Beware! SoftmeetBit has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everybody! After a recent resurgence in activity in the industry the program I want to discuss before today’s news section is SoftmeetBit, a mostly mid term HYIP working exclusively with BitCoin. There is a lot of new programs out there at the moment challenging some of the more established names in the industry and many already well on their way to becoming good solid performers in their own right and getting very popular. Certainly there’s no shortage of good choices for players who know how to work the HYIP industry looking to make some extra money this autumn. Will SoftmeetBit become one of them? Well, I think there’s quite a bit of work in front of them that needs to be done first as I shall explain, but let’s see what it’s all about and what kind of potential you might see in them.
Despite being a BitCoin only program, the description of the investment plans given by SoftmeetBit in the members area is in US dollars as opposed to BTC. As it isn’t possible to deposit dollars and exchange rates will vary from one day to the next then you can consider the numbers I’m about to give you as approximate. By that I mean the dollar figures themselves don’t change, it’s the amount of BitCoins you need to spend in order to make a deposit of the size you would like will. For example, if you wish to join SoftmeetBit with $100, today that’s going to cost you 0.1362 in BitCoins. Tomorrow that could be something else. Just something to keep in mind.
So, the minimum amount you will need to make an investment is $7 which gets you into SoftmeetBit‘s shortest term plan for 15 calendar days. Now, this is where things get a bit tricky. While the term runs for 15 calendar days, you only earn interest during business days, with a 1.2% per business day. Typically then you’d be looking 11 payment days during the term, allowing you to 13.2% back in interest payments. This of course is nowhere even approaching a profit as this only happens if SoftmeetBit return your principal on expiry as promised. Maximum spending limit for investing here is capped at $1,050.
You can make a bigger investment for the same term – 15 calendar days with earnings on business days only – but for a higher interest rate. SoftmeetBit accept amounts between a minimum of $1,050.50 and an upper limit of $3,500. The interest rate goes up to 1.5% per business day so with approximately ten payments expected during the term you should be leaving with 16.5% interest at the end. SoftmeetBit then promise to return your principal, leaving that as your net profit.
You then have two more medium/longer term options, both of which are more profitable and also more expensive with a higher degree of risk. For a deposit between a $70 minimum and a $14,000 maximum you can join SoftmeetBit for a 30 calendar day term. Again that means the full term is calendar days but you can only expect to earn any money on your deposit during business days. The rate for this is 1.8%. There can be slight variations as to the exact number of payments contained in any one 30 calendar day term, depending on what day of the week you deposit, but typically you should be looking at 22 payments. That gives you 39.6% net profit at the term’s completion, but is entirely dependent on SoftmeetBit returning the principal they have been holding for the last month.
And finally the longest term plan has a term of 45 calendar days, making daily interest payments on business days only. It will cost you at least $700 to join so it’s not going to be a decision taken lightly by anyone. While the term is running SoftmeetBit offer to pay members 2% interest per day, Monday to Friday only and nothing over the weekends. You would expect an average 33 payments during such a term, allowing you to complete the cycle with 66% in interest which becomes net profit when the SoftmeetBit admin returns your principal. The maximum limit for deposits here is $14,000.
If you like the plans enough to sign up and deposit, then the next thing you will need to find out is what exactly are the payment options. Well, as I mentioned already this is pretty basic. SoftmeetBit works exclusively with BitCoin, in other words making it the virtual world’s equivalent of “cash only”. If for whatever personal reasons you don’t like BitCoin, don’t own or want to own a BitCoin wallet, then simply put SoftmeetBit is not for you. Never mind, it’s a hectic time of the year in the HYIP industry so you have plenty of other choices to look at. If you do press ahead with an investment though, one of the main improvements is that everything is now processed instantly. You will still need to log in to your SoftmeetBit members area and submit your request, but once done you should see the money in your account in under a minute.
Whereas a lot has been done to improve the program in terms of plans and payments, one vital area where SoftmeetBit is still sadly lacking is security. Alarmingly so in fact, as they are running an unlicensed GoldCoders script. That means there is absolutely no back-up or support from GoldCoders own techs in the event of problems (which are inevitable) and no way of knowing if there’s been any number of backdoors planted there already to allow hackers to just empty the whole thing if they want. There is also a problem with e-mail confirmations (something GoldCoders would fix were the script licensed) which means you don’t get any information about your account. That would give you a major headache if let’s say you forgot your password, because you’d never recover it and can forget about any money left behind in your SoftmeetBit account. Other features are a bit more encouraging, but something really has to be done about the script first and foremost. The SoftmeetBit website carries an SSL encryption certificate by Comodo for instance, and is hosted on a dedicated OVH server with support and protection from malicious attacks by DDoSCure.
Should you have any further questions for the SoftmeetBit admin or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then there’s a couple of ways you can get in touch. Mainly this will be done by e-mail only, either by writing directly to the listed address or by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. There’s a postal address in the UK which as usual can be safely ignored as a hosted office space and not where you will ever find anyone connected with SoftmeetBit physically located. Of more use is the Facebook page which fans of social media networks can check out.
