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01/07/17. MNO Ten Year Anniversary and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hi everyone! Well, it’s the first day of July already which means we have officially reached the half-way mark for the year 2017. A lot of you might wish to take a day like today to assess your results in the HYIP industry so far this year, and consider what your expectations and strategies might be for the reminder. But what if I asked you what were you doing on the first of July, 2007? Exactly ten years ago today. I mean sure, I know you all know what age you were, so could use that to place yourself in a specific job or educational position, remember what address you were living at, etc. But how many of you could come up with a genuine and detailed answer as to exactly how you spent that particular day? I know one person who can tell you what he was doing – myself!

That’s because today is the tenth anniversary of MNO coming online in its current format. I had of course been a keen player of the HYIP industry for quite some time before that, but as a commercial and self sufficient business the MNO blog launched on July 1st 2007. To be honest I had never given that much thought to still being at it ten years later, but here I am. Initially I just wanted to do something personal, keeping a log and monitor of my own investments but sharing it online so other people in the same boat could see. I just saw so much bad advice from crooked monitors that wasn’t helping anyone but themselves and the scammers that I asked myself just how hard can it be to tell people honestly if a program is paying or not? Not too hard but it seemed beyond the abilities of enough of them that I decided I could do it better. After all, why do I need someone else to tell me if a program is paying or not when I’m the one losing the money if the advice is bad?

And ten years later, I’m still here doing it. Much to the annoyance of some I might add, which only makes it more amusing to me! Quite a few imitators and copycat sites have come and gone in the mean time, and I suspect will continue to come and go. Only one will still be here in 2027, and that my dear readers is MNO – for money lovers! In fact I’m already looking forward to the next ten years and hope it’s going to be as successful and prosperous as the last decade. Then again I guess it’s been easy for me to keep this going as long as I have, my earnings for it have far outstripped my initial more modest expectations.

Anyway, getting back to today’s news stories we have quite a bit to catch up with for a Saturday. I will be introducing a brand new addition to the MNO Premium List called RolyInvestment, and will continue with updates from some very good more established performers on my monitor such as FexFund, BandeiraCorp, ControlFinance, plus the results from the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll. So let’s get down to business.


I’ll start with the introduction of the newly added RolyInvestment whose admin purchased the most expensive Premium listing on MNO on Thursday. Although originally launched on a different domain a few weeks ago RolyInvestment has since changed their hosting provider to CloudFlare who are keeping the program on a dedicated and DDoS protected server and bought a new domain name for ten (!) years in advance. Now that’s a good start you could say! While the marketing and promotion of RolyInvestment might look too aggressive during a slow summer season like this, you must remember that this program will be suitable only if you’re into more long term programs that will not deliver overnight success. The SSL-secured website for RolyInvestment is run on a totally custom made script developed specifically for the program’s needs. BitCoin is the only accepted payment processor at the moment, with the admin planning to add LiteCoin and Ethereum in future while also currently working on an improved design that should be ready in a couple of weeks. Of course, only time can tell if the plans for RolyInvestment become reality, but one thing is for certain – they have a significant advertising budget and have long term ambitions. Judge for yourselves – the investment plan is low ROI and lasts for 365 days on expiry of which investors are promised 80% of their initial deposit back. The minimum to invest is 0.01 BTC which is equivalent to approximately $25 at current exchange rates, and for that you will get 21% to 35% monthly return, depending on the amount you spend. Although the rates are given on a monthly basis, your account with RolyInvestment will be credited much more frequently – three times a week, namely Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. There is a curiously odd feature called insurance that is set to 5% on default on all new deposits, so if you don’t need to pay for it (if like myself you don’t believe in the existence of such a thing in HYIPs) simply disable it in your account. More on that in the upcoming review of RolyInvestment I plan to publish on my blog by Tuesday. In any case, note that you can invest any amount you like to the BitCoin address that displayed in your RolyInvestment account and your deposit will then be credited within a 72 hour maximum. I guess it depends on the level of congestion the BitCoin network is experiencing at the time, as it took me only a couple of hours and a few confirmations for mine to go through. I can only that my account with RolyInvestment was credited with the first profit already on Friday and I received the requested withdrawal to my BitCoin account instantly, which I believe will be a general rule for withdrawals. Anyway, the site itself looks really well-prepared and translated into many languages already (I can’t vouch for all of them, but the Russian version is definitely professionally translated). There are lots of different features and an introductory video which you can also view on the MNOVision page. I will try to keep it simple for now and will take a closer look at them all in the upcoming review of RolyInvestment which you definitely should not miss on Tuesday.


