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12/04/2017. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello, guys. Welcome back to MNO where due to increased prices for monitoring and the highest possible price for Premium listing currently set at $1,800 it’s hard to meet fast scams you see many other sites are full of now. Well, we should also blame the lack of leading programs at the moment on the general slowdown in the HYIP industry which can be clearly observed now, after the three first months of the 2017 year that were quite active. Yet, despite all the troubles I have three new programs to introduce and we will start from looking at the new programs on the MNO monitor before getting to the latest updates from the biggest paying investment opportunities in the HYIP industry.


In the first program that was added to the Premium list on MNO – PoolEarn – you don’t really have to invest anything in order to earn. Simply register an account and click the Free Ads tab in your account. Not much money though as every viewing of an ad with a 20 second countdown timer and anti-bot verification will only earn you one fifth of a cent. But as the minimum to request is $0.02 it won’t take long to reach it and get paid instantly to the e-currency of your choice. Actually, there are four payment processors that PoolEarn are working with and while the minimum to withdraw to PerfectMoney and Payeer is only 0.02$, for AdvCash it’s $0.1, and in order to withdraw to BitCoin you will need to accumulate at least $2 in your account. However as with all programs with this type of free earnings, it won’t take you far. It will only allow you 2 to 3 cents per day, as the serious earnings are starting for those who upgrade their account with PoolEarn and buy a package. This is just a name, as defined by the script PoolEarn runs off (I’ve seen this script many times already, but can’t remember what it’s called right now), but you might just as easily call it an investment. It’s just the thing that there are several types of packages you can buy in PoolEarn that pay you over a 60 calendar day term before expiring. You don’t need to do the surfing or any other activities in order to earn on your package, but simply get into your account every day and withdraw to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, or AdvCash accounts instantly. Each package will cost you a different price and will bring you a different return over the same 60 day term. So, one Starter package will cost you $10 and earn 2.5% daily. The price of one Regular package rises to $40, but as an incentive your daily earning is 2.9%. Then we have the Doubler packages priced at $100 each which, as the name implies, will almost double your investment over the 60 day term bringing you 3.3% daily. The newest additions are called the Combo and Combo-2 and for them you will be paid 3.8% daily and 4.4% daily while they will cost you $170 and $290 each respectively. The launch of the latest Combo-2 package in PoolEarn made headlines and the admin has issued a newsletter dedicated to that while also featuring the latest stats from the program. See below:

Combo-2 pack Launched with ROI 264% :: PoolEarn is number 1 Passive Earning Site Now!
Dear Valued Member.
A very heart-warming welcome to you all. We are very delighted today to announce a very good news. And emergence of another new investment pack: “Combo-2” pack. It’s a new pack for YOU.
To fulfill our members’ request, we need to make a higher ROI (Rate of Interest) package with higher price. So we have done it. Combo-2 is launched. This pack is very promising and profitable. If one buy this pack, he/she can make 2.64 times of money. Plus this pack gives you extra 4,000 Ad Credits FREE worth $16. Please see the details about “Combo” pack:
Package Price: $290
Daily Percentage: 4.4%
Accrual Days: 60 days
Daily Profit: $12.76
Extra Bonus: 4000 Ad Credits worth $16
Total Return: $765.6 + $16 = $781.6
ROI (rate of interest): 264% + Extra free adcredits worth $16
So this is a good opportunity for those investors who wants to make more money. You can now buy “Combo-2” pack with any processor and earn $12.76 everyday plus 4000 adcredits worth $16. One $290 Combo pack will give you $765.6 almost in just 2 months. For any inquiry about Combo pack mail us at
Besides, view daily ads and earn free money every day. Do not miss. We earn from your views.
Today’s Statistics:
Deposits Crossing $3,683,900+…………Today’s Deposit $225,900+
Withdraw Given $2,291,350+…………Today’s withdraw $137,200+
Total User 46,400+………..Today’s Registered User 2400+
Today’s Alexa 35,735
Days Online: 47 Days
PoolEarn – Only the Best For the Rest

Note that as an investor you may buy any amount of packages in any possible combination. PoolEarn is online since late February and is definitely growing rapidly with the first investors already in profit. Hopefully more will follow soon. Of course, the bigger the package you buy in PoolEarn the faster you achieve this. For example, with the cheapest Starter package you will be in profit on day forty-one, while if you purchase the most expensive Combo-2 package this significantly decreases to day twenty-three. What potential investors in PoolEarn might really like in my opinion are the instant payouts and the opportunity to earn without spending a cent with the free ads. The website itself though also looks quite well made and user friendly. There’s a Demo account available for free members, so they could try PoolEarn without an actual investment first, and see if they like it enough to buy a package at a later date. There is an SSL-certificate with a more advanced GreenBar from GeoTrust, company registration in the UK, and a dedicated server hosted by Hetzner Online. I’ll discuss everything in more detail in the upcoming review coming on MNO on Friday. Stay tuned for that, guys, to find out more about this original program!


