Jun 13th, 2017 Archives

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Beware! ControlFinance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend, although I know it’s Tuesday already but this is still the first post of the new business week. There’s a couple of news stories to catch up on since my last post, including the results of the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll. The result was so entirely one-sided I decided there was no reason to keep it running any longer, as almost everyone voiced the same opinion. First of all though I want to focus on ControlFinance, the newest addition to the MNO monitor‘s Standard List. At about three weeks online already ControlFinance isn’t at first glance a brand new program in the strictest sense, but as we shall see from the investment offers it’s going to be a very slow burner, especially launching at a time when activity in the industry is at a low. I don’t expect the program to be an overnight success and it’s going to be some time before even the admin gets back what he spent. But don’t worry, that’s not a negative factor by any means and if anything makes me hopeful that ControlFinance will be around a bit longer than some of the horrible scams I’ve seen on other monitors recently. So let’s see what they’re all about and if you think it’s worth a gamble.

There’s basically just one plan in ControlFinance, though the interest payments will vary depending on how much you invest. But let’s be clear about one thing before you join – ControlFinance is a perpetual style investment program with no expiry date. Once you are in, you stay in, and you will not be given your principal back at any time. The trade off for that is that hit-and-runners will not be a problem, and the members keep getting paid for how ever long the admin manages to keep the program online.

You will need a $10 minimum to join ControlFinance. In return for this or anything up to a $300 maximum you can claim back 1% interest every day for as long as the program survives. Bigger spending players are as you would expect in the HYIP industry naturally encouraged by the ControlFinance admin by offering higher rates. For those spending upwards of $300 to a $1,000 limit the return goes up to 1.1% per calendar day. For a bigger investment to a $4,500 upper limit ControlFinance make an offer of 1.4% per calendar day. And finally the maximum possible return being offered by the program of 1.5% interest per calendar day is available to those spending upwards of $10,000 with a maximum cap of $30,000.

There’s really not a great deal I can add at about the plan at this point, it might sound vague but it really is just a case of the individual investor filling in the blanks. It’s just a question of you deciding how much you want to spend, and doing the maths yourself to see how long it then takes you to break even, and assessing what you think ControlFinance‘s chances are of getting you to that point. So let’s say you join ControlFinance with $100. You earn $1 per day back on this for how ever long the program is with us. That means it’s going to take 100 days for you to break even, and then everything after that is your profit.

As you can see the list of plans doesn’t really throw up any surprises for a program like ControlFinance, but neither does the list of payment processors. There is some room for improvement (there always is in most HYIPs) but most of the popular ones are there, including PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash and BitCoin. Payouts to members need to be requested manually by the investor by logging into their private members account area. Once done however the transaction should be processed instantly, with the money appearing in your e-currency account in under a minute in most cases.

The only other thing I can think of relevant to the actual investment side of the program that you might need to know is the use of exchange system. In a nutshell you can join ControlFinance using one payment processor and withdraw your earnings using another, depending on what suits you best on the day. It’s slightly more technical than that in the sense that you don’t just make the withdrawal request and nominate an account like you normally would, you need to go through the motions of using the exchange system. It’s quite simple though, and don’t worry, ControlFinance don’t charge any fees for the service.

With such low interest rates and no chance to get your principal back during the investment term it’s going to be a while before ControlFinance gets noticed by a wider investment audience. The admin must realize that for sure, otherwise there was certainly no point to launch his program in summer, when investment activities are at a minimum. If the program survives until autumn then it could really take off and grow into something special. Quite a lot of material is available for advertising as well, so members can get more involved with the promotion.

The design and security features also appear to be up to an acceptable industry standard. The ControlFinance website is running off a script that’s been licensed from GoldCoders so it will be instantly recognisable for most regular HYIP players and easy to navigate. For an extra layer of security the program features a secure SSL connection from Comodo to allow safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server from CloudFlare with the anti-DDoS protection provided by SharkTech. Overall I have to say the website is quite user friendly, well designed to give a positive first impression, and multilingual to make it more appealing to a global audience. You can access the ControlFinance website through Russian, Korean, or Vietnamese if any of those languages are preferential to you over English. A promotional video can also be seen on the ControlFinance website, and has been embedded in the MNOVision page as well.

