Beware! Ykke has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everybody, and greetings from Bruges! I’m taking advantage of the fact that there hasn’t been much activity in the HYIP industry this summer, a lot less than what I’m expecting in the autumn anyway, by having a vacation. At the moment I’m enjoying the quite spectacular medieval Flemish city of Bruges with its ancient gothic skyline, cobblestone streets, and winding canals. Oh, and the breweries aren’t bad either! I’ll be making my way south to The Black Forest in Germany over the next few weeks, but while I’m doing so I’ll be continuing to work on MNO and my monitor, so it will always remain up-to-date, no matter what happens.
Getting on with the business of the day however, the latest new program to join the MNO Standard List is BitCoin only project called Ykke. I have a lot of positive feelings about this one, but at the same time it’s going to be very clear to everyone that Ykke is obviously not suitable for just anyone. I mean I just don’t expect it to be a hit today or tomorrow, or even before the autumn is a bit closer and the first members are in profit. So let’s see what it’s all about and if you feel it might be a suitable addition to your own portfolios either now when the industry is quiet or sometime in the future when things pick up again.
At the very core of Ykke is that it’s really a very simple and straight forward program. There is after all only one single investment plan, and the same terms and conditions apply to all investors, big and small. So basically Ykke is a perpetual style program. That means there is no expiry date on the investment plan, and it will continue paying you every calendar day for as long as the program survives. It should be noted at this point that your deposit will not be returned, and there is no exit clause from the program. So once you are in, you stay in, and everyone remains a member right until the end. Probably some of you are in two minds about this, but personally I can see a positive side. You see, one of the main failings of other perpetual style programs in the past was their fragile nature, finely balanced and overly dependent on events which were inevitable not happening. If you allow investors to withdraw their principals then obviously it’s only a matter of time before they, rightfully, do so. The problem is what happens when all of a sudden too many of them all start asking for their money back at the same time. This obviously means way more money going out of the program than in, so the whole pyramid collapses. So by removing the right to leave the program, Ykke have also removed the hit-and-runners that would have done so much damage, and also removed any uncertainty about how much money the admin is going to need in order to keep paying his members today, tomorrow, and so on. In the longer term it will only benefit the program and put a bigger number of Ykke members into profit.
Getting to the actual numbers then, as I already said Ykke are working exclusively with BitCoin. Therefore I’m going to describe the investment plan the same way, as using dollars would be a bit pointless. If there’s any confusion about this (I know a lot of people don’t like to “think in BitCoins”) I recommend for live exchange rates. I’ll just tell you that at the time of writing the minimum investment required by Ykke to join is 0.01BTC is approximately $25. Ykke will reward you with a daily interest payment of 3% per calendar day. This rate applies to all Ykke members regardless of how much they invested. How much you ultimately end up with is anyone’s guess, depending entirely on how long the program stays online. The only important statistic you need to watch out for is how long it takes to break-even and start collecting a pure passive profit. At 3% per day that means you earn back an amount equivalent to your original deposit after 34 calendar days, which also sees you in profit for the first time. From that point on there is no longer any personal risk to you or your money, and everything else is profit. You’ll need nerves of steel of course to get past that first 34 days, but that’s nothing new for the HYIP industry or its seasoned investors. There’s a built-in investment calculator included to help you work out how much profit you should expect over various time periods depending on how much you have decided to spend.
No need to repeat that the only payment system in use with Ykke is BitCoin, but I guess I should describe the deposit and withdrawal process. First of all your initial deposit is credited on receiving three confirmations in Blockchain. After that all withdrawal requests will have to be submitted by the investors from inside their Ykke private account areas. There is a minimum requirement that every with request be of at least 0.001 BTC or more before it will be honoured, so smaller investors please take note. At the time of writing this was approximately the equivalent of about $2.50. The good news is that all withdrawals from Ykke should be processed instantly.
