Oct 25th, 2015 Archives

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Beware! eCoinInvest has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Hope your Sunday and the rest of your weekend is going well, especially if you happen to be somewhere where the clocks changed last night to give yourself an extra hour in bed this morning! There’s quite a bit of news to catch up on today which is not always the case in the HYIP industry over the weekend, admins liking to relax as much as the rest of us, so keep reading for that. The first item on today’s agenda however is eCoinInvest, the most recent addition to the MNO monitor though not entirely a new program. eCoinInvest is in fact online and paying existing members for about the last two months or so, putting them two thirds of the way through their first investment cycle. No point in denying that opinions will be split as to whether it’s too late to get a profitable return on any new investments in eCoinInvest, though it should be noted that the admin has followed a very slow and gradual process of promotional work so I think he does have some experience in this area and knows what he’s doing. Ultimately as it’s your and only your money we’re talking about here it’s up to you to decide.
We’ll start then with the investment plans which eCoinInvest divide into two categories. They’re all very much long term, but one group makes daily payments while the other just pays you once on expiry. I’ll begin with the daily plans, not just because they’ll clearly be more popular but also because the on-expiry options are probably best avoided anyway. So, you will need a minimum of $10 to join eCoinInvest and the term will run for 90 calendar days. The exact rate of payment will depend on the size of your principal, but starts at 2.3% per day for anything up to a $999 maximum. That comes to 207% in interest payments alone which then becomes net profit on the return of your principal.

To put that into simple monetary terms, let’s say you invested $100 in this option. eCoinInvest would then pay you back $2.30 per day for the term’s duration. This adds up to $207 by the final day, and then your initial hundred is added to that. The point at which you break-even, that is to say earn back an amount equivalent to your deposit and therefore can’t possibly lose money, comes 44 days into the 90 day term.

For bigger investors prepared to put from $1,000 to $4,999 eCoinInvest improve this offer to 2.6% per day. That’s about the only thing that changes because the plan’s duration is still 90 calendar days and your principal is promised to be returned on expiry. Total interest payments from eCoinInvest should therefore come to 234% with your principal back on top of that, and the break-even point is after 39 days.

Also for a 90 calendar day term, the biggest spending players prepared to risk anything from a $5,000 minimum up to as much as $50,000 would see eCoinInvest offering a daily interest payment of 3.2%. That adds up to 288% in net profit with your principal to be added on top of that. Members should expect to break even on receipt of the 32nd payment.

The second group of plans run for a shorter amount of time, but at 75 calendar days are still decidedly long term in nature. eCoinInvest require a $100 minimum to invest this time, something by itself that will be enough to put a lot of people off joining. For amounts up to $999 eCoinInvest are offering single payments, principal included, of 300% on expiry. Obviously that’s going to sound pretty tempting to anyone, I mean who wouldn’t want 300% back on their investment, but the thing you have to remember is that 75 days is a long long time in the HYIP industry and your money is just going to sit there in somebody else’s pocket doing nothing while you wait to see if eCoinInvest can seriously deliver on their promise or not.

If you still want to join and are prepared to make an even bigger spend, eCoinInvest are offering 350% back on expiry if you invest between a $1,000 minimum up to $2,999 after a term of 75 calendar days. For anything bigger than that, officially between the limits of $3,000 and $100,000, eCoinInvest offer 400% back, also on expiry of the same 75 day term.

One thing that has improved since the program’s launch is the choice of payment options open to members. eCoinInvest started out by dealing exclusively with PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin before adding OkPay just recently. I guess any expansion is good news even if it’s not currently that widely used. Withdrawals are processed instantly, something I know a lot of you will enjoy, so just need to be requested from from inside your eCoinInvest members account area. The money should be with you in under a minute.

Looking at the more technical side of things now such as design and security, the first thing most of you will probably recognize is the script which is under license from GoldCoders. For an extra layer of protection the eCoinInvest website has the superior Green Bar version of the SSL encryption certificate from Comodo. The hosting provider is CloudFlare who are keeping eCoinInvest on a dedicated server with their support and protection from DDoS attacks.