Overall my first impression of SoftmeetBit is, as you can see, mixed. To be totally fair however it has to be said that a lot of work has been done on improving the website in the last few days, I just can’t explain why this was done after the official launch and not before it. At least things are going in the right direction anyway. For anyone still interested, the alleged lines of business the admin claims to be involved with includes “stock options, foreign exchanges, oil trading and crypto currency exchange markets.” That’s pretty much where the solid evidence to support any of that begins and ends of course, and there’s nothing you can do to research and prove that, were you so inclined to waste your time. For the more trusting among you, remember that even if it was true there is still nothing that says it has to be profitable all the time. Better to treat SoftmeetBit as you would any other HYIP, which includes not being afraid to wait for something better to come along. But if you think they are suitable for you then just remember to keep your spending strictly limited to what it won’t bother you to lose, and to keep SoftmeetBit as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Before I finish with the review of SoftmeetBit and move on to today’s news updates I would like to ask if anyone reading this has their own opinions on the program? Good, bad, or indifferent, I hope you won’t mind sharing them with your fellow readers. It takes literally a second to vote, is totally anonymous, and will make for more interesting reading once we are looking back at the program at the end rather than looking forward at the start. In other words how many people would make a good and bad judgement call looking at the program today. Please answer the following question:

Following the review of SoftmeetBit, the program might still be struggling with some errors that are essentially prone to the unlicensed GC script the program is running off. This time the admin himself came forward to ask investors whose deposits had not been added to their account for longer than 24 hours to contact him with the details and at the email address provided in the latest newsletter. Please do so if you invested yesterday when the site was being upgraded and optimized, as I believe that today everything should be working smoothly (at least I received my first instantly processed withdrawal request today), so fingers crossed, SoftmeetBit will not face any other unnecessary difficulties in the future as mentioned below:
“Dear investors.
Please email us if your balance isn’t CREDIT after 24 hours from your deposit.
Please provide following information, so that we can help you better.
Please email to
SoftmeetBit Team”.
To encourage higher spenders the admin of Edelweiss5 (interviewed here) announced that for the month of November those who reach over $30,000 in total investments will get a new model iPhone7. Surely there are not so many gullible people left in the HYIP industry that can still be seduced by this. Then again we shouldn’t underestimate the fact that since its inception five months ago Edelweiss5 has always been heavily targeting the offline audience who might genuinely believe this. These countless presentations in various cities around the world, new offices opening in different countries, video webinars, and similar events are aimed exactly at raising interest in Edelweiss5 from offline investors who usually tend to spend higher amounts of money on such projects. With Edelweiss5 that currently offers modest and sustainable long-term returns of 1% per business day and 0.5% on Saturdays and Sundays over a term of 365 calendar days (read more on that in my review here) the task of appealing to larger depositors is not so improbable. At the time of writing, Edelweiss5 accepts investments starting from $50 via multiple payment handlers including PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, YandexMoney, Qiwi, AdvCash, and even direct SWIFT bank wires. And if you invest via any payment processor you don’t need to worry about requesting profits every day as the process is totally automated and you get paid directly and at the same time to the same account you joined with. By the way, I believe that the very first investors of Edelweiss5 who were lucky enough to join when they did should have collected their first profits already and I believe that the success of this promo campaign aimed at attracting huge deposits into Edelweiss5 will clearly be vital for the future of the program, and if handled correctly then we might see it running for many months ahead. Below is the latest news on the freebies for those brave enough to spend their fortunes on Edelweiss5:
“Super-prize promotion !!!
Every day we are becoming more and more, new investors join us from around the world. With joy noting the fact of our expansion, we are extending the promotion with valuable prizes. From 1 to 30 November, all investors that have stepped the turnover barrier of $30.000, will receive from us a super prize – a new iPhone 7 in the preferred color. Be the first! Attention! Achievements for the previous months will not be considered.”
Fully realizing the enormous potential the ever-growing Chinese market represents and following the demand of its customers OceanInnovations is now also available in Chinese language. You can switch between English, Russian, and the Chinese versions of the OceanInnovations website by clicking the flag icon from the drop-down menu on the top right corner of every page. The announcement about this was posted in the latest newsletter from OceanInnovations posted below:
“Chinese version was added!
The number of customers in the People’s Republic of China has increased exponentially. We are very grateful to our customers for their trust and active participation. Due to the large volume of queries and the increasing usage, we decided to launch the Chinese version of our website to ensure that our systems are easy to use and easy to use for our users in China. We look forward to the huge Chinese market, ensuring that you meet and exceed your expectations. Visit our Chinese version:
OceanInnovations admin”.
