October 2016 Archives

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Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
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Hello everyone! So, it’s Monday again but more importantly the start of the first business week in the HYIP industry for October. As the previous month was a very fruitful time that brought a lot of earning opportunities for MNO readers it’s only logical to think that the second month of the autumn will continue this trend and will benefit those who prefer to invest in elite and high-budget HYIPs tremendously. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best, as in the previous years autumn has always been an active time in the industry with lots of good quality programs around. By the way, if you wish to find out which programs are at the forefront of the HYIP industry at the moment, you really should read the latest article on the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO which I posted last week, but which is still very much relevant as of now. The only significant change from the ranking order you may see in the article (click here to read it) is that LaraWithMe has predictably taken the first position in terms of combined returns, thus confirming its already established status of the most popular program in the HYIP industry at the moment. And that takes us closer to the main subject of today’s article – the regular LaraWithMe Weekly Summary with the rest of the news from other programs following, so keep reading.

As LaraWithMe is a truly outstanding program and with over 100+ days under its belt it’s a great contender to become the best HYI program of the year. Hopes are running high this is going to happen. Just ask those who joined LaraWithMe during its first days online and you will see that some of them already tripled their deposits investing into its 3% daily forever plan with no principal back, being locked-in for the lifetime of the program. If you have not read the full review of LaraWithMe posted here, I’ll remind you that the program takes deposits starting from a $15 minimum which can be done via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and even Payza. Once you make your deposit then receive 3% daily interest credited to your balance and made available for instant withdrawal to any of the payment processor accounts you want (and not just the one you joined with). Instant payouts and the abundance of payment options along with the affordable investment minimum are, of course, some great features, but what makes LaraWithMe truly unique is the actual investment platform. You see, before investing with LaraWithMe you must to have an account with Telegram messenger by either downloading and installing an app or using the web version of the program by verifying your phone number to access it. It’s an easy enough process, but many people are not joining LaraWithMe simply because they are hesitant to install this new program, have a problem with providing their mobile number for verification purposes, or just don’t believe it’s a safe thing to do. Let me assure you though that Telegram is a very safe and convenient messenger to work with and once you get used to it, there is probably no going back, especially considering that more and more programs will probably use it in the future. Just to settle any concerns about using Telegram, one of the latest news updates from LaraWithMe was entirely dedicated to outlining Telegram’s main advantages and even a link to a public presentation delivered by the creator of this platform. It might be just curious info to know, especially taking into consideration that Telegram is so new and unfamiliar to the majority of investors. Just read below and watch the video with the provided link to find out more:

3 #TELEGRAM Security Features You Might Not Know About. Turn Them ON!
While other encrypted services do not offer any security mechanism to combat such hacking and surveillance attempts by hackers and government, Telegram provides some security features that are less known but are important to implement.
1. Monitor Telegram Active Sessions
Unlike WhatsApp and other messaging apps, Telegram allows you to sync your single account to multiple devices like your mobile, tablet and desktop.
Every sign-in creates an Active Session that can be viewed through Privacy and Security settings, showing all your logged in devices with IP addresses. Telegram also gives you an option to remotely stop any session that you no longer need or find suspicious.
2. Enable Telegram’s Two-Step Verification Password (Important)
Another great feature Telegram developers added is two-step verification that allows you to set up an additional password for your Telegram account, which is a must to log into your account.
This feature prevents you from the recent SMS text message attacks, as that additional password is required for an attacker to log into your account.
So, if you think that your mobile carrier or state-sponsored hacker is intercepting your SMS codes, the best solution is to use 2-Step Verification to protect your Telegram account with a password.
If you do that, there’s nothing an attacker, even with your authentication code, can do.
3. Use Self-Destruct Secret Chats
Telegram’s end-to-end encrypted chat feature is not enabled by default. So, you need to select Secret Chat feature before start chatting.
Recently introduced in Facebook Messenger, Telegram also offers Self-Destruct Secret Chats that allows you to self-destruct your messages after a specified time (from 1 second to 1 week), leaving no trace on Telegram servers, unlike the regular chat method.
Telegram secret chat feature uses end-to-end encryption to safeguard your messages and does not allow forwarding messages and media.
And last but not least – ALWAYS USE BITCOIN!
Yes sometimes Bitcoin network can be slow, sometimes you have to pay some fees to other exchangers, but as long as you keep your money at Bitcoins (not trying to play on the BTC market though) your money ALL SAFE!
So, your safety is in your hands. Stay Tune! Stay Secure!

