Jun 24th, 2017 Archives

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Beware! Bitcoin456 has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all enjoying the weekend, especially as the solstice that just passed makes the longest one of the year for most readers. Despite being a Saturday and right in the middle of a quiet season in the HYIP industry I was actually surprised at how much news there is to report on today about various goings-on in different programs. I’ll be covering all that in the news section coming up in the second part of this article, but to start things off for today I want to take a more detailed look at a new medium term program that joined my monitor’s Premium List called Bitcoin456. It’s a program that can put you into profit even before the expiry of the first investment cycle, so it’s kinda nice to see a HYIP of this quality appear. Especially if you’re looking to diversify your portfolios. So let’s see what Bitcoin456 is all about and if you like your chances enough to sign up and make a deposit.

There’s just one investment plan to speak of in Bitcoin456, and this in turn is broken down into three further sub sections depending on how much you are prepared to spend. In real terms only one of these is going to be of any real interest to most readers though, given the high cost of joining. The minimum amount you have to spend for an entry level investment in Bitcoin456 though is a very reasonable $10. Any amount between this and an upper limit of $5,000 gets you in to what’s knows as The Small MH/s Plan (MH/s being a technical term relating to crypto currency mining). The term runs for 30 calendar days, during which Bitcoin456 offer members a daily payment of 4%. Come the end of that period, and with your principal already included as part of the payments, you should finish up with 120% back on your deposit, or 20% net profit.

To express that in more practical monetary terms then, let’s say you join Bitcoin456 with $100. That means everyday for the next 30 days they pay you back $4. You then break even after 25 days, that is to day earn back an amount equal to you original investment and therefore cannot possibly be at a loss. Everything you take from that point on is pure passive net profit, finishing the term with $120 back from your $100 investment.

Just for the record, Bitcoin456 up their offer to 5% per day for 30 calendar days if you join with $5,001 up to $10,000 for The Medium MH/s Plan. That’s a break even point of 20 days and a final profit of 50% (your own principal plus 50% extra in earnings). Or for anyone joining with upwards of $10,000 to a maximum limit of $100,000 Bitcoin456 have The Large MH/s Plan, again running for 30 calendar days but paying 6% back on your deposit per day. That gives you 180% back on your deposit by expiry, or including your principal 80% net profit. Break even point is on day number 17.

Payment options should you like any of those plans appeal to you enough to join are OK. Not exactly extensive, but pretty much what you would expect from a short term program like Bitcoin456, and up to a fair enough standard if you’re happy dealing with anonymous payment processors. As long as you know what you are getting yourself into with Bitcoin456 then OK, you can use your choice of PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash if you prefer the more conventional third party payment handlers, and BitCoin if you prefer the more direct approach. Withdrawal requests are handled manually by the admin and will have to be requested from within your Bitcoin456 members account area. Strictly speaking, staying within the terms & conditions of the program, the admin asks for 8 hours to complete all transactions during business day (Monday to Friday) and 14 hours if you’re asking for a withdrawal over the weekend. In my own experience with Bitcoin456 so far I have to say payments have always been really fast, but do keep the official waiting period in mind, because as the program grows and the admin’s schedule gets more crowded it might start take a bit longer.

Looking at the more technical, design, and security aspects of Bitcoin456 now, everything checks out and is up to a decent standard. Bitcoin456 is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server, although the first thing most users might notice is the script. The Bitcoin456 admin says it’s customised, but is still a modified version of what you might get from GoldCoders directly. For an extra layer of protection the Bitcoin456 website has an extended validation Green Bar Comodo supported SSL-certificate installed for safer transactions and secure browsing.

If you have any further questions for the admin that you think were missed in this review then there’s a couple of different ways to get in touch. Unusally there isn’t any FAQ page, so for things like account issues you’ll need to go straight to support. For that you can either fill in your details on the online support form, or else write directly to the admin via the e-mail address listed. A UK postal address is included, something I would dismiss out-of-hand if I were you as unlikely to be more than a virtual, serviced office. On the other hand it also comes with a telephone number, so you can speak with someone personally if you want.

