Oct 24th, 2017 Archives

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Beware! Cryptoosa has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope you are all well after the weekend. Although it’s Tuesday it’s the first post of the business week on MNO, and I’m hoping to see plenty of good opportunities coming our way again. There’s a couple of news stories to catch up on since my last update, plus I also want to talk about a new addition to the MNO Premium List called Cryptoosa. I’m sure more than a few of you might have at least been familiar with the name Cryptoosa before today. That’s because they’ve been on the MNO monitor for a while but originally just the Basic List. Now that the admin is happy enough that any possible bugs have been ironed out and is happy with the performance of the Cryptoosa website the time is right for an upgrade and for taking it to the wider more appreciative audience it probably deserves. So let’s take a closer look at what they’re all about and if you want to see them as part of your own portfolios.
The plan, there’s only one, works like this. You can join for a $5 minimum deposit, and the term runs for 12 calendar days. During this time Cryptoosa will pay you back a daily interest rebate with the exact rate being determined by the size of your initial principal. Your principal will not be given back as Cryptoosa have already counted that as part of your payments, so it’s your own money back plus what ever you receive in interest payments as net profit for yourself.

These are the rates. If you are making anything between a basic entry level $5 investment up to a $5,000, which I guess is going to include the overwhelming majority of investors, Cryptoosa pay you back 11% per day for the following 12 days. This adds up to 132% in total by the time you collect the final payment, meaning your original principal plus 32% net profit.

To put that into monetary terms, let’s suppose you invested $100. Cryptoosa would then pay you back $11 per day for the next 12 days. You would break even (earn an amount equal to your deposit) and see your first actual profit ten days into the term, and complete it earnings totalling $132 which is made up of your own initial hundred plus $32 on top in profits.

Just for information purposes, or for anyone genuinely interested in making a major investment in Cryptoosa the rate improves to 12% per day for 12 days on amounts between $5,000 and $10,000. That gives you a break even point and first profit after 9 days and a final net profit of 44%. The maximum rate of 14% per day for 12 days is reserved for investments upwards of $10,000 and no maximum limit. That gives a break even point of 8 days and a net profit of 68%.

The choice of payment options open to members is pretty comprehensive in the sense that they’re including all the most popular industry options, which to be blunt is kinda what you’d be entitled to expect as a minimum standard from any HYIP wanting to be taken seriously. Cryptoosa are taking deposits through your choice of Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer and AdvCash if you prefer the more conventional style payment handlers, or BitCoin for a more direct digital alternative. Payouts to members are generally speaking made instantly, though will still need to be requested from inside your Cryptoosa private members account area. Once you’ve done that you should see your money in your preferred payment processor account in less than a minute. The only exception to this is BitCoin where payments will be made manually by the Cryptoosa admin. In this case you need to allow anything up to a maximum of 24 hours for all transactions to be completed. Part of the reason for this I think is that in a commendable move that should be welcomed by the investors the Cryptoosa admin has agreed to absorb the BitCoin withdrawal fees. That’s right, the program will cover the fees for you, so for all BitCoin withdrawals the amount you ask for is the amount you receive. The trade off for this is that the minimum withdrawal request must be $1 or more (BTC equivalent), due to the fact that if the withdrawal is too small the fee can actually be bigger than it, and covering that would just not be a smart business move.

In many ways as we can see Cryptoosa is just a regular straight forward HYIP. Nothing wrong with that, they’ve actually got a lot going for them and a lot of features that many investors seem to like these days. Specifically these investment plans are hugely popular now anyway, so an experienced admin with good intentions should be able to make a program like Cryptoosa work for a lot of investors. That coupled with the fact that Payza are on board right from the start – itself also a popular move with bigger spending investors internationally and US based investors in general.

Looking at some of the more technical aspects of the Cryptosa website now such as their design and and security features, the first thing regulars industry players might be able to pick out is the script. It’s instantly recognisable as from GoldCoders, I’ll just confirm that it’s under licence and is as you would expect easy to navigate and user friendly. For an extra layer of security the entire Cryptoosa website, both public and private areas, is SSL encrypted by CloudFlare for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Along with encryption services the hosting is also by CloudFlare who are widely acknowledged as the best service providers and quite a well known mainstream brand name by now. They have Cryptoosa on a dedicated server with their tech support and protection from malicious attacks so downtime issues, if any, should be minimal.