Pavel Durov MWC 2016
Everything about Telegram…

If you’re already an investor in LaraWithMe and joined the program when it was first listed on MNO six weeks ago, you should comfortably be well in profit by now. Congratulations to all my downlines and hope that many of those who are still waiting for their profits will reach them soon. And I think you’re aware that in order to help the program grow further and thus last longer everyone should make a contribution in spreading the word about LaraWithMe among friends and online acquaintances. If you think the lucrative 10% referral commissions you can receive is the only thing LaraWithMe can offer you in addition to 3% eternal daily earnings, then you’re mistaken. There are no limits to what you can get and how much extra money you can make. In one the latest updates from LaraWithMe, the administrator wrote a very detailed article on four different types of promoter grouped by the benefits they can obtain. They are called Regular, Representative, Trust Holder, and Country Head, and you can read more on differences between them below as the upgrade to a higher position rather than staying a regular member will certainly come with extra benefits and cash rewards for those who qualify:

Let’s talk about business.
Our community consist of more then 77 thousands investors.
Tens of millions invested.
Quite a few millions paid.
Strongest leaders are building biggest teams around the world.
Some of them do it in a massive scale. Thousands new investors daily – top networkers are not joking around.
What we can offer for those, who decided to push all the limits of the team-building? Opportunities.
Lara Platform has an amazing affiliate program which comes with a career growth.
REGULAR – Each user can get 10% from his directly invited partner.
Using your affiliate link (Lara menu: EARNINGS > My team > My affiliate link) you can signup new members and instantly get paid with bonuses of 10% from their deposits.
But once you feel that you can make it bigger, there is a whole new world waiting for you…
REPRESENTATIVE – 10%-2-1-1-1
5 downline affiliate program
VIP Team Panel (advanced web-based team management profile)
Having visible results, working hard by sharing an idea of unity, financial freedom and privacy, those leaders can enjoy fruits of their labor on the spot.
How do become a Representative?
In order to become an affiliate representative of LARA community, you team has to consist of 50 directly active users (with deposits). Once you achieve this number – provide your profile ID to @lara_creator with directly forwarded message from the dialog with LARA (team information)
If your request will be approved – you will be able to receive much more bonuses and manage your team professionally.
TRUST HOLDER – 5%-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
11 downline affiliate program
This is a deep networkers orientated offer. For leader who knows how important is a downline focused work and constant new leaders support. Trust Holder can partially manage cashflow of the team by the approval from the administration. Extensive features of his Team panel provide a complete access to all the 11 level genealogy of the team. Sweet!
How do become a Representative?
The basic idea of upgrading to the T.H Status is to make your team scalable. So you must have strong leaders with visible results. In order to become a Trust Holder you have to get at least 10 Representatives appointed by the administration directly.
Once you complete this task – talk to @lara_creator
At that time you might be in a good relationships with LARA administration already.
COUNTRY HEAD – 1% from all the Country Deposits.
Such a good spot. But yet – not easy to get an access to.
With an extreme level of income, comes great responsibility of managing whole country development.
Clear objectives and real numbers in your plan. Offline events, staff financing, organization and support.
How do become a Representative?
10> Trust Holders
*1M > Cashflow
*Personal Achievements
But the most important factor – is a human factor.
There are can be more then 1 CH. on the country. So you always have your boss chair available
Grow your team from the regular investor up to the Country Head.
There is no limit of your income in LARA and true leaders always play a big role.
We work on the ideas collectively, we make it possible every day…
We are making this world better. Just because we can.
If you feel you can make a difference – this is your time to perform!

Have you ever looked through the live stats on the LaraWithMe portal? Daily stats are available directly from the special Telegram account you can join by following the link below. Then you will be able to get an idea of the total investment amounts (deposits, withdrawals, and reinvestments) daily, plus will see today’s top investors, and referrers:

Stay in tune with all the daily LARA statistic!
See all the important information:
#total_Invested, #daily_deposited, #daily_paid, #new_users, #top_leaders
#days_online and much more…
Join now to the official Statistic channel at: https://telegram.me/joinchat/C7PZlkBh0yW2Wve15dAV5g

And finally what better way to finish LaraWithMe‘s weekly summary than the announcement of the long-awaited webinar to be held in three different languages in real time in just a few hours after I’m writing this? I’m sure much of the talk will focus on the one million dollar giveaway, but there will be other as yet undisclosed information in those webinars. This information will make you rich said the creator of LaraWithMe, and if this sounds intriguing then why not tune in to either English, German, or Spanish language versions at the specified time later today and see for yourselves what all the fuss is about. If you miss the webinar don’t worry as I’m sure anything important will be announced on the official news channel of LaraWithMe which you can also subscribe to in order to stay informed. For links to the upcoming webinars called “Beauty of the Scale” please check out the following updates:

“Worldwide Start” Webinar Series
3rd WEBINAR at the 3rd of OCTOBER!
Here it comes!
The biggest #JET_BLACK contest with $1 million gift budget starts at 3rd October with our 3rd webinar!
All the long awaited details of the contest, terms and conditions, prices and gifts will be announced at this online event, together with extremely useful leaders materials which can help you build an amazing team & earn biggest money!
English, German, Spanish, webinars will be streamed live for thousands of LARA users!
Take this opportunity to get it all from the first hands!
Add those links to the bookmarks of your browser, put a note on a fridge and be sure to watch it live at 3rd October, 6 PM!
English (6 PM Berlin, GMT 2+): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTqUPK5C0cc
Deutsch: (7 PM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l4pZgvtCFo
Spanish: (8 PM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsaUiOefCAQ
Prepare yourself for biggest income you’ve came across!
This information will make your rich!
This contest will make LARA enormously huge!
This is a thing you will never forget!

ENG – LARAWITH.ME #3 Live Webinar: “Beauty Of The Scale”
Join us for our 3rd Live Webinar with @Knipper83. Get prepared to experience some awesome stuff including news and updates for the whole LARAWITHME community.

And no, I didn’t forget about the results of the poll on the intention of MNO readers to try for prizes in the upcoming giveaway. The final results will be drawn in the news section so keep reading. For now it’s all the latest news from LaraWithMe – I hope you find it useful and see you again next week for another instalment in the series.



As the admin of Edelweiss5 told us in the recent interview to MNO (click here to read it), more offices in the Ukraine are due to open. As reported in the last Edelweiss5 news update Khmelnytsky is the latest city in Ukraine where you can visit an offices of the company by making an appointment at the following address:

Opening an office in Khmelnytsky
Dear friends! September 30 at 12.00 the doors will hospitably open a new representative office Edelweiss 5 in the city Khmelnitsky. Guests will be waiting at the address: street Vladimirskaya 46. At the opening each will be able to get acquainted with the nearest plans of the company, ask questions to our representatives. We look forward to all of you.

I’ll just remind you of a few things about Edelweiss5 if you are not familiar with the program or haven’t read the review on MNO posted here. The program offers one investment plan paying you around a 1% return on business days with a 0.5% fixed rate at weekends. And when you invest anything starting from a $50 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, or BitCoin you can then forget about logging into your account as all withdrawals are made automatically at the very same time every day. Edelweiss5 is mostly famous for its bigger advertising campaign going on offline rather than online, and that inspires confidence that the program will go to great lengths to be represented properly outside of the traditional HYIP circle of investors and thus last longer that traditional programs.


The admin of EmpireAdvertisement Jerome who was also recently interviewed on MNO here is living up to his promise to diversify income streams for his program and said EmpireAdvertisement would be doing ForEx trading with some of the available funds. As with any investment activities ForEx trading is not without its risks, but with the proper management we should hope it will bring extra profits to the members. Here is the announcement:

Hello Empire members,
From tomorrow, we will start Forex trading. It will become our first external source of revenue.
Please check our new Forex page on EmpireAdvertisement HERE https://empireadvertisement.com/forex/
Live results will be shared on facebook group and via massmail to our members !!!
A complete post about trading will be made tomorrow in the day

EmpireAdvertisement (reviewed here) offers you a chance to earn from 115% to 135% interest on purchased ad packs priced from $5 to $25 each and with a level of compulsory re-investment from 0% to 50% depending on the ad pack type. EmpireAdvertisement is mostly an advertising platform where you must create an advertising campaign before allocating available funds from your balance to the ad packs. The program works with all the popular payment systems including SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. Inside of your account you can earn extra cash with the so-called Cash links that sometimes become available, but surfing is not required. The minimum to withdraw is $5 and you usually get paid instantly if your request doesn’t exceed $100 in a day, however, recently due to the attempted hack on the SolidTrustPay side (the funds have been returned to the admin already) the payments have been processed manually on a temporary basis, but Jerome promised to fix it and get instant payments back up and running again later today. I’ll keep updating you on any further developments in this promising and unique program and wish everyone who made an investment there or just planning tone the best of luck.


