October 2016 Archives

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Beware! RightRise has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Happy Halloween everyone! What could be scarier than the HYIP industry I sometimes ask myself. Whether you’re out trick-or-treating or watching scary movies I hope you all had a good weekend without any ghosts or zombies (or even worse – clowns!) coming out of your wardrobe. Back in the real world it’s also Monday and the start of a new business week, and I have a couple of news stories to bring you up to date on. The main point of today’s blog post however is RightRise, a new addition to the MNO monitor’s Premium List. Although the admin says that RightRise has been online for several months – it may well have been, I wouldn’t know – it’s only over the last week to ten days that any sort of a presence has been established on forums or monitors. Safe enough then to treat it as a new program, though in this case the admin is deliberately trying to bring a slow and gradual build-up. This is quite important to programs like RightRise, as it’s another perpetual style no expiry HYIP.

Before I get to the numbers I just want to give a quick mention to the currencies. As you will probably know if you are a regular HYIP player, almost all programs work exclusively in US dollars. Not so with RightRise. Yes, obviously they do accept dollars and I’m sure the majority of you will want to stick with that anyway, but just in case you have accounts in roubles or euros with any of your payment processors you can use them too. It makes no difference, RightRise will pay the same percentage of interest on your investment regardless of the currency. Just to keep things simple I’m going to describe everything in dollars as that’s how most of you will want to work, but be aware the option of euros and roubles is there for you if you want to take it.

So, investing with RightRise involves buying shares. A single share costs $30 so that’s the minimum price for joining. Anything bigger than that has to be in multiples of $30, so you can’t invest let’s say $40 or $50, but you can spend $60, $90, $120, and so on like that. You then receive a variable interest payment every calendar day from that point on. The rate will rise and fall based of the program’s performance and cash flow, but we are told should be somewhere between 1% and 3%. I haven’t really been monitoring the program long enough to tell you what an average or typical might be, but over the course of a week the lowest amount you could get back is 7% while the maximum would be 21%. Either extreme is unlikely though, I suspect something closer to the middle or lower ends of the scale to be a more realistic expectation.

By the way, just in case anyone is a bit more adept at promotional work, RightRise have an added incentive reward scheme, so called “boosters” that will improve your rate over the approved general interest rate paid out to other members on the day. It won’t apply to most rank and file members, but if you do happen to be good at building downlines then RightRise have this in place for you.

There’s no time limit on the term, i.e. no expiry date, so RightRise will pay you for as long as the program stays online. Investors do not have the option to ask for their principals back, so once you become a member you stay one and can not leave again. You might not like the sound of that but in the greater scheme of things it’s actually better for the program and more of its investors. It cuts out the fast grab hit-and-runners and gives the admin more control over the cash flow. It also allows a certain degree of longer term financial planning for RightRise, as there are no sudden surprises or unexpected drains on the available funds. In other words the “everyone wants to leave at the same time” scenario that can close other perpetual style programs overnight isn’t the main concern here. I would also think (and hope) the firm knowledge that you are joining without the possibility of getting your principal back should encourage more sensible and realistic spending limits.

If you like the investment plan enough to want to join RightRise, then the next thing you need to know are you payment options. It might have surprised some of the first investors to see PerfectMoney wasn’t initially on the list, but that has since changed. At first glance you might have had mixed feelings about this, but on closer inspection it’s been a way for the admin to keep the program under more careful and managed growth. When RightRise was first added to the MNO monitor you had to choose between BitCoin and Payeer. These have since been joined by the aforementioned PerfectMoney, NixMoney, AdvCash, and YandexMoney, plus the alternative digital e-currencies LiteCoin and DogeCoin. Typically speaking withdrawals to the regular payment processors should be made instantly, while those to digital e-currencies can take a number of hours. Smaller investors take note of the minimum withdrawal policy. In order for your transaction to be processed it will have to be at least $1.

On the technical side of things such as design and site security, RightRise is for the most part much better than average. Some features I suppose you should probably feel entitled to expect as standard now, such as a dependable hosting provider capable of keeping the website online and safe from malicious attacks. This is provided by CloudFlare who have RightRise on a dedicated DDoS protected server. RightRise also provide an Extended Validation SSL encryption certificate by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Where the program is most impressive however is with the script. It’s totally unique and custom made specially for them, and you won’t see it in use anywhere else. It’s easy to navigate and user friendly so you shouldn’t be faced with too many problems on account of not being familiar with it, but it really is an outstanding and well crafted product so kudos to the admin, his programmer, or whoever was responsible. The whole process of signing up and creating an account is still remarkably simple. By the way,as part of the admin’s overall plan and vision more languages have been added as the need and demand arises. RightRise is currently available in English, Vietnamese, German, Russian, Japanese, and Chinese. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this list was further expanded in the future.