Any further questions to the admin or account related issues there’s a couple of communication channels open to you. You can simply e-mail the admin directly at the address listed on the contacts page, or else just fill in your details on the customer support form and submit it online. For Live Chat support eCoinInvest have a Skype group though it’s not specified what if any working hors are kept there. If you don’t have or don’t want to use Skype then OK, the eCoinInvest website also has its own built-in Live Chat feature. Fans of social media websites will also see eCoinInvest keeping a profile on Facebook where the admin seems to more active than most.

Just for the record, the line of business that eCoinInvest claim to be in is ForEx trading. Obviously not only is there no guarantee that this has to be profitable all the time, there’s also nothing you can do to independently research and verify that it’s even true. So as with all things in the HYIP industry, don’t take any of this too seriously. Look after your own doorstep first and foremost as the saying goes, which means staying well within a spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining eCoinInvest at all then try to use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



GrandRialtoLimited is taking the advertising campaign to a new level with the bold move of taking the most expensive listing in the HYIP industry – Sticky listing on MNO for the entire next month. This step certainly indicates that the admin is very serious now in his efforts to make the program more visible among others, and that will most certainly work for him now, given the fact that the former industry leader Carbon7 is now falling apart and investors start shifting their attention to greener pastures. GrandRialtoLimited might be a viable alternative to consider with the program certainly run by a professional at helm, just recently coming out from “sleeper” mode and rapidly growing in popularity among the experienced investors. GrandRialtoLimited offers you three daily paying plans with the principal returned on expiry – 2.25% for 25 days, 2.45% for 45 days, 2.95% for 65 days. While these plans might be really profitable for the majority of investors a very different set of plans paying you once on expiry are best avoided. Such plans include 600% after 30 days, 1500% after 60 days, 300% after 35 days, 1000% after 65 days, 3000% after 95 days, 5000% after 125 days. Due to very high risk and generally higher minimums to invest I would advise staying away from them in favor of the daily options. Daily paying plans are much better and you can start investing with just a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, NixMoney, and OkPay. Remember that you can always obtain more information about GrandRialtoLimited and its investment plans and other features in the most detailed review posted on the MNO blog here the link to which the admin kindly shared with thousands of investors in the most recent newsletter re-posted below for your information:

Make acquaintance closer with us!
Dear investors.
The GrandRialtoLimited program announces that now have even more opportunities to learn how we work, what our goals, what we plan to do in the future. In order that to you was more comfortable to get acquainted with our program, many the Internet resources was placed on pages of its sites by reviews about our program. Now you can get acquainted with us even closer! Below are given the several authorized links of the Internet resources which have received the right for the publication of fact-finding articles and reviews of the GrandRialtoLimited program.
MNO http://money-news-online.com/blog/2015/10/14/14102015-grandrialtolimited-review-and-daily-news-from-the-hyip-industry/
Watch our news.


Another program HonorForTheBrave (reviewed here) has now reached the #1 position on the MNO Premium List and has every chance to take over the leadership in the HYIP industry from Carbon7. It’s especially true now that HonorForTheBrave has started accepting deposits via SolidTrustPay. As a very popular payment option this will give the program a real boost in new investments and is a very wise decision from the admin. Now we can see that HonorForTheBrave is accepting literally all the must-have options when it comes to investments starting from a $30 minimum to its 3%-5% daily for 60 days plan – SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, Neteller, and Skrill (I can see that AsMoney has been silently removed as no one was really interested in it). Now, after ten weeks online and the successful completion of the first investment cycle I do not see the program’s popularity waning, but rather the opposite – many new members are signing up on a daily basis and making new investments. It looks like the admin of HonorForTheBrave does not intend to stop in his efforts to make the program more convenient for investors which is actually easier to do as the program is running off a totally custom-made script. Some more upcoming features were announced in the latest newsletter from the program including the translation of the website into three more languages (as of now, HonorForTheBrave is a fully bi-lingual website available in both English and Russian). More info on the STP addition and new features to come can be found below:

Solid Trust Pay is accepted by HonorForTheBrave Business Limited
Good day to all of you. As part of our continuous development and innovation, we are pleased to inform everyone that we have started to accept Solid Trust Pay as another payment processor to process the payments and deposits on our website. Solid Trust Pay has approved our website and our corporate account is verified by them.
For your information, we are using a verified account with Solid Trust Pay and we have prior approval before we activated the deposit button on our website. Take advantage of all the payment processors we accept.
You may add your Solid Trust Pay account in your profiles now. Make sure you enter it correctly as you can only do this once. You will need support to assist you to modify your account if ever you entered an incorrect account.
Future Upcoming Events
#Trading Reports (History)Page
#Pin Code Recovery Button
#Skype Group
#Brave Story
#Spanish, French and German Version Of our Website
Thank you for being part of our company.
Much Regards, HonorForTheBrave Business Limited.


