June 2017 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello all, long time no see! The HYIP industry has entered perhaps its slowest period now as summertime finally sinks its hooks into investors and admins alike who prefer enjoying the sunshine rather than staring at their desktops. That alone inevitably led to an ever increasing amount of HYIP admins who desperately seek some fast easy money for their own activities. Hence the amount of fast scams grows exponentially and you can see so many of them springing up on so many other less selective blogs and monitors than MNO. Many of them couldn’t hide their anger and helplessly add more and more programs that can’t even last a cycle and thus further provoke investors into even less activities and less money circulating in the HYIP industry. As a result of that less programs even from experienced admins that are capable of running really big programs are emerging, giving way to lots of horrible scams that give investors nothing but losses. With MNO’s tough stance against such scams and maintaining prohibitively high listing prices I can ensure that nearly all the programs listed here show good results and last at least one full investment cycle, thus enabling investors to profit instead of losing all the time. I intend to keep this policy which means less programs on my site, though I prefer it that way. Better to have a few high-quality programs than plenty of cheap scams.

Another leading factor for inactivity in the HYIP industry is the summer vacations for many people and their desire to rather spend their time outdoors and away from home, work, and computers. This necessity to earn money rather than spend it all on holidaying will inevitably return in autumn, and then hopefully then we will see a revival in the HYIP industry that seems to have reached nadir now. You must have noticed already that posting on MNO is now just twice per week as there simply isn’t the same volume of news to report these days. That is totally OK with me personally, as I myself enjoy the opportunity to tend my garden, stroll the river Thames, and watching boats come by, or simply lie down and sunbate. I’m even in the process of planning another European holiday away from London where I intend to go in a couple of weeks to exploring the smaller towns and picturesque villages of France, Germany, and Switzerland. MNO is still, of course, my priority when it comes to updating it with the freshest information or checking the statuses of the monitored programs, so remember that I’m always on alert and connected all the time. So, all of your queries will be properly managed and answered in a reasonable time despite my more relaxed lifestyle.

Enough about me now, let’s get back to the latest events in the industry, making headlines for the biggest, highest budget programs monitored on MNO – a site for money lovers now approaching a big anniversary of 10 years online, that will be celebrated on the first of July. I’ll dedicate this news article to those brave readers who refuse to take a break from the HYIP industry, still making money even now.


After the first five weeks online many investors/advertisers from TrafficHeap have already reached the profit zone. The program is actually designed to last for longer than other HYIPs by cleverly marketing itself as first and foremost an advertising platform helping you in getting your website noticed using the rotator system and banner advertising. This concept allows TrafficHeap to work not only with such anonymous payment systems traditionally used in the HYIP industry like PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, or BitCoin, but also offering investments via Payza and even PayPal which would be unheard of for regular HYIPs. By buying any amount of $50 adpacks you earn up to 130% back on your investment with a further 50% to be used exclusively to repurchase more adpacks, thus further increasing the profitability on your deposit. What’s more, along with the possibility to buy advertising for your site which adds a bonus to your investment you have an option to get five affiliates with unassigned uplines in order to make even more profits long-term. All these perks and more fantastic features not seen in the more orthodox HYIPs certainly makes TrafficHeap stand out from the crowd and get noticed even in this current summer slump. With so many unique features available on the site already the admin of TrafficHeap still tries his best to add extra value with his latest efforts including the translation of the website into various languages. The admin has made the commitment to add a dozen of new language versions with the next few days, and as you can see in the constantly extending list of national flags symbolizing languages on the top of the main page of the TrafficHeap website he keeps his word. Many of the language versions that have been announced in one of the latest updates are already there with others to be added soon. Here’s the short news update on the subject posted on TrafficHeap whose full review you can find here:

We are constantly adding new translations to our website! We are in the process of adding the following languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Polish, German, Turkish, Hindi, Italian, Romanian, Japanese, Russian. While the languages are being added some content can be mixed with English, so we request for your patience until the translations are fully completed. In case you find any errors or typos just drop us a note and we’ll be happy to correct it!


Although the list of languages that ControlFinance can be seen in is less impressive, the admin is clearly trying to target the lucrative Asian market. Just a couple of days ago he has presented the website in Chinese which becomes the fourth professionally made translation version of the ControlFinance website after it was already available in Russian, Korean, and Vietnamese. If one of the above languages is your native tongue you can always check its authenticity by switching in the drop-down menu on the top right corner of the website. This is what the admin of ControlFinance had to say about it:

News – Our website is available in Chinese.
Our website materials are now available in Chinese. Cryptocurrencies are spreading geographically as more and more countries are legalizing the Bitcoin. We are following this trend and we try to give every customer easy access to information.

Those unfamiliar with ControlFinance which became the latest addition to the Standard listing on MNO a week ago can get more information by reading my detailed review here. The program offers the advantage of getting paid instantly at all times and you can even exchange your e-currency and get paid to a different one from what you joined with by using an internal exchanger in your account. The minimum to spend in ControlFinance starts from $10 and all the major currencies are accepted, including PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin with as I already mentioned instantly processed payouts. Note that by joining ControlFinance you’re committing yourself to a lengthy wait before you see any profits on your investment, as the invested term is unlimited and the rates are from 1% to 1.5% daily depending on the size of your deposit.