I’m pleased to see that Ykke is running off a unique custom made script developed specially to cater to the program’s own requirements. Don’t worry though, there’s nothing complicated and it’s all very easy to navigate and user friendly. It’s also good to see the admin certainly takes security seriously as his website is properly SSL secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by DDoSGuard, so I doubt there will be any downtime related issues worth mentioning. The only thing is some unusual background soundtrack embedded in the website, sort of like a collection of soundbites related to BitCoin and set to music. You can just turn it off manually the first time you visit Ykke if you find it distracting and don’t want to be bothered by it again. It has no affect on the program itself of course, but kudos to the admin for at least trying something original (not that I hope the trend catches on though!).
Any further questions for the Ykke admin? Any account related issues or things you feel weren’t explained in this review? There’s only one channel of communication open to members at this point. You will have to e-mail them directly yourself at the address included on the Ykke contacts page.
For the record, and it’s not something I believe we can verify one way or another, Ykke claim to be involved in the trading of BitCoins. Not exactly a new concept in the HYIP industry at this stage by any means. The choice to believe it or not is yours, or to accept that it can only deliver profit without any risk. Even if it were true I think the fact the value of the BitCoins you invest with Ykke can (and will) rise and fall on the exchange markets throughout the open ended term is by itself its own risk. As always then I would like to remind potential members to stay within affordable spending limits, so spend according to what you can afford to lose rather than what you dream of earning. And if you join Ykke then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Before I finish with Ykke and move on to today’s news updates I would like to ask if anyone reading this has their own opinions on the program? Good, bad, or indifferent, I hope you won’t mind sharing them with your fellow readers. It takes literally a second to vote, is totally anonymous, and will make for more interesting reading once we are looking back at the program at the end rather than looking forward at the start. In other words how many people would make a good and bad judgement call looking at the program today. Please answer the following question:

What I like most about the admin of FexFund is that the guy is very proactive and is always on top of things when it comes to administrating his program which I must say he’s been doing brilliantly for over ten weeks now (read my interview with him here). As an example over the weekend there was a headache with the Coinpayments BitCoin wallet which FexFund has been using since day one for their transactions. Yet now the system failed completely and the admin promptly apologized for the issue in the pop-up update posted on the website and again assured members it was temporary and confirmed he was working on a complete solution to the issue by switching BitCoin wallets. I imagine the process is complete by now as all the deposits and withdrawals in BTC are fully operational and back to normal:
“BTC fully operational
Dear Investors
I would like to apologise for recent problems with BTC deposits and withdrawals. We have changed our wallet as Coinpayments is not a reliable partner anymore. All pending BTC payments are cleared now, instant withdrawals are back on, and it’s possible to make the deposits now as well. We are working to integrate new wallet better to keep our unique payment tracking system, so bear with us few more hours. But the most important things like depositing and withdrawing are fully operational now. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
George Soleos”.
If you haven’t read my review of FexFund posted here you might not know that the program has been definitely one of the major highlights of an otherwise slow summer season and currently occupies the #2 position on the MNO Premium List. For two and a half months now FexFund has been paying instantly to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin accounts while overcoming all occasional difficulties any successful HYIP faces on the go. Of course, we should give credit to George for his outstanding work as a HYIP admin and hope that FexFund will continue its excellent run by paying investors on all four investment plans – 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, 5% for 30 days, and 4% for 60 days. Well done FexFund, and way to go!
