Beware! BlockchainAlliance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello all! It’s been a busy week in the HYIP industry so far, that’s for sure, and it’s not over yet as I have two new programs to introduce for you coming up. There’s more news to catch up on today, but to start with I have another new addition to the MNO monitoring page, a program called BlockchainAlliance which was just added a couple of days ago. Although the claim is made the program is online a bit longer than that, I can’t see any record of it listed or announced anywhere before a few days ago. Whatever the start date, you can probably take BlockchainAlliance as a new program, but there is one very important point you need to be aware of and comfortable with before you proceed. If you want to join the program you are going to need a valid working telephone number that you don’t mind submitting. I don’t know about every country of course, but in a lot of places you can get a free and disposable pay-as-you-go SIM card, so if this is an option for you and you don’t wish to disclose your private number to the BlockchainAlliance admin then keep it in mind if joining. It should also be noted that the Russian and English language versions of BlockchainAlliance are not 100% identical mirror images of each other. I’ll explain why this is needed later in the review as we progress, so let’s see what BlockchainAlliance is all about and why you might think it’s worth joining.
Starting as we usually do with the investment plans, BlockchainAlliance have five options depending on how much you are prepared to risk. They are all long term by the way, so be sure you are OK with that. The minimum cost of joining is well above the industry average as well, starting at $100 so this one is definitely going to be a slow burner. From that $100 entry level deposit to a maximum of $499 gets you into The Prima Plan which runs for a term of 90 calendar days. This of course is three months, which is probably a more accurate description as BlockchainAlliance only make interest payments on a monthly basis. This is 12% each month, with payments being requested between the first and third day, and taking as long as five business days after that to be requested. So that’s 36% back on your investment. To put that into simple monetary terms then, if you join BlockchainAlliance with the bare minimum of $100 they will pay you back $12 interest each month. At the end of the term your initial deposit is returned, leaving you with $36 net profit from your investment.
If you wish to make a bigger deposit, then BlockchainAlliance‘s second option opens at $500 and is called The Liberals Plan. The running time is 180 calendar days which is six months. BlockchainAlliance repay 14% interest per month as per the same schedule described above, with your principal returned on expiry. That comes to 42% net profit by the time the plan comes to an end. Maximum spending limit is capped at $1,999 here.
For a larger investment you can try The Mira Plan which runs for 270 calendar days, or nine months. BlockchainAlliance offer members a monthly payment of 16%, coming to 144% in total. In order to avail of this however, you will need to invest a minimum of $2,000 in BlockchainAlliance. The upper limit it set at $4,999 and you are given your principal back on expiry.
The remaining two plans are quite similar. First is The Ferox Plan which will cost you between $5,000 and $15,000 to join. It runs for 360 days, which is basically a full calendar year. BlockchainAlliance offer you 18% interest each month if you join, and with your principal back on expiry that gives you a net yield of 216%.
The final option, called The Luxuria Plan, runs for the same term, 360 days, and offers a monthly payment of 18% on investments between $5,000 ant $15,000. So what’s different about this one? BlockchainAlliance make partial repayments of your principal as the term progresses, giving back an equal 1/12th share of it each month with your interest payments. It works out the same way as the previous plan ultimately, just schedules things a bit better.
So, what of your payment options? BlockchainAlliance are accepting PerfectMoney, AdvCash, Qiwi, and YandexMoney (perhaps exposing their Russian origins) if you like the regular third party payment handlers. If on the other hand you prefer the more direct approach and want to use your own e-currency, then you may join using BitCoin. Payment requests need to be submitted from inside your BlockchainAlliance members account area, and be aware, then need not always be fast. The admin requires anything up to a further five business days for all transactions to be completed.
Note that your account will be credited regularly with the interest on a daily basis, but you can only withdraw once at the beginning of each calendar month by submitting a request and confirming it with the verification PIN to be sent to your mobile number you verify on registration. There’s also some monthly bonuses of 1% to 7% available for several plans, but no explanation on how frequently they are going to be added, so I didn’t take it into consideration when describing the plans, but some large investors can expect some monthly extras if they are lucky.
