Aug 5th, 2017 Archives

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Hi everyone! Welcome once more to the MNO blog which is the most up-to-date online resource dedicated exclusively to top quality high-budget investment programs where you can actually make some money instead of losing it if you follow the bad advice of others. I believe that no one can argue that the HYIP industry is growing again now and as summer turns to autumn is becoming profitable once again. As we all know, everything comes in cycles and in the HYIP industry now is definitely the time to shine. You might have noticed that at the moment 19 paying programs are listed on the MNO monitor which is closer to the numbers we saw back in the the first three months of 2017 – a time when the industry was looking better than ever with lots of profitable programs serving the needs of experienced investors. That number was increased last night when UnityPetroleum was added to my the Premium listing on the MNO monitor, which I’ll introduce below and will be reviewing in more detail by Monday. Now that BitCoin has successfully passed its reorganisation things are getting more certain and both HYIP admins and investors are more confident about the future. Even seemingly problematic programs like BandeiraCorp (reviewed here) and RolyInvestment (reviewed here) that suspended operations during the so-called BitCoin fork have now resumed to normal and are both on Paying Status on the MNO monitor. There’s just a couple of quick points I want to mention about FatFunds (reviewed here) and CastleInvestment (reviewed here) before the main news article.

With CastleInvestment things are not very clear about why the admin was briefly accepting deposits via Payza starting last Thursday when he issued a newsletter about it, only to drop it on Friday without explanation. I guess there was an unresolved issue with his Payza account, and at this point it doesn’t look as Payza deposits will resume anytime soon. In any case, CastleInvestment is still a perfectly paying program almost completing the first longer cycle of 6% for 25 days and a couple of shorter hourly plan cycles paying 0.5% for 250 hours. Withdrawals are paid instantly to everyone via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, and LiteCoin, so hopefully the failure to enable Payza deposits won’t discourage the admin from continuing the great job on his program so far.

Let’s talk a bit about FatFunds now. Apparently, there are two more investment plans now available for members, both promising to pay only once on expiry but should be avoided at all costs due to almost no chance to profit. They are 1,378% after 50 days for a $300 minimum and 1,577% after 100 days for even smaller investments starting from $150. As you might suspect, those two plans will be used to finance payments to smarter investors in the main 2.1% for 100 business days plan where there is no need to request payments as they are paid automatically to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, and BitCoin accounts. Since day one on MNO FatFunds has been a wonderful performer with always on time payouts and the very first investors now close to doubling their money. FatFunds has surely been an exemplary program so far so no wonder it was included in the Top Five most popular programs on MNO list covered here.

Anyway, let’s move on to the main stories of the day.


You might not believe this but the official start of UnityPetroleum was in July 2015 which is more than two years ago. However, it’s all just smoke and mirrors because we cannot really say that UnityPetroleum was more than just a “sleeper” until about ten days ago when the admin decided it was the right time to totally change the program’s design and investment plans and, of course, step up his advertising campaign. In the light of that it seems that purchasing the most expensive listing in the HYIP industry on MNO would be a wise choice on the admin’s part, so long as he’s inclined to work successfully and for a long time. The investment plan certainly indicates that it might be the case with UnityPetroleum, as it combines the flexibility of variable daily returns with quite appealing returns where one can complete an investment cycle for 27 to 40 calendar days. You will get paid from 4% to 6% daily depending on the displayed profit on the given day until the point you have reached 160% on your investment from which 60% will be your pure profit. The minimum to invest in UnityPetroleum is only $10 and you can do so not only via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, but also via Payza which would be a very welcome sign for any experienced investor. Withdrawals are processed manually and it shouldn’t take even 24 hours before you are paid. I myself received my first withdrawal request pretty fast last night so I moved UnityPetroleum to Paying status on the MNO monitor and plan a more detailed review on my blog by Monday.

