April 2016 Archives

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Hello all! Welcome again to MNO blog where you have a unique opportunity to join only the best investment programs with some exclusively monitored names included. I’m pleased to see this business week close on a high note with all programs listed on MNO paying stably without any closures for yet another week. The result never seen on other monitors is in fact quite a routine occurrence on MNO where my listing policy has successfully priced out the low-quality scams on other monitors. Proof of that is on the MNO monitor where eleven highly respected and well-performing programs compete for business but all bring decent profits to my readers. The best of the best were recently featured in the last Top Five Popular Programs article which you can read here. You can also support the most profitable program for you personally by voting in the poll on the MNO TalkBack page. Results will be drawn in a couple of days so keep voting here where you can also see the preliminary results if you’re interested in what your fellow investors are making most money from.

My programmer Andrew has made a couple of improvements to my blog, so from now on it will be easier for your to find reviews of paying programs on MNO as well as selected interviews, articles from the MNOFridays series, Top Five Lists, and daily news from the HYIP industry. You’ll be able to see the opening excerpts of the articles by navigating from the top blog menu instead of the full article in the same category – the way the posts used to be displayed by category earlier with reviews of scams not available anymore. I believe this new structure will help readers navigate my site better and find the content they need much more easily. If you have any further suggestions to improve MNO please email me and share your ideas, and if you want to have your own HYIP or monitor designed to the highest possible standards please contact my programmer after seeing his portfolio here. After all – he’s very experienced and created a promotional material for some of the biggest investment projects in the past including GoldNuggetInvest and NewGNi.

Despite the general lack of big news stories this week and all the programs on MNO are paying without delay, I still have a few updates from the newest program on my monitor PayGet as well as some important developments in Payza. It’s all included below, so let’s get started.


I’ll get things started with today’s short news update with the latest from PayGet (reviewed here). This particular admin has proven to be one of the more active in the industry at the moment, and not without good reason. PayGet is a medium term HYIP, and as such is up against some pretty stiff competition as these are what dominate the industry at the moment. Therefore it takes an extra effort if you are going to make your program stand out more in the investors minds than a plethora of similar programs trying to hitch a ride on the coat tails of the real industry leaders. PayGet made a pretty good start in that regard by purchasing Sticky Listing on the MNO monitor for the first week as soon as he joined. That by itself will do a lot to get the program’s name out there, as will the unique organization of its single investment plan.

On the face of it the plan might first strike you as fairly typical of what many mid term HYIPs have available at the moment, and indeed it is with PayGet offering a total return of 150% (principal included) paid during a term of 30 calendar days, or 5% per day. What’s a bit more unusual is how they go about it. Automatic payouts for one thing mean that members never have to make any payment requests, PayGet‘s script just organizes everything to make sure what you are owed goes directly to your payment processor account at the correct time. The most eye catching feature to PayGet is the actual payment schedule. You see, for the first ten days members receive hourly payment of slightly less that 0.21%, which over the course of 24 hourly payments gives 5% in a day. Then for the middle ten days the payments slow down to 2.5% every 12 hours, which is still 5% per day anyway. And then only for the final ten days of the term does PayGet begin to resemble a regular HYIP, making just the one single payment (of 5%) every 24 hours. Investments start from a $10 minimum and can be made using Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, NixMoney, and AdvCash.

Anyway, among the many promotional campaigns the PayGet admin has undertook is to award every 100th investor in the program with a $10 bonus. Kind of a lottery really as you’ll never know exactly where you fall on the list, though it’s more of a motivational tool. The latest newsletters, and they are quite regular it has to be said, carry the results of these bonuses and announce the lucky winners. On a more serious, perhaps controversial subject, the PayGet admin also addresses the recent unannounced downtime in PerfectMoney. While less of an issue for long term HYIPs, PerfectMoney being offline as it was for about eight hours or so (and especially without warning anyone in advance) can have a crippling impact on programs that make hourly payments. Thankfully the PayGet admin was on top of things insofar as is possible for an issue basically outside his control, and the program came through without any major damage. I mean we shouldn’t really be surprised that this is the case, but the real problem only surfaces as a result of people spreading panic and rumors. Ultimately all other investors using PayGet‘s other processors were paid on schedule without any interruption and payments to PM investors have all been completed as well. Maybe it’s a “non story” after all, but the PayGet admin still deemed it necessary to say a few words to his members in one of the newsletters I’m republishing for you below:

Regular updates from PayGet!
Ladies and gentlemen, dear investors!
Behind PayGet two weeks of stable work – 14 days flawless automatic payments for our wallets investors!
What have the honor to congratulate all and remind you that this is only the beginning of our long journey.
We continue to develop and the tradition of our award-hundredths of investors.
And today is:
4300 Investor: ggcamilito alfonsoalva212@gmail.com $ 10
4400 Investor: sm200796419 sm200796419@gmail.com $ 10
4500 Investor: AHMED essalam60@gmail.com $ 10
Remember to get the prize winners of the daily actions must be within 24 hours to contact our support team.
Do not forget to make a profit in PayGet Amazingly Simple!
PayGet – profit machine!