Next I want to talk a bit about the more technical aspects of the BlockchainAlliance website, particularly design and security. Some big imptovements have been made in this regard, with BlockchainAlliance hosted on a protected and dedicated server by DDoSGuard. The program is powered of a custom made script made especially to meet their own needs. SSL encryption is provided by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions.
If you still have any questions for the BlockchainAlliance admin that you think I may not have addressed in this review then you have a couple of options open to you. As always you should probably start with the FAQ section of course. For Live Chat you can try to raise them on Skype. If you don’t find an operator who can deal with your queries there then try to contact the admin directly at the listed e-mail address. BlockchainAlliance also include a street address, though I suggest you would be better off to not waste your time and ignore this completely. It looks good for HYIP industry newbies but that’s about all it will be useful for, since these things are generally just used for company registration purposes and are not where you can find anyone connected with the program physically located.
As for any alleged business interests supporting the payments to BlockchainAlliance investors, you may guess from the name that they claim to be involved with crypto-currencies and their trading. Experienced industry players will hardly pay much attention to this, they know they don’t need to, but it’s repeated anyway for the benefit of those less familiar with how things work. It doesn’t have to be true or false necessarily, what you need to remember is that it comes with no guarantee it has to be profitable. Treat BlockchainAlliance as you would anything else in the HYIP industry and stay, as always, within a sensible spending limit. And of course also remember that BlockchainAlliance would be better kept as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
So, what do you guys think? Have you have given any thought to BlockchainAlliance and whether or not you would like to join it or not then I hope you won’t mind sharing your thoughts with your fellow MNO readers by voting in the following opinion poll. As always it’s completely anonymous and untraceable, and will only take literally a second of your time. The results are never exactly final as such, but will give an interesting picture of what investors do and don’t like about HYIPs and also tell admins what standards you expect from a program before you join. The question is:

I will start by introducing a program newly added to MNO just yesterday, immediately on its official launch program called LargoBit. The program accepts four payment processors – PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash – starting from a $10 minimum. Depending on how much you spend are paid 6% to 7% over a duration of 24 calendar days. That will leave you with a net profit of 44% to 68% at the end of the term, as the principal is already included in the daily profits. Fans of instantly processed withdrawals will like it too by the way, as that’s how they operate. I’ve already been able to verify this as I have received quite a few payments already (LargoBit seems to be popular among MNO readers right from the very start) and moved the program to Paying status on the MNO monitor already yesterday. Despite some obvious grammar mistakes you may notice here and there when browsing the website, the layout is quite easy on the eye and the site looks quite appealing to me at first glance. LargoBit is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection of DDoSGuard, and is SSL-secured by Comodo. No obvious security flaws then which should give investors peace of mind, considering LargoBit makes instant payments. Overall, my first impression of the program is quite positive and with lucrative plans and instant withdrawals LargoBit might be able to find a niche for itself and help it run for a longer time. Anyway, good luck to everyone who decided to join LargoBit already, but if you’re still sitting on the fence and wish to read a more detailed analysis of the program’s main features and investment plans with examples then tune in to my blog in a couple of days, as I pledge to deliver the full review of LargoBit on MNO by the end of the week.
The second program I want to introduce today is called Coinreum. That’s also a brand new project just launched yesterday and listed on MNO after a few hours. Coinreum offers medium to long term plans that include your initial principal in the daily profits and is available from $20. Coinreum seems to be able to accommodate many crypto-currencies including BitCoin, LiteCoin, Dash, Ripple, Monero, and ZCash, along with the usual PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash. You may choose from plans offering 3.2% for 50 days, 25% for 10 weeks, or 115% for 3 months. I’ll discuss them in more detail in the upcoming review of Coinreum next Monday. For now you need to know that withdrawals are not instant and after being requested are paid manually by the admin within 24 hours. My first impression is quite positive and I especially like the abundance of payment options and the ability to exchange balances inside of the account area. Coinreum is running off a licensed H-Script, and it’s an SSL-secured by Comodo website with the hosting on a dedicated server by Dancom and DDoS protection provided by DDoSGuard. There are plenty of other useful features to discuss in a more detailed review of Coinreum coming on Monday, so don’t miss it if you want to find out more about the program!