Any further questions, queries, or comments can be put to the admin either by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page, or else by just writing directly to the listed e-mail address. Naturally you need to start with the FAQ page of course, that can save everyone a lot of time and trouble. Also available is a built-in Live Chat widget so have a quick look and see if an operator is available. They may be able to help you with something before you compose any lengthy e-mails to the admin. Cryptoosa are also taking advantage of social media networks and have opened their own Twitter account so you can find them there as well. And finally the Cryptoosa website does list a postal address in the UK. Most of you know by now that I always suggest you ignore these things due to them being no more than virtual serviced workspaces. The fact that the published address and the address on the integrated map are not in the same place would suggest you are not going to find anyone connected to Cryptoosa located in either venue were you to visit. You may (or may not) find this helpful but the admin has integrated an online translation tool into the Cryptoosa website. It’s not ideal, compared to professional translations these things are usually a bit muddled, but it’s enough to give a general idea of what it’s all about.

The website content and texts seem original and allude to the program somehow being involved in a typical HYIP admin’s favourite activity which is crypto currency trading. In reality of course there’s very little to suggest Cryptoosa is anything other than a high risk online HYIP that requires a regular flow of cash to stay afloat. So don’t treat the program as anything else, and obviously the number one rule is to protect yourself first in any program you sign up for. So always start by establishing a sensible spending limit based on your own personal circumstances and what you can comfortably afford to lose without getting into trouble, and if joining Cryptoosa at all then try and do so as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

Before we move on to the news section then I just want to ask what everyone else’s opinion is of Cryptoosa now? Do you like your chances of seeing a profit enough to join? Or maybe that it’s been online for so long you already did so? Please take a moment to participate in the following poll, which is as always completely anonymous and untraceable, and will I hope show some interesting results in the coming weeks and months:

Will you make an active deposit in Cryptoosa?

View Results

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The live chat support option that claims to be working around the clock has been announced as a completely new feature by the admin of the above reviewed Cryptoosa earlier today. Now you can have all your issues solved and all your questions answered in real-time by live support operators, and that is surely another welcome sign of the improved development of Cryptoosa where one can earn from 11% to 14% over a 12 day term:

Live chat support now available
We are happy to announce that we have added live chat support to the Cryptoosa website. In case you are stuck or you have any questions, are agents are happy to help you 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 days a year…


MedusaCapital (reviewed here) seems to be doing really well, featuring prominently at the #3 position on the MNO Premium listing having been monitored for less than three weeks. Even that though was enough time for first investors to profit from the program’s shorter 110% after 10 days plan and reach the break-even point on the longer but much more popular 5% for 30 days plan. The minimum to invest in MedusaCapital is only $10 which makes it affordable for literally every investor and the instant processed withdrawals to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, and most recently added Dash should be popular. The weekly newsletters issued regularly show the progress of MedusaCapital so far and in the latest one along with the addition of Dash there was also an announcement of a Vietnamese language translation. That’s the fifth version of the MedusaCapital website, joining English, Russian, Polish, and German. Among the minor improvements mentioned in the newsletter I especially liked the countdown timer now added to the custom-made script MedusaCapital runs off which will allow members to see how much time exactly is left to their next accrual. All the latest news and updates from MedusaCapital that seems to be going from strength to strength is included below:

News 16.10-23.10
Kind time of the day, dear investors!
The next week of the company’s work has passed and we have something to tell about the events with which it was saturated.
About investments
Last Sunday more than 200 first deposits successfully worked out according to the tariff of Syntomi.
By the end of this week, the amount of spent deposits under this plan will approach 250.
October 21, 2017 the first cycle of deposits was completed according to the tariff plan Makri, and our investors received more than 50% of net profit. In the next time we congratulate all investors on profits!
About our partners
Our partners are also very pleased with very good results.
Break out to the leaders with a large margin managed our partner money, an excellent result, keep it up!
We also invite everyone to become an official representative of the company. Details here
About innovations
New payment system DASH Recently, crypto-currencies are very popular, in connection with which it was decided to expand payment instruments.
Today we added a payment system: DASH.
Also on the main page are added the current courses Dash and Litecoin.
Authorization through social networks
In addition, to increase usability, we have added the ability to log in to our system using any of the available social networks. List: Google, Facebook, VK, LinkedIN, LiveID.
Accrual timer
In order to increase the usability of our service, we added a time counter to the next deposit.
The counter will calculate the amount of time before accrual on the nearest of the deposits and will be located at the top of the main page of the cabinet.
Vietnamese localization and access to the Vietnamese market
Just last week we added Vietnamese localization and entered the Vietnamese market of investment.
-Added QR code in the partner section
– Minor cosmetic design improvements
About failures in work
Last week there was no disruption to the service, but we are constantly upgrading our CMS to provide maximum convenience for our investors
On Wednesday 25.10.2017 the next webinar with our partner Andrey Timchenko will be held.
The webinar will be dedicated to past events, and we will devote most of the webinar to the answers to your questions.
If you have long wanted to ask something, then all your questions can be asked in the webinar. We will inform you about the exact time of the event later.
This week turned out to be much more intense than the past, especially by the result of our top leaders, as well as very profitable for our investors who already managed to get high dividends on both tariff plans. Thank you for staying with us. See you next Monday.
Sincerely, your MedusaCapital.


