February 2015 Archives

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Hi guys! As the preliminary results from the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page imply the vast majority of readers seem to agree that the month of February has seen the situation in the HYIP industry deteriorate even further compared to last month when the market was shaken and stirred by the unexpected collapse of EgoPay – one of the main players in the payment processor world serving HYIPs. I totally agree with some 65% of voters that the current state in the HYIP industry is, to a greater or lesser extent, in worse shape today that it was at the start of the new year. There were definitely many cheap scams launched in February causing many newbies to lose their hard-earned cash and further disappoint those who believed that February would bring a much needed upturn. Although the HYIP industry has been inundated with more cheap scams than usual, you didn’t see them listed on MNO due to the pricing policy which keeps out the amateurs and first timers and is only worth it for the very best investment programs run by the utmost professionals. The latest scam was CoinAssets, but to be fair that was also definitely one of the best programs from recent times. Some analysis of its collapse can be found later in the news. I’ll start however with the introduction of a very promising newcomer on the MNO Premium list MooreFund.


If you’re looking for a promising new program to diversify your investment portfolio with I believe we have a real contender here as MooreFund looks much better than the average HYIP. Of course, it doesn’t mean that everyone is going to profit from it, but the first two weeks online have certainly proved that the admin has some long-term ambitions to make MooreFund into something truly big. We’ll see if that’s going to happen, but even the fact that the admin went through all the trials and tribulations to have a SolidTrustPay button approved speaks volumes about exactly what type of market he’s targeting. I’ll talk about MooreFund in more detail in tomorrow’s review, but for now let’s have a look at some of the highlights. The investment plans include 1.5% for 60 calendar days and 2.2% to 3% for 265 calendar days with principal returned on expiry in both. I’ll discuss them in more detail tomorrow, but please note that a flat 3% withdrawal fee is charged on all requests. The good thing is though that most of the withdrawals are processed instantly (please allow up to 12-48 hours in some cases), which takes the sting out of it a bit and will certainly win more fans for the program. Interesting that on sign-up you will see a $5 PerfectMoney bonus which you can withdraw only after you make your first investment into one of the investment plans. As the minimum to invest starts from $15 the bonus could be quite appealing, especially for smaller investors of MooreFund, and will certainly give you a taste of what may come as straight after the first investment is done you can withdraw the $5 bonus instantly. The full list of payment processors includes PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, OkPay, and BitCoin. For other methods MooreFund requires a manual deposit of at least $500 if you wish to invest via Neteller, Skrill, PayPal, and even Payza. I’ve already questioned why Payza is being accepted by MooreFund manually, but the admin told me that he would consider adding an automated payment button in the near future which would certainly decrease the need of such huge deposits at entry level. The best thing about the investment plans offered by MooreFund is that it’s not really necessary to wait for the entire 60 or 365 calendar days to withdraw your principal. You can do it for a fee of 10% to 50% depending on how much of the investment term has already passed, however after 60 days you can request your principal to be returned on any plan and after a written enquiry the admin promises to pay within 12 hours. With MooreFund you can also be flexible with the compounding option which can be changed at any time in the 365 day plans (for shorter-term 60-day plan compounding is not allowed).

From a technical point of view, MooreFund is running off a familiar GoldCoders script, although nicely modified. The site features a proper Green Bar SSL-certificate from Comodo and it’s hosted on a professional dedicated and DDOS protected server by OVH. The company is allegedly investing in property and all the documentation on the company registration in the UK is presented on the website (still consider it a regular HYIP though, please). The MooreFund website looks really well made with all the questions properly answered in the extensive FAQ section and the short video and audio presentations. The excellent layout of the program with sustainable investment plans and lots of investment options accepted and instant withdrawals lead me to believe that MooreFund is clearly a program worth the attention of readers and has a good size advertising budget available for featuring on the MNO Premium List. The program has already proved it can pay well and after two weeks online it managed to make itself quite visible among the competition. The latest newsletter from MooreFund mentions thousands of investors and although I would say the figures are most likely exaggerated, one nevertheless cannot deny that it looks a good program that I hope can bring profits to many investors. Here’s the newsletter in full, just make sure you will check out the MNO blog tomorrow for the more detailed review:

Good News!
Today is the 16th day of “MooreFund” company.
And we have already become the largest investment program available online:
– 1) More than 43,000 members has already joined MooreFund and thousands are joining everyday! – 13,700 active investors and 1200 active affiliate advertisers.
– 2) We accept 17 major PP including Perfect Money, SolidtrustPay, Paypal, Payza, Neteller, Skrill etc. – Credit cards payment can be made through PayPal, SolidtrustPay, Neteller and Payza. – Automatic/Instant deposit and withdraw in major payment processors.
– 3) There is no Minimum withdrawal. You can withdraw any amount.
– 4) Compounding is available. – Compounding can be changed anytime.
– 5) Withdraw Principal anytime.
We are registered with Company House, England and verified by Worlds most popular security insurance company like Symentec-Norton (veriSign), Comodo and TRUSTe. MOORE PROPERTY INVESTMENT CO LIMITED holds a website identity assurance warranty of $1,750,000. This means that you are insured for up to $1,750,000 when relying on the information provided by IdAuthority on this site. US Patent Number 7,603,699.
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd


Meanwhile, Payza is increasing its presence on the HYIP market by gaining the well-deserved attention of potentially big investors that will form the core of the entire industry within the next few months. Named as the favorite payment processor by over a quarter of my readers, Payza is definitely targeting the US market where residents are currently blocked by PerfectMoney and so limited to how they can participate in nearly all the big programs. At the moment, three programs from the MNO Premium List – CryptoStrategy (reviewed here, currently ranked at #1), Rockfeller (reviewed here, currently ranked at #2), and the newly added MooreFund (review coming tomorrow) – do accept Payza and I predict the number of such programs will be greatly increased in the future. That could possibly form the base of the future recovery in the HYIP industry which is now tainted by so many fast scams. Experienced admins will surely recognize the potential of large investors who prefer legal payment processors like Payza which they can easily fund from their bank accounts and credit cards and even exchange funds to and from their BitCoin accounts or use third-party exchangers for that purpose. That’s why, even though Payza‘s fees are quite high compared to PerfectMoney and you do need to verify your account to fully benefit, more and more serious investors join Payza. The demand for the programs accepting Payza will surely grow in the near future, and that is why I strongly advise admins serious about attracting the really big investors from around the world to think carefully about adding them. Of course, the process will take longer than other anonymous payment processors as there is a verification process, but for experienced admins that’s not a difficult task. A lot easier than SolidTrustPay, for instance. Plus, the programs that accept Payza are generally treated more positively by investors. The proof is that the two most popular programs on MNO, CryptoStrategy and Rockfeller, accept Payza with MooreFund also having a good chance to join the top three soon.

The HYIP industry though is not the only market which Payza tries to establish themselves. Developing countries like Bangladesh make Payza quite popular as a payment method not only in the HYIP industry, but in everyday life too. And by making Payza available for the specific needs of people of Bangladesh the payment processor is doing everything possible to strengthen its position in the local market as discussed in the latest post on the official Payza blog:

Bangladesh e-Commerce Scene Ready to Jump to the Next Level
Bangladesh is a country with over 150 million residents but more than that, it is the most densely populated country on the planet, with more people per square mile than any other country. The population is on the verge of an economic breakout, especially in the e-commerce sector, and now the European Union is looking to create strong ties with Bangladesh.
It’s an exciting time for Bangladeshis, and an exciting time for Payza, which had committed to playing an important role in Bangladesh’s emerging digital economy. Through cooperation and innovation, Payza, Casada Tech and Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. (BCB) have created an online wallet and payment service designed specifically to meet the needs of Bangladeshis. The new online wallet gives Bangladeshis easy and familiar ways to load Takas to their accounts, either online by credit card or by visiting a bank teller. From there, members can use those Takas to pay bills, shop online, or send money to their friends and family.
Casada’s Vice-Chairman, Nadimur Rahman, was at Digital World 2015 to discuss the part Payza will play in Bangladesh’s developing digital ecosystem. “The modern world is digital, it exists online as much as in nature,” said Rahman, “Payza’s digital wallet and online payment processing will help combine the these two worlds, allowing for an easier transition for Bangladeshis, many of whom are still unfamiliar with this new online environment. Having a reliable online payment processor and ewallet service in Bangladesh is an absolute must in order to make sure Bangladeshis are free to participate in and contribute to the online world as much as possible, but it is also important to make sure these tools are accessible to as many Bangladeshis as possible, by maintaining the best parts of Bangladesh’s traditional economy, while solving everyday problems like a dependence of carrying too many Takas through hour long traffic jams and lineups just to pay a bill.”
“Bangladesh is ready to make the leap into the digital future, and Payza, along with Casada, will be there to help,” Mr. Rahman added. “If you have a webstore in Bangladesh or are thinking of launching an online business, now is the time to contact Payza to see how we can help.


After nearly seventy days online and bringing very decent profits to numerous investors CoinAssets finally pulled the plug completely with the admin stopping payouts on Sunday night and trying to justify the obvous delays with some sloppy excuses about the mail server issues allegedly causing disruption in the payment schedule. There were two final emails received from CoinAssets saying this:

E-mail server issues back
We apologize for the delays. We are once again having e-mail server issues which is affecting our access to Perfectmoney and Payeer. The datacenter is doing its best to help us fix the situation as quickly as possible, but being a weekend and a holiday weekend they are lower on staff.
We will send out another newsletter both by e-mail and to your internal account mailbox once we resume once again with all payouts.
E-mail server clarification
We apologize we forgot to include the mention of Bitcoin as well in the just sent newsletter. We use e-mail authentication as part of security for Perfectmoney, Payeer, and our Bitcoin hot wallet. Those e-mail server issues we ran into earlier this past week are currently affecting us again. We will notify you by newsletter when everything is back to normal.
Our apologies again.

Many experienced investors didn’t believe such excuses at first. In fact I must admit that I too was hoping the admin would somehow be able to extend the lifetime of CoinAssets as we were all witnesses to him working wonders with the program for so long. Over the last week or so he seemed less in a hurry to pay the overdue withdrawals at all, and from time to time he even made some big efforts to stay on schedule. Support and trust in the program was really enormous up to the point when the admin started spamming with some strange exchange offers when he promised to give people 25% extra to their PerfectMoney and BitCoin accounts while buying Payeer from them (allegedly due to a lack of funds in Payeer). He was confronted by myself on this when I questioned the necessity of making such offer at all, when so many exchangers can easily sell you Payeer funds for less than 1% in fees. Perhaps that was one last attempt to scam investors by a very shrewd admin, but the result remained the same – the program scammed after payouts had stopped and Scam Status was assigned to it on the MNO monitor accompanied by the advice to avoid any further dealings with them. All in all, CoinAssets was one of the most brilliantly managed projects in recent months, especially considering the overriding conditions in the HYIP industry that they had to contend with during this time. So I’m quite pleased that the program chose MNO as its main advertising source and that the admin did everything in his power to make his program a success no matter what the circumstances. But, as always happens eventually, CoinAssets has come to an end and it’s time to move on to other newer and more promising projects.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listCryptoStrategyRockfellerBITC1SilveksBTPerfex, RollNRich.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization, SuccessRoadToWealth.

That’s all for today, guys. The HYIP industry overall is still very much in a state of the winter hibernation and we should hope that the coming spring will see a more positive attitude from admins and investors alike and see more elite programs on the MNO monitor. Thanks for staying with MNO and reading the best investment blog in the HYIP industry. I’ll see you again tomorrow with a more detailed review of the new addition to the Premium List MooreFund and the usual news update from the monitored programs. Please stay connected with MNO via Facebook and Twitter, subscribe to the daily news delivered straight to your mailbox, keep voting on the MNO TalkBack page, and ask any questions on the MNO ShoutBox. Thanks as always for reading, hope you found something useful, and see you all tomorrow!

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