It looks like LaserOnline is simply unstoppable and after the downtime caused by some technical issues was complete the investors’ confidence in the program has boosted to the new heights. The payments continue like clockwork and everyone who invested into LaserOnline‘s 12% for 12 business days plan are getting paid promptly once the countdown reaches zero to their PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, Payza, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Dash, Ethereum, Ripple, and BitCoinCash payment systems. The only time when the payments were disrupted was the site’s technical maintenance on Wednesday, but once it was done and the site returned all pending payouts had been cleared. The latest report on their Facebook page informs investors to submit a support ticket through the account area if they have any other questions:
“Completed! Technical Update
You can perform transactions on LaserOnline Platform as usual from now onward. Thank you for your patience in this process.
If you have any issues/questions, please consider creating a ticket at the feedback section, in your private desktop. Our Customer Support team will respond you with efficiency back in 24-48 business hours as usual.
Have a great day at LaserOnline platform.”
At the moment I see that the total amount of invested funds in LaserOnline (reviewed here) over its seven weeks existence has surpassed the astounding figure of $4.4 million and keep rising well. As for me personally, MNO has the biggest investment amount deposited by my referrals and the leading positions of MNO can be clearly see on the LaserOnline‘s statistics page when you switch to the tab of Leaders and then Biggest Check. That shows the tremendous amount of support the current leader of the HYIP market is enjoying now and I hope this continues as the HYIP season is in full swing.
It appears that ChainGroupService faced some difficulties when accepting crypto-currencies via the ever popular CoinPayments interface. I guess it was really intolerable for them, as they had to temporarily suspend BitCoin and altcoins deposits and until today they were working with AdvCash interface which in turn is not serving the US market. Everything has been resolved by now though and they have posted new instructions on how to load a ChainGroupService account with funds via BitCoin (not a word about accepting other cryptocurrencies any longer though):
“Due to poor and slow performance we decided to change cryptocurrency merchant. Currently you can load funds/withdraw via Bitcoin (BTC), AdvCash, Perfect Money, Payeer.”
“Try our new-fast-reliable way for funds loading with Bitcoin:
1. Send any amount of BTC (but 0.001 minimum) to Bitcoin address above.
2. Funds will be added every time, when you send BTC to this address after several confirmations from Bitcoin network.
3. Funds will be added to your Available balance as USD (BTC/USD exchange rate will apply at the BTC receivement moment).”
ChainGroupService is known for variable paying investment plans with a huge margin between the possible minimum and maximum daily interest rate and their claims of officially running only one investment plans with others being handled by them merely as a third-party escrow service. The current investment offers include the ChainGroupService‘s own offer paying you 0.2% fixed daily interest over the period of 500 calendar days with the principal return on expiry. Other offers are more risky and ChainGroupService claims to not be responsible for the performance of the so-called trading groups. These other plans have different rules in regards to tthings like premature withdrawal and possibility of compounding, so you really have to read my detailed and updated review of ChainGroupService posted here in order to see how each of them actually works.