For any further questions about the program or important account related issues you might need to have dealt with then there’s a pretty good communications set-up in place for the members. You are clearly instructed to read the FAQ page before submitting any support requests, so naturally you would start with that. You can then get in touch via several different methods if you still need to, including the regular customer support form where you fill in your details and submit it online. You may also just write directly to the listed e-mail address for the admin if you prefer that. The ControlFinance website comes with a built-in Live Chat feature you can check as well, where you might be able to get your questions answered in real time if an operator is available. It won’t waste too much of your time to check it before sending a support ticket. Live Chat is also available through ControlFinance‘s Skype and Telegram accounts. You might also notice a postal address in the UK though I would suggest you ignore that as I recognize it as a serviced office used only for registration purposes and not where you would find anyone physically located that’s involved with the program. ControlFinance are the latest program to employ a network of regional representatives, regular members like yourself who provide customer support on behalf of the program in their home countries and languages. You’ll find the list on their website as well as the contact details and languages spoken by each, so you may find one of them in your area. And lastly for fans of social media networks you’ll find ControlFinance keeping profiles on Twitter, Facebook, and as I already mentioned Telegram.

As for any alleged business activities supporting the interest payments, as you might expect in the HYIP industry it’s all a bit vague and a case of “talking a lot without saying much” if you know what I mean. In other words there’s plenty about ControlFinance supposedly being involved with the trading of cryptocurrencies, but nothing to actually prove it. The fact that they give exchange rates and claim to be trading in all cryptocurrencies but then only accept one (BitCoin) from members tells you a lot more here I think. But as you should all know by now, playing with HYIPs is basically a form of gambling so if you lose don’t think you can blame someone else for you spending more than you were able to afford to lose in the first place. Treat ControlFinance as you would anything else in the HYIP industry and stay, as I said, within a sensible spending limit. And of course also remember that ControlFinance would be better kept as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

So, what do you guys think? Like it or leave it? If you have given any thought to ControlFinance and whether or not you would like to join it or not then I hope you won’t mind sharing your thoughts with your fellow MNO readers by voting in the following opinion poll. As always it’s completely anonymous and untraceable, and will only take literally a second of your time. The results are never exactly final as such, but will give an interesting picture of what investors do and don’t like about HYIPs and how many of you make a good decision as we learn more about how the program performs. The question is:

Will you make an active deposit in ControlFinance?

View Results

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Staying on the subject of the above reviewed ControlFinance, the admin issued a weekly trading report in PDF format you can check by clicking the link provided. Sorry, I cannot make much out of the various graphs and charts supposed to prove ControlFinance are really trading cryptocurrencies as they say on their website, but if you’re qualified enough to make sense in all of this you’re welcome to look it over and make your own conclusion on the authenticity of the report:

Trade report ControlFinance
Hello. We posted Company’s weekly trade report covering the period from June 5, 2017, to June 11, 2017. You can have a look at it clicking on the following link: https://control-finance.com/report/Trade_report_3.PDF


Many experienced investors should know that offering deposit bonuses might have two consequences, but inevitably come from one root cause – cashflow. Indeed, why would a program offer any additional bonuses if their cashflow is already increasing? At the same time, the simple fact of a deposit bonus offer doesn’t necessarily indicate a pending scam, as many HYIP admins simply use this trick to revive flagging interest into programs which are not getting newer. Tough competition in the HYIP industry make admins like the one running FatFunds get more inventive and make some incentives for new investors. This is the promo campaign offering 10% of your deposit as a bonus to help investors quit smoking announced today:

Summer antitobacco action (+10% to deposit)
Dear investors and guests of our unique project!
FatFunds team celebrating the beginning of summer. Summer is the most wonderful time for Health improvement, relaxation and comfortable income with FatFunds.
Today we are happy to start “Quit smoking with FatFunds” wellness week.
Refusing any cigarettes or alcohol by making deposit our member gain 10% deposit bonus.
Earn more, earn with fun and stay healthy with FatFunds!
Yours faithfully, Team FatFunds