If you look at the new version of the website UnityPetroleum recently unveiled in the newsletter you will see that the site looks really good now. There’s plenty of information about the company’s activities and its investment plans and all the major questions are answered. After the first two years online the domain name was extended for another two and the DDoS protection was upgraded too as well as the general security. Currently, UnityPetroleum is hosted on a dedicated server by Dancom, is SSL-secured by Comodo, and running off a licensed version of H-Script which you should have no problem of browsing your account with. Anyway, below are the latest main updates from the program where the admin explains more:

So, after more than 2 years of an excellent job, our project has undergone significant update. Much has changed since the project was launched in 2015:
– We’ve increased our team from 6 to 20 people
– We recorded a 77% average monthly profit last year
– The percentage of profit offered to our investors from 2015 became outdated because we started earning several times more than what we offered YOU.
– The company got officially registered in the UK in February 2017.
In this regard, we decided to re-launch our project. A new investment plan was created with a profit margin – our profit is approximately 20-30% higher than the profit on the new investment plan. Part of the excess profits will go to the reserve fund that was created by the company a year ago. This fund is intended to cover any losses YOU might suffer in the event of an unforeseen situation. But we hope that this fund will grow continuously and will never be used.
Here’s what we offer you in UP 2.0:
* A new investment plan. Floating interest from 4% to 6% daily (depending on our profit on the previous day). Daily profit will be paid 7 days a week, until YOUR payout reaches 160%. After reaching 160%, your deposit will be closed. Your initial deposit is included in your daily payouts and is not refundable. The minimum deposit is $10, while the maximum is $10,000.
* 6 payment systems. Another 2 systems will be added next month. We are still negotiating on 3 more payment systems. There is possibility that by the end of the year, we might offer the widest choice of payment systems on the market.
* A new 2-tier affiliate program – 7% of the deposit from tier-1 referrals and 2% from tier-2 referrals. There is also a program for regional representatives, which can generate 10% at the 1st level and 3% at the 2nd level.
* All old deposits will continue working on old investment plans
For more information, please check our website.
P.S. If you find any errors in the new version of the site, please don’t hesitate to let us know at:

We have great news for all our members – we are started selecting regional representatives. As a Regional Representative, your 1st level referral commission would increase to 10% and 3% from any deposit made by your second-level referral.
Main conditions for receiving Representative status:
The total of your investments into our program should be no less than $1000 (or 0.4 BTC);
You must have five or more active referrals of the first level
You must have an account in at least one of the following social networks: Facebook, or Google+ (or account in Telegram)
It is also desirable, but not obligatory, to have experience in promotional activities and working with invited online partners.
There are two ways to send a request for receiving Representative status:
1. Send an email with a request to, specify “Representative” as a subject line. Include your full name, username, language, contact information into the letter.
2. Make a request for receiving the status of a Representative by pressing the Get Representative button in your account in the corresponding section of your Dashboard.


There was a strange technical design flaw in LaserOnline (reviewed here) which was causing some concern among members. Like many programs, LaserOnline will allow members to re-invest their earnings rather than withdraw them, which can sometimes be handy for small investor looking to grow their principal but can’t afford as big a deposit as they might like. Nothing wrong with that, but the problem was how disarmingly easy it was to make a re-investment of your profits, often unwittingly with some investors not aware they had actually done it at all. A new function called “Auto-Reinvest” is now available in your LaserOnline account. It only required a click in order to enable this option but then meant not being able to withdraw any earnings at all they would have been reinvested again every 24 hours. I even activated this function myself by mistake and later had to contact the admin to reverse it, though to be fair he was extremely helpful, acknowledged the problem was there, and set about putting it to rights as soon as possible. It seems to have surprised some people how successful LaserOnline has become, though I must admit I’m not one of them and was expecting the program to become one of the leading lights in the HYIP industry’s current resurgence. Reason being that I could already see how the industry in general was improving, so when you add a program that’s so clearly better organised than the cheap alternatives listed on other monitors it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell you this one is clearly a leader. LaserOnline offers just the one investment plan, the always popular industry favourite 12% for 12 business days for a minimum deposit of just $5. The program is further enhanced by the fact that Payza is among the list of payment processors that also includes PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash and BitCoin. With LaserOnline now well into its third investment cycle the number of members earning huge profits from their investments is really all the proof you need of the program’s success. News on the corrective work carried out to prevent members accidentally re-investing their earnings (though obviously still allowing them to do so as long as that is their clear and deliberate intention) is reported below:

We are aware of such cases as many users did enable that function knowingly/unknowingly as it had some conditions with it (AutoReinvest) function that was introduced recently.
However, now we will take necessary steps to fix it and disable it for everyone again as soon as possible and it will be updated with a confirmation page, so from next onwards NO such user will be having this enabled by just a fraction seconds of mouse click, and please this is only once possible and if you again enable such feature later knowingly/unknowingly, you will have no grant to disable it from our team and will have to wait to complete the 7 days timer by rules.