Any further questions if you think something was missed in this review or any account related issues that need to be dealt with can be directed to the RightRise admin through a couple of different channels. The first thing you should be doing of course to avoid sending off any lengthy e-mails is to read the FAQ, as it’s quite extensive and covers most bases. Otherwise you can write to the admin directly at the listed email address, or fill in your details on the online support form and submit it through the RightRise contacts page. If you would like to try something a bit more personal then you can try their telephone support, as a number is also listed. It’s interesting to see the Telegram messenger app in use here as well, just note that it is simply as a point of contact and integrated into the RightRise website or used in actually running the program. If you don’t have a Telegram ID then this will not be of any relevance to you.

Just when you think you’ve heard it all in this industry, something else comes along. I’m talking about the alleged business activities behind RightRise now, how they claim to be raising the money that pays the members profits. “Financial services” of some description or other are the usual safe and lazy ways to do this, but I remember everything from space exploration to selling re-cycled Chinese motorbikes. RightRise deserve some kind of prize for really stepping things up in the imagination department however, because their business is purchasing and installing new radar systems to monitor speed on the UK roads. Experienced players will be skeptical, I know, but don’t underestimate the value of a more interesting website either, both for attracting newbies and for creating a general feeling of confidence and professionalism around the program.

All in all it looks a highly professional set-up. Very slick and well constructed, but better than just that. I think it’s also been better planned, better organized, and better executed than the average online HYIP. Of course whether or not the wider investing public take to the program is a whole other matter. Most likely initial growth will be slow given that the admin seems to prefer it that way. But that’s not all that bad when it comes to programs like RightRise. In fact in this case it can be a distinct advantage. Building a reputation (and being prepared to work on it) over the coming weeks and months by which time this one could easily be a potential industry leader. Ultimately when you join any online investment program you do surrender control of your money so they’re all something of a shot in the dark to a greater or lesser extent. That being said, RightRise has as good a chance as any new program I’ve seen recently to make some real waves in this business. Just remember to establish some very clear guidelines about spending – never go past a sensible figure you can afford to lose as well as easily earn back from other sources if your investment doesn’t work out, and if joining RightRise at all then keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

One last thing before we move on to the news then is that I hope you won’t mind sharing your own thoughts on RightRise by completing the following opinion poll. I think in the coming weeks and months as we see the real fortunes that lie in wait for the program it will be interesting to see the results and how many people made good and bad judgment calls. Remember it’s 100% anonymous and untraceable and takes literally only a second. So:

Will you make an active deposit in RightRise?

View Results

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Staying on the subject of RightRise, there were some new developments over the last two days worth mentioning. First of all, the admin keeps his own promise of gradually adding more payment options to allow the slow and sustained growth for his program in the long run. Yesterday there was another payment processor added to the mix with AdvCash. While not extremely popular, AdvCash certainly has its followers among HYIP investors and it will certainly help further growth. I believe PerfectMoney should be the next payment option for those wishing to invest in RightRise, but when it becomes available only the admin knows and I’m sure he will do his best to add it at the point best suited to his gradual growth policy and best aligned with the program’s future goals for expansion in the HYIP market which will definitely happen sooner or later. I will keep you updated on this, but at the moment please note that you may invest in RightRise in BTC via BitCoin, and in three currencies – US Dollars, Euros, and Rubles – via three payment providers – Payeer and AdvCash. More information on the recent addition of AdvCash please read below:

Advanced Cash Payment System has been added
Ladies and Gentlemen!
After spending a small survey among loyal investors, we found that at the moment the most desirable of the payment systems – is the Advanced Cash.
It was decided that this payment system should be the next in line. Today we are finally ready to add it.
We are planing to add all payment systems descending by popularity in the nearest feature.