Another proactive HYIP admin I can’t help but mention today is ControlFinance (reviewed here). Although the program is still moving slowly with no investors in profit yet from its 1% to 1.5% daily “forever” plan it has all the necessary features to achieve that goal and succeed eventually. Now having been monitored on MNO for a full month and recently upgraded to Premium listing ControlFinance is certainly moving forward and slowly gaining popularity among investors. You might especially appreciate instant payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin, plus the opportunity to use an internal exchanger to move funds from one processor to another with absolutely no fees involved. Among the most recent developments in ControlFinance I would like to highlight are the translation of the website to Hindi making it more appealing to the vast Indian market and the recently launched Facebook group contest with a total prize fund of 1 BTC which is about $2,400 at current exchange rates. Perhaps of less practical use to experienced HYIP investors is the now regular weekly trading report from the ControlFinance admin, though if it keeps up the charade of a genuine financial company among newbies and encourages cash flow then so be it. The results of the contest will not be known until July 26, but you can already see the rules below:
“Facebook group contest with a total cash fund amount of 1 BTC.
Hello. Announcement: Contest with a 1 BTC prize pool!
Just share this post “Announcement: Contest with a 1 BTC prize pool!” for a chance to win 0.5 BTC (first prize) or 0.25 BTC (second or third prize)!
1st prize – 0.5 BTC! 2nd prize – 0.25 BTC! 3rd prize – 0.25 BTC!
How to win:
1. Share this post “Announcement: Contest with a 1 BTC prize pool!” before 26th July 2017, 23:59 GMT.
2. After random selection of winners (after 26th July 2017, 23:59 GMT), we will contact them for personal and prize collection details. So please be available. We reserve the right to select the next qualified participant as a winner after 3 unsuccessful attempts to contact a selected winner.
3. If you’re chosen as a winner, be ready to post a video about your win.
Our facebook group:”.
“News – Our website is available in Hindi.
Hello. Our website materials are now available in Hindi. Cryptocurrencies are spreading geographically as more and more countries are legalizing the Bitcoin. We are following this trend and we try to give every customer easy access to information.”
“New trade report
Hello. We posted Company’s weekly trade report covering the period from July 03, 2017, to July 09, 2017. You can have a look at it clicking on the following link:”.
Some HYIP admins just cannot be consistent enough and over the term of their online experience may have both good performers and dismal failures. This is true of the admin of Bitcoin456 whose previous program was a very popular choice among my readers and lasted several cycles to allow many investors a good profit. This time however the fortunes were reversed when Bitcoin456 came and went almost unnoticed with very few people bothering to join the very modestly paying 4% for 30 days plan. And even that small profit the admin failed to deliver when he stopped paying just two weeks after the official launch. Very disappointing! That sudden halt of payouts to members was preceded by a rather strange event a few days earlier which I don’t recall happening with any other programs before. The admin of Bitcoin456 surprisingly announced that the program would not be paying to other payment processors, only to BitCoin and would not accept any other e-currency but BitCoin from its members. Actually, the BitCoin option was the only one left on the website over the last few days and I had no idea why an admin would shoot himself in the foot like that by dropping totally anonymous payment handlers like PerfectMoney, Payeer, or AdvCash. After all, it’s all money for the program which might have been able to save it from such a disappointing finish. We will never know for sure what happened as, and I will repeat it, Bitcoin456 was a total and utter failure and the program was just a shadow of what the same admin achieved in the past. Let’s hope he gets back on the right path with his next program and remember – do not invest in Bitcoin456 anymore, guys!