For those of you unfamiliar with OceanInnovations and those who haven’t found the time to read my full review published here, I’ll remind you there is only one plan for investors. By joining with the minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, or AdvCash you earn 2% daily for the program’s lifecycle without the possibility to withdraw your principal. As OceanInnovations is a relatively new program and has been online for about two weeks, even the first investors are well short of the break-even point which will only happen next month. Only then can we judge how well the program really performs. For now everything seems to be working fine and payouts are processed within just a few hours – kudos to the admin for that!
The long term customers of Payza might have known already that the support their employees provide has been significantly improved over the last months, and Payza has been wonderfully and rapidly transformed from a source of constant headaches where nothing ever got resolved in less than several weeks if you were lucky, to the very customer-oriented and streamlined service they provide today. That has been all achieved, I believed, by diligently working on their errors and optimizing the website to make it more user-friendly. This is absolutely essential if they want to be able to compete with the likes of PayPal in the future. Unlike PayPal though the main advantage of Payza is that they do work with carefully selected HYIPs run by the admins who are able to verify their business accounts which should then become fully compliant with strict Payza rules and can put a payment button on their websites then. So far though only three out of seventeen programs featured on the MNO monitor – Zinc7 (reviewed here), BandeiraCorp (reviewed here), and TrueBit (reviewed here) – are accepting Payza. However the demand from HYIP investors using Payza as their main investment method has been steadily growing over the last few months with many new customers being attracted by its competitive rates, various direct bank and card funding and withdrawal options, and the right to file a complaint if you are scammed and try to get some money back as a result. Thus, many HYIP admins should really think hard and add the Payza option to get larger investors who prefer the peace of mind of fully verified account over the total anonymity of other less reliable payment processors. Now with the improved customer service and the ability to contact live support directly from your Payza account your experience will become even more satisfying and your issues will be solved sometimes in real-time. The new in-account customer support feature was the main subject of the latest blog post from Payza which you can read below as re-posted by me. And if you like it and wish to utilize Payza as one of your preferred methods when investing in HYIPs you can create an account here and then verify it to take advantage of all its numerous features, including my own favorite – a prepaid card which you can order from your account to be delivered to your home address by regular or express mail:
“Customer Service: Now Directly From Your Payza Account
No need to leave your account: send a message to Payza Customer Support whenever you need help.
To streamline and strengthen our customer support services, this week we are launching a direct messaging customer support system for our customers around the globe. Whenever you are logged in to your account, you will notice a green dot in the bottom-right corner of your screen. With a simple click, you can send a secure message to our Customer Service Department concerning any issue or question you may have about your account.
Better customer support that is tailored to your needs
– Our new messaging system offers you several benefits:
– You no longer need to open a new window, leave your account, or interrupt your workflow to contact Customer Support.
– You can submit a customer ticket in seconds while making payments or when reviewing your account information.
– During business days, you will often receive a response within a few hours.
– We can inform you of helpful updates to your account with a short message.
– Targeted information will appear on the relevant web page in your account, where you need it, when you need it.
A new way to communicate
Payza will occasionally send you messages directly within your account as well. Our messages will come in three forms:
– Simple announcements and reminders, indicated by a red dot within the messaging button.
– Pop-up messages with information about new features, changes to your account, and helpful tips.
– Full-screen pop-up windows for exciting updates and important events in your region of the world.
If you can’t access your account, you can still contact Payza from our Customer Support Page, so you never need to worry about keeping contact with us.
Remember that we will still send you the occasional email message. Make sure you know how to recognize fraudulent phishing emails and be sure to whitelist emails from Payza so that our important emails avoid your spam or junk mail folder.
Whenever you run into an issue within your account, we encourage you to take this opportunity to reach out to us at Payza. We welcome your feedback; your comments and experiences help guide us in developing services that are right for you.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Zinc7, Capitaller, ArdexFunds, BandeiraCorp, Edelweiss5, TrueBit, Daily314, RightRise, SoftmeetBit (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: PalUnion, BusinezBit, OceanInnovations.
From MNO Basic list: EarnTech, HYIP-A, Dowerly, Xabo.
That’s it for tonight, guys. As you can clearly see, the autumn could not be going better. With so many great programs online it’s easy enough to earn a couple of extra hundred for yourselves, as this season quality and high-budget HYIPs you can only find on MNO tend to run much longer, thus enabling you to fully benefit. By the way, have you voted in this week’s MNO TalkBack poll? The question asks what you feel the main improvement was in the HYIP industry this autumn compared to the last which, you might remember, was full of fast scams. You can still submit your vote here and the final results will be drawn by the end of the week. As MNO is known for bringing you the most up-to-date statuses of the monitored programs as well as introducing the most promising new projects, in order not to miss anything I strongly advise you to subscribe for the daily delivered straight to your email by clicking here, also you can follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter, and write me a couple of lines from this page – I always try to reply within a 24 hour maximum, so you won’t wait long. I will be back with more news in a couple of days, so stay tuned if you want to be in the loop!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Nov 2nd, 2016. Comment.
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