In keeping with the recent developments with some of the competing programs, CryptoSolutions is also reaching out to wider international markets by translating their website into other languages. In this case it’s Russian which of course makes up a significant portion of the world’s population and the global HYIP market. News of this was broken in the latest news update from the CryptoSolutions admin where he also made some adjustments to the investment plans. No cause for alarm there at all by the way, I know some investors get a bit jumpy when they see programs making changes to the plans later after running for a while (very often with good reason) but in this case I wouldn’t be too bothered. You see a lot of the CryptoSolutions plans were really aimed at novices in the industry to begin with, and were never taken too seriously by experienced players. The full list of investment plans now includes 1.5% for 30-500 days, 1.7% for 60 days (principal back), 125%-500% after 15 days, 1000% after 25 days, 155%-1100% after 30 days, 200%-2000% after 50 days, 300%-3000% after 75 days, and 5000% after 100 days. Payment options include PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin. You can probably see which plans are more realistic than others already there, but for more info on CryptoSolutions you can see my detailed review first published here (to be adjusted to include the replaced plan later tonight). News on the Russian translation of the CryptoSolutions website and and investment plans can be seen in the news update reposted for you below:

The web-version in Russian has been added, The investments plans has been updated
Dear visitors and clients of the CryptoSolutions PTY Limited company.
The company’s Management has made the decision about providing to users from the countries which are using or well understanding Russian of the official website’s web version of the company’s investment program in Russian.
We see the constantly growing and progressive interest of Russian-speaking investors by the investment offers from our company and as a sign of further long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation we have created correctly working web version of our official website, adapted for Russian-speaking clients of the company.
Besides this improvement we also inform you that have been provided some changes in the investment offers from our company.
Due to the insufficient efficiency and total profitability of the “Crypto of 2 200% After 7 Days” investment offer and also taking into account of numerous and multiple comments of our clients of insufficiently high total income at using this investment offer, the company’s management has made the decision about of stopping of this plan working.
Instead of the “Crypto of 2 200% After 7 Days” with the partner reward of 3%, has begun to work the “Crypto of 2 1,7% Daily For 60 Days” investment plan at using of which the partner reward of 12%.
All investors, who have created investments, having used for this purpose the “Crypto of 2 200% After 7 Days” investment plan will be able to finish it correctly in full and to get all provided profit and also to withdraw the nominals of yours invested amounts, but an opportunity to create a new deposit to this investment plan has been closed from this moment.
We steadily develops and we give the chance to develop to our clients together with us.
Use the new opportunities to the fullest today and start to get even more profit with our company together.
Yours faithfully, CryptoSolutions PTY Limited team.
Build your future by CryptoSolutions


One of the most important global markets for HYIPs now is definitely China, and one program that should be spreading its wings and trying to break into it is Respectativa. The program has already been growing steadily anyway, but new markets always have to be identified” if this is going to stay that way and China represents an absolute world of financial possibilities. Anyway, as the timing is right for Respectativa to start a mass expansion as the first members to join are beginning to enter the profit zone around now which by itself is of course the best possible advertising or promotion for any program. Hopefully it proves a worthwhile move for Respectativa. It certainly won’t hurt their chances, that’s for sure, and helps open up a much wider market for them. Respectativa who were originally reviewed on MNO here, are noted for using a wide variety of payment processors. Most notably Payza which the admin already had in place when the program launched, showing a deep understanding of his craft and the wider HYIP industry. You may also use PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, and EthereumClassic. Investment plans in Respectativa are reminiscent of better times in the HYIP industry, offering classic favourites like 10% to 11% per day for 12 days, or 112% to 115% on expiry of a 7 day term. News of the new Chinese language website is reported in the newsletter below:

Respectativa is now available in the Chinese language!
Dear Investors,
Respectativa expands its boundaries and does everything possible to ensure that our clients can use our website with maximum comfort on native languages. Hence today we have added the Chinese language which is now available to use!
Currently, we are also working on adding Russian and German languages, which will be available soon.
Once again thank you for being a part of Respectativa and have a great day ahead!
Sincerely, Respectativa Team


If you’re feeling lucky and think you can win one of the big cash prizes on offer from the admin of ControlFinance next week then the following update might be of interest to you. As the price of BitCoin is now hovering close to the $3K mark then the 3 BTC total funds to be shared between the top five winners is a pretty significant. Just share the following post on Facebook for your chance to win and be randomly selected. Winners will be announced after August, 12 and will be contacted with instructions on how to claim their prize:

Announcement: Contest with a 3 BTC prize pool!
Just share this post “Announcement: Competition with a 3 BTC prize pool!” for a chance to win 1 BTC (first prize) or 0.5 BTC (second, third, fourth or fifth prize)!
1st prize – 1 BTC, 2nd prize – 0.5 BTC, 3rd prize – 0.5 BTC, 4th prize – 0.5 BTC, 5th prize – 0.5 BTC
How to win:
1. Share this post “Announcement: Competition with a 3 BTC prize pool!” before 12th August 2017, 23:59 GMT.
2. After random selection of winners (after 12th August 2017, 23:59 GMT), we will contact them for personal and prize collection details. So please be available. We reserve the right to select the next qualified participant as a winner after 3 unsuccessful attempts to contact the selected winner.
3. If you’re chosen as a winner, be ready to post a video about your win.
Our facebook group:

ControlFinance has so far been a slow burner but nevertheless a steady performer for my readers who joined the program during its first fifty-five days on MNO. Of course, there still some time should pass before anyone can get a profit zone with the only investment plan paying you 1% to 1.5% depending on the invested amount over the unlimited period of time. The good thing about ControlFinance which many investors certainly appreciate is that all the payouts are always processed instantly and that you can be paid to a different payment processor from the one you joined with using the internal exchange service available in your member’s area. ControlFinance has been accepting investments via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin and never charges any fess for exchanges, so you might as well take advantage of the offer, guys. More on ControlFinance can be found in the detailed review posted here.


As it’s been about a week now, give or take a day, since the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll, I guess I should draw the results of the last one and replace it with a new question for you to think over. In the mainstream media recently I’m sure many of you will by now be familiar with the latest BitCoin “scandal”. Not exactly BitCoin itself I mean, but a fairly sizeable BitCoin trading and exchange platform called BTC-e. To cut a long story short (you can google the facts of the case for further info if you want) the director of BTC-e was arrested and indicted on money laundering charges going into the billions of dollars. The BTC-e platform is no more, and the fate of the money that was being kept there by account holders is unclear, but most likely lost. Don’t get me wrong here, there are many honest people who need to use the services provided by companies like BTC-e unaware of what went on behind the scenes. There is however almost no genuine or “good” reason for anyone using it to store money long term. People who do so often turn out to be just plain old crooks themselves attempting to hide money from the tax authorities. If you fall into the first category then you have my sincere sympathy, it was just bad luck and bad timing that you were passing money through BTC-e at the time.

Anyway, the point I’m leading up to was just after the news broke about BTC-e the admin of a popular HYIP called FexFund cited it as a major contributing reason to his program collapsing. Too much of the program’s investment funds were being held there, and once they disappeared there was no way to make up the shortfall from what ever resources the admin had at his disposal and was no longer able to come up with the money. So, would this have any affect on the rest of the HYIP industry? I mean FexFunds was hardly the only HYIP using the services of BTC-e, right? The question asked in the poll therefore was “In your opinion, how will the closure of BTC-E affect the HYIP industry in general?”. There was an even split of 45% each going for the options “It will have no effect on it and things will keep getting better as predicted” and “It will have some effect and will lead to a few programs scamming prematurely”. The remaining 10% of voters are much more pessimistic, saying “It will have a huge negative effect and will cause a big wave of scams very soon”. Well, I don’t expect HYIP admins to broadcast where they keep the money pumped into their programs by investors, but so far there hasn’t been anything too apocalyptical in the HYIP industry since the BTC-e closure. Fingers crossed it stays that way!