Did you know that every third program that is listed on the MNO monitor accepts Payza? In the vast majority of cases it really pays off and brings more investors and respectability, especially in the long term. To prove my point just look at some well established industry leaders like BandeiraCorp (reviewed here) and the current #1 program on MNO TrafficHeap (reviewed here). I’m not even talking about the hottest new program and possible future leader of the HYIP industry LaserOnline (reviewed here) that has become even hotter since it started accepting Payza recently. Why does taking Payza make a difference and help a program look more appealing to experienced HYIP investors? Well, for starters, very few admins are prepared to go through the hassle of verifying their accounts with Payza which is necessary for the approval of a Payza payment button. It’s really laughable for me when 99% of the HYIP admins proudly display a UK registration certificate and other related documents while neglecting to mention the whole procedure of doing so is so cheap and totally anonymous. There are actually many companies that provide such services online, but it won’t give you any peace of mind when it comes to the safety of your investments. Such documents are worth nothing from an investor’s point of view, and are purely cosmetic. This won’t work with the Payza verification process which must be completed before being able to use them. Their demands of verifying the business model of a particular website are much stricter and just having a UK certificate of incorporation doesn’t cut it. All HYIP admins without exception who want to accept Payza from investors must go through a lengthy process and provide additional assurances. Besides, for HYIP investors Payza have a dispute process that can result in a full or partial refund if scammed. This would be unthinkable in anonymous payment processors and is the main reason why Payza is not really favored by the HYIP admins. It’s also why in most cases pay to Payza for much longer than other processors fearing account suspension and all the funds in it forfeited. And that is exactly the reason why Payza is so loved by all reasonable investors – it provides them at least some peace of mind which other payment options fail to do. What’s more? With Payza you have a lot of deposit and withdrawal options, and unlike anything else you don’t have to use third-party exchangers to fund your wallet or withdraw money. Verified Payza members can use their bank accounts and credit cards for this. Recently some altcoins, i.e. BitCoin alternatives were added that you can sell to Payza directly from your account. BitCoin itself has been such an option for a couple of years now and now Payza is taking on board other altcoins too, so it’s very easy to convert Payza funds to BitCoin and back, which is very handy for investing in HYIPs too. And finally, if you don’t know it yet Payza is offering perhaps the most convenient service of withdrawing money from your account via ATM and pay for over the counter purchases with their pre-paid cards. These cards can be ordered from your Payza account and delivered to your home address via post. The advantages of using them are multiple. I myself am using the Payza debit card in many countries around the world and find it extremely convenient. Just read the last two articles from the Payza official blog to see a complete how-to-guide and the advantages of using them if you have any doubts:
“The Payza Card: A Complete How-to Guide
The Payza Card is one of our most popular products. It gives our members in over 190 countries a simple way to access the money in their Payza accounts and use those funds to shop online or in-person. The Payza Card can also be used at most ATMs, putting cash right in your hand.
Our customer support team gets asked more questions about the Payza Card than about any other feature. To help answer these questions we recently put together this handy guide to using your Payza Card. You can also visit the Payza Card section of the Payza Personal Manual for more details on how to order and use the Payza Card.
Ordering Your Payza Card
To order a Payza Card, first make sure your Payza account is verified. Only members with verified accounts will be able to order the card.
Once your account is verified, just follow these steps to order your own Payza Card:
1. In your Payza account, click “Wallet” in the left side menu, then select “Prepaid Cards”.
2. Click “Order your Card”.
3. Select the type of card you would like to order and personalize it with your name if desired, then click “Next”.
4. If necessary, upload a Photo ID and Proof of Address document then click “Next”. Your documents must be in .JPG or .PDF format and less than 3 MB in size.
5. Confirm your shipping address, then click “Next”.
6. Enter your Payza Transaction PIN then click “Order” to confirm your request.
Activating the Payza Card
Once your card arrives in the mail, the first thing you will need to do is to activate it by following these steps:
1. In your Payza account, open the “Wallet” menu (on the left side) and select “Prepaid Cards”.
2. Under the “Status” heading, select “Activate”.
3. Enter the first 12 digits appearing on your card (the last 4 digits will already be entered).
4. Create a unique Payza Card PIN and click “Confirm”.
5. Click “Activate Card” to complete the activation process.
Please note: Your Payza Card PIN is not the same as your Payza Transaction PIN. We recommend choosing a different number to ensure maximum security.