Those who have not read my full review of FatFunds posted here yet might just ask a question – what does quitting smoking have to do with HYIP investments? Well, FatFunds is quite a unique program in the industry taking the role as as a healthy lifestyle assistant that encourages members to quit junk food and bad habits in favour of healthy lifestyle and HYIP investing. I’m not sure how the process of investing in HYIPs can be connected with a healthy lifestyle, but there you go! On the FatFunds website there is always plenty of advice on how to improve your well-being and financial state as well by investing into their investment plans. One pays 2.1% for 100 business days with no principal return, while the other riskier option is the 100% compounding plan with a one-off payment of 799% at the end of the 100 business day term. The best thing about FatFunds certainly loved by many investors is that the payouts are completely automated and you don’t need to do a thing to be paid Monday to Friday directly to the same e-currency account you joined with, be it PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, or BitCoin. The minimum to invest starts from $5 and after 78 running days and the first investors in profit we can say that FatFunds has been a success already. Fingers crossed that the new promotional campaign announced by the admin today will help it run longer and complete the first investment cycle soon.


Unfortunately, the one full 55-day completed investment cycle is the only real achievement of the admin of AxisCrude whose program stopped paying as of yesterday. It has now been moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor. I cannot really say that AxisCrude was a bad program overall, as the full investment cycle and many investors in profit (who joined at the right time, of course!) speak volumes in the current quiet period in the HYIP industry. However, the final result was not very impressive either. Even the last newsletter issued by the admin yesterday shortly before the usually flawlessly processed instant payouts stopped couldn’t revive interest in AxisCrude from the old investors who were encouraged to participate in the referral contest. Whether that was just a trick to reignite a desire to invest or something unexpected happened that put instant withdrawals on hold we will probably never know, as the admin has disappeared and Live Chat is no longer active. The conclusion therefore can only be that AxisCrude has scammed and no further investments can be recommended. MNO was the first monitor who changed the status for AxisCrude after a couple of confirmed complaints from my readers were seen on the ShoutBox, so I hope it helped others to be aware of the issue and stopped them from investing there. Almost two months online was definitely not a bad result, and hope that the vast majority of my readers are in profit from AxisCrude that joined MNO Premium List during its first days online.


I must say that I’m very disappointed in the performance BitCTrade has been showing over the last few days. It appears that the site is going from bad to worse all the time. First the hacking attempts that led to database issues and forced the admin put the site on maintenance mode for many hours. Then he promised to fix everything, and it worked well for a day or two, until today when many members noticed their accounts have negative balances. Mine was affected as well and to my surprise the only solution that the admin could offer to me was to create another account and be paid manually from now on. Regarding other members with negative balances in their accounts (and I have already received four complaints as of today!) I think they should not be penalized by the admin’s own errors and claims of overpaying every single member due to database issues seems too far from reality. If the admin believes that everyone with a negative balance should be kept in limbo, waiting until their accounts are back to normal while MNO maintains Paying status on the monitor for BitCTrade then he’s strongly mistaken. I am really sick and tired of constant issues with this website and everyday the complaints I’m receiving from my referrals. If the problem with negative balances and unpaid withdrawals is not going to be solved within the next 24 hours I reserve the right to move BitCTrade to Problem status on the MNO monitor – something I believe long overdue. This would only be fair considering the total mess the admin has managed to make of his website and all the investors over the last week or so. I myself am not very optimistic of the outcome and would be very surprised of BitCTrade will return to normal by tomorrow. Anyway, I will keep you updated and meanwhile will keep BitCTrade on Waiting status on the MNO monitor. Stay tuned for more information on the MNO ShoutBox as soon as I know it and do not invest in the program until further notice, guys!


With Bangladesh being the eighth most populous country in the world and one of the fasted developing markets on the globe it’s no wonder that Payza pays so much attention to it. There is another option that is now available for Bangladeshi clients of Payza that allows them to convert their foreign currency balance in Payza to Takas – the Bangladeshi currency and spend as their wish on goods and services within the country. I believe this new feature will prove popular for Payza clients in Bangladesh and make the payment processor even more popular there. It will be useful, for instance, if they use Payza to buy or sell BitCoins or invest in HYIPs directly accepting Payza, like those highly successful programs from the MNO monitor like BandeiraCorp (reviewed here) or TrafficHeap (reviewed here). If you don’t have a Payza account yet you can sign up for a free one here, and do not forget to verify it to enjoy the myriad of features available for verified members only, like the Payza pre-paid card that can be delivered straight to your doorstep by post and can be enjoyed by spending in shops or withdrawing from ATMs. Here is the latest update from the official Payza news blog:

Bangladeshi Payza Members Can Now Convert Foreign Currency to Takas
Payza has opened a new option for members in Bangladesh that will allow them to convert foreign currencies to Bangladeshi Takas (BDT) directly within their accounts. Previously, foreign currency had to be withdrawn to a Bangladeshi bank account in order to convert those funds to BDT, but with this new option, members can now make that conversion directly within their Payza accounts.
This new option will allow Bangladeshis to use the foreign currency they receive from friends and family abroad, and from payments they receive for freelance work, to make online purchases within Bangladesh, or to pay for services that accept Payza payments.
Because of regulations in Bangladesh, it is not possible for Bangladeshi Takas to be converted into other currencies. Funds held in Takas can be spent at Bangladeshi shopping sites, they can also be used to pay for Bangladeshi services such as mobile top-ups, or they can be sent to other Payza members in the country.
When you’re ready to exchange foreign currency to Takas, just follow the steps in this animation to complete your exchange. You can also read more about how to exchange funds in the Payza Reference Center: How Do I Exchange Currencies?
Convert US Dollars to Takas in your Payza Account. https://blog.payza.com/wp-content/uploads/USD-to-BDT-gif-1.gif


And more on the subject of Payza is in the final results of the MNO TalkBack poll. 90% of MNO readers believe they are more likely to join a HYIP if it has Payza payment option on board, even if they don’t actually use Payza themselves. And only 10% say that Payza might cause trouble to HYIPs and are therefore against it being used by admins. I believe that final result of the poll conducted on the MNO TalkBack page over the last seven days speaks for itself and many HYIP admins who seriously consider making their programs a glorious success should definitely think hard whether they should oblige and add Payza to the list of accepted payment processors. You see, Payza currently taken by only three out of the twelve monitored on MNO programs has always been something of an “enfant terrible” of the HYIP industry by demanding quite a lot of personal information and documentation from the admins in order to have the payment buttons approved. However, the efforts are usually greatly rewarded at the end, as having Payza onboard certainly draws more interest from many potential investors who would appreciate the admin’s desire to go far and beyond in satisfying investor demands. And I can say for sure that HYIP players love Payza, as it provides options to fund and withdraw without the help of exchangers using direct banking and card methods. Recently the BitCoin integration has also made waves and made even more HYIP investors consider using Payza not only for investing, but to convert and store BitCoins there. And do not forget that the HYIP admins usually keep paying to Payza for much longer than to any other payment processors, simply because it’s really hard for them to withdraw money from business verified accounts. The cherry on top is the right for savvy HYIP investors to file a dispute if they get scammed by a program and receive a full or partial refund if funds can be frozen and recovered. Dealing with Payza could be a kind of headache for some HYIP admins, but if the best of them realize that they must satisfy the high demand for Payza in order to become successful and competitive in the HYIP industry, they will do it. The poll shows it perfectly well that such admins and their programs will get rewarded for their efforts and forward thinking approach.

For the new question on the MNO TalkBack page for the next week or so, I chose the following subject. I noticed that many programs nowadays offer so-called “on expiry” paying plans that in many cases they run simultaneously with the daily paying plans. I guess many investors are aware of the fact that such plans are to be avoided, unless they pay after a short period of time about one to five days. However, many HYIP admins still offer them, sometimes promising ridiculously high returns on expiry of a term lasting months rather than weeks. I wonder if anyone in the HYIP industry is still gullible enough to take the bait and invest in such plans. And how such type of plans are popular among my readers and therefore, whether it’s essential for HYIP admins to offer them at all. So the new question posted here asks:

Do you invest in paying once on expiry plans?

1) Yes, always.
2) Only in rare cases.
3) No, never

As usual the results of the poll will be analysed on the MNO blog next week, so I appreciate your votes on the TalkBack page, guys.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: UnityReserveBandeiraCorpFexFund,
From MNO Standard list: ControlFinance (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Basic list: SwissCreditBitXxa, CryptoGolden.

That’s all for today, guys. I hope you enjoy reading MNO and will follow it on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter for all the latest news or to subscribe for the Daily News to be delivered to your mailbox regularly by entering and confirming your email address here. I’ll be back with the latest updates from the HYIP industry within the next few days, so see you all then. And don’t forget to enjoy your summer as it won’t last forever! Talk to you all soon, folks!

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