As with any online HYIP it’s bit of a stretch for anyone to really believe Bitcoin456 to be even remotely related to a real investment company of course, readers here wouldn’t be that naive, but as far as this industry goes I guess it isn’t bad. For the record we are led to believe the program is involved with crypto currency mining, a claim which of course is unproven and impossible for members to research and verify. We’ve seen countless programs in the past that were organized along more or less the same business model, many of which were hugely popular and successful for at least a good portion of their investors. Whether Bitcoin456 can emulate those programs or not remains to be seen, all I can add is that as far as I know the admin’s track record is good and there’s definitely an appetite out there for it. I think you know the rest by now, by continuing with Bitcoin456 you should be comfortable with the fact that you are taking a gamble and you should act as such. Some people will definitely make a lot of money from this, but whether you get to be one of them or not is the chance you take. So try and minimise the risk to yourself by establishing a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose, and if you do join Bitcoin456 then try and keep it as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

Just before we move on to the news then, if you have given any thought to Bitcoin456 and whether or not you would like to join it or not then I hope you won’t mind sharing how you feel with your fellow MNO readers by voting in the following opinion poll. As always it’s completely anonymous and untraceable, and will only take literally a second of your time. The results are never exactly final, but will give an insight to admins about what investors do and don’t like about HYIPs and how many of you make a good decision as we learn more about how the program performs. The question is:

Will you make an active deposit in Bitcoin456?

View Results

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After the successful completion of the first investment cycle a few days ago and getting their first investors to the 160% target the admin of UnityReserve has finally started making his program more accessible to interested HYIP investors. Initially only accepting BitCoin when first launching almost two months ago UnityReserve is now also working with DashCoin and, most recently, PerfectMoney has been added to the list of payment processors as well. That might just give UnityReserve the boost in membership which it definitely deserves, considering its stupendous performance so far. If you haven’t read my original review of UnityReserve posted here, I should remind you that the program accepts investments starting from a $10 minimum (or 0.0041 BTC) and offers variable investment returns of up to 5% on weekdays (Monday to Friday) and up to 2% on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays). At no point should the rate drop below 0.2% which is the guaranteed minimum. You will keep earning until your deposit in UnityReserve reached 160% after which it expires and you finish with 60% net profit. By the way, you don’t even need to wait 24 hours to be able to request your first withdrawal from UnityReserve (they are all processed instantly, as a rule) as in your account you will be able to see a timer counting your profits by the second based on the given daily rate. So far, I can say that UnityReserve has been one of the better organized programs I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with and the online support is also very efficient, I must add. The latest news on the addition of PerfectMoney can be found below, if you have been waiting for this processor to be added you’re welcome now to proceed with your deposit. I’m sure more payment options will be added by the admin of UnityReserve over time to ensure its continuous growth and I will certainly keep you all updated on that on the MNO blog:

Perfect Money
Dear partners and investors,
We are pleased to inform you about enabling the popular payment system Perfectmoney for receiving deposits and paying dividends.
Investing in UnityReserve is profitable and reliable, and now it’s easy as well.
Anyone can enjoy the benefits of working with us.
Sincerely, UnityReserve administration.


After nearly two months online I guess no one would deny the fact that FexFund has been one of the main highlights of the HYIP industry over the last weeks. MNO has been monitoring FexFund (reviewed here) since day one and I must say that I had nothing but an extremely positive experience when dealing with the program’s custom made script or communicating with its admin George who kindly answered questions for the interview I published with him here. As George clearly pointed out in the interview FexFund is here to stay, and by the way of his work and development has clearly proved this point to me and many of my readers. Over the first eight weeks online there was ample opportunity for everyone to profit in one of the three investment plans offered by FexFund, including 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, or the most profitable of all 5% for 30 days. All the withdrawals are processed instantly to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash accounts, and even when we face occasional disruptions that can leave withdrawals on pending status due to the payment processors own technical issues George is always on top of things and updates members in real time on the website. And of course, by praising the way FexFund has been operating so far I cannot help but mention the important weekly newsletters the admin sends every Friday on any important developments that happened over the last seven days. Yesterday was no exception when yet another newsletter was issued. The main topics discussed included pics from opening the office for FexFund in Brazil, new translations for Spanish and Portuguese speaking readers, some important adjustments to its representative program that required some action on cheating members, and warning about some scam emails circulating online targeting FexFund‘s investors and luring them into sharing the details of their accounts, which can be quite harmful considering the instant nature of withdrawals. You can see the newsletter in full below in which the admin added that according to the result of the public opinion poll recently taken on design improvement no significant changes would be made to it (by the way, I have a similar poll on the subject of importance of HYIP design still running on the MNO TalkBack page though which you’re welcome to participate in):