Clemenbit is one of those rare programs in the HYIP industry where the admin has decided to get verified and fully approved by Payza in order to be able to accept this demanding payment processor from his members. It shows a level of determination as well as experience, as he launched Clemenbit a few days ago with Payza already included. There are plenty of other options you can use to make a deposit in Clemenbit starting from $10 minimum which include PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash, and also OkPay and Neteller which certainly indicates that the admin knows the HYIP market well and tries his best to accommodate the needs of investors who might be interested in HYIPs but unable to invest due to country restrictions imposed by several anonymous payment processors. There is only one investment plan in Clemenbit which makes it as easier choice – you either take it or leave it. The term is 90 calendar days during which you will get paid variable interest from 2.1% to 3.5% every day. It’s going to be credited to your Clemenbit account and you will then be able to make a withdrawal request which will be honored and processed to your e-currency account within a 12 hour maximum which is quite fast for any online HYIP. Due to the variable nature of the payments it’s simply impossible to predict just how much in total you will get by the end of the term. The worst case scenario would be 189%, while the best possible case could be 315%. Your initial investment is included in daily profits and not returned on expiry. It has everything in place to reach that goal, in my honest opinion, and I believe the technical preparation of the site which is running off a unique but easy-to-navigate script, is SSL-secured by Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by OVH, couldn’t be better. Now the only question is whether the admin can maintain interest in Clemenbit consistently over the next few weeks and months, as the beginning has surely been successful and the program has managed to attract a lot of attention. Let’s hope that the admin knows what he’s doing and will run Clemenbit for enough time for the majority of members to see a good return. As of the moment Clemenbit is paying well and the program has been moved to Paying status on the MNO monitor with a full review scheduled by the end of the week. Stay tuned for that and read the first and only update so far from the admin below:

We’re delighted to announce the launch of our brand new website after several months of development. This is a new platform for our online clients and we hope you find our website both engaging and informative.


Moving on to to Aurum7 which was recently added to the MNO Standard List, first off I would like to shatter all possible speculation about the program’s origins and the admin behind it. I can say with 100% certainty that Aurum7 has absolutely nothing to do with any of the best programs over the last few years – Zinc7 or Carbon7. Yes, the admin did his best for Aurum7 to look exactly like them and was possibly inspired by their former glories judging by him deliberately mentioning both programs in the latest newsletter on the program’s recent redesign. OK, there are similarities such as deposit slots, minimum deposit is set at $25 and the minimum withdrawal is $2.50, withdrawals are processed Monday to Friday only, and there are two investment plans available – 7% for 22 business days and 110% after 7 calendar days. However, there are lots of inconsistencies and things that smart investors will definitely notice have nothing to do with either Zinc7 or Carbon7. Unlike the other two, Aurum7 does not accept deposits via Payza which was a hallmark of both and actually one of major things that determined their success, while working with only PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash simply limits the program’s capacity for expansion and shows us the admin’s general inexperience when dealing with Payza, considering there are two new programs on MNO like Biksbit and Clemenbit that both have Payza on board. The site of Aurum7 has been running for a whole month now and was redesigned just recently and added to the Standard List on MNO yesterday, while both Carbon7 and Zinc7 immediately had complete and comprehensive designs from the start and came to MNO on day one which they exclusively used as their only official monitor for the first couple of weeks, thus carefully managing its growth. The admin behind Aurum7 is certainly preaching a totally different advertising strategy, and I cannot say his program is new now, as it has been passed the first month long investment cycle before ever being featured on MNO. Besides, despite blatantly using the names of Zinc7 and Carbon7 in his newsletters, the admins of those programs would never use the names of previous programs in order to influence investors whether they want to invest or not. Nor would they address people as “interlocutors” which doesn’t even sound like a proper word to me, but then again is in keeping with a very poor standard of English through the website which Zinc7 or Carbon7 would never have allowed. Here is the latest newsletter from the administration of Aurum7, just to show you an example of this gibberish:

Aurum7 Team announces new program image.
Our new philosophy of online investment is conceptually and accurately reflected in new design of program site. We have tried to preserve trends and philosophy of Carbon7 and Zinc7 as well as legacy and traditions of investment programs of new generation. We have added meaning and content to our offers and, thus, the use of our program will be rather simple and effective. In addition, attractive design and marketing will make the use of our structures rather understandable and transparent. Confidence and accuracy of solutions are our doctrine embodied in program design. If you have a look at design of our site, you will immediately understand that cooperation with us is a great possibility and unique chance to appear at the origins of new event of Internet community. As Aurum7 is a new embodiment and continuation of the legend realized with the help of professional approach to site technique and design as well as preservation of reliable marketing and philosophy of Carbon7 and Zinc7. We do not offer you to “get one mad on the Internet”. We offer quality and long-term cooperation on mutually beneficial terms. It is a great reason for cooperation and leadership in quality project provided by real professionals!
Sincerely, Aurum7 Team.

Therefore if the admin tries to influence you with references to other successful programs you should definitely skip it and concentrate on what Aurum7 actually offers you as an investor. As I already mentioned the plans, a similar looking custom-made script and design, and domain name, I cannot deny that the site itself is technically prepared quite well. It’s SSL secured by Comodo, DDoS protected by CloudFlare with the hosting itself on Koddos. There are lots of social networks already available and Aurum7 might get a boost in membership now that it’s been featured on MNO. The thing is you need to step back from is any connection with successful projects with the suffix “7” that ran in the past, and only take Aurum7 on its own merits. Time will tell how it’s going to perform in the future, and I hope to a more detailed review of Aurum7 sometime next week. Stay tuned for that!


If you’ve been following the fortunes of RichmondBerks over the last couple of months you might have noticed some of their newsletters are in a very unique and individual style. Instead of an admin trying desperately to sell you something, RichmondBerks sometimes feature articles written from the investor’s point of view, telling a little something of their own, usually modest, background and how the extra income they’ve been able to make with RichmondBerks has changed their lives for the better. All well and good as long as the program keeps paying you might think, but in fairness RichmondBerks have been online since November and show no signs of slowing down. In fact in that time it’s taken the #2 spot on the MNO monitor’s Premium List as determined by its popularity among readers. It offers a sensible and sustainable no expiry style plan that pays members 1.6% interest on their deposits on business days, then reduces that to 0.7% on weekends due to their being a lot less activity in the HYIP industry in general then. You can take advantage of this offer for a $10 minimum investment made via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, or NixMoney.

Anyway, on to the news updates. These start with another success story, this time from a Latvian user claiming to have made enough money from RichmondBerks to buy himself a new BMW. He’s even posted a YouTube video of himself standing over said vehicle as proof. Sounds a bit far fetched at first you might think, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it were true (earning enough to buy a car I mean) because the same investor seems to show up in some of the other news stories about RichmondBerks promotional conferences. And it’s on the topic of general promotional work where the news continues, with a sort of “top ten” style list of the best ways you can support the program and help it grow, and if you’re lucky expand your own downline as well so it’s a win/win situation as long as the program gets the support it needs to keep it running. Depending on your abilities and how much spare time you have to put into this some of the suggestions actually require very little effort on your part anyway, just supporting real discussions (and not spam) on various online forums and social media platforms. Others might be for the more serious and determined players, such as operating conferences and webinars. If you want any further information about RichmondBerks and how it operates then I suggest you start with the review first published on MNO here, meanwhile you can see the latest news from the program below:

Thanks to the RichmondBerks company I bought the car I dreamed of!
Hello everyone! My name is George, I’m from Latvia and I’m 23. And today I want to tell you my little story – how thanks to the RichmondBerks company I bought the car I dreamed of!
You know, I think that each of you has a dream! Of course with age, they are all different, but do you know that with the company RichmondBerks LTD, you can make your dreams come true. Still literally 3 months ago I worked on normal work and looked for any opportunities for earning. I saw how successful people pass by me on beautiful cars, I believed that there is another life and it exists. Exactly 3 months ago I found the company RichmondBerks LTD, and today 17.03.2017 I bought myself BMW 320D exactly the color and model that I dreamed of. You think this is a joke? Watch the video
I think every partner of the company already knows that the company RichmondBerks LTD, it’s not just a company – it’s a magic key that can fulfill all your dreams and desires. The most important thing is that the application of the company gives me the opportunity to always and everywhere be in touch with partners, share news, and most importantly, withdraw commissions and share it. Our life is movement and application of the company makes our movement even faster and more profitable right now.
Travel, opportunities are all possible here and now. Egypt, and today Turkey – these are not just words or dreams, it all becomes a reality. As long as I rest, I earn money. It’s so attractive.
Active development of the partner program, conferences and webinars, all this gives excellent bonuses – which everyone can get! A special incentive bonus program that was developed by the company is not just a system – it’s a road through which everyone can go and where absolutely, everyone, regardless of age, place of residence, will succeed! Invite partners, share information, the company RichmondBerks LTD, is a company where you are not ashamed to tell the truth!
Are you interested in becoming a part of something big? Do you want to feel the taste of a new life – solve your financial problems, start traveling and be free.
Join now –
RichmondBerks company LTD, be, not seem to be.
My contacts – Viber/whatsapp +37126374300, Skype – Georgiy1213,”.

