March 2016 Archives

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Hello everyone! Welcome again to the MNO blog where I have some of the best investment opportunities currently available in the HYIP industry. Already a couple of years back I have made a decision not to waste countless hours online on shabby investment programs whose admins had nothing in mind but scamming their members without anyone in profit, and dedicate myself to managing my own accumulated wealth which I successfully invested in profitable offline ventures. I didn’t want to retire completely from the HYIP industry though as reviewing programs and monitoring them is my great hobby I cannot stop, but I wanted more free time to concentrate on promoting only the truly best investment opportunities for my readers. And the only way to do so to restrict the flow of HYIP admins coming to advertise on MNO was to keep extremely high prices which deliberate scammers and admins with no intentions to keep their programs paying for a long time will think twice before spending. That paid off and nowadays it’s very rare to see deliberate fast scams on the MNO blog and monitor which is currently populated by fewer, but better, opportunities. From the hottest program of the year Capital7 to long-term rising star CopperTradePro, from the highly respected ArdexFunds to short-term program with several accepted payment options ClubCashCow, and even the programs from the Basic listing on my monitor now are performing much better than before and if you invested in them from day one they came here you would be in nice profits already. So, this approach of maintaining extremely high advertising prices for my monitoring and blogging services (you can find them here) definitely pays off and I intend to keep them intact to ensure my readers have only the best investment projects to choose from and I will keep my limited free time for my offline ventures – so it’s a win-win situation for everyone I believe (except for the stingy HYIP admins begging for discounts all the time, lol).

Out of the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO I can heartily recommend four, as they run by professionals who don’t cut corners and chose to join the Premium or Standard Lists on the MNO monitor. Among the Top Five discussed below you can find my own honest view provided for each. The order of listing is from my combined earnings from both interest and referral commissions, so the more popular it is with readers the higher its position. By the way, it’s strange but I noticed that the top two in terms of popularity are now occupied by programs from the lower priced Standard List as opposed to the higher priced Premium. I believe this has something to do with the admins trying to spend less money for the best promotion possible they can surely find on MNO. Let’s take a closer look at these programs now and see if you wish to join any.

Starting at the top of my list, coming in at number one is Capital7. The program is currently only on its third week online, but is surely the most talked about program in the HYIP industry now. Investors have enough confidence that they are not shy to start with thousands of dollars in deposits right from the very start. Why do they have such a level of trust you may ask? Well, if you believe rumors, the admin’s generally recognizable unique script, investment plans and advertising strategy where he dedicated to begin with exclusive listing on MNO with other monitors still either pending or already added it totally free of charge, Capital7 is from the same team behind the hugely popular Carbon7 back in 2015. I remind you that by the poll conducted in the end of last year on the MNO TalkBack page was named as the best investment program where countless investors made tremendous profits for themselves. So now the huge success of Capital7 can be easily explained if we take this info into consideration. Of course, MNO was the very first blog who posted the full review of Capital7 which one can find here. However, if you have no time to check it out I remind you that with depositing minimum set at $25 and withdrawal minimum at $2.5 with automatically applied 2% withdrawal fee, Capital7 offers two investment plans – 7% for 30 calendar days with interest credited only from Monday to Friday and therefore can be anything from 140% to 154% by the end of the term and 110% paid as a single payout on expiry of the 7 calendar day plan. The choice of payment methods in Capital7 is truly wonderful and along with the traditional PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, also popular options like Payza and SolidTrustPay, and even direct Bank wires available on request. Note that the schedule of payouts followed by the admin of Capital7 only includes business hours from Monday to Friday, so do not expect any payouts on weekends. If you wish to support Capital7 and believe in its great future with the first investors already in profits but the first longer investment cycle not yet finished you can vote for it in the poll on the MNO TalkBack this week.