The admin of LaserOnline is trying his best to create the impression that his program is doing fine despite some clear signs now that the bubble is about to burst anytime soon. Strong indicators include the sudden drop of advertising campaign on MNO which is really suspicious considering it being its biggest and most efficient promoter, the creation of multiple fake accounts with the same fake downlines to prevent legitimate promoters from reaching the rewards they deserve, and the miscalculation of the profits LaserOnline owes to one of my direct referrals for a huge amount of money. Put two and two together and you come to the same conclusion. And while I do not see the recent developments with LaserOnline positively and am not optimistic for its future, we should all agree completely on one important thing – the program has been the best performer in the HYIP industry over the last four months. While LaserOnline might be on its last legs the vast majority of investors are still paid fine and receiving their payments in an automated mode on the expiry of their 24 to 48 waiting period. With a 12% for 12 business days investment plan and a wide variety of payment options accepted (the list includes PerfectMoney, Payeer, Payza, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, BitCoinCash, Dash, and Ethereum) the program might be able to last for another investment cycle. Although it would be highly dangerous to put any large amounts into it at the moment. Of course, the latest updates from LaserOnline would tell you exactly the opposite as they try to create this make-believe feeling with an astronomical one million reserve fund allegedly stored in their BitCoin wallets to cover any possible losses or made up stories of $30 million invested in their company. The reality is much bleaker than they try to depict and even the attempts of an actor turned CEO of LaserOnline which claims it to be allegedly financially regulated by the US authorities (although in reality is a ponzi-game like everything else) cannot leave anything but a sour note and a feeling of impending doom in many investors minds. Below you will find the latest stories from LaserOnline (first reviewed here):

We are here to change the rules of the game.
We are here to create our own money making machine, with as much financial prosperity as we all deserve
We are here to establish a new way of action orientated thinking free of boundaries & stereotypes
We show it is possible to life your life freely, embracing beauty of the scale.
Trusted time proven business united with immersive power of the crypto currency
12% Daily passive income…Not possible?
MEET LASERONLINE INVESTMENT PLATFORM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptGqMYIkNDk
LaserOnline is an innovative and practical “digital funds” platform online, which welcomes all members worldwide. We act solely as a facilitator between you (our members) and the Enterprise (our investment). This lucrative opportunity to earn money online was born in respond to ever-increasing global demand for Laser based products. Our key objective is to constantly increase the mutual return on investment through Laser Online platform. To achieve that goal, we’re prepared to deliver you an extremely high returns of 12% daily within 12 Business days for buying digital funds in our platform via the eWallets we accept, and per the terms presented in our Investment Plans.
Get started today: https://laser.online/start
I. Detailed business model & marketing plan https://laser.online/news/3
II. How such a return can be a long-term investment solution? https://laser.online/news/8
– Find out more about our company here https://laser.online/about
– Discover our Development Plan https://laser.online/news/1
Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LaserOnlineLLC
Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNf95Ns7inRzqbolnRN6i5w
Having questions or doubts? Visit our extensive FAQ section: https://laser.online/faq
Join LASERONLINE TELEGRAM community at: https://t.me/joinchat/GmaHBUR0GwaF7xl…
Encrypted chat with investors powered by: www.telegram.org

LaserOnline Platform’s Bitcoin Security Fund has being recently refilled with total balance of $1,000,000
BSF. or “Bitcoin Security Fund” can be considered as an extra security feature for all active L.O. platform partners.It is constantly growing crypto currency safety fund.
BSF is bitcoin addresses are fully under company?s control and access. BSF. built solely on automatically deducted sum from our profits and does not affect daily R.O.I of our investors. Is some force major cases, BSF. the fund can be used as a partial initial investment refund provided only to active investors (at the moment of the “force major case”). Another word, even if under some circumstances user loses an access to his principal, an extra opportunity aimed at partial/full “digital funds” refund can be offered by Laser Online LLC. Management.
Join LASERONLINE TELEGRAM WORLDWIDE community at: https://t.me/joinchat/GmaHBUR0GwaF7xlQYYP9zQ
Encrypted chat with investors powered by: www.telegram.org

