19/07/2015. Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Hello, guys, and welcome to the Sunday issue of the MNO blog news where you’ll find all the latest updates on the biggest investment opportunities online. Over the last few weeks all the programs on the MNO Premium List and, of course, the phenomena of this summer – Carbon7 (reviewed here) – are performing immensely while allowing their investors to earn decent profits and enjoy the sunshine with a smile on their faces. That just proves the power of MNO where only the elite programs with high-end budgets run by experienced admins are listed, and I’m pleased to see that the approach of weeding out the potential fast scams brought real results to my regular readers.
BITCTradeLimited (reviewed here) in this matter keeps the lead among shorter term programs, and rightly so. The admin Hendrik (he was interviewed on MNO here) seems to have been working really hard over the last 100+ days to get closer to the point where the program simply has no rivals among the other short-term competitors. Starting off as a so-called sleeper BITCTradeLimited was completely redesigned a few weeks ago and added to the major investment monitors including purchasing the most expensive in the industry Premium listing where the program successfully resides while paying to everyone for an entire month already. I’m fully aware that many investors made really great profits in BITCTradeLimited, but I know that many are still playing their odds and some new investors are still joining which is always a good sign. Interest in the program is constantly pushed by the admin who clearly knows how to manage an incredibly successful project while throwing in some extra investment offers from time to time. Although the most recently presented limited in time offer paying 130% interest after just three days might have raised some eyebrows, I don’t really believe that many investors would have parted with the $1,000 minimum requirement to join. Of course there are still many other investment plans available which can be joined for just $10 via any of the preferred payment methods including PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, and NixMoney. There is currently only one investment plan that was originally available when BITCTradeLimited first came online – 2.5% for 60 days ( with principal back on expiry). There are hourly paying plans available for larger investors that would pay you 6.5% for 16 hours (4% profit) and 1.15% for 100 hours (15% profit). However, for smaller investors that are not used to invest in hundreds there are some additional plans available which are perhaps more popular at the moment – 102.5%-120% after 1 day, 130% after 3 days, 116%-250% after 6 days, 150%-850% after 18 days, 1500% after 25 days, 370%-1900% after 38 days, 5000% after 50 days, 700%-3000% after 60 days. Although it is stated in their terms to allow up to 36 hours to process all the pending transactions, usually it’s nothing even approaching that long. The full newsletter introducing the new plan open for the next week only can be seen below:
“The limited edition investment plan has been added
Dear investors!
Each your contribution, each your investment into the BITCTradeLimited program not in words, but in practice confirms your trust to us! And we, as a sign of reciprocal gratitude for your trust, also want not in words, but in practice to show the loyalty to all our clients. For this reason the Administration of the BITCTradeLimited program was decided to provide the additional, limited ONLY FOR NINE DAYS, exclusive investment plan
VIP Premium Express of 130% of AFTER 3 DAYS
“Minimum deposit: $1000 of Maximum deposit: $50,000 of Deposit Included”
We would like to pay once again your attention that this investment plan will work only 9 days! Don’t miss your chance. Make one more step towards the own wellbeing and welfare.
We do everything that in our possibilities that make your work in the BITCTradeLimited program has been the most comfortable, profitable and safe.
Best Regards, Hendrik Menes
BITCTradeLimited – All the Best for You!”
I can see that the admin of RoyalTrust was serious enough when he invited people to take the opportunity to become regional representatives for the program in exchange for increased referral commissions as discussed in the previous newsletters. He didn’t waste any time either as I can see about 40 representatives from 20 countries already listed on the newly created page. The list is still not final and if you wish to earn more from promoting RoyalTrust among your friends and contacts from your local area please do not hesitate to contact the admin at the address listed in the newsletter:
“Representatives table updated!
Hello everybody,
Day by day, we are further expanding our project around the world. Every day new investors from different parts of the world participate in our project, mostly thanks to our lucrative regional representatives program, which allows you to receive support in your language.
We would like to now inform you that we have upgraded our representatives table. You can see it here: https://royaltrust.biz/regional-representatives. The list of representatives is still expanding, so you can expect new agents to be added soon. We would like to remind you that you can become a regional representative and earn 12% affiliate commissions from members you bring our way. In order to become a global agent, you have to have skills in promotion and the ability to support customers in your region. You don’t need to have an active investment to be a member of our team.
If you are interested, please email the following information to support@royaltrust.biz: your country, your full name, your username, the languages you speak, your email, your phone number, and your Skype/Yahoo/ICQ.
That’s it for the quick news update for today. Enjoy your weekend!
Kevin Lee | Main Redactor”
I would like to remind you that since my review of RoyalTrust was first published on MNO a month ago (click here to read it) there were some changes in both investment plans available and payment processors accepted. Currently there are two plans available. The first one called “Stability” requires a smaller minimum of $25 and commits you to an undetermined period of time until you earn a 180% return. The second plan called “Freedom” offers greater flexibility but requires a $50 minimum. In this you can request your principal back any time you like without any fees but still earn 180% interest on your investment like the first plan. The rules of the game are the same for both plans though as you earn a fixed 1% interest on Saturdays and Sundays and a variable 1% to 3.5% on business days (Monday to Friday). The accepted payment processors include Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and Neteller and all the profit withdrawals are processed instantly as a rule (except for Neteller withdrawals) which is also a much-loved feature among RoyalTrust investors making the program grow in popularity every day.