Another great feature which will be useful for notifications of different activities in your account in RightRise is the option to add your Telegram account profile which you can do inside of your member’s area and enable notifications from the program’s own bot Jarvis. These notifications can be easily tweaked within your account area and can be quite handy, as RightRise usually doesn’t send any email notifications. Now you can use your Telegram account to get connected to RightRise in real-time. You can explore more on this and connect your Telegram by clicking on “Telegram bot” tab in the settings area of your RightRise account and then follow the simple instructions to get connected. Below is the latest from the admin on this new feature that might be useful for all Telegram users:

Telegram bot
We’ve created fully configured Telegram bot.
You can receive notifications about the interest accrued, withdrawn funds, changed settings, new referrals registration, rewards got from referrals, etc.
Also there are commands by which you can get the latest information at any time: present percentage, your current balance, time to charge and others. A full list of commands is available in the relevant section in the backoffice.


TrueBit has been growing quite well lately and has now surpassed five weeks online in total out of which it was monitored on the MNO blog for one full week. And now the admin decided is the perfect time to share the latest stats with the members and the tremendous rate of success TrueBit has been enjoying for over a month now. According to him, there were over twelve hundred active investors in the program and many of the ones in profit are coming back now with reinvestments. And indeed, with TrueBit it’s possible to withdraw your initial deposit after a 20 calendar day lock-in period but are being rewarded with higher daily interest earnings for your loyalty by remaining. If you stay in the program long enough you can increase from just 2.4% in the first twenty day period to 4% starting from day eighty-one. Of course, TrueBit is still too new to speak about investment stages, as the very first investors are still in stage two, but to give you a better idea of how the original investment plan works you’re invited to read the full review of the program here. In the latest newsletter, by the way, the admin of TrueBit was kind enough to share the link to the MNO review, so more people could find it and understand all the great features it has. And one of the main things to be proud of, in my honest opinion, is the availability of multiple payment methods where one can invest starting from only a $10 minimum. The list of payment processors TrueBit use include not only regular anonymous options like PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash, but also such verifiable payment handlers as Payza and OkPay. And did I mention that all the payments are processed quite fast? Well, we can conclude that TrueBit is already a fine example of the successfully run program, but what the future holds for it only the admin of the program Leo knows. Here is the latest newsletter from him:

TrueBit – Last news
Dear investors,
TrueBit has been online for one month and we are very happy to bring a good news to all of our clients. We have over 1200 active members in our project, and the numbers is constantly growing. $230,000 that had been involved in the project. Highest investor level in one deposit has increased from first weeks $800 to now $5000 on one single investor. It’s a joy to receive that trust to TrueBit and none of you will ever be disappointed.
Besides, the growth of activity became more prominent thanks to the adding of new advertising websites. Our first stage was a huge success and we now continually expand with old investors returning and new investors coming. It is truly a pleasure being able to serve so many investors and our team is standing by with professional expertise to help out any questions there may be.
Also we are happy to announce that, a detailed review of our program has been published by Paul Abramson, on his blog Money-News-Online.com, which is one of the largest platform from where you can get detailed news and other matters concerning the HYIP industry. The answers for most of the common questions that you will have can be found out in the published review. We invite everyone to take a look at the published review here, money-news-online.com/blog/2016/10/27/27102016-truebit-review-daily-news-hyip-industry/
Several big updates waiting on next week. Stay tuned!
Regards, Leo Wilkinson, CEO TrueBit Group Ltd


It’s time now to introduce a brand new program called SoftmeetBit that operates exclusively with BitCoins and only officially launched yesterday. Earlier today the admin purchased Premium Listing on the MNO monitor, although the website itself looks still unfinished and very much a work in progress. There are no advertising banners available yet, and some errors here and there which I already pointed out to the admin and he promised to fix them soon. I can’t confirm whether withdrawals from SoftmeetBit are processed instantly or not, as I haven’t been paid on my deposit yet and there is conflicting information available on the site regarding this. In any case, you should allow your 24 hours for this as well because deposits that are made via the CoinPayments interface are not credited instantly, but after a number of confirmations, so be patient in this too. The description of the investment plans one can find on the SoftmeetBit website – 1.2%-1.5% for 15 days, 1.8% for 30 days, 2% for 45 days – is also kind of muddled, and instead of “principal included” it should read “principal back” which the admin confirmed to me was the initial intention. Besides, as the admin explained, you will only get your account credited on business days only (Monday to Friday), however, the investment term is counted in calendar days, therefore you should adjust your expectations accordingly. The shortest investment plan in SoftmeetBit is available for a minimum of $7 which is equivalent to 0.01BTC under current exchange rates (note that you will see your deposit in USD in your account area, although it will be calculated in BitCoins for processing of your deposit), with other plans asking for higher deposits. I’ll look at the plans in more detail in the upcoming review of SoftmeetBit on Wednesday, but for now let’s see what else you might need to know. The admin claims he purchased this site from a developer and I guess that explains why you don’t see the GoldCoders script which SoftmeetBit is obviously running off as being under license. That, I must say, doesn’t look professional, let alone safe due to possible loopholes, and the lack of support from GoldCoders in case any trouble arises might affect chances for the program’s success in the long term in quite a negative way. Overall though the site looks decent enough, it’s SSL-secured by Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated OVH server with DDoS protection provided by DDoSCure. The site has its own Facebook page and news section where the admin already posted once or twice and, as you might guess, that was the short welcome message dedicated to SoftmeetBit‘s official program launch:

SoftmeetBit Bitcoin Investment Officially Launched
We expect to make a long-term plan
Your investment amount will be rewarded
Thanks for supporting SoftmeetBit


Perpetual style HYIPs with no expiry plans aren’t exactly new in the industry, and they’ve been popular on-and-off for a while now. A lot of things in the HYIP industry, trends I suppose is the word I’m looking for, get popular for some time, then fade out and be replaced by something else, and maybe later see a resurgence. And that’s what we see at the moment, with the above review of RightRise there is definitely a resurgence of interest and enthusiasm for perpetual payment no expiry date HYIPs. That was the subject of the last opinion poll on the MNO TalkBack page which I’m replacing today. The exact question put to readers was:
What do you think of perpetual programs with locked principal?

I was surprised myself actually at how one-sided this all turned out, with a runaway majority of 55% replying “I like them and regularly join, as I had good experience with them before.” In joint second spot were those taking a rather more negative view, with 18% each voting for the options. “I rarely join them, as I’m very cautious about their possible lifetime” and “I never join them, and I prefer programs with fixed investment terms.” That leaves the remaining 9% of you to take a more pragmatic program-by-program view, voting “I sometimes join them, if I’m attracted by their other main features”.

As has often been said before, the HYIP industry tends to run is “seasons” just like the real business world runs in financial quarters. Things just tend to be a lot more unpredictable in HYIPs, but that’s more or less the gist of it. Right now, mid autumn, is in most years a very lucrative time in the HYIP industry. There’s always room for improvement, we know that about everything, but generally speaking I would say this autumn has been exceptional if you are in the programs monitored on MNO so far, with the success stories far outnumbering the failures (check other sites for those, lol!). About a year ago however the industry was in a bad way. Not to open any old wounds or bring back painful memories, but it was. Any other year and it would have been among the best times of the year, it’s just that for various reasons a chain of unfortunate events in quick succession meant otherwise. Compare last autumn with this one and the difference is like night and day. As we are now coming towards the end of the year and can say that some semblance of normality has been restored, I guess we can look back and reflect how and why things have changed to the extent that they have. My exact question to you is this:

What’s the main improvement of this autumn in the HYIP industry compared to last year?

Possible answers (and yes, I know I could add a hell of a lot more) include the following to choose from:

-Better choice of investment programs
-More experienced admins capable of longer lifetimes
-Investors getting wiser and selective
-Less deliberate fast scams run by incompetent admins

I admit that’s probably a question far more suited to long term and experienced industry players, as not everyone will have an archive to look back over or even remember in their own minds. But if you do have any thoughts and memories then I hope you won’t mind sharing with your fellow readers. The poll will remain open for around the next week or so on the MNO TalkBack page here, so I hope that gives everyone who wants to vote plenty of time to do so. It only takes a second and is totally anonymous, so thanks in advance to everyone who participates.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Zinc7, CapitallerArdexFundsBandeiraCorpEdelweiss5, TrueBitDaily314, RightRise.
From MNO Standard list: PalUnion, BusinezBit, MacroBankingOceanInnovations.
From MNO Basic list: EarnTechHYIP-A, Dowerly, Xabo.

I’ll leave it at that for today, guys. Thanks as always for reading and I hope you found something useful or interesting. The HYIP industry is doing really well now and with all the programs on my monitor on Paying Status and bringing profits, it’s fair to say the season is in full swing. I’ll be back on Wednesday for a more detailed look at SoftmeetBit and any other news worth knowing. Subscribe to MNO news here, follow on Facebook and Twitter, and contact me on this page if you have any queries. Remember to vote on the MNO TalkBack poll, as the question will be open for about the next seven days or so. See you soon, everyone!

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