It’s no coincidence that HYIPs accepting Payza boast higher quality and longer lasting lifetime. In order to get a business account with Payza and have a payment button enabled for a merchant (in our case, a HYIP admin) has to pass a complicated verification process and agree to Payza‘s ToS which are aimed at higher level of funds protection compared to other payment systems. With Payza you may file a dispute in case a merchant fails to fulfil its promise, and HYIP admins usually know that and pay Payza investors for much longer than to any other payment processors. Plus, with Payza you have lots of advantages if you become a verified member. For example, you can totally avoid dealing with third-party exchangers charging hefty fees and use direct funding and withdrawals via bank, credit card, pre-paid Payza card, BitCoin, and many other altcoins. Exchanging your altcoins inside your Payza account is why this payment processor seems to have been second life and is now thriving. Programs from the Premium List on MNO accepting Payza include LaserOnline (reviewed here), Respectativa (reviewed here), TrafficHeap (reviewed here), and BandeiraCorp (reviewed here) feature in the latest Top Five Popular Programs article you can find here. Not bad, eh? Four out of five top programs on MNO accept Payza and that is no coincidence I say.
Over the last week there were a few updates posted on the Payza official blog which I believe may interest some readers. They mostly concern hot topics of BitCoin and other altcoins and the already mentioned before and just open test centre available for Payza business merchants. Read them all below:
“Despite Early Surge, Future of Bitcoin Cash Still Uncertain After Fork
On July 20, the Bitcoin mining community voted in favor of Segregated Witness (or SegWit): a technological solution designed to increase the transaction capacity of the Bitcoin network. The vote was almost unanimous which would have resulted in a single currency emerging from the upgrade, but a vocal minority of the community that opposed SegWit decided to go ahead with a hard fork instead.
This group of miners announced that the implementation of Bitcoin Cash, with a block size of 8MB, would take place via a hard fork on August 1. Now, one month later, Bitcoin Cash is still struggling to catch up to its big brother.
Both SegWit and the hard fork were designed to solve Bitcoin’s scaling problem. The cryptocurrency has become so popular that the original blockchain, with a block size of 1MB, was unable to process the sheer volume of Bitcoin transactions. SegWit solves this problem by recording transaction signatures onto a separate ledger, freeing up more space on the blockchain for the input data. Alternatively, the hard fork would solve the issue by simply increasing the size of the individual blocks in the chain, allowing for more transactions to be confirmed within a single block.
Why opt for a hard fork?
Proponents of the hard fork take issue with SegWit for several reasons: they argue that SegWit does not increase capacity significantly enough to maintain Bitcoin’s cryptocurrency market leadership, that segregating the transaction signatures would effectively “centralize” control of the currency, and that the solution favored people who viewed Bitcoin as a digital investment rather than a transactional currency.
On the other hand, a hard fork would maintain the fundamental design of the Bitcoin blockchain while multiplying the transaction capacity. The downside is that increasing the block size makes the new chain incompatible with the old – it’s called a hard fork because it effectively splits (or forks) Bitcoin into two separate currencies.
A new coin emerges
This is what happened on August 1. Bitcoin as we know it went in one direction while Bitcoin Cash, a new cryptocurrency created by the fork, went off in another. Despite the attention and scrutiny, it was an inauspicious start for Bitcoin Cash, at 8:20 am (EST), miners began working on what would be the network’s first block. Some thought it would happen quickly, others thought it would take several hours, but as the day went on many began to doubt the effort, worrying that miners would give up on Bitcoin Cash and return to Bitcoin even before the first block was mined. But then at 2:14 pm, after nearly 6 hours of mining, the first block was found, officially launching the new blockchain.
The rough first day may have set a bad tone for Bitcoin Cash, or perhaps the fact that Coinbase (one of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges) publicly announced that it would not support the new coin on its platform (at least not initially) had something to do with this negativity. Both of these things cast a shadow on Bitcoin Cash, conveying a lack of trust and implying low acceptance and reliability of the new coin. One week after the hard fork, mining on the original blockchain remained 30% more profitable than the new chain, and despite much larger block capacities, the original chain had grown 920MB more than the new chain.
