Hi all, and welcome again to the MNO blog – the only investment blog on the net dealing exclusively with the big-budget programs run by experienced admins. I hope such uncompromising approach has proved to be quite fruitful not just for me personally (by not dealing with obvious fast scams), but for my readers too as over the last couple of weeks all the programs on MNO keep paying fine. Stability is one of the main factors contributing to the growth of investor confidence in the future of the HYIP industry. I must say that generally this week was quite much slower in terms of new investments from my readers, but I believe this has something to do with the seasonal slowdown usually seen around now. Things usually pick up again when people finish their vacations. As I haven’t posted over the last few days there’s quite a lot of news to catch up with, including some disturbing developments in AtrexTrade and BITCTradeLimited, as well as the yet another successful resurrection by RollNRich. There’s also news from Cryptoconomist and PokerAutomatics, plus the results of the current poll on the MNO TalkBack page which will then be replaced with a new question.
I want to start with the most exciting news for me personally as I’m always eager to share my knowledge and personal experience from the HYIP industry with my readers, accumulated over the last eight years of running of the most successful blog ever to cover the HYIP industry. You might know the sometimes controversial but always truthful series of articles that were included in the MNOFridays series and posted on my blog over the last few years. Although some of the content in the articles is a little outdated now, written as it was in the context of events happening in the industry at the time, the general information is still relevant today. So with some editing and minor re-writes most can be still applied to today’s conditions. That’s mostly what I’ve been working on this week, trying to make sure that the articles from the MNOFridays series plus a few of the other most important information articles posted on my blog over years can be added to a new section of the MNO portal called MNO Info Center which will be officially launched tomorrow. I must say that I only had time to edit the first six articles for now, but as my programmer is working hard on adding the finishing touches I too will be loading more articles with time and modifying the new MNO Info Center page as we go. I will be adding links to the new page of the MNO portal tomorrow and you will see the updated menu with clickable links and will be able to read the first articles and will appreciate their quality and candidness yourself. Of course, the new section of MNO will be mostly important to my new readers and inexperienced members of the HYIP industry still not really in the subject to help them fully realize of the money-making potential it holds and yet escape all the common mistakes some newbies are doing on the way to the top. That is actually the main reason what made me starting the MNOFridays series on the MNO blog in the first place, and by collecting all the articles under the same umbrella in an easy-to-find menu I will be sure to help both newbies and more experienced investors to find out all the dark sides and hidden corners of the HYIP industry and make a decision if that is worth your effort to play this game in the first place. I can assure you that after reading and analyzing the content of the articles that will be added to the MNO Info Center tomorrow and in the following weeks and applying the adjusted investment strategy to your daily routine you will become a more sophisticated yet less prone to scamming investor and will win overall over your fellow investors in your race for profits. Anyway, the main reason for investing would be to make sure you win in much more cases than lose while pocketing the profits, and I hope that the MNO Info Center will help in achieving this goal faster and in a more efficient manner. Stay tuned for more announcement on that tomorrow!
It’s time now to have a look at the results of the opinion poll which ran on the MNO TalkBack page over the last week. The question was – If money was not an issue, where would you have made the biggest deposit? Five popular programs were suggested and the undoubted winner from was predictably Carbon7 (reviewed here) scoring 42% of the vote. It’s obvious that Carbon7 is now on the minds of the vast majority of HYIP investors having become the first program of the summer to mark a revival for the HYIP industry. I can see the biggest amounts being deposited in Carbon7 at this point making it the biggest program since RockwellPartners dominated the industry last year. Whether it has something to do with the abundance of payment processors (SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, and Payeer are all taken), profitable investment plans (110% after 7 calendar days and 7% for 22 business days), or with the admin’s level of professionalism starting off his advertising campaign on MNO before gradually expanding has yet to be seen. The most significant factor contributing to the success of Carbon7 is the admin which many have linked to a very similar program Royalty7 some time back. The second in the poll is RoyalTrust (reviewed here) with 17% of readers wishing they had more money to invest there. The third spot is shared between PokerAutomatics (reviewed here) and BITCTradeLimited (reviewed here) with 16% each. And the last spot belongs to USDBusinessLimited (reviewed here) with 9% of the vote. Thanks to everyone who took part and hope you had fun!
For the next week I have another question about the new MNO Info Center opening tomorrow. I would like to know to ask you whether I should also include the reviews of the currently monitored programs on the blog to the and, possibly, interviews too. That way it will be easier for readers to get through the articles without actually going to my blog which always includes time-sensitive information. Also I can easily change information in the reviews posted and edit them if investment plans change or we see any suspicious activity like what’s going on in BITCTradeLimited and AtrexTrade at the moment (reported in more detail below). So the new question for the MNO TalkBack is:
Do you want reviews and interviews from the MNO blog included in the MNO Info Center page too?
There are three possible answers:
1)Yes, they must be included.