News from PayGet!
Today for certain will be remembered by much as remarkable day of a surplus of adrenaline as today the PerfectMoney payment service provider managed to tickle nerves to our clients and investors.
In peculiar PerfectMoney to a manner (by the way if someone doesn’t know that it is not a rarity) this payment service provider was temporarily inaccessible without announcement of technical works. Her website just didn’t open and API was inaccessible.
During this inaccessibility both our partners, and our investors fairly managed to suffer prolonged anxiety (though of course not everything but only that part which uses PerfectMoney).
After all 10 hours of inaccessibility of EPS are not jokes!
At the moment of not operability of PerfectMoney we naturally had no opportunity to accept payments on this payment service provider, and respectively couldn’t make on her payments.
It is necessary to notice that on all other payment service providers which are available for us reception of deposits and payment happened in the regular mode and without any incidents.
During shutdown of PerfectMoney our program automatically continued to carry out charges to investors and after renewal of stable work of PerfectMoney all our investors, thanks to service of our technical support, received the added means and any cent wasn’t lost or not paid.
It should be noted that today it was the only trouble, but it was safely resolved – PerfectMoney works again and all means are paid to investors.
As for our company, it continues to develop successfully what we congratulate all on.
We continue our action – rewarding of every 100-th investor and today at us in the list of prize-winners:
4600 investor: abdalico abdalico@gmail.com of $10
4700 investor: TAICHINHTRUCTUYEN PIhihungkt89@gmail.com of $10
4800 investor: Mika luhdeutami@ymail.com of $10
4900 investor: ceyhun333 cceyhunmuradov5786@gmail.com of $10
We remind, for receiving a prize winners of a daily action need to contact within 24 hours our support service.
Don’t forget that it is surprisingly simple to get profit in PayGet!
PayGet – profit on the automatic machine!


If any payment processor has been busy in recent times then surely it’s been Payza. Their expansion over the last year has been wide and far, though unfortunately that’s also meant staff have sometimes struggled to keep up. That seems less frequent an issue these days so hopefully things are beginning to settle down and they are finally beginning to really get on top of things once more, fingers crossed anyway. So, in the latest news bulletin I think you’ll be interested taken from the official Payza news blog the administration has taken some time to explain the restructuring of the processor’s fees and service charges. You can read the original article in the following link to the Payza news blog, and I’ll also give you a brief explanation myself:

Basically what you have is a mixed bag, in some cases what Payza are giving you with one hand they are taking back with the other. On the whole however it looks more positive for most account holders than negative. Setting you up with the good news first, Payza announce some massive cuts in the deposit and withdrawal fees. In some cases these are slashed by an eye watering 60% for those making bank wire deposits into your Payza account, and 40% for a bank wire withdrawal. European (SEPA) based account holders see generous if somewhat smaller savings, with 50% being knocked off the price of a deposit and 17% coming off the price of a withdrawal. Good news is often used first to soften the bad, and Payza use the same tactic. On the increase include fees from receiving money between Payza accounts, going up by 0.4% and $0.05¢, and receiving money via online credit cards goes up by 0.5% and $0.06¢. Foreign exchange fees have also been streamlined as you can see in the following update:

Visualizing Payza’s New Fee Structure
Payza has updated our fees. To help you visualize changes to our fees and see how you can best save money, we’ve created this handy infographic.
With this new fee structure, you will benefit from significant discounts on many of our most popular online payment services. You will save 60% on bank wire deposits to your Payza account and you will save 40% on bank wire withdrawals (Canadian and US Dollars, Euros and British Pounds). Bank transfers within most Single European Payments Area (SEPA) countries will benefit from a 50% reduction in fees when adding funds to their account, and a 17% lower fee for withdrawals.
The fee for receiving payments and money between Payza accounts has increased by 0.4% and five cents; the fee for receiving online credit card payments has increased by 0.5% and six cents.
The fee for foreign currency exchange remains at 2.5%; however, we have made a simplified, all-in-one fee for foreign currency exchanges that are required for an online transaction, being 3.5%; previously, two charges were applied: one for exchange and one for the transaction.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: PayGet.
From MNO Premium list: RixosFinanceRomballForexKing, ArdexFundsBandeiraCorp.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, CopperTradePro.
From MNO Basic listGloboxTrade, TokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s it for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed making profits from the best programs in the HYIP industry as featured on MNO and will come back next week for more. Thanks as always for your support and helping make the HYIP industry better. Please remember to share your thoughts on the monitored programs on the MNO ShoutBox, let me know if you have any personal questions on this Contact page, and keep playing investment projects sensibly and without taking too many risks to your personal finances by always diversifying. If you have any questions on how the HYIP industry works and are a newbie you can always refer to the most invaluable set of articles written by me personally over the last few years from the point of view of a long term investor, blogger, and monitor. Wanna know the secrets of the HYIP industry that will help you make informed decisions and always be in profit? Then click here to read the articles from the MNO Info Center page. Enjoy the weekend and remember to vote in the MNO TalkBack opinion poll here!

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