Some good news today from MutualTrust too, as the program has successfully completed the first investment cycle and those who joined straight after it was listed on MNO should have gotten some decent profits from its 10%-12% daily for 12 days plan. Although some might say that’s quite a moderate achievement, but this is what brought MutualTrust already to the #4 position on the MNO Premium List and I believe that it might be just the beginning for this program as it’s now trying to expand its payment options. You might remember from the original review of MutualTrust posted on MNO here that originally the program worked exclusively with anonymous payment processors like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. Although those who invested at least $30 via any of these payment processors had the privilege of being paid instantly, the program was still lacking more options that would appeal to the fans of verifiable payment options (read this article to understand the advantages of using such payment processors when investing in HYIPs). So apparently the admin has made up to his mind to satisfy this demand by the addition of Neteller which has seen a rise in use by the industry lately. Although it’s not specified by the admin in the short update dedicated to Neteller, I imagine that unlike other payment processors both deposits and withdrawals there will be processed by MutualTrust in manual mode. I can also see the Skrill logo displayed in the member’s area already but not activated yet, which brings me to the conclusion that it may be coming soon. MNO will, of course, be the first to report on that when it happens and for now here is the official announcement on the Neteller addition to MutualTrust:

MutualTrust now accepts Neteller!
We are happy to announce that we are now accepting Neteller as additional payment processor. Feel free to login to your MutualTrust account and start using this payment gateway.
Thank you, MutualTrust Team


Some of my readers noticed that yesterday the site of 155ProfitAds was inaccessible for a few hours and after contacting the admin I found out that he had been subject to blackmail attempts which further resulted into an extensive DDoS-attack which was nevertheless successfully mitigated by the hosting provider. The temporary compromise of site security was apparently the main reason for the admin’s decision to suspend instant payouts of which he also mentioned in the newsletter issued straight after the attack on the site ended. I’m pretty sure the reactions from investors for that decision will not be light, and though I’m still getting paid instantly to Payza I believe the admin did switch off instant payments to the majority of the payment processors accepted by 155ProfitAds which include PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, OkPay, and SolidTrustPay which are all processed manually now. Another unpleasant thing I’ve become aware of just recently is that withdrawals to PerfectMoney have been completely disabled by 155ProfitAds (at least, they were at the time of writing), and I hope to see it back soon, or at least get a viable explanation from the admin regarding this. If despite these drawbacks you still have a desire to have a closer look at 155ProfitAds I then suggest to check out my detailed review of the program published here to know all about the fees and 80/20 re-purchase rule to maximize your profits from the program’s investment plan paying from 3.25% to 5% daily until you reach 155% on your investment. Below is the latest newsletter from 155ProfitAds, so can judge for yourself:

Update from 155ProfitAds Admin about Withdrawals and other things
Hello members,
We are glad to inform our members that we have now reached 6,000 members in growth since over a month that we launched. Earlier today our site experienced a serious ddos attack that brought the site down for over 3 hours but our technical team did a good job mitigating the attack and finally putting our site back online.
But as we grow and want to become a long term program. We have finally disabled Instant payout. It comes with too many security challenges.
Henceforth, after withdrawal is placed it goes into pending and upon verification payout will be paid but we will do our best to process every withdrawal in the shortest time possible.
Thanks for your understanding as we look forward to serving you better.
Regards. 155ProfitAds Admin team