2) I don’t mind but it’s not essential.
3) No, I don’t think so.
Thanks in advance for voting and helping to make MNO better for investors!
RollNRich has again paid me all that was owed today and even processed a payment to my referral who I managed to help out with his complaint. Mind you, I never received an answer from him to my emails, nor was it ever explained to me why payouts are always delayed in the first place. In any case, whatever is going on with RollNRich at the moment it looks like the admin has only a passing interest and logs in every couple of days to see what needs to be done. If we remember that RollNRich has been online for an incredible 190+ days now and monitored on MNO from day one it’s no wonder that it has reached the #1 position on the list of the most popular programs. I just wish it wasn’t so inconsistent with payouts and paid everyone within the promised 48-hours timeframe as stated in their own terms and conditions. Well, I guess we at least be grateful that the admin pays everyone now even with delays. If joining RollNRich you should be prepared for this, provided you still wish to play at all. I describe this program as a game because basically that’s what it is – you invest anything from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin and then throw a dice on a sort of monopoly style board every business day (for 300 consecutive days) and hope to win anything from 0% to 10% on your investment daily. That’s basically how it works in a nutshell, but for any additional information on RollNRich please refer to my review posted back in January here.
Just yesterday one reader on my ShoutBox was alleging issues with payouts to some members of BITCTradeLimited (reviewed here). Although I have yet to receive any evidence of that from my downline I must admit that I now see some reports filtering through on forums stating that some investors are having trouble getting their money back from BITCTradeLimited, especially when it comes to paying big amounts. I myself have no problems at the moment, and none of my referrals reported any either. The only problem I was made aware of came from my referral whose withdrawal request was moved by the admin back to balance for no reason. However this referral was also paid within minutes after my ultimatum sent to the admin of BITCTradeLimited on moving his program to Problem Status on the MNO monitor if this reader was not paid immediately. Well, all I can say in that case is that being my referral in a program does actually matter in some cases, as this possibly saved my referral from losing the $60 he then received from BITCTradeLimited. At the time of writing this article I am unaware of any other issues with payments experienced by my referrals in BITCTradeLimited so I can only keep it on Paying status until proven otherwise. I urge anyone not getting paid by the program to not remain silent and report the problem. Otherwise, I cannot change the status of BITCTradeLimited which is still paying perfectly well and I hope will continue. I only write this in the interests of fairness and to warn anyone thinking of joining BITCTradeLimited to postpone their decision over the next few days, when I suppose the status of the program will become clear.
Someone might also say that AtrexTrade is going down after announcing two weeks without profits from the 1st to the 14th of August. Others will say the admin probably needs some time off from the hard work he has been doing over the first eight months online. If you ask me, I believe that this announcement might be an excuse and a preparation for closure. The first alarm sounded a few weeks ago when MNO was the first monitor to expose the admin’s inability to return principals at members’ requests which was in clear violation of the program’s own rules (read more here). I speculated on the possibility of AtrexTrade closing before the end of the summer, going by the admin’s reply saying that principal withdrawals would not be possible this summer while neglecting to inform investors. This two week holiday seems to be a perfect excuse to get some more deposits while not paying any profits. This gives two possible outcomes – either AtrexTrade will receive enough deposits to continue even beyond August during the holiday which is the admin’s goal, or else they wish to escape paying anyone at all while still accepting new deposits and then closing. As we all know, anything could happen and any scenario possible. Perhaps even the admin of AtrexTrade himself doesn’t know if he’s going to continue with his program or not. The only thing that is clear to me – AtrexTrade is not returning principals (so you won’t be able to request yours back even with the sizable fee after 25 business days passes). That alone means the program is very suspicious now with the future not looking so good. Whether you’re going to continue playing with AtrexTrade with your current deposit I would suggest holding off new deposits over the next few weeks for sure. I’m not going to change the status of the program for now and it will stay on Paying for the time being, but we will see how things go. Here’s the latest news from AtrexTrade (reviewed here) taken from their website and dividing opinion on their future:
“List of holidays/non-working days in August
Dear investors,
Our traders will be on an annual leave from August 1 through August 14. No profit will be paid during this period.
We will also be updating our software and optimizing databases, which may cause the site to be occasionally inaccessible for short periods of time.
Normal operation will be restored by August 15.”
Over the last few weeks I was really pleasantly surprised by how the admin of Cryptoconomist has handled his program which is paying perfectly well to everyone for one full year and three weeks now. I will admin I had some doubts about the program’s future when the admin announced a suspicious referral contest with astronomical prizes for the best promoters and questioned whether it might be a drain on the program’s advertising budget over the next week or whether the admin ever intended paying. In any case, it was announced in the newsletter posted a couple of weeks ago that the winners have been announced:
“Winners of the contests
Hello Dear Clients and Guests,
I hope you are enjoying your Sunday.
Today I am pleased to announce winners of our Contests.