The second on my list is ClubCashCow and unlike the previous program I do not see such big deposits flowing there just yet. It is probably for the best though as the program has a range of plans running from 5 to 65 calendar days and gradual growth is most probably what ClubCashCow needs. The most popular investment options are shorter term, paying 2% for 5 to 15 days and 2.3% for 25 days (with principal return on expiry of each) and 114% after 7 days with one single payment on expiry. These plans require a minimum of $10 to $100 and are therefore affordable to the majority of investors. If you wish to invest higher amounts your only choice will be two longer term plans also returning initial investment on expiry and paying 2.7% for 45 days and 3% for 60 days. Having been online for about three weeks now, ClubCashCow won the hearts and wallets of many investors offering consistently fast withdrawals paid to an extensive list of eight payment processors, including SolidTrustPay, Payza, Neteller, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, and NixMoney. The admin Frank won’t sit still and since my original review of ClubCashCow was published here there were further improvements which you can read about in the news section. Perhaps the strongest point of ClubCashCow is the desire to constantly improve, adding more and more innovative features vital for consistent growth in the future and therefore providing investors with profits.

CopperTradePro is currently the third program from my list and its strongest point seems to be the variety of accepted payment processors too, as the program works with SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin. The minimum to invest starts from $200 and depending on the invested amount you can expect to receive from 2.4% to 3.2% returns every day Monday to Friday for the duration of 100 business days with the principal not returned on expiry as it’s already included in the daily payouts. The investors that prefer sustainability and steady long-term returns might find CopperTradePro appealing to their tastes and will definitely include it in the part of their diversified investment portfolio. CopperTradePro seems like a program from the golden days of the HYIP industry when programs with similar investment plans were the backbone of the whole thing and constituted the majority of hugely successful programs. Hope that the slow and steady growth that CopperTradePro has been experiencing over its first weeks online will help it achieve a cult status in the future. We’ll wait and see if that happens, and meanwhile you can find the full review of the program here.

Coming in at a close fourth is ArdexFunds which is also supposedly run by a very experienced team of admins capable of running their projects not just for months, but for years. At least, the previous projects listed on MNO in the past and based on the same script were very favorably met by investors most of whom made great profits with them. The main weakness of ArdexFunds I see that will limit its appeal is the lack of verifiable payment options as it only accepts deposits starting from $10 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and RedoPay while the positive thing that will benefit future growth might be the inclusion of instant withdrawals. The daily interest that constitutes from a 30% to 100% share of ArdexFunds‘ variable trading results which usually revolves around 1% to 2% per trading day and credited to members’ accounts on the following day from Tuesday to Saturday might not be too impressive at first sight. However, in case of ArdexFunds its sustainability that matters and the personality of the admin who is capable of running a program for a very long time thus enabling members with 15 to 230 business days terms receive their principals back on expiry. ArdexFunds is no doubt here to stay and get some really large deposits, so I believe it’s still going to be with us at the end of the year. Since ArdexFunds was first first listed on MNO three months ago the investment offers were slightly modified and to see the updated version of the program’s original review please click here.

And finally, the last program ranked at number five is Lotto2Destiny. Actually, it’s not a HYIP at all, but rather an online lottery where you can theoretically win great cash prizes via four payment options – SolidTrustPay, Skrill, PerfectMoney, and Payeer. The main advantage of Lotto2Destiny is the low price for tickets available at $1 and $2 depending on the type of game you are willing to play (read more on them in my review posted here). The good thing is that Lotto2Destiny seems to be a totally legitimate business not aiming to scam anyone and theoretically able to run forever. However, unlike HYIPs your winnings are not guaranteed and your chance of losing stands of possibly 95% as I managed to win only twice and relatively small amounts over Lotto2Destiny‘s first months being monitored on MNO. Moreover, some troubling signs emerged lately when the admin seems to have forgotten to conduct the weekly lotteries and I had to remind him about it under threat of moving Lotto2Destiny to Problem status on my monitor, which is a really strange thing for me to do to a person obviously totally uninterested in keeping his own website in running order. I would therefore strongly discourage you from participating in this lottery, however, will keep its Paying Status while the admin still takes the apparently now waning interest in running this weirdly unpromising venture with bleak perspectives for the future. The lack of participation in the program is truly stunning and the admin admitted himself that Lotto2Destiny sometimes fail to sell any tickets and therefore can’t really be considered as an honest program. With only one participant results could be easily rigged and the complete lack of transparency in this case makes me advise you to stay away, unless you feel extremely lucky that is.

