February 2015 Archives

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Hello everyone! The last few weeks as if anyone needs reminding were filled with lots of fast scams. But I’m pleased to say you won’t find them here on MNO, as my blog deals exclusively with elite programs run by professional admins. Of course every basket has one rotten apple, but as a general rule you will rarely find them here. That’s the direction I intended to take for MNO for a long time now and I’m pleased to see it working like this. I hope we continue the year in the same mood with only the best programs capable of bringing profits to investors listing on my site.

So let’s have a look at the renewed Top Five Popular Programs list on MNO which recently was changed following the departure of the long-running hit CoinAssets last week that put lots of investors in profit, even doubling the investments of some. Due to that fact I’ve to re-write the article and see what changes have happened since the last version. So let’s begin, shall we?

The most popular program from my list at the moment is undoubtedly CryptoStrategy. The program has been on MNO for 44 days and was reviewed here with an interview with the admin Olivia expected soon (I’ve already sent the questions to her). Compared to the previous article on the Top Popular Programs on MNO posted 12 days ago, CryptoStrategy had the biggest gain in popularity rising from #4 to the leading #1 position, a clear sign of its growing popularity among my readers. And there’s some very good reasons why investors enjoy the program so much – instant payouts on the 3%-4% for 90 days (with principal returned on expiry plans), stable performance of the website, and the option to invest starting from $50 via most of the popular payment processors – PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer, and even Payza. Note that two other investment plans available in CryptoStrategy – paying 750%-1000% after 75 days – are not recommended as being way too risky. I can’t help but mention that the first investors to join CryptoStrategy‘s daily paying plans just after it made a complete overhaul six weeks ago and, renewed, came to MNO are well in profit. Congratulations if you’re one of them, guys, and hopefully we’ll see CryptoStrategy keep up this excellent performance for a long time to come.

Coming a close second is Rockfeller which also improved its posion in the MNO rankings of the most popular programs. It rose one spot from third to second during the last 12 days. Rockfeller has been on MNO since day one and after 38 days online gained a lot of momentum, steadily gaining in popularity among investors. Seemingly, Rockfeller (reviewed here) is targeting more serious investors as the minimum to invest starts from $50 while the choice of payment processors is simply superb with PerfectMoney, OkPay, BitCoin, Payeer, and, of course, Payza all being accepted. All the withdrawals are also processed instantly and the admin has always been quite responsive and helpful with any occasional issues being solved almost in real-time. For now I still see some significant interest in Rockfeller from MNO readers which will be further strentgthened once the first investors on the 3%-5% for 70 business days plan (with principal back on expiry) enter the profit zone in a few days.

BITC1 (reviewed here) dropped slightly, slipping one position from #2 to #3 and passed out by Rockfeller and CryptoStrategy. I believe that the main reason for that was because BITC1 hasn’t really been that flexible for the investors and the admin not even didn’t offer them new depositing options after the collapse of EgoPay (I’m speaking mostly of Payza, of course), but even keep accepting EgoPay along with PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. Even the once accepted OkPay was subsequently dropped (possibly, due to the admin’s inability to prove he’s running a genuine business). Anyway, the main recommended investment plans if you do decide to invest in BITC1 promise to pay you 2.4% for 15 calendar days and 2.5% for 25 calendar days (both with the principal return on expiry and the option to invest from a $10 minimum). All the other investment plans offered by BITC1 are not recommended due to its either unrealistic returns or high minimum spending requirements. In any case, please remember that investing in the 2.7% for 55 days (principal back), 350% after 15 days, 250% after 30 days, 750% after 27 days, 600% after 45 days, 1260% after 60 days plans is not recommended, so only take the first two plans. For more information on BITC1 that has been paying since July 2014 while being listed on MNO since November the same year please also refer to my interview with the program’s admin Jerome here.