As the leading payment processor for those playing HYIPs in European countries with countless benefits to the holders of verified accounts, Payza has keen interest into spreading its influence into different fields particularly targeting those who run their own online businesses. If you know about SEPA which stands for Single Euro Payments Area you should know that running a business from Europe can give you some advantages, but you should also consider any differentiations in laws enforced in particular countries, so it would be better just to target the most important markets as the main audience for your business. Payza recently posted an article about that on its official blog, as this payment processor itself offers different funding and withdrawal methods depending on the country you permanently reside in and which account you have verified. You can be sure of one thing though – Payza is the best payment processor when dealing with HYIPs, as it offers the possibility of refunds in some cases in the event of scams and offers investors a way to bypass third-party exchangers by directly funding and withdrawing using credit cards, bank wires and transfers, cheques, BitCoin, and even Payza‘s own pre-paid MasterCard you can order by mail. If you haven’t done so yet, I strongly encourage you to create a free Payza account here and take advantage of all the features they have to offer and more peace of mind when dealing with HYIPs. And if you’re the owner of your own e-commerce business operating from Europe you might be interested in the following article:

More Than Just Payments: Understanding Consumers and Cross-Border E-Commerce in Europe
Europe is a hotbed of omnichannel consumers with 54% of retailers selling through at least three different channels and, thanks to the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) regulations, it has never been easier for you to start selling there. If you are thinking of starting an e-commerce website and targeting European consumers, you need to consider more than just payments if you want your business to succeed. And while the Euro and SEPA may have harmonized a fragmented European market (regarding payments), Europe remains as culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse as ever.
SEPA, coordinated by the European Payment Council, is a payment-integration initiative that introduced a single, harmonized payment system for all Euro transactions within the Eurozone (the full list of SEPA countries can be found here). Cross-border Euro transfers within this area are equivalent to a domestic bank transfer. Money can be transferred freely across borders within Europe and you can conduct business in the EU using a common infrastructure and the same set of payment tools and standards across member countries.
And yet, only 7% of small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe actually sell across borders, despite the fact that 2 of the 3 of the world’s largest markets for cross-border e-commerce are in Europe, specifically the UK (#2) and Germany (#3). So why is Europe still an untapped market? Because the barriers to entry for SMEs in e-commerce still remain costly and prohibitive for some. If you look at these barriers as opportunities, you may be able to successfully differentiate your e-commerce business from the rest.
Linguistic diversity
UK, Germany, and France together account for about 75% of the European e-commerce market. However, if you are a unilingual English speaker running a small business with an English website, targeting Germany and France may not be the best option. Language diversity is a defining factor of Europe, and the percentage of English speakers varies widely by country. As you can see from this chart, it is not surprising that so many British and North American businesses target Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands, despite them being smaller markets than Germany and France. is key to converting customers, but providing multiple translations of a website and product descriptions, and marketing initiatives are likely too expensive of an investment for a small business.
Country-specific laws
There remains legal diversity as well, even though the introduction of SEPA has encouraged the European Union to begin standardizing e-commerce regulations across the continent. An example of a standardized European regulation is the law that requires merchants to include a statement within any “add-to-cart” button that states the customer will be required to pay for the product upon completing the transaction. All rules and regulations are, however, by no means close to being universally applied across all European countries. There remain country-specific laws, such as the German law requiring retailers to pay a fine when they have incorrect information on their website.
Before selling in Europe, it’s important to be diligent and identify particular, unique laws within each national market to avoid expensive fines and legal fees that may undermine your small businesses with its limited resources.
Preferred payment methods
Within SEPA, it’s easy to sell throughout Europe using a single set of payment tools, but each EU country has preferred payment methods. The Germans favor offline credit transfers, while the Dutch prefer local payment method, iDEAL, for example. Shopping habits and preferred methods of payment vary from country to country. The success of your e-commerce business in Europe will thus depend on your ability to offer a variety of payment options so that your European customers can pay whichever way they prefer. For more information on local payment options available in your next target market, visit Payza’s local payment options page.
Stay tuned to the Payza Blog as we explore the shopping habits, preferred payment methods, and other e-commerce idiosyncrasies of the European market, one country at a time. If you want to learn more about a particular European market, give us your suggestions in the comments below.