That is all I wanted to say about the current list of the programs on my monitor and hope you find the information useful and refer to the programs reviews should you require more detailed information. Remember always to check the status of any program before investing to see that it’s Paying, so click here to check out the MNO monitor before anything. Note that HYIPs are all high risk ventures, so always invest only what you can afford to lose. I reserve the right to update the Top Five list in the future as changes occur, so check out the latest news on the MNO blog often.



There was another newsletter sent to members of the one of Top Five Popular Programs on MNO ClubCashCow yesterday. In it the admin proudly reported yet another payment processor is now accepted, namely NixMoney. It wouldn’t be a popular name in the HYIP industry yet, as far as I know, but judging by the fact that all other important payment systems are already used (among them are SolidTrustPay, Payza, Neteller, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash) the addition of one more cannot be faulted. A more important development reported about in the newsletter, in my opinion, is they now have better looking advertising banners which anyone can use to promote ClubCashCow, place them on their websites, or in their signatures on popular investment threads to earn ref commissions in addition to profits from deposits. And finally, the payout page which every investor can consult in order to check out the latest payouts from ClubCashCow has been added too to ensure more transparency for existing and future members of the program. I remind you that ClubCashCow offers a number of investment plans which include 2% for 5 days, 2% for 15 days, 2.3% for 25 days, 2.7% for 45 days, 3% for 65 days (all principal returned on expiry) and paying one time on expiry with the included principal 114% after 7 days. More on ClubCashCow can be found in the review you can find here and for the full version of the latest newsletter please refer below:

NixMoney added and latest news
We’ve started on the right foot this week. Great news everyone! We have just added NixMoney as an accepted payment processor, this is in addition to our wide range of accepted payment methods already being accepted.
You can now login and make new deposits using Nixmoney. It does not matter whether you have active deposits in different processors, each deposit is treated separately and has its own expiration dates. To set your NixMoney USD account number in your profile at ClubCashCow, all you need to do is login and then click on your EDIT PROFILE button and enter it there. Please take note that you may only enter this information once. Once it has been entered, you cannot edit it again. You will need to contact support for you to modify this information.
You may have noticed that we have new banners in place. You may use these to market your referral link to gather and gain referrals, and the best part is, you will earn 3% from referral commissions once your referrals have made their deposits too.
View the new banners here:
We have various channels for you to discuss of communicate with us or your fellow investors, if you need support or anything you need regarding our company. Be it information, or support requests, feel free to contact us through any of the following channels,
Facebook Link:
And for Russian members:
Transparency is key to trust. We know this, that’s the reason why, we have made our paid out page public. Click the following link to check our payment history.
Much Regards, ClubCashCow Limited


PokerAutomatics keep playing weird games with investors, pretending that the ownership has changed already and promising to honor every single withdrawal within the next few weeks when in reality only tiny withdrawals have been processed thus far. Let’s have a look at the newest update was posted on the PokerAutomatics‘ website yesterday and after that try to break up whether it has to be believed or better skipped as unviable:

New corporate accounts and more news
Dear clients,
At this time we have no employees for Tech.Support and Fin.Department.
Please use only English for your emails.
Now we have only 3 managers in all departments.
They continue to update all botnet data from previous managers.
We registered new corporate accounts in several payment systems.
We make withdrawals from the part of poker accounts for testing purposes.
We’ll increase withdrawal amounts gradually.
We continue to hire and teach new employees for all departments.
We’ll start to withdraw big amounts from poker accounts after 20.03.2016.
Until then all clients will receive 10% more share of profit on each Deposit Level (50%-90%).
Sorry for inconvenience.
New PokerAutomatics Team.

So what have we learned from all of this and whether it is to be believed or has anything to do with the real state of things?

1) There is nobody to answer your emails as apparently there was no people hired after the alleged sell-out. That might be a trick to explain why so many complaints have remained unanswered and also a way to ensure people that everything will be back to normal within a matter of weeks after the new support staff is hired.

2) They have registered new corporate accounts in payment systems they are dealing with. It’s an obvious lie because nobody can do so in anonymous payment systems that have no legal address and not backed up by real funds, while their SolidTrustPay account – the only verifiable payment option they are dealing with – is still the same account used before by the “previous” owners.