Moving on now to the next topic will remain open for about another week or so, I want to ask readers opinions about a subject loosely connected with the last question insofar as it involves BitCoin. We can all agree by now that digital e-currencies in general (whether that specifically involves BitCoin itself or not) is definitely the longer term future of the HYIP industry, and despite the concerns of many investors and admins alike the recent so called BitCoin “fork” has had no negative impact. Even the closure of BTC-e as discussed above seems to have had little discernible effect, with most of the recent scams likely to have been on the way out anyway. With this in mind, how do you as a regular HYIP investor see the future of the industry? BitCoin is growing, and the industry is growing with it. That’s how I as a monitor see it anyway, but what about you guys? The question I am asking therefore is as follows:

What is the shape of the HYIP industry at the moment?

Possible answers are fairly simple and self-explanatory, including:
– It’s growing, – It’s declining, – It’s stalling.

Thanks in advance to everyone who votes. You can cast yours on the MNO TalkBack page here. Voting only takes literally a second, and as always is completely anonymous and untraceable. The poll will stay open for perhaps a week to ten days, but definitely long enough to give everyone who wants to vote adequate time to do so. Thanks for participating!


The percentage of programs accepting Payza and featured on the MNO monitor is constantly growing and currently seven out of the nineteen listed programs are working with them. It’s certainly not an easy thing to do for an HYIP admin as to be accepted by Payza and having their payment button approved they need to go through a more rigorous process than any anonymous payment processor. It will all be worth it at the end, because investors definitely treat programs accepting Payza more seriously than others and in general tend to spend more, feeling that the admin might be a professional. At the moment the following programs do accept Payza and they are all getting great results from advertising on MNO – TrafficHeap (reviewed here), LaserOnline (reviewed here), BandeiraCorp (reviewed here), Respectativa (reviewed here) – and don’t forget the above introduced UnityPetroleum that is going to be reviewed on Monday either. This tendency of growing interest in Payza shows the revival of the HYIP market and its expansion on a truly international level, as Payza is fully embracing deposits, exchanges, and withdrawals via BitCoin. I hope you have heard about the latest news about verified Payza clients who hold pre-paid cards now being able to withdraw from their BitCoin wallet instantly to the card to spend money anywhere that MasterCard is accepted. However, there are more advantages to the already widely praised ownership of the Payza debit card which can be ordered online and delivered to your home address within a few weeks for a small fee. In the latest article posted on the official Payza news blog there was an interesting piece on the advantages of payroll cards an entrepreneur can use to pay salary to his employees to direct deposits. So if you wish to find out more read the following post and create a free Payza account here:

Use Prepaid Cards to Simplify Your Payroll
Slowly but surely, digital payment technologies have transformed how businesses are run. The digital economy has brought countless innovative improvements to organizations of all sizes, from devices such as Square that turn your smart device into a card processor and make it easier to sell your products, to cloud-based technologies that render your office space obsolete in favor of distributed teams.
Despite this trend, there are areas where companies still typically opt for the old “business-as-usual” way of doing things. One of these areas is Payroll.
While electronic payments in the form of direct deposits are now the norm, the few business owners out there who have taken the time to consider the alternatives have found a better option. Payroll cards are reloadable prepaid cards onto which an employer loads a worker’s earnings at the end of each pay cycle, which can then be used anywhere credit cards are accepted, including ATMs and cash-back transactions.
Both direct deposits and prepaid cards offer some clear advantages when compared to old fashioned paper checks. They are both faster than checks, providing your employees with instant access to their funds and simplifying the bookkeeping on your end by delivering all your payments at the same time. Electronic payments are also more secure than checks, which can be easily lost of tampered with, which can cost your company in the form of canceled check fees and penalties.
But payroll cards offer some additional advantages over direct deposits which can have significant short and long-term effects on the success of your business.
Advantages of Payroll Cards vs. Direct Deposits
– Lower Cost
The prepaid card industry has come a long way and now payroll cards are the preferred alternative to direct deposits, beating out paper checks in 2015. Before then, prepaid cards were often associated with high fees, but today the costs of prepaid cards have come down dramatically to compete with traditional bank cards. Payroll cards can now save both employers and employees a great deal of cost.
– Higher Morale
Not only do payroll cards have lower usage fees and more transparency than traditional bank cards, but they also offer a great deal of usability, earning an A-rating for core features in the 2017 Payroll Industry Scorecard from CFSI. They have the same functionality as credit cards, but they help employees stay out of debt by being preloaded and lacking an overdraft limit. On top of that, they are often linked to superior online and mobile banking platforms. For all these reasons, payroll can help increase employee satisfaction in a cashless and debt-averse world.
– Larger Potential Workforce
In addition to the advantages payroll cards pose for employees who have a bank account, this form of payment can be a life-changer for the unbanked. Workers without bank accounts are forced to pay fees to get their checks cashed, so offering payroll cards can make you a more attractive employer to a wider segment of the global workforce.
Payroll cards can open the door to hiring remote workers from all around the world. It can be challenging and expensive to navigate direct deposits across national borders and integrate with local banks in multiple countries – payroll cards allow you to skip the hassle and pay anyone, anywhere.
– Less Payroll Workload
Whether or not you’re employing a distributed international workforce, prepaid cards can save your company a great deal of cost and labor in the payroll department. Since you are issuing the cards to your employees and reloading them at the end of each work cycle, payroll cards eliminate the need to collect personal banking information from each employee, the need to keep that information safely stored and updated, and the need to fix potential problems with delivering payments. Instead, you retain control of the entire payroll process in-house and on a single payment system.
You can begin to improve the outlook of your business immediately by using prepaid cards to consolidate payments, whether to employees, contractors or affiliates, locally or abroad. With the power to simplify the workload for your business, improve morale for your employees, and keep costs down for both parties, payroll cards are the superior (and often-overlooked) alternative for modern businesses.
With the Payza Card, our global proprietary prepaid card, you can rest easy knowing you’re in the hands of the most reliable and affordable payout provider you can find. With no monthly fee and pay-as-you-go transaction fees, our prepaid card is an affordable alternative for your employees. A Payza Business account makes it easy to complete your payouts with just one click and keep track of your payments with Payza’s detailed Transaction History. Just upload your payroll spreadsheet and send money instantly to anything from a few people up to a few hundred! For more information about the Payza Card, be sure to subscribe to our blog.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TrafficHeapLaserOnline, FatFunds, BandeiraCorp, CastleInvestmentFxLTD, AurumBankCryptoSolutions,
ControlFinanceAlpexTradeRolyInvestment, UnityPetroleum (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: RespectativaYkke.
From MNO Basic list: CorePlus, CryptoCenterChainGroupService, CryptoMaster (the first payments received).

That’s all for now, guys. I’m off to enjoy the rest of the weekend hiking the wonderful Black Forest region around the picturesque German village of Schluchsee and its vast lake. I’ll be back fully refreshed for the next business week on Monday when I will be writing from the French city of Strasbourg which is my next destination for my European vacation. You see, traveling is my second passion but MNO is certainly still the first. After earning quite a lot from the HYIP industry over the last ten years I can make sure that nothing stands in the way of my impartiality and cannot be bribed into dishonesty. You can be sure it’s true by reading the series of useful articles from the MNO Fridays series posted on this page and are there for your HYIP education and enlightenment. It’s important as HYIPs are a risky business where one can only win if one comes fully prepared and well armed with knowledge. And I promise you that I will continue to share my experience with my readers for many more years to come. Thanks for your support and for staying with MNO for all these years, guys, and to stay updated on the latest events and new additions to the MNO monitor always follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter and subscribe to have the daily news articles to be sent directly to your email address here. See you on Monday with the detailed review of UnityPetroleum and latest news from the HYIP industry and remember, MNO is For Money Lovers!

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