The final topic up for discussion in today’s post will be the results of the last MNO TalkBack page opinion poll. I suppose it’s already an opinion shared by many (as determined in earlier polls) that LaraWithMe is the biggest most popular program in the industry at the moment. If you are a member already then you should be aware that a new promotional campaign is being launched to see what new and more impressive heights the program can be taken to. And if there’s one thing the LaraWithMe admin has shown in the past it’s that he knows and is not afraid to spend money where it gets results. As mentioned in an earlier update, he has made the details of a separate BitCoin wallet available to the public which contains $1 million earmarked entirely for prizes and bonuses to encourage everyone to get involved to the best of their abilities and really push LaraWithMe over the edge from just “industry leader” to “industry giant”. Mind you, if some of the stats being published about their performance are true then that may very well be the case already. Just to give a very brief recap, LaraWithMe offers investors a perpetual style investment plan – that means there’s no expiry date and once you’re in you stay in – that pays 3% interest per day. You don’t get to leave or withdraw your principal at any time, so make sure you are playing with money you are comfortable committing to the program. What makes them so utterly unique however is that they were the first program (no doubt a lot more are going to follow in the coming years) to operate off Telegram. This is a fairly new cross platform instant messaging software program which after a couple of years in development was rolled out across various different operating platforms on various dates throughout this year (by which I mean Windows, iOS, and so on). You need to either download the Telegram app to your mobile device, or else visit the website version on your desktop in order to interact with LaraWithMe properly. Don’t worry if you’re not all that tech savvy, it’s not as complicated as it sounds, just refer to the full review of LaraWithMe published on MNO here for a more detailed explanation.

So with the new campaign looming, readers were asked:
Will you play an active role in the next LaraWithMe promotional contest?

I’m pleased to say this was met by a large degree of enthusiasm among readers here, with a majority 54% of voters saying “Yes, I will try my best and expect good results.” Now that’s the spirit! There’s some good prizes up for grabs and they have to go somewhere, so why not you? Sustainable growth is the cornerstone of successful HYIP, so by showing that attitude investors can (without necessarily being aware of it) work together towards their own good fortune.

The remaining vote was equally split. I suppose a lot of people who don’t operate promotional websites such as blogs, monitors, even HYIP related Facebook pages might think it’s just too difficult for them to reach a mass audience. For the most part that’s probably true but everyone can make a contribution and help make a difference in their own way. It all adds up in the end after all. So 23% of the readers voted “Maybe, to help the program and earn ref coms but I don’t expect to win.” Fair enough, that’s probably a more accurate statement for a lot of people and to be honest one I’m surprised was so far behind the winner. The final option which was also taken by 23% of the voters said “No, I’m not very good/interested in this type of thing.” Again that’s a fair statement as a lot of people will simply dabble in HYIPs either as a fun hobby or a way to supplement their income from their regular day jobs. I guess it’s unreasonable to expect everyone to be by their computers all day long pursing nothing but the HYIP industry unless they actually work it full time.

For the next question I want to stay, in a roundabout sort of way, with LaraWithMe. More specifically I want to ask readers their thoughts on the Telegram system that the program is using to operate. As it’s not possible to use LaraWithMe unless you are using the Telegram app (or the desktop version), then it’s a fair assumption that a lot of you are now using it. But what do you think of it? Do you like it in general? Would you like to see more HYIPs operating off of it in the future? Do you actually use it for anything else apart from LaraWithMe?

The exact question will be:
What do you think of the Telegram messenger system used by LaraWithMe?

Possible answers are as follows:
– I really like it and will use it in the future.
– It’s OK, I’ll probably keep it.
– I don’t like it, and if not for LaraWithMe would remove it.

As usual I’m going to leave the poll open for approximately another week to ten days, plenty of time for anyone who wants to vote to do so. Thanks in advance to everyone who participates, because as with a lot of such opinion polls I think it’s sometimes most interesting not to analyze the immediate results but rather to look back on them in a year and see how people’s thoughts today match up with the reality of the situation in the future. Please visit the MNO TalkBack page where you can cast your own vote and see how the ongoing results are going.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 84 hours:
From MNO Sticky listLaraWithMe.
From MNO Premium list: ArdexFundsBandeiraCorp, CapitallerZinc7Edelweiss5, EmpireAdvertisement.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: HYIP-AEarnTechDowerly, CryptoGroup (the first instant payments received).

That’s about all for today, guys. As we’re now in October I would like to wish you all good luck in what has so many times in the past been one of the better months of the year. As I’m sure many of you made good profits from your HYIP investments in the programs listed on MNO during September I hope it continues. Stay with MNO by subscribing to the daily news here and follow me on Facebook and Twitter so as not to miss anything important from the biggest and the best programs online. Remember that by catering exclusively to high-budget programs you can be sure that the majority of them have a better chance of putting you in good profits. I’ll see you all again later in the week with the next update on my blog. Remember to watch the MNO monitor for possible changes of statuses and the additions of new promising programs. Invest only what you can afford to lose and only into the programs that have Paying status on my monitor. See later, everyone!

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