Cryptof (reviewed here) actually works from the same advertising premise by paying its members up to $0.03 just for watching a few ads per day in manual mode with a ten second timer on each. However that option is not compulsory and the members of Cryptof with active deposits have a much more profitable source of income at their disposal. They can buy ad packages starting from $10 and get paid 2.7% to 3.3% (depending on the chosen plan) for a duration of 60 calendar days which will be enough for someone to almost double their money in just two months. I can see Cryptof is growing in popularity every day thanks to the instant payouts to members’ accounts and the lucrative $2 bonus available for withdrawal immediately after the first package is purchased. The program is growing in popularity also due to the admin utilizing deposits and processing withdrawals via various payment options with the most recently included BitCoin and Neteller to other processors that were available from the start like PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, Paxum, YandexMoney, Qiwi, and OkPay. In the last newsletters issued over the last 36 hours, the admin of Cryptof also promised to SolidTrustPay and Payza to the list of accepted payment methods soon, so watch this spot to find out when this happens first. According to the admin multi-lingual versions of the site are coming soon, as well as more marketing materials made available for Cryptof‘s promoters. Some stats were shared and the admin revealed a strategy on how to triple your investments in just four months. Interested to find out more about that and all the latest updates from Cryptof? Then have a look below at the last two newsletters from them:

Clade earned $7281 so far from Cryptof:: Start Earning in next 2 minutes:: Get Rich Guarantee
Dear User,
Good wishes from Cryptof. We are going through real success and you have made it possible. We want to ensure you that,you can start earning in next 2 minute. No kidding, we are serious. Cryptof is giving you that opportunity. You can earn with invest or without invest.
Clade (one of our active members) has already more than $7281 from Cryptof in just 25 days. If he can, why not you? Clade just worked hard. If you can work hard, you can do that too.
You will be amazed to see our statistics. Here they are:
Deposits Crossing $278,000 (in just 24 active days)
Withdraw Given $101,800+ (Passive Earning)
AdPayments $74,600+ (AdSurf Earning)
Just log into Cryptof and view ads, earn daily. If you need more money, just buy packs. Its EASY
Happy Earnings !!!

Triple your money in 120 days…Deposit crossing $300,000
Dear User,
Good day to all of you. Today we have another great day. We are getting response from Neteller investors.
Today more than 500 new members have joined. Some new Corporate clients are coming to advertise on our network. Cryptof is now the world’s now 1 online earning program.
Even the most critical person will love Cryptof–that’s a challenge. So many people have changed their lifestyles. Why can’t you?
How to make most out of Cryptof?
As you have joined Cryptof, we think you are hoping to earn a smart cash. Here is some step, you should follow to earn smartly from Cryptof.
1. Log into your account everyday and view ads. Save free money in your account or withdraw.
2. Deposit like $400 to buy 5 Boosters, and they will give you $13.2 everyday.
3. Withdraw $3.2 and use the rest $10 to buy a Surfer. Repeat it for 60 days.
4. Within 60 days, you will have withdraw $192. And you will have an earning of $16.2 everyday.
5. This strategy will TRIPPLE your money in just 120 days or 4 months.
6. So you invest $400 and get more than $1200. Great Deal–huh!!!
Future Upcoming Events
#Representative page
#Advertisement page
#Video tutorials
#Marketing tools
#Spanish, French and German Version Of our Website
#Paypal, Payza, STP and Skrill add as Payment Processor.
Thank you for being part of our company
Regards. Cryptof Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky listGrandRialtoLimited.
From MNO Premium list: HonorForTheBrave, AtrexTradeMutualTrustGarnetStockAntsAssetsLimited, 155ProfitAdsCryptof, eCoinInvest (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Nano67, FxIndependent.
From MNO Basic list: –

Before saying good-bye for today I would like to remind you to stay away from Carbon7 at the moment and not to re-invest there even if you’re still getting paid. The program has issues with processing payouts to quite a few members now, and the problem is unfortunately growing instead of improving. This is all further explained in my article here. I expect the program will gradually die but to the admin’s credit will remain in our memories as the best program of 2015. By the way, I want to ask you a few questions about your overall experience with Carbon7 and the impact you believe it might have on the HYIP industry in the upcoming opinion polls on the MNO TalkBack page during the week. For now I’m still accepting the last few votes on your results for the month of October look mostly positive compared to the previous month. If you want to share your thoughts on that please vote on the MNO TalkBack as it’s still open for the next couple of days. For now let me take a break from the HYIP industry and enjoy some personal time. If you like MNO please share your info with others, bookmark this page and subscribe to the daily news from the most influential and experienced blog in the HYIP world. Remember you’re always on the money with Money-News-Online, so stay tuned for more! See you soon, everyone!

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