FexFund undoubtedly remains one of the best performers in the HYIP industry which is very welcome and in great contrast to the vast majority of programs failing to achieve anything even resembling longevity. More than fifty days online has been enough for many to take advantage of three perfectly paying investment plans available from $10 to $50 minimums via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, or BitCoin. And of course there’s the always flawlessly processed instant payouts. Over seven weeks online seems to be a particularly great results if we take into account the nature of FexFund‘s investment plans which include 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, and the most lucrative 5% for 30 days plan, making it possible for the most savvy investor to get significant profits. I believe that FexFund whose admin George was interviewed here is run by an almost extinct breed of HYIP admin, looking to prove wrong those who claim the industry is not worth playing anymore. In reality, if you invested into FexFund (reviewed here), you could have doubled your money by now, as the admin hasn’t stopped delivering remarkable results which comes from a solidly built website running off a custom-made script and the admin’s full commitment to high standards in everything. No wonder then that FexFund has been a huge success and hope it will go well beyond the first seven weeks online, as the admin is clearly not a newbie and maintains gradual development of his program attracting more new investors with his marketing talent and superb overall performance. Of course, a great contribution in that is from regular promoters who work hard to take FexFund to new heights. Among those certainly deserving to be praised are the three who won the second referral contest and were generously rewarded by George for their service to FexFund. The final results of the contest and its winners were announced earlier today with an earlier newsletter posted on Friday night. In the already traditional weekly update George spoke of the latest developments which included FexFund‘s domain extension, successful BitCoin trading, pending office opening in Brazil, and surely the referral contest that gave great results if we believe the numbers. Below is the latest news from FexFund:

[News] Weekly update on FexFund
Good morning!
I wish I started the site one day earlier so we would have nice “round” anniversary today but 49 days online it’s a nice figure as well, especially because 95% of our competition doesn’t get to that stage at all. We cannot blame them, markets are difficult to understand, and probably most of them even didn’t try to make any money, just relying on the income from investors.
Going back to our business, one of my representatives pointed me that I never said anything about the domain extension, so I’m doing it now – some time ago I extended FexFund domain until 2027 so we are planning to have next few years of good business with you guys : )
Coming back to the market, I hope you took advantage of the latest correction so you could make a lot selling your assets (BTC mostly) at the high price to buy it back for like $2100 as we did. If not, don’t worry – that’s why you have FexFund with stable and reliable income, so you don’t have to watch the markets at all, just your revenue on the site.
I mentioned that we would be opening an office in Brazil and we are nearly done with it. Our agent found a great location and he is currently negotiating the prize. We will update you on that as soon as the deal is done!
We also expect to get our three miners next week so that we will update you on that as well with some pictures.
As you probably know we were added to the MNO site which is a great achievement for us, especially with those numbers of days working online. It means that people see us as reliable and trusted company.
We are ending the Top Promoter Contest today, and it’s fascinating to see the huge battle in the high places! Some people ask why we do the contest at all, are we short of the money? The answer is simple. I prefer to spend money on real promoters, getting real customers instead of paying for expensive advertisements which give us an empty site’s impression. We are taking a small break from the contest but if promoters are expressing more interest in that kind of reward for their hard work – we will probably get those back in place.
I would like you to keep one important thing in the mind. Summer time is coming so make sure you do not invest on not trusted sites. Nearly every ticket, the conversation I get with potential customers begins with words “I was recently scammed…”. Stay with us, recommend us to your family and friends as FexFund is here to stay and to provide you with the source of stable income!
Oh and don’t forget to join our Telegram Group:
I wish a wonderful weekend to all of you.
George Soleos. CEO of FexFund.

Top Promoter Contest finished!
Dear Investors
Our second referral contest was very popular and it’s finished now, here are the prizes:
1. topinvest Deposits: $43415.75 Prize: $2000
2. investcoin Deposits: $25219.58 Prize: $1000
3. moneycat Deposits: $13765.23 Prize: $500
We’ve already contacted the winners for crediting their accounts with the prizes. For the moment we will not do any contest. That might get changed in the future. But we still encourage you to promote our site as best as you can : )