I must admit that I was really pleased to see the latest changes in the script which the PokerAutomatics runs off. I was really annoyed by that so-called virtual account that serves no purpose for investors who already have active deposits, except only to confuse and baffle without any justification. Well, now the script that is originally based on the H-Script model allows you to hide this virtual account on request (I wish they had permanently removed the feature though) and more filters were added for big promoters of the program, like MNO. More on that in the short news update:
“PokerAutomatics News
PokerAutomatics Script Update + New Functions
1) Now you can hide your Virtual Account Operations
2) You can filter your Operations by Referral username and Deposit number
Best regards, PokerAutomatics Support”
More recent news from PokerAutomatics (first reviewed on MNO here) includes the announcement of new dedicated servers to handle a higher capacity for the pokerbot network allegedly responsible for making money for the program’s investors. There was a brief introduction of a new local representative from Pakistan and also an important message for the users of Qiwi wallets. Please read all of the three updates below:
“New dedicated servers were added.
We have purchased 3 new dedicated servers for our pokerbot network.”
“We have a new Representative
Aqeel Ahmed – Pakistan
You may contact him by email, skype and phone”
“Qiwi wallet update
Dear clients, if you use QIWI Wallet please fill your QIWI number in payment details. https://pokeram.com/balance/wallets or send your QIWI number to accounts@pokeram.com from registered email.
After that please create your withdrawal requests again.
You don’t need to create QIWI-vouchers anymore.”
So, how does PokerAutomatics work and how much money can you earn from it? In a nutshell, you’re going to earn on an investment starting from a $30 minimum over a period of 30 to 180 calendar days with the initial investment returned on expiry. Since the program has been running at least from August 2014 there were hundreds of investors who could already achieve this goal and pocket some decent profits to their SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, OkPay, Payeer, BitCoin accounts (some other payment options are also available). These are credited to members’ accounts on every calendar day during your investment term and are not fixed. They represent a share of 40% to 80% of the company’s reported profits that are usually around 1%, so your monthly earnings from PokerAutomatics could reach 12% with a potential for more if you invested larger amounts for longer periods of time. Below are two recent examples of the profit reports that should give you an idea of what to expect.
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
18.07.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.99%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
19.07.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.02%
Finally for tonight and the week I want to close the last opinion poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page and start with a new one for about the next week to ten days or so. There’s been something of a mini-revival in the HYIP industry recently, something made all the more noticeable by the fact that it’s happening right in the middle of summer – traditionally not an especially fruitful season for online investment programs. I guess most of us are in agreement with that much, but something else I think is just as obvious is the fact that one single program is dominating the HYIP world at the moment, with Carbon7 definitely leading the way. But to what extent is Carbon7 responsible for dragging the rest of the HYIP industry along behind it? I mean there doesn’t have to be any direct connection between one program and another, it’s simply a case of investors feeling more confident to take an extra risk with lesser know programs as long as they’ve got one good if temporary income stream to carry them along as Carbon7 doubtlessly does for so many. So the exact question I put to readers was “Do you believe that the arrival of Carbon7 marked an upward trend in the HYIP industry?”, and I have to say the response was overwhelmingly positive. In fact 64% of readers responded by voting “Yes, I think so, Carbon7 is the current industry leader and others will follow soon.” A distant but but by no means insignificant 32% of readers were still positive but erring more on the side of caution, voting “Possibly, but we need a few more programs like Carbon7 to see real growth.” A mere 4% took a more dim view, voting “No, I don’t believe it means the HYIP industry is growing, rather the opposite.” Well, I think that covers every angle and we can see there’s definitely still plenty of good will towards Carbon7, at least from the readers of MNO there is anyway, so let’s hope the admin works hard to earn it (I’m sure he will).
The next question then is still centered around the recent upturn in the HYIP industry. There’s a couple of good programs out there now, Carbon7 can’t (and shouldn’t!) have it all their own way after all, but I was wondering which ones would you feel most confident about. I played around a bit in my mind as to the best way to express this question, because what I’m asking could easily be misunderstood. Some are older than others, some have shorter and longer terms, some have lower and higher interest rates, etc. So I’m not exactly saying which has been the most profitable HYIP for you, or which one most of you joined, but rather which one are you most comfortable with handing money over to? What are MNO readers most confident with? Incidentally, I’ve narrowed the choice to just five programs, however some of you will probably be wondering why I’m including certain HYIPs and omitting others. Well, it’s quite simple. I’m basing it on my own recent experience with them, nothing more. These are the programs where the admins seem the most interested, the most enthusiastic, and the most “hands on” if I can put it like that. So the exact question I want to ask you is this:
If money was not an issue, where would you have made the biggest deposit?
Possible answers are:
a) PokerAutomatics
b) BITCTradeLimited
c) RoyalTrust
d) USDBusinessLimited
e) Carbon7
As I mentioned above this new poll will remain open on the MNO TalkBack page for at least a week, maybe ten days, so that will give anyone interested in voting an ample opportunity to do so. Remember it’s completely anonymous and only takes a second to click your preferred option, so thanks in advance to everyone who takes the time and effort, it’s much appreciated. And remember once you have cast your vote you’re always free to discuss it (if you want) with your fellow MNO readers on my shoutbox.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RollNRich, Cryptoconomist, BITCTradeLimited, RoyalTrust,
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: GoldenLion.
I’ll leave it at that for tonight, guys. Thanks as always for reading, enjoy whatever’s left of your weekend if it’s not too late in your own area, and I’ll see you all again with the next news update sometime in the new business week. Remember to keep your votes coming in the MNO TalkBack opinion poll, and if you like what you see on my site you can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or subscribe to the news feed to have all the important updates sent directly to your mailbox. Bye for now and see you all soon, everyone!
Filed under Daily News by on Jul 19th, 2015.