[News] Weekly update on FexFund, new Agency opened.
Good morning!
I hope you are not bored with my newsletters every Friday, but I have to “warn” you, I will keep doing them for a long while!
This one won’t be short, sorry for that. But we have so much great news to share that we cannot miss anything.
First of all, our Agency in Brazil is open now. It’s nearly ready to go, our Top Agent Diego Aragao da Mata did a tremendous job and in the concise period got everything set and organised. Well done Diego! You can find some pictures of the office just right here:
The address of the Agency is now available in About Us section so if you are lucky to live in the area, feel free to drop by to our office : )
A few days ago I launched the poll about changing/updating our site’s design. Most of you voted for “Do not change anything” option but there was some significant number of votes for “Keep and update your current design” so I believe this is some kind of a green light to make little updates on the site but not to change its whole image. We will probably start with video tutorials section as we get a lot if questions about the usability of the website and I’m sure those tutorials will help the beginners a lot.
Also, we made some changes in Representatives section. We have cleared those who got the status but were never promoting or what is worse, got the status only to open multiple accounts and benefit of better commission with their deposits. It’s much more clear now; all beginners can be sure that those listed as Representative or Top Agents are always willing to help if needed.
Just a quick reminder of Representative requirements – we require 5 active direct referrals and $1000 worth of deposits by the applicant, so we are sure only serious people are applying for the status.
Another change is two new languages on the site: Portuguese and Spanish. Big kudos to Diego Aragao da Mata and Eduardo Chevarria Palomino for the translations. That’s the spirit and team effort we love!
As we are getting more and more popular, some scammers or hackers are trying to get the advantage of it. Recently some of you might get some fake emails promising bonus for sharing their details. Please keep in mind that we will never do that. We send our newsletter on Friday only and only from office@fexfund.net email address. All other announcements we do on the site via our News system. So please ignore any fake emails trying to steal your data!
Ok, I think it’s time to stop here. Most of you are probably asleep at this stage of the newsletter ; ) I will let you come back to your duties before the weekend will come and I’m coming back to the markets as excellent deals can be made within ours. That’s why we love cryptocurrencies, and we will share our profits with you guys for a long time!
Have an excellent weekend.
George Soleos. CEO of FexFund.


What can be more important to a good quality HYIP than a high level of security to make sure all the transactions are processed smoothly and the site is properly protected against hackers? Especially it is true when it comes to such programs offering instant withdrawals like ControlFinance which first reviewed on MNO here. The admin of the program that has been running for four weeks already offering instant payouts on the 1%-1.5% daily “forever” plans to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin has taken some important measures for tightening the security of the website. In the latest newsletter issued yesterday he announced two important security enhancements that will help you stay safe. To read more on them please see below:

News – Investments of our partners are now secured.
Today, ControlFinance introduced a number of security enhancements for personal customer accounts. Two updates were made. Now, you can only change your personal data by entering a verification code that will be automatically sent to you by e-mail. We’ve also introduced a payment pin code. To activate your pin code, you need to go into your personal account settings, enter your pin code and write it down somewhere. Without your pin code, you won’t be able to create a withdrawal request.
ControlFinance takes care of the funds of each client. We focus not only on generating profit but also on preserving your investments.


I know for sure that many HYIP admins are based in Ukraine and I believe that wouldn’t come as a huge surprise for many of my readers either. The country is quite open to e-commerce style business as well, so no wonder that the subject of the latest Payza blog post were the peculiarities of the Ukrainian economy and its main drivers and barriers that you need to overcome in order to succeed doing business in the country. Payza is the payment processor of choice for many of my readers and two programs from the MNO Premium list are accepting it for deposits – I’m talking about TrafficHeap (reviewed here) that just successfully completed the first cycle and BandeiraCorp (reviewed here) which is the oldest program on my monitor running for well over a year. It’s no coincidence only the best HYIPs are working with Payza and rather a typical situation in this instance. You see, many fast scams would not bother getting their approval for payment buttons because of strict rules on payment reversals and refunds. The regular investors around the world though love Payza for its multiple direct deposit and withdrawal methods including BitCoin and some other altcoins. Anyway, back to the main topic of today’s discussion and take a closer look at Ukraine which Payza are focusing on tonight:

Country Spotlight: Ukraine is Open for Business
In 2015, e-commerce in Ukraine began to transform. The summer that year, the Ukrainian government worked with the Central Bank to implement a series of measures designed to liberalize and regulate e-commerce, both within the country and across borders. This allowed Ukrainian business and consumers to rapidly embrace the digital economy. Within the first year of these new measures, the transformation was clear: e-commerce turnover in the first half of 2016 was twice as much as during the same period in 2015.
Although economic and political instability has caused most segments of the Ukrainian economy to stall, the e-commerce sector grew by 35% last year, faster than any other European country. As Ukraine continues to follow in the footsteps of their neighbors in Western Europe, the potential of (and demand for) e-commerce is at an all-time high.
*Unless otherwise noted, figures in this article are sourced from:

Ukrainian Consumers
Total population: 46 million
Internet penetration: 43% (20 million)
Online shoppers: 18 million (91% of internet users)
E-commerce sales: EUR 1.4 billion
E-commerce growth: 35%
Ukraine is the largest country in Europe and highly populated, and cross-border merchants looking to do business in Ukraine need to understand these consumers. While internet penetration in Ukraine remains low at only 58%, 91% of internet users are online shoppers. More than half of these consumers are between the ages of 14 and 34, and more than a third of them live in large cities.
Drivers and Barriers
Driver: Government Intervention
The Ukrainian government has shown its commitment to opening up the country to e-commerce. Before 2015, all transactions needed to be completed on paper, including electronic transactions. This defeated the purpose of e-commerce as a quick and convenient alternative. When this law was changed, it allowed payment platforms like Payza to operate in Ukraine and allowed local consumers to send and receive money online.
More recently, in April of this year the IT Association of Ukraine joined the European e-Commerce and Omni-Channel Trade Association (EMOTA) to continue supporting the development of both local and cross-border e-commerce. These and other initiatives make Ukraine a very inviting space for international investors.
Barrier: Low Consumables Penetration
Globally, one out of every four online shoppers buys groceries online, but in Ukraine this figure is only 6%. The number is similarly low across all household consumables categories, since outside of the top four product groups (Fashion, IT & Mobile, Consumer Electronics, and Beauty & Personal Care), e-commerce penetration for just about every other category remains very low in Ukraine. Like in other markets in the past, it may take time for consumers to become comfortable enough with online shopping to start buying their basic everyday items online.
Driver: Mobile
In Ukraine, the cost of mobile devices and 3G networks is decreasing rapidly. Within a year of the introduction of 3G, 10 million Ukrainians subscribed to the network. Of these, 44% now access the internet via their mobile devices and this is the primary point of access for 1 out of every 5 internet users. 39% of Ukrainians use their smartphones to research products before making a purchase, so merchants that focus on offering apps or mobile-friendly websites targeted toward Ukrainians can benefit.
Barrier: Local Re-sellers
Because so few international retailers operate in Ukraine, there have been a slew of online startups that purchase goods from over the border and resell it within the country. These unsanctioned re-sellers have had success because shipping from foreign stores is often cheaper than purchasing locally. Even though cross-border merchants must compete with this grey market of brand name products, this trend does reveal a high consumer interest in buying from foreign retailers and goes to show how little outside competition there is within Ukraine.
Ukrainian E-Commerce Facts
The fastest growing e-commerce market in Europe.
In 2016, e-commerce accounted for 3% of Ukraine’s total retail volume.
Online shoppers spend an average of €286 per year.
The most popular payment method is credit card, although e-wallets are growing.
The most popular product categories are Fashion (56%), IT & Mobile (52%) and Consumer Electronics (50%).
Top three e-commerce platforms in Ukraine are OLX.ua (40.4% of users), Rozetka.com.ua (32.5% of users) and Prom.ua (26.5% of users).
By expanding into Ukraine, cross-border merchants are investing in a long-term, high return market. Ukrainian e-commerce is still quite small, but growing very rapidly and is likely to achieve the level of Western Europe within a few years. Most buyers are young, urban-living and well-educated, embracing an omni-channel shopping experience and are likely to adopt e-commerce for more and more product categories. These include household consumables and fresh produce, following the same growth patterns we’ve seen in the west. Catching a blossoming market at this stage is a rare opportunity for retailers.
Expanding into a new cross-border market is always a challenge but can be very rewarding if done right. For the latest news and information about how to scale up your e-commerce enterprise into an international success, subscribe to the Payza Blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: UnityReserveTrafficHeapFexFund,
BandeiraCorpFatFundsAurumBank, Bitcoin456, AlpexTrade.
From MNO Standard list: ControlFinance.
From MNO Basic list: BitXxa, CryptoGolden, Investellect.

That’s about it for this Saturday night. I hope you’re enjoying a lazy weekend just like I am and will join me on Tuesday when I’m going to have a detailed look at AlpexTrade plus all the latest events from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry. Make sure not to miss anything important by subscribing to the MNO Daily News via this link, or simply follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter. And remember that those with the right information usually rule the world, and with MNO it is possible for sure! Stay tuned and talk to you again on Tuesday on the MNO blog – For Money Lovers!

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