One program that has been online and Paying on MNO for over two months now is the always impressive FexFund. Many investors have gotten decent results from all of their plans, which include 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, and the most profitable 5% for 30 days option. The investment minimum in FexFund starts from $10 and the withdrawals are made instantly to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin accounts. Of course, such an amazing run with hundreds of happy investors doesn’t go unnoticed by many jealous competitors of FexFund who try to do their best to put a stop to it due to various reasons. This is what the admin of FexFund George (read my interview with him here) emphasised in the first part of the regular weekly newsletter that was issued on Friday. I don’t believe all the threats that come from blackmailers should be taken too seriously – after all, FexFund managed to silence its main critics who didn’t believe in the program and then made themselves a laughing stock after being proven utterly and totally wrong. I believe the main highlight of the latest weekly newsletter is the five video tutorials in which members will learn the basics about FexFund. Among the short videos topics covered include how to signup and login to FexFund, how to set or change account settings, and how to invest and reinvest. A lot of this has been already been explained in my original review of FexFund posted here, but if you prefer a visual form then you can check out the videos that are now posted on both the official YouTube channel of FexFund, or the MNOVision page for your convenience:

[News] Weekly update on FexFund.
Dear mnoblog. I’m very pleased to send another newsletter. I’m even more happy to do that on our 63rd online. Why is that, because it means that a lot of investors closed their second round of 30 days deposits. I cannot be any more excited to see people getting their profits on FexFund with no problem, every single day always on time!
I’m receiving a lot of kind and good words about the site and about our community we have built together. It’s good to see that our team’s hard works are giving so many great moments to our investors. But more we get better then more some people getting jealous. There is a particular group of individuals trying to black mail us, posting untrue articles about our site or even spreading info that we don’t pay to our investors.
Well, some people, which achieved nothing in their lives, cannot stand the success of others and we feel sorry for them. Whenever you see anything like that, just keep ignoring it.
Our support is getting a lot of repetitive and the same questions, so I have decided to make some small tutorial available on our YT channel:
Fell free to give us your opinions and ideas if we should cover anything else on them.
I hope you didn’t get burned with the last Cryptocurrency correction. We are still on the ball even after corrections. Just aiming long term instead of doing quick live trades. Also, we are getting closed on gathering some hardware crypto miners as I said previously but suppliers are our of GFX cards needed for mining, so we have to be still more patient to get some.
It looks like I made yet another long newsletter, so I better stop now. Don’t forget that you can talk to us on Telegram, Skype, Livechat or through Support System. All the links you will find on the page on the top right side.
Stay with us, stay away from scam sites and let’s keep the ball rolling together!
All the best.
George Soleos. CEO of FexFund.


When a well established program like BandeiraCorp launches a new website would you find it exciting or disturbing news? I would tend to think the latter, as usually such tricks can indicate cashflow issues. At the same time, it’s entirely possible that the newer site will become a kind of cashcow that will propel interest in the older program and help it prosper for longer. We all know that even the best and longest-running HYIP like BandeiraCorp (reviewed here) cannot last forever and although paying for almost sixteen (!) months it may literally collapse any day. So, if things are so bright for the main program BandeiraCorp why the need for the admin to open a second one which he calls BandeiraCoin. This has nothing to do with a new type of cryptocurrency, merely a very similarly structured HYIP with no real monitoring sites involved so far? Unlike BandeiraCorp which works with lots of payment systems including PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin and even Payza and Neteller, BandeiraCoin only works with crypto-currencies and PerfectMoney which means the admin didn’t need to make any effort to have his new accounts verified. He might do so at a later time, as well as add new monitoring sites for his new program, and it will possibly even become as stable as BandeiraCorp with lots of fans enjoying its variable 1% to 4% daily returns until the reaching of 150% ROI target. However, from my previous experience from many long years in the HYIP industry such drastic actions rarely end well. So be careful from now on, and for those of you who find the news on launching of the new program positive can read more in a rare newsletter from the admin of BandeiraCorp to judge for yourselves whether there is something to worry about or not:

Official launch of Bandeira Coin
Dear Investors
After 2 years of intense research, we are launching our new program (Bandeira Coin) today. From this company, you can earn up to 40% monthly on your investment. We are happy to tell you that we have launched Bandeira Coin today, so hop on the cryptocurrency train early and don’t miss out of this exciting opportunity.
It’s the cryptocurrency year!!! Many new millionaires and billionaires have emerged by tapping into this cryptocurrency business/investment. This is the year for cryptocurrency investment. Many high-level business and entrepreneurs are either commenting on it and getting involved in one way or the other. Although the opportunity for owning bitcoin is gone for most people, there are still many other viable cryptocurrency opportunities that can make you a millionaire available. Do you desire to learn the easiest and effective way to go about cryptocurrency investment? Get in here. We at Bandeira International Corporation are dedicated to teaching you everything you need to know about cryptocurrency investment. As you know before, Bandeira International Corporation Limited is a reputable company providing construction & investment solutions to public and private sectors since 2015.
Our business provides the innovative and efficient infrastructure that underpins our daily lives, supports communities and enables economic growth.
Wait no further, Join us today!!!
Bandeira Coin


Despite being online for over a month ControlFinance is still in the early stages of development, so it’s extremely hard to tell whether the program will be a success and whether anyone is going to reach the profit zone. You see, ControlFinance (reviewed here) credits your account with only 1% to 1.5% fixed daily interest depending on the size of your principal an unlimited term. So unless you’re a big spending investor you’re probably still some distance away from breaking-even. In fact even the very first investors are not going to see a profit before autumn. The admin of ControlFinance recently sent me a request for an interview he would like to answer. However as its only on Standard listing on MNO ControlFinance doesn’t qualify, interviews are exclusively for Premium listed programs. It’s always been this way, so the admin has probably forgotten about that, but my suggestion to upgrade his listing on MNO was met by silence. So I guess ControlFinance is most likely either very money savvy at the moment, or just doesn’t have enough funds to upgrade his status on MNO in which case I doubt very much my readers would really pay attention to it, especially considering there are so many better-looking programs with more profitable investment plans. Still, one of the main advantages of joining ControlFinance is the opportunity to use an internal exchanger in your account in order to be paid to a different payment processor than the one you joined with. There are no fees for the service, and all the withdrawals are made instantly to members’ PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin. Among the latest updates posted over the last couple of days, there is another weekly “trading” report you can check out in PDF format and the addition of a Polish version of the website which is also available in English, Russian, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, and German. To switch between them simply click the “English” tab in the top right corner to see the drop-down menu to choose your own language:

New trade report
Hello. We posted Company’s weekly trade report covering the period from June 19, 2017, to June 25, 2017. You can have a look at it clicking on the following link:

News – Our website is available in Polish.
Hello. Our website materials are now available in Polish. Cryptocurrencies are spreading geographically as more and more countries are legalizing the Bitcoin. We are following this trend and we try to give every customer easy access to information.


I want to move on now to the final results of the last opinion poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page and replace it with a new question. The previous question was in part inspired by FexFund who have recently adopted the habit of asking their membership for their thoughts on potential changes they could then consider making to the program. For the record most people seem to prefer things the way they are with FexFund, saying no to suggestions that the plans might be altered or the website somehow redesigned. But it got me thinking, of how much importance are things such as web design to investors when deciding if the program in question is suitable for them or not. The question I asked, and not specific to any one program, was:
How important is website design when you decide to join a HYIP?

Results were mixed but it seems most of you do at least attach a certain degree of importance to the matter. 42% of readers voted “it’s one factor I definitely consider, but others have more importance”. A lesser number but still to me a surprisingly high number of you said “not at all, design doesn’t have much influence on a program’s success” which took 33% of the vote. The remaining 25% of you take it a lot more seriously, voting for the option “very important, it shows the professionalism and experience of the admin.

For the next opinion poll I want to involve a more personal achievement that I already mentioned at the start of today’s blog post. As of today, MNO is online for ten years. I didn’t really know what to expect in the beginning, but it’s been a valuable learning curve for me and I sincerely hope my readers as well. Assuming this isn’t your first ever visit to my website, I want to ask how long have you been reading MNO? I know ten years is an eternity in the HYIP industry, and I’ve monitored well over two thousand programs in that time, I just want you to take a guess based on the best of your recollection. So, the exact question is as follows:

MNO has been online for ten years. How long have you been reading it?