Payza has always been the HYIP investors’ darling in terms of offering more direct funding and withdrawal options and the possibility of filing a dispute in case of a scam. That plus stricter requirements for adding a Payza payment button to the HYIP website made it at the same time some HYIP admins’ nightmare, with only a few of them has skilled enough to get them on board. Among only two programs accepting Payza at the moment on the MNO monitor are the oldest running BandeiraCorp (reviewed here) and the promising and relatively new advertising program TrafficHeap (reviewed here), which due to Payza‘s inclusion has seen a surge of interest from experienced investors. Payza has always been known for its close affiliation with BitCoin and is currently fully utilizing all the funding and withdrawal methods, and even offering a Payza branded pre-paid card you can order by mail to be delivered to your home address to take advantage of some extra features. Due to Payza‘s constantly growing new features associated with BitCoin which put it to the forefront of the new evolving financial technology, it already has an eye on BitCoin alternatives – so called “altcoins” that have been challenging the previously unrivalled reign of BitCoin in the crypto-currency markets. Take the huge current capitalization of Ethereum, for instance, and its growing role of the main BitCoin challenger which is the subject of the latest article in Payza‘s official blog. As was announced earlier, Payza has been closely watching developments with further incorporation of Ethereum coming soon. I’ll post more on this once it becomes available for Payza clients, but for now please read the latest article on Ethereum to stay in the loop:

A Challenger Appears: Ethereum Approaches Bitcoin Market Capitalization
At the start of 2017, the global cryptocurrency market cap, that is, the total value of all cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin, was just under $18 billion USD. This was already a very promising increase from just $7.1 billion the year before. Compared to what was about to come however, even that increase seems minuscule. As of mid-June 2017, cryptocurrencies have reached a global market cap of just over $115 billion. That’s a 533% increase in less than half a year!
Payza has been keeping a close eye on the exciting new cryptocurrency trends, and in 2014, became one of the first e-wallets to allow its members to load and withdraw from their accounts using Bitcoin.
Until a few months ago, Bitcoin’s dominance, or the percentage of Bitcoin’s total value compared to the total combined cryptocurrency value, held steadily between 80% and 90%. Since March, however, there has been a tremendous rise in both awareness and value of Bitcoin alternatives, dubbed Altcoins. As a result, Bitcoin’s dominance has dropped significantly, making up just under 40% of total cryptocurrency value as of mid-June.
Trailing closely at 31% of the total cryptocurrency market cap, a challenger seems eager to take Bitcoin’s throne: Ether.
Built on the Ethereum computing platform, Ether (ETH) was released in May 2015 and has since gathered strong support from developers and investors alike, despite a hard fork in 2016 that prompted the creation of the Ethereum Classic (ETC). Following the success of the network and a growing market capitalization, multiple ventures are aiming to use Ethereum for projects related to finance, energy sourcing and pricing, sports betting, the internet-of-things, etc.
With an adoption rate that rivals that of Bitcoin, both experts and enthusiasts are becoming reluctant to use the term ‘altcoin’ when referring to Ether. There’s even speculation within the community that Ether will soon overtake the current leader, an event humorously named “The Flippening.”
The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance
With partners from multiple Fortune 500 companies (Microsoft, J.P. Morgan, Intel, etc.), research groups and blockchain startups, the nonprofit organization Enterprise Ethereum Alliance was established in March 2017 with a vision: to augment the Ethereum blockchain by creating a private version (currently known as EnEth 1.0), based on a reference architecture focusing on confidentiality, privacy, scalability and security. It will facilitate collaboration, as everything created will be open-source, making the EEA evolve alongside the public Ethereum community in harmony.
A Surge of ICOs
Part of the extraordinary increase in cryptocurrency value during the second quarter of 2017 is attributed to growing cryptocurrency awareness, the creation of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, but also to a multiplication of successful Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), crowdfunding campaigns dedicated to projects that build upon the Blockchain to provide solutions to existing problems or to future-proof the technology. Among the top ten crowdfunding projects, six are cryptocurrency-related, all based on the Ethereum blockchain: Bancor, the DAO, AEternity, MobileGo, Basic Attention Token and Aragon.
These projects, which have raised just over $477m, show tremendous support for the Ethereum blockchain, which was itself crowdfunded in September 2014 for $18m, a figure that pales in comparison of recent investments.
Altcoins and Payza
Payza has kept a watchful eye over all cryptocurrency developments, not just developments related to Bitcoin. As such, we’ve already started exploring and developing new ways to incorporate Ether and other Altcoins into our global online payment platform.
As cryptocurrency and blockchain technology advances, it is becoming increasingly clear that these currencies will make up a meaningful part of the global e-commerce ecosystem. The only questions that remain are which coins will emerge as the market leaders, and how much of global e-commerce volume will cryptocurrency payments make up?


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 120 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: UnityReserveFexFund,
From MNO Standard list: ControlFinance.
From MNO Basic list: BitXxa, CryptoGolden, Investellect (the first payments received).

That’s about all the news I have for you this Sunday evening. I hope you enjoyed reading and will be back for more. I’m always pleased to get more readers onboard of this exciting HYIP game, so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via this form. You can always subscribe to get the daily news and latest updates directly to your mailbox by entering and confirming from this page. And finally, don’t forget to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, if you prefer social networking websites. I’ll talk to you soon in next business week with all the latest news, possibly new additions to my monitor, and the final results of the opinion poll asking your attitude to paying once on expiry plans. Remember to cast your vote here if you haven’t done so yet, as the poll will be replaced in a few days with a new question. Enjoy the summer and I’ll see you all again next week guys, righ here on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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