BTPerfex (reviewed here) is the only newcomer to the Top Five list this week debuting straight at the #4 spot. I must say that the admin of the program Andy (interviewed here) surprised me by continuing steady payouts even after introducing the then seemingly suspicious investment plan paying 3% to 6% daily for an unlimited term and original investment returned any time subject to a 10 calendar day lock-in period. Now, after more than two weeks since that announcement it’s possible to see the first investors in this new plan in profit. We should also mention those investors who have been with BTPerfex since its first day online and joined when it was first introduced on MNO eleven weeks ago. They however didn’t have a choice and initially invested into the 1.25%-2% for 180 days plan, with no principal back and investments accepted from a $50 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin only. If they joined BTPerfex straight away on its launch though they should break-even on their investments and start earning profits very soon and be able to join the new perpetual investment plan. Hope we see BTPerfex on the MNO Top Five for a long time, and please welcome our newcomer!

The only program from today’s Top Five which I genuinely don’t quite approve and advised to think twice before joining is Silveks. While originally reviewed on my blog about four months ago (click here to read it), Silveks used to offer 2% daily for the unlimited term with the principal returned any time and deposits starting from $10 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. After just a couple of weeks online, the investment terms suddenly changed and due to a seasonal drop in investment activities the interest rate decreased to 0.7%, but the rule of principal withdrawal at any time remained intact and that is why nobody really bothered about it. Then, just before the previous Top Five was posted 12 days and where the non-mover Silveks also took the fifth position, the admin suddenly changed the rules yet again and decided to credit investors’ accounts just once every 10 days with 6% interest available for withdrawal. Then, it appears to me that Silveks is running on auto-pilot without any involvement from the admin, as the payments on the 6% interest seem to be processed flawlessly. However that does not apply to the possible principal withdrawal which was promised to be returned after the 20-calendar day lock-in period. Judging by the account of my referral in the program to which he kindly allowed me access to, I can see that the H-script Silveks is running off (possibly the worst and the most unnecessarily complicated script in the HYIP industry at the moment) is not allowing to withdraw the original investment after the 20-day period, but rather only after 20 interest accruals which is equal of 200 days (since the profit is now credited every 10 days). The admin remains totally silent on all of this and is not replying to my emails any longer, so I have decided to keep the paying status for Silveks for the moment, but will change the description of the investment plan which he himself didn’t even bother to update on the pages of his website (there it still is shown that Silveks pays 2% daily with the principal return at any time). Since the program is paying but not returning the principal until after your 20th accrual which is 200 calendar days, please take this into consideration if you still want to join a program with zero customer support.

That’s it for the current Top Five, but please remember the list is subject to change and the Paying status of any program should be verified via the MNO monitoring page first before making an investment. The rating is based on the unique calculations provided by the MNO monitoring script designed by my programmer Andrew and compares not only the returns on my own deposit, but also the referral commissions received from my downlines. Remember that I work for you, guys, so if you have any comments on the programs monitored on MNO you’re welcome to submit a vote on my monitor which will be approved manually by me within 24 hours.



What I seriously can’t understand about some HYIP admins is their desire to steal others’ content and not even check its relevance to their own program. So the admin of UnitedMicroCredit actually copied the entire extracts from older newsletters from another program monitored on MNO – MooreFund. The funny thing is that the admin of UnitedMicroCredit even copied everything including the multiple grammar and factual mistakes. For instance, he mentioned (even possibly without paying attention when copy-pasting the content) that the principal in his program was available to withdraw at any time, while in the terms and conditions it’s clearly said that it’s only available for withdrawal on expiry of a 78-business day term, which is 110 calendar days and while you’re going to be paid from 2% to 3.5% daily during that period, the main investment is definitely not available for withdrawal. Now please tell me what the purpose of copy-pasting this email from MooreFund was when the admin could just link to the MNO review instead which would be much more beneficial for his program in the long term. That level stupidity I haven’t seen for a while, but I guess it can be forgiven due to the fact that UnitedMicroCredit has been paying for 100+ days now and many investors were able to profit. As I already mentioned in my review of UnitedMicroCredit (read here if you want some truthful information about the program instead of being misled by the admin’s email), what I most like about it is the abundance of the payment methods that rival anything in the industry – starting from a $10 minimum you can join via PerfectMoney, Payza, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, Skrill, Neteller, Western Union, OkPay, AsMoney, Bank Wires and even directly from your Credit Cards. What I do not understand is how the admin can avoid chargebacks on the cards, but it’s up to him how to run his program. So, just read the following newsletter and compare it with the two I posted here and see if you can find any differences (I had a strong sense of deja-vu reading it myself anyway):