Possible answers include:
– Sometime near the beginning, I’m a long term reader
– A bit later, but within the first 2 to 3 years I think
– I discovered MNO between the year’s 2010 and 2015
– I’m new to HYIPs, only in the last two years

The poll as usual will remain open for about the next week to ten days or so. Long enough for anyone who’s interested in voting to have ample time to do so anyway. All replies are naturally 100% anonymous and untraceable, and it literally just takes a second to cast your vote. You can do so on the MNO TalkBack page here. I don’t know that the results exactly achieve anything or will “prove” any points as such here, I’m mostly just asking out of personal curiosity. On the other hand there is the fact that the HYIP industry has a high turnover of people. At any given time there can be a huge number of individual people around the world playing with, but I really couldn’t say how many of them see it as a serious long term activity they are prepared to commit to. I guess it depends on personal experience to a degree, I mean if you have a high level of success in the first few programs you join you might see a future in it, or at least make it a hobby. Likewise if your first experience with online HYIPs is poor and bad advice or judgement has led you into a succession of fast scams, you may feel more inclined to forget about the whole thing and move on. In that sense maybe the longer you’ve been playing the HYIP industry (and therefore reading MNO) indicates a positive overall experience. Or maybe not, I don’t know, but please vote anyway!


And finally, an interesting and unexpected piece of blogging from Payza where the subject was changed completely to focus on summer reading. A list of the six best books as picked by Payza staff might be useful if you wish to take a break from the HYIP industry. Considering the summer has been slow so far with few good programs I would imagine HYIP investors and admins alike are thinking more about their vacations. I know I certainly am. Payza is currently accepted by two Premium listed programs from the MNO monitorBandeiraCorp and TrafficHeap – although the demand for HYIPs accepting Payza is certainly high, yet many admins seem to totally ignore such an important tool that would boost their membership. In any case, I believe that by the autumn when the HYIP industry starts returning to normal, we will see more programs accepting Payza from its members, and for now you have some time to expand your horizons and take a look at the titles Payza suggest adding to your libraries below:

Payza Summer Reading Guide for 2017
The summer is officially here (in the northern hemisphere) and we’re all looking forward to taking some time off in the hot sun and reading a few good books. To prepare, we asked our staff to share some recommendations for summer reading. It was originally meant to be shared just around the office, but we received so many good suggestions that we decided to share some of the most interesting ones with you, our members! So if you’re looking for something good to read this summer, here are 6 of our favorite book recommendations from the Payza staff:
Nikita P, Banking Team – The Immortals of Meluha by Amish Tripathi
Nikita is fascinated by Indian mythology and religion, and has introduced many of us at Payza to Amish Tripathi’s Shiva Trilogy of novels, which begins with The Immortals of Meluha. A deeply-researched fantasy novel heavily based on Hindu history and mythological stories, the first novel by this Mumbai born and based author was a huge success when first published in India in 2010.
“Beautifully narrated by Amish, which makes us flow with its story, The Immortals of Meluha is a completely mythological story written in a modern style. The novel creates anticipation in the reader’s mind and compels one to read with great curiosity till the end. I love reading this book and would especially suggest it to anybody interested in the ancient history of India.” – Nikita P.
Buy it here: The Immortals of Meluha
Rob E, Marketing Team – Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson
Originally published in 2013, Zero Waste Home is an instructional book on cutting garbage (waste) out of our lives. In it, author Bea Johnson explains how she, her husband Scott, and their two sons have managed to limit their garbage to just one quart per year and this has resulted in healthier lives, more time spent together, and an annual household spending cut by a remarkable 40%.
“This book teaches you how to organize your life by cutting out the waste. Not only will it help you learn to appreciate what is really important in life, it will also teach you how to do your part to help the environment by throwing out less garbage. Zero Waste Home is full of tips for all situations, it has something for everyone.” – Rob E.
Buy it here: Zero Waste Home
Derek H, Marketing Team – The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
Now a major television series from the American streaming service Hulu, this 1985 novel from prolific Canadian author Margaret Atwood, already her most popular work, is newly relevant again. A dystopian novel set in the near future in New England, it paints a picture of an America now controlled by a totalitarian regime and tells the story of one woman’s struggle against oppression and subjugation.
“Margaret Atwood is one Canada’s most popular and celebrated authors, and as a Canadian it gives me great pride to see a whole new audience introduced to her work because of the new TV series based on The Handmaid’s Tale. I hope the people who like the show don’t limit themselves to just this one book, because she has dozens of brilliant novels that everyone should read.” – Derek H.
Buy it here: The Handmaid’s Tale
Ruchita M, Account Security – Mrityunjay by Shivaji Sawant
Mrityunjay, one of the most famous Marathi novels, was the first novel by author Shivaji Sawant. Mrityunjay, which translates into “Triumph Over Death”, is based on the Indian mythological Karna, one of the leading characters of the epic Mahabharat. Written in Marathi, it was later published in Hindi in 1974 and English in 1989.
“The novel comprises auspicious Marathi writing skills, simple artistic language dealing with the beauties of nature, as well as figures of speech natural to Marathi speakers. This novel is a milestone in the history of Marathi literature yet remains popular in this century and has been awarded many of the prizes and awards given by the Jnanpith (Murti Devi Award). I am looking forward to read more from the same author.” – Ruchita M.
Buy it here: Mrituyunjay
Emelie S, Marketing Team – Option B by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant
Released just a couple of months ago, this non-fiction book from the COO of Facebook was named the Amazon Best Book of April 2017. Part memoir, part self-help book (the full title is Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy), Sheryl set out to write this book after her husband and the father or her children passed away, and recruited friend and psychologist Adam Grant is co-author.
“It’s not fair to call Option B a self-help book; it doesn’t just give superficial advice about how to self-actualize, it actually tells the true story of Sheryl’s experience overcoming the loss of her husband and the trauma that has inflicted on her family. Sometimes uncomfortable but always rewarding, this book will be relatable to, and helpful for, anyone who has experienced any significant loss or adversity in their lives, which I think is all of us.” – Emelie S.
Buy it here: Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy
Karleen J, Quality Assurance Team – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
Originally published on June 26th 1997, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, J.K. Rowling’s first novel and the first installment in the Harry Potter series, just turned 20 years old. If you still haven’t read the Harry Potter books, now is the time to find out why it is the best-selling book series in history and has been translated into 73 languages and counting.
“It’s hard to believe that the first Harry Potter book came out 20 years ago. Me and so many others grew up on those books (and later, those movies) and I go back to them every few years. They never get old. Anybody who hasn’t read Harry Potter yet should start right away and see why The Philosopher’s Stone turned J.K. Rowling into a household name and spawned six more books in the main series.” – Karleen J.
Buy it here: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
There you have it! We hope you enjoy some of these books this summer, but we know that many of you probably already have your summer reading list lined up. What are you planning to read during your time off this year? Tell us about your favorite books in the comments below!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 84 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TrafficHeapFexFund,
BandeiraCorpFatFundsAurumBank, Bitcoin456, AlpexTradeRolyInvestment (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: ControlFinance.
From MNO Basic list: BitXxa, CryptoGolden, Investellect.

Thanks for reading guys, and enjoy the weekend ahead. Before I finish I just want to issue a brief word of warning about UnityReserve. Payments are no longer instant, and with no indication of them being made manually yet I have contacted the admin for an explanation. Until I get one the program has been moved to Problem Status on my monitor, and I will decide where it goes next depending on what the admin does (or does not) do. But please don’t invest there until I have further information. I’ll be celebrating ten years online which is a very important anniversary for me personally so I hope you’ll raise a glass for all of our future successes as an investment community as well later tonight. I’ll be back with the latest news from the HYIP industry and a more detailed look at RolyInvestment on Tuesday, the day before I start my European vacation in Lille, France on Wednesday. Of course maintaining MNO will still remain my priority throughout the journey, and I will continue to update my monitor as often as I could, so do keep an eye out for new additions there. Not to miss anything important please follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, and subscribe to the daily news on this page. If you have any questions you may always contact me via this form, and I will try my best to reply within 24 hours. Meanwhile please keep voting in the last poll on the MNO TalkBack page, so I had a better idea on just what percentage of readers are long or short term. See you next week on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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