TOP-10 ways to attract partners within affiliate program
Hello, everyone! RichmondBerks here. And today we are going to show you some tricks in attracting new partners in order to generate moderate passive income within RichmondBerks affiliate program. Ready, Set, Go!
The RichmondBerks affiliate program contains your personal affiliate link and additional promo-materials which you can use to increase campaign effectiveness. Here are TOP-10 ways our clients attract new customers.
1. Social networks sharing
One of the most popular and simplest ways to obtain new affiliates. Depends on the number of your friends. By the way you can get additional money using Mobile Share.
2. Email sharing
There are a lot of emails you receive from RichmondBerks. Try to forward them to your friends and watch the result.
3. Conduct a webinar
Webinars are an outstanding way to massively increase your affiliate number. Besides you automatically complete one of achievements and gain RBB.
4. Use forums
But use them wisely. Do not spam. Do not advertise directly. Support discussion and organically say about RichmondBerks. If everything is done correctly the effect is very profitable.
5. Start a blog
Personal blog is a good long-term way for earning money. It requires some efforts but the reward is high as well. Some of RichmondBerks partners attract hundreds of new clients via blogs earning thousands of dollars in commissions.
6. Youtube review
Youtube is another powerful source of your affiliates. Make a good review, shop people the money, and the will follow you.
7. Paid advertisement
This is a quick but serious way. You invest money in attracting audience via different sources (PPC, targeted ads) and gain profits from a massive source of new referrals. This method requires appropriate expertise.
8. Offline invitations
Do you know someone in your neighbourhood who can benefit from RichmondBerks? Help this person to become investor and earn your commissions!
9. Use commercial offers
This method is for the people who aim for big profits. They look for entrepreneurs or business owners and make them a profitable offer. It’s hard, but the price is high as well.
10. Make a conference
This is improved offline method. Watch reports here and here for inspiration.
These were the most popular ways to attract affiliates. Which of them do you use? Please, share your opinion in comments.


Not that it’s going to be an Earth-shattering surprise or anything, in fact it was already expected in the last blog post here on MNO, but LegendInvestments is definitely and undeniably a scam now. I mean some of you may have been holding out for some glimmer of hope that things were going to improve with the program and payments would get back on track, but it wasn’t to be. Nor was it ever likely to be. LegendInvestments has become a scam on day 45, nowhere near the point at which the first investors who took a chance on the program would have been getting their first profits. As no one was able to take out more than they invested, it’s quite likely the admin of LegendInvestments planned it this way right from the start, choosing to steal anything he could lay hands on as soon as there was any downturn of interest shown in his program by investors. I am however pleased to say that fortunately very few people joined from MNO so the admin actually paid a lot more in advertising than he got back for it. That is the thing – MNO should only be joined by ambitious admins that know exactly what they are doing, otherwise they risk losing their own money. Fine by me as LegendInvestments has been a horrible program and smart readers of my site largely ignored it for a reason. It’s currently on Scam status, as the support disappeared and the payments have now completely stopped being made to everyone, so do not invest there!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: SportArbitrageRichmondBerksBandeiraCorp, TradeBTC,
RubiLtd, SoftMiningFatFunds, Biksbit, PoolEarn (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Clemenbit (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: BetCruisez, InventGlobal, DreamParadise (the first payments received).

And that’s where we leave it for tonight, folks. As always I hope you enjoyed reading, and if you did, then why not subscribe? You can have all the most important HYIP related news stories that feature on MNO sent directly to your inbox every say as they are published. Just fill in the subscription form on this page and confirm the link you will then be sent. You can also follow MNO on Telegram, Twitter, and Facebook if that’s how you prefer to stay up-to-date. Remember to keep voting in the opinion poll currently running on the MNO TalkBack page, asking readers thoughts on how they think they can spot an imminent scam. I’ll be back on Friday with a more detailed look at PoolEarn, however you don’t need to wait for that to start making money from the program without any investment (clicking on ads). Stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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