There are Chris Cross (The Dude), Andy Fux (Freestyle), Alex (Cryptoinv) pbhyips.info (HD Dream), frgthhy William (frgthhy), Asif Mostafa (asif0554) , Kurniawan Prayitno (davewang)
We would like to congratulate all the winners, on behalf of the whole Cryptoconomist community, for having grabbed the amazing cash prizes. Our very HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS to all winners!
We have more exciting contests, and implementations, coming in our way. Stay tuned for those. As we had mentioned in one of our newsletters, when the other programs become a history, we will be here, being the present, and the future.
Come and change your destiny with the one and only, Cryptoconomist.”
Cryptoconomist is now a serious contender for the title of the best run program of the last twelve months with one of the most professional admins in recent memory. I sincerely hope that Cryptoconomist will prove me wrong many times in the future and pay everyone on all the investment plans and keep growing at a healthy level which will only benefit the entire HYIP industry as a whole. For more information you can always refer to my detailed review published here or my interview with the Cryptoconomist‘s admin Eller here. First I’ll just remind you that in a nutshell the program accepts deposits starting from $10 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin while offering several investment plans – 2.3% for 20 days, 2.5% for 35 days, 2.8% for 55 days, principal back, 600% after 12 business days, 1500% after 25-45 business days, 3000% after 60 business days, 7000% after 100 business days.
Just to prove that PokerAutomatics is really a force to be reckoned with in the HYIP industry the admin recently shared some exciting news about his program reaching the top 10,000 rating in Alexa. That means that PokerAutomatics is among the 10,000 most visited sites in the world now which is a huge achievement for a program that has been paying for less than a year while starting more serious advertising efforts only recently. That is surely something to be proud of (I know that as MNO was once in the top 10,000 Alexa when the HYIP industry was much bigger than it is today) so understandably the admin has been bragging about it in the latest short newsletter sent to PokerAutomatics members yesterday:
“PokerAutomatics News.
PokerAutomatics website is one of 10,000 most visited websites in the world!
Best regards, PokerAutomatics Support
Guaranteed Passive Income 24/7. No skills. No risk!”.
The amazing growth of PokerAutomatics wouldn’t be possible without the help of the hundreds of promoters including established blogs and monitors like MNO, but also the local representatives of the program which has been growing exponentially for months now. The latest additions to that list are from Austria and Argentina, and their contact details can be found on the specially allocated page:
“We have a new Representative
Wolfgang Tschikof – Austria
You may contact him by email”
“We have a new Representative
Ignacio – Argentina
You may contact him by email”
Although PokerAutomatics accepts many investment options including SolidTrustPay, Payeer, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, OkPay, and some others, the only widespread option still missing is Payza. However instead of working on its addition the admin decided to increase the number of lesser known payment options. He has most recently added PayCo to a list which also includes currencies like Qiwi, NixMoney, YandexMoney, and AdvCash. I myself checked the PayCo website and can’t say I was overly impressed by it, but maybe for someone it will be a good alternative as it seems working with credit cards thus favoring investors who prefer to deal with cash and avoid the need for an exchanger. Remember that the minimum to invest in PokerAutomatics via PayCo is $30 (like the other payment methods) but the minimum to withdrawal to PayCo starts from $10 (which is much higher than for other options) as specified in the following news update:
“PayCo payment system was added for deposits and withdrawals.
You can add funds by Credit Cards, ElotPay, UnionPay etc.
You can get your ATM card to withdraw your funds worldwide.
Minimum amount to add funds – 30 USD.
Minimum amount for withdrawal – 10 USD.”
If you’re interested in joining PokerAutomatics, first of all I believe it will be most beneficial for you to read the review of the program posted here. Then think about the amount you wish to invest and the investment term which can be from 30 to 180 calendar days on expiry of which your investment is returned. Over the duration you’re paid a 40% to 80% share of the program’s profits which usually revolve around the 1% mark. Examples can be found below which reflect the fortunes of the program over the last few days:
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
24.07.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.08%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
25.07.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.92%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
26.07.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.10%
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 84 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RollNRich, BITCTradeLimited, PokerAutomatics, Cryptoconomist, USDBusinessLimited, AtrexTrade, RoyalTrust.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: GoldenLion.
That’s all for tonight, guys. Thanks for reading and your constant support of MNO over the years. Without you I wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything and make the biggest investment blog online and have the best hobby in the world that to be honest I know most would only dream of. As being a totally financially independent person at the moment, I can run MNO at my leisure and therefore make sure my readers will only deal with exclusive programs run by experienced admins. Remember that of you’re looking for a truly high-class program you can find it on MNO and skip the others while making nice profits. See you sometime next week and make sure you vote on the poll currently running on the MNO TalkBack page – I welcome all your opinions! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s announcement of the brand-new MNO Info Center, and see you all then!
Filed under Daily News by on Jul 26th, 2015. Comment.
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