in voting to have an opportunity to do so. Remember it’s totally anonymous and only takes quite literally a matter of seconds, so there’s no reason not to. Plus it also sends a message to HYIP admins about what investors really want, and how well they’re being catered to.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listCoinAssetsCryptoFarmBITC1MajesticSwanRockfellerSilveksCryptoStrategyBTPerfex, AtrexTrade, RollNRich.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness, HashCoin.
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization.

I’ll leave it at that so, guys. Thanks as always for reading, don’t forget to vote in the TalkBack opinion poll, and I guess I’ll see you all back here soon whenever there’s something worth reporting on. I left Jeju Island this afternoon and am now in Busan where I’m looking forward to spending the weekend (plus an extra couple of days exploring this part of Korea) so I hope your own weekends will be just as interesting no matter what it you’re getting up to. Just remember that vacation or not, the MNO monitor is always updated a bare minimum of at least once every 24 hours, sometimes more often should the need arise, so even when there’s less to talk about on my blog you can always feel comfortable that the MNO monitor is the most accurate and up-to-date you will find anywhere, and that’s both a promise and a guarantee. See you soon, everyone!

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