Loading Your Payza Card
Now that your card is activated, it can be used just about anywhere you would use a traditional credit card. Of course, your starting balance on the card will be $0, so first you’ll have to load funds onto it. To load funds, simply create a withdrawal transaction in your Payza account and select Payza Prepaid Card as your withdrawal method. Just follow these three steps to load your card:
1. In your Payza account, open the “Withdraw Funds” top menu, then select “Payza Prepaid Card”.
2. Select the currency balance you’d like to withdraw from and the amount of funds to load onto your card.
3. Review the details and click “Withdraw” to confirm your transaction.
Please note: The Payza Card is currently available in US Dollars only. However, you can load your Payza card from a non-USD currency balance and we will exchange the currency into USD within your account. You can also make Payza Card payments in other currencies and the currency exchange will be conducted by Payza.
It is important to remember that you cannot load the Payza Card using funds added to your Payza account by credit card. This constitutes a cash advance which is not permitted by the Payza User Agreement.
Using Your Payza Card
Once your card has been activated and loaded with funds, you can begin using it immediately almost anywhere you can use a standard credit or debit: online, in stores, and at most ATMs. Here’s how to use the Payza Card in each of these cases.
Making a payment online with your Payza Card is the same process as using a traditional credit card. You will be required to provide basic information such as your name, the card number and the expiration date in order to make a purchase. You may in some cases also be asked for your billing address: in this case, simply enter your address as it appears in your Payza account.
In-store purchases using your Payza Card are no different from using a standard debit or credit card. Depending on the merchant’s POS (Point-Of-Sale) terminal, you will simply need to either swipe your card or insert it into the card reader, confirm the purchase amount, and enter your PIN to complete the transaction instantly.
Most ATMs that accept MasterCard will allow you to withdraw funds from your Payza Card. To withdraw from the card, just follow these steps:
1. Insert your card into any ATM that accepts MasterCard.
2. When prompted, enter your PIN.
3. When asked for the account type, select “Checking”.
4. Complete your withdrawal by following the instructions provided by the ATM.
Solving Transactions Issues
If your Payza Card transaction fails, please ensure the following three things before contacting Payza for further assistance:
– You have sufficient funds loaded onto your card.
– You are using the correct Payza Card PIN (which may differ from your Payza Transaction PIN).
– For online purchases, you are entering the name as it appears in your Payza account, even if it is different from your name as printed on your Payza Card.
If you have ruled these causes out and your transaction has still failed, please contact our Customer Support Team directly for further assistance. If you made an in-store or online purchase with your card and would like a refund or return, you should contact the merchant directly. If they are unwilling or unable to refund your purchase, you can contact our Customer Support Team for further assistance.
As we continue to increase our commitment to local payment options, the Payza Card will be made available to more customers all around the world. For more information about the Payza Card and other Payza products and features, please visit the Payza Reference Center and be sure to subscribe to our blog.”
“Traveling Money: The Prepaid Card Advantage
Whoever coined the phrase “cash is king” probably wasn’t talking about international travel. There are so many reasons NOT to carry cash internationally that an entire industry has been built on providing alternatives – with the downside that, once you’ve booked your flight, it can be hard to decide what the best form of travel money for your trip is.
While cash is arguably the easiest option, major credit cards are accepted all over the world, and traditional traveler’s checks were developed for precisely this reason, these days the secret weapon of the savvy traveler is prepaid cards. Prepaid card technology isn’t new (the first prepaid cards became available around 30 years ago) but they’re finally reaching their potential: for the past few years they’ve been the biggest growth story in the payments landscape, topping 10 billion annual purchases as of 2015, and showing impressive 67% growth since 2009.
Let’s compare the most popular options and see how prepaid cards stack up:
The quickest way to have money on hand when traveling is to take it out of an ATM. But unless you can accurately estimate how much cash you are going to need during your trip, you may find yourself returning to the ATM often and incurring hefty currency exchange fees from your bank as well as foreign withdrawal fees from the machine. Withdrawing a large amount in order to avoid this problem raises issues of its own, you run the risk of having your cash stolen or losing it in your travels.