Bitcoin Cash, one month later
Now, one month after the split, the price of Bitcoin Cash is experiencing a steady decline after an impressive surge. The value had an early peak of $677 USD on August 2nd before dropping down to around $200 soon after, and excitement dropped off as people turned their eyes back onto Bitcoin and the imminent implementation of SegWit. In the days leading up to SegWit’s launch on August 23rd, Bitcoin Cash again climbed sharply from $300 to over $900 per coin in a 72-hour period as investors hedged their bets amidst uncertainty about Bitcoin’s future. However, with SegWit successfully implemented as of last Wednesday, Bitcoin Cash has begun another seemingly steady decline.
While it’s easy to be dismissive of Bitcoin Cash, the arguments put forward by the developers who support the new cryptocurrency remain valid. Going forward, the original coin and the new one will continue to compete and draw comparisons to each other, with the two ideologies being put to the test. In the first week after SegWit, the expected boost in Bitcoin’s capacity has not yet been seen; if SegWit fails to make the hoped-for impact, many may yet turn to Bitcoin Cash after all. Whether one or the other proves to have the superior technology, or whether both can have a valuable role in the crypto economy, is still yet to be determined.
Payza is closely following the development of Bitcoin and altcoins, and is committed to supporting all of the currencies and cryptocurrencies you are using. By using the Payza platform, you can buy, store, and sell Bitcoin and over 50 different altcoins right inside your Payza account.
For the latest updates and industry insights about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, be sure to subscribe to our blog and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.”
“Payza Introduces Cryptocurrency Address Manager for Easy Bitcoin Transfers
Payza members now have the full functionality of a Bitcoin wallet within their Payza accounts
Payza is proud to introduce our newest cryptocurrency feature: Cryptocurrency Address Manager. Payza members can now generate their own Bitcoin addresses and QR codes for their Payza account. These are multi-use addresses that can be used to receive Bitcoin from other Bitcoin wallets without first having to set up an Add Funds by Bitcoin transaction.
This new feature lets you generate and manage cryptocurrency addresses right inside your Payza account. Although only Bitcoin addresses are currently supported, other cryptocurrencies will be added in upcoming releases.
For merchants using Payza to process Bitcoin payments, we advise you to continue processing Bitcoin payments as before, because the new process for generating Bitcoin addresses can’t be used to tie customer payment information to transactions. This means that it will be difficult for merchants to associate a payment with a specific customer and it will be impossible to automate post-payment processes. The already existing method for processing Bitcoin payments also allows for better testing and automation through the new Payza Test Center.
How to a Generate Payza Bitcoin Address:
1. In your Payza account, click “Wallet” in the left-hand column.
2. Select “Cryptocurrency Address Manager”.
3. Select “Bitcoin” as the currency in the drop-down menu.
4. Click “Generate New Address”.
A new Bitcoin address and QR code will be generated and listed in the Cryptocurrency Address Manager section. Use the generated Bitcoin address to receive bitcoins from other Bitcoin wallets.
When you receive bitcoins to your Payza Bitcoin address, your balance will instantly and automatically be updated and you’ll receive an email notification letting you know that you’ve successfully received Bitcoin.
Managing Cryptocurrency Addresses
When you need to manage and organize your Payza cryptocurrency addresses, you will find them all in the Cryptocurrency Address Manager section within your Payza account. The cryptocurrency addresses can be used multiple times to receive funds.
At the top of this page, you will see how many current cryptocurrency addresses are linked to your Payza account. You can use the search bar to review the activity on different addresses or to find all the addresses associated with a specific cryptocurrency. The Cryptocurrency Address Manager also shows you the amount of cryptocurrency you have received to each address in your Payza account. This amount will appear next to each address and QR Code under the heading “Amount Received”.
You can have a maximum of 50 cryptocurrency addresses listed in your Payza account. To generate additional addresses, you will have to remove an existing address. To remove an existing address, simply click the “Remove” option next to the cryptocurrency address you wish to remove.
A removed address will still be associated to your Payza account and will re-appear in the list if someone sends funds to it. So even if someone sends Bitcoin to an address that you have removed, you will still receive those bitcoins without problem.