Good News!
Today is the 108th day of “UnitedMicroCredit” Organization.
And we have already become the largest investment program available online:
More than 4800 members has already joined UnitedMicroCredit and hundreds are joining everyday! 2250 active investors and 300 active affiliate advertisers.
We accept 17 major PP including Bank wire, master/visa card, western union, Perfect Money, Okpay, payeer, Bit coin, lite coin, Payza, Neteller, Skrill, asmoney etc. There is no Minimum withdrawal. You can withdraw any amount. Withdraw Principal anytime Automatic/Instant deposit and withdraw in major payment processors. Now every one can able to deposit here directly with those payment methods
We are registered with Company House, England and verified by Worlds most popular security insurance company like Symentec-Norton (veriSign), Comodo and TRUSTe. UNITED MICROCREDIT ORGANIZATION LIMITED holds a website identity assurance warranty of $1,750,000. This means that you are insured for up to $1,750,000 when relying on the information provided by IdAuthority on this site. US Patent Number 7,603,699.
Stay with us and tell your friends about the benefits of investing in
Sincerely, UnitedMicroCredit team.


It’s time to look at the results of the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page and analyze how my readers evaluate the month of February so far compared to the January. With February almost over and spring barely a week away I guess the time is right.

The results of the poll asking “What do you think is the general situation in the HYIP industry for February compared to January so far?” delivered possibly the most relevant results in relation to the current crisis in the industry. Two thirds of the MNO readers (67.7% to be exact) believe that the situation is worse. In fact 40% of the votes say somewhat deteriorated, and 27.7% say very much deteriorated. That should be a wake-up call for anyone still preferring not to see the obvious – the HYIP industry has never been weaker since LibertyReserve was shut down in summer 2013. The EgoPay scam only made it worse and a near plague of fast and cheap scams didn’t help much either, and the level of distrust is at an all time high. Only 20% think that February was the same as January, and the small minority of 6.7% each voted for the “Very much improved” or “Somewhat improved” options. The results are alarming to say the least, but do you know what smart people do during crises? They keep their activities to a minimum, but at the same time they still grab all the biggest opportunities, avoiding the fast scams the crooks and amateurs who never think about the negative consequences their actions may have on the HYIP industry as a whole. I’m aware that many big investors are still sitting on the sidelines, the same goes for the experienced admins who save their new programs for brighter days. So fingers crossed for the recovery for the HYIP industry, but don’t let fast scammers take advantage of you and only support the best programs with your deposits.

By the way, as I had a very interesting private exchange with one HYIP admin lately, who told me he does not expect to see the industry back to normal until at least autumn of 2015, comparing the current situation with the LibertyReserve closure back in summer 2013. From my own observation the HYIP industry has indeed seen better days, but the worst thing is that it seems to still be deteriorating instead of improving according to the results of the MNO latest poll. I myself do not think that the recovery process will take so long, but if professional admins running HYIPs for years think so, then the level of mistrust is definitely at a high right now. So for the next question I would like to ask what you think is the timeline for the recovery of the HYIP industry, or more specifically “when do you think the HYIP industry will completely recover from the current slump?” Possible answers are:
1) Spring-2015
2) Summer-2015
3) Autumn-2015
4) It won’t recover until 2016

Thanks in advance to readers who take a moment and share their thoughts. Together we can see how optimistic or pessimistic most of the players in the industry are regarding the future of HYIPs. I’ll draw the results of the poll in the beginning of March.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listCryptoStrategyRockfellerBITC1, BTPerfex, AtrexTrade, MooreFund, UnitedMicroCredit.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope you found something informative in there and will help you in making any investment decisions. Remember that during these harsh times to always stay with Money-News-Online for experienced advice and prompt updates from the HYIP industry. Fingers crossed, we’ll see more new promising programs later in March and, of course, the most elite of them on MNO. Thanks for reading and see you all soon!

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