Traveler’s Checks
Traveler’s checks were designed as an early replacement for cash – simply put, these are checks that can be used in the same way as cash, but which requires you to provide proof of identity and signature verification in order to use it. Traveler’s checks let you carry a high value of “cash” without the same risks. But there are still other drawbacks; it can be hard to accurately estimate how much you are going to need for your trip and, depending on your bank, this method may come with high transaction fees of its own.
The biggest drawback for traveler’s checks though is that they are rapidly becoming obsolete. The seasoned traveler will find that traveler’s checks are not as universal as they used to be; just like a regular paper check, fewer and fewer businesses are accepting this form of payment in the age of more modern payment schemes.
Credit Cards
The classic solution, as exemplified by the fact that most major hotels will require it as a form of payment, is credit cards. A major advantage of credit cards is that, because you pay them back later, you don’t have to worry about budgeting ahead of time or running out of money. Credit card providers are also highly competitive when it comes to the travel money segment, so many cards will offer a combination of travel insurance, travel discounts and loyalty points as incentives.
But even credit cards come with drawbacks: there is no protection from debt, as you can easily spend well above your intended budget; there are usually high foreign transaction fees when using a credit card away from home; and if you lose your card, there’s a chance that almost anybody can use your it to buy whatever they want, giving you a headache to sort out with your credit card company.
Prepaid Cards
That brings us to prepaid cards – the increasingly widespread, highly effective solution to your travel money concerns. As “closed loop” cards limited to a defined group of retailers fall out of fashion, general purpose re-loadable (GPR) cards, are growing rapidly in popularity. These cards can be used almost anywhere credit cards are accepted, making them just as convenient for travelers. Young adults are using these cards strictly to limit their budgets and in the post-recession world, many people of all ages are finding them to be an ideal solution for making card payments without accumulating credit card debt.
Specifics vary depending on the issuer, but prepaid cards are generally purchased, activated and then loaded with the amount of funds you’re going to need. Typically, you can reload them remotely via online banking or e-wallet and they offer the same liability protections as traditional credit cards.
Prepaid cards provide all the same advantages as other travel money options while eliminating the downsides. It’s still recommended to carry a small amount of cash for cash-only transactions such as coffee and cab fare, and to have a credit card for hotels and others places that may only accept credit, but for everything else, prepaid cards are the solution to all your travel money needs.
The rapid growth of prepaid card adoption shows the appeal of this product. For your next trip, consider using the Payza Card to help you budget for your expenses, keep your money secure, and keep your transaction fees to a minimum. For instructions on how to order your Payza Card, visit the Payza Reference Center.
The Payza Card puts your money in your hands. With no monthly fee and pay-as-you-go transaction fees, our prepaid MasterCard-branded card is an affordable alternative to a traditional checking account. Payza is committed to supporting local payment options for our users all around the world and the Payza Card allows us to provide versatility for our members who want to use their Payza funds online, in-store, or simply withdraw it from an ATM. For more information about the Payza Card, be sure to subscribe to our blog.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TrafficHeap, FexFund,
BandeiraCorp, FatFunds, LaserOnline, AurumBank,
ControlFinance, AlpexTrade, RolyInvestment.
From MNO Standard list: Ykke (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Basic list: CryptoGolden, Investellect.
That’s about it for this Tuesday afternoon. I hope you’re doing well now in the HYIP industry as it’s only very small percentage of fast scams here on MNO and a great chance to earn some good money for those who know how to play. By the way, if you don’t want to miss anything important please subscribe for the daily news to be regularly delivered to your mailbox here, or simply follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter to be the very first to know about the new additions on the MNO monitor which recently included LaserOnline that is becoming a huge hit. I’ll be back with the next news update from the most popular programs in the HYIP industry most likely on Friday. For now thanks for reading and I hope you will excuse me if I go enjoy the wonderful old city Bruges before moving on to Antwerp on Friday. Stay tuned and remember MNO is ten years old and will be serving you for another ten years at least! Have a wonderful week ahead, guys, and best of luck with your investments!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jul 11th, 2017. Comment.
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