If you have several cryptocurrency addresses listed in your Payza account, you can find one easily by entering the cryptocurrency address under “Find Existing Address” in the Cryptocurrency Address Manager section within your Payza account:
1. In your Payza account, click “Wallet” in the left-hand column.
2. Select “Cryptocurrency Address Manager”.
3. Enter the cryptocurrency address you are searching for under “Find Existing Address”.
Coming Soon to the Payza App
The Cryptocurrency Address Manager is only available through the Payza desktop site for now, but will be available for the Payza App in a future update.
For more information and to stay up to date with the latest Payza news, be sure to subscribe to the Payza Blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.”
“Payza Unveils Test Center for Smoother Payment Integrations
The new section allows Payza Business Accounts to test their payment button and instant payment notification integrations prior to a live release
LONDON, Aug. 28, 2017 – Payza, an award-winning global online payment platform, today announced the release of the Payza Test Center, which offers merchants a new way to test out their integrations prior to a live release.
The Test Center allows businesses to create and analyze test Payment Buttons and Instant Payment Notifications (IPNs) without performing real payment transactions. All Payza Business Accounts, both verified and unverified, have access to the Test Center. The Test Center provides sample information for testing credit card transactions using both Payza Member Checkout and Guest Checkout.
The Payza Test Center provides all the tools that a merchant needs to test their payment buttons and generate IPNs. “We wanted to provide added resources and a more user-friendly environment to help our merchants make sure their integrations are properly set up from beginning to end,” said Ali Nizameddine, EVP Product and Technology at Payza.
With this new offering, businesses can now convert individual Standard Integration and Advanced Integration Payment Buttons into test buttons, which reproduce the functionality of live buttons, however no payment data is ever sent or received. Merchants can still set their accounts to Test Mode, which converts all payment buttons into test buttons.
The Test Center provides scripts to convert payment buttons into test buttons, which allow merchants to verify that their buttons are properly configured. Transactions performed through test buttons can then be used to generate sample IPNs, with a range of settings to recreate the various Payza transaction statuses.
Sample IPNs can be used to build or test various post-payment automation scripts. Payza IPNs transmit encrypted information regarding every aspect of a Payza transaction. Once decrypted, merchants can use the values for scripts that automate post-payment tasks, such as sending out follow-up emails or fulfilling an order. Find a full list of IPN values in the Payza Reference Center: Payza API Guide – IPN.
“The new Test Center replaces Payza Sandbox and Payza Developer’s Center as the complete testing environment for Payza integrations,” said Firoz Patel, Payza’s CEO. “It’s part of our mission to make sure that our business accounts can easily navigate and test within our user interface and we’re confident that the Test Center will help in this regard.”
About Payza
Payza is an award-winning payments technology company. The highly secure platform provides businesses and consumers around the world with practical solutions for processing online payments. Payza supports 26 currencies and serves over 14 million members in more than 190 countries.
Payza serves traditional and emerging markets, providing a wide range of built-in tools including: Online payment processing, online global money transfers, fraud screening, subscription billing, transaction dispute resolution, cryptocurrency exchange services, and global payouts.
More information is available about Payza on its website (, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the company’s blog.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: LaserOnline, TrafficHeap, Respectativa, FatFunds, BandeiraCorp, AurumBank, ControlFinance, ChainGroupService, RolyInvestment, AlpexTrade, Coinreum (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Ykke, MatrixAlliances, LargoBit (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Basic list: CryptoCenter, UKPME, CryptoMaster, AltenergyVenturesGroup.
That’s all for you for today, guys. I’ll be back on Saturday with a detailed review of LargoBit – the latest addition to the MNO Standard List. Of course, that will be accompanied by more news from the biggest investment projects in the HYIP industry at the moment, so to keep updated follow MNO closely on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter, and subscribe to the daily news regularly delivered straight to your mailbox here. Please vote in the poll on the possible revival of the MNO Forum here. The final results will be revealed in a few days along with the new question to be asked. Thanks for staying with MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Sep 7th, 2017. Comment.
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