3) Investors will be receiving higher income returns from the PokerAutomatics‘ pokerbot activities that will be increased from 40%-80% to 50%-90% per investor until the 20th of March when we should supposedly see the bigger withdrawals getting paid. Well, for me that is just another blatant attempt at stalling disguised under an elaborate attempt at a revival. It’s all just a bunch of empty promises unless proven otherwise. Why would you need to be paid some extra income on your investment if you’re not getting paid on you old one in the first place? What would you do with funds you cannot spend anyway? Why not suggest an amount equivalent to members’ contribution into PokerAutomatics‘ pokerbot network to be paid to them instead of processing some random withdrawals which they are doing at the moment? These questions remain unanswered and I doubt very much they will be addressed by PokerAutomatics‘ new team anytime soon.

4) Apparently, the withdrawals that we can see as being processed over the last few days are made for “testing” purposes and would be increased soon. However, that is hard to believe it too, as all I can see on the dedicated to PokerAutomatics investment forum threads is the selective and very small (lower than $1) withdrawals reported to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, or AdvCash. Higher withdrawals reported to be paid only to SolidTrustPay account in which (as I already stated below) seems to be fully functioning at the moment and from which the biggest withdrawals so far have been reported. While I myself had a couple of withdrawals for about $40 paid to my STP account a few days ago, now today it seems that only withdrawals lower than $10 were paid, although I received no less than six of them over the last 24 hours. Therefore for a better chance of getting your withdrawals paid you should create a free SolidTrustPay account here and then exchange your anonymous currency funds into STP within your PokerAutomatics‘ account. You can then split this into smaller withdrawal requests which may maximize your chances of getting paid. By the way, the attitude of the PokerAutomatics admin to payments to STP serves to confirm what I already knew about the huge benefits of investing in HYIPs via different verifiable payment options like SolidTrustPay. You can read more about why in the article from the MNO Info Center published here.

Now that we have established that with almost 100% certainty everything PokerAutomatics try to tell you is a lie in an attempt to pretend nothing is wrong, and paying smaller amounts is only to encourage big unsuspecting spenders to make larger contributions to this sinking ship without knowing they’re in trouble. And with PokerAutomatics having been one of the largest HYIP running over the last few years I feel that many people were involved who had no idea about how HYIPs really work and genuinely believed it was a real company they were dealing with. With that in mind PokerAutomatics will most likely continue to pay very small amounts (larger when it comes to STP payouts) for quite some time and current investors who thought their money was completely lost should definitely make any viable attempt to play by their rules and try to withdraw profits in smaller quantities, especially to SolidTrustPay. That unfortunately does not remove the issue of selective payouts completely, and so I will keep PokerAutomatics on Problem status on the MNO monitor for as long as selective payouts continue to be paid. However, please note that all the recent communications have been an utter lie in order to fool people who are not used to be dealing with HYIPs in real life. Without paying completely all the debt (that will be a miracle in itself if it ever happens) I’m afraid PokerAutomatics has no chance to recover, so better face up to the facts. I will, of course, keep you updated on what happens to PokerAutomatics in the near future, so stay tuned to the MNO blog for regular news updates.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: ArdexFunds.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, ClubCashCowCopperTradePro.
From MNO Basic list: GloboxTradeForexKingTokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s all for today, guys. Thanks for reading MNO and supporting my work over the last nine years. I would like to encourage you to submit your votes in the poll running for the remainder of the week on the MNO TalkBack page asking your opinion on chances of Capital7 to become the industry leader in 2016. So far opinions are divided with about half of my readers thinking that Capital7 can definitely be crowned the best HYIP of the year while the other half only think that it may happen in the future with the right support and that it was too early to talk about it. If you want to have your voice heard and contribute to the results which will be analyzed at the end of the week you’re most welcome to do so here. Remember that it only takes a few seconds to vote and that it will be hugely helpful to me and others to decide whether they want to join Capital7. I hope you enjoyed the Top Five article above and I’ll see you all very soon with the most up-to-date news from the best performers and biggest investment programs online.

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