$30,000,000 INVESTED & COUNTING!
Effective promotion, profitable instrument… amazing people!
Remember our first $100M mark! Let’s hit it within 3 months!
Start your amazing journey at LaserOnline today: https://laser.online


While some programs in the HYIP industry are clearly in decline others enjoys stable and healthy growth. Take ChainGroupService, for instance. Its admin recently took the decision to further boost his program’s exposure on MNO by purchasing the top banner on the MNO monitor for a month and extending its Sticky listing position for one month as well. No wonder that ChainGroupService is safely considered to be one of the best performing programs in the HYIP industry at the moment. No hassle and no frequent updates, just promptly processed payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin accounts. If you read my review of ChainGroupService posted here you’ll know that their investment offers have a very different structure compared to other money-making opportunities online. There is actually only one investment plan with a fixed return of 0.2% paid over the period of 500 calendar days allowing you to double your investment by the end of the term when the initial principal is returned. Of course, for the majority of investors such a waiting time is too long to handle, so for them ChainGroupService offers a much wider variety of other investment offers with varied daily returns and different compounding, principal return and investment term rules. For these other group of plans (or Trade Groups as they are called in the members’ area on the site) ChainGroupService acts as a third-party escrow service on behalf of other ventures and totally independent from them. Such groups can theoretically fail and discontinue their investment offers at any time (never happened before yet though!) and there is some kind of stabilization fund with different amounts of funds for every single group to be re-distributed among the members then. The possible daily interest rates in these Trade Groups vary significantly from day to day and depending on your investment goals and expectations you may choose among the following plans – 0.1%-5% for 90 days, 0.1%-10% for 120 days, 0.1%-6% for 180 days, 0.1%-3% for 250 days, 0.1%-1.7% for 300 days. All these groups have been properly discussed in the full review of ChainGroupService that was posted on the MNO blog earlier, and if you know what I mean, such investment plans can be gone and replaced with many others at anytime, which makes ChainGroupService literally invincible, as they claim responsibility for only one offer with more than moderate investment returns which will certainly help them last much longer than their counterparts.


If anyone is wondering why ResonanceCapital still hasn’t been reviewed on MNO despite being included on my monitor’s Premium List for almost 14 days now, the reason is simple. ResonanceCapital only make weekly payments, and those payments can take some time to process. So the move from Waiting to a confirmed Payment Status on my monitor took a while, other programs were in front of them in the queue, but everything is OK now. Plans include 28% for 4 weeks, 6%-6.2% for 24 weeks, 3.3%-6% for 48 weeks for a $50 minimum. There’s a reasonably good selection of payment options as well with ResonanceCapital working with PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, and BitCoin. I expect to be doing a more detailed review of the program sometime over the weekend.

Anyway, in two news updates from the program I can’t really say there’s anything all that important. Or even that interesting. ResonanceCapital have for some odd reason unveiled their own corporate flag. And just to prove it, someone thought it was a good idea to post a three minute video of said flag waving in the wind to an easy listening country style acoustic soundtrack playing behind it. What this is supposed to achieve or do to advance the program. But it’s out there now, use it as you will. The first news update from ResonanceCapital might be a bit more useful in the sense that it’s under the guise of a so called trading report. You can read it below, personally I think it might only prove useful when it comes to bringing in newer less experienced HYIP industry players, but that’s not to say it has no place or importance in the promotion of ResonanceCapital as a HYIP. Read below for details:

Hello, dear customers of ResonanceCapital.
Our financial department prepared a trading report for the second week of October (10.09.17-10.15.17) and proceeded to prepare a trading report for the third week of October.
Trading report for the second week of October (09-15 October) in PDF format:
Forex https://s3-eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/rcglp/tinymce/FOREX_ENG-1508673775639.pdf
IPO Market https://s3-eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/rcglp/tinymce/IPO_ENG-1508673781269.pdf
Penny Stocks https://s3-eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/rcglp/tinymce/Penny_ENG-1508673786846.pdf
Stock and futures market https://s3-eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/rcglp/tinymce/Stock_ENG-1508673792605.pdf
Cryptocurrency https://s3-eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/rcglp/tinymce/Crypto_ENG-1508673768311.pdf
Full report in ZIP archive https://s3-eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/rcglp/tinymce/ENG-1508673835633.zip
Yet another trading week has passed. Penny Stock market was the worst performer bringing less than 0.1%. On the other hand, it was a good trading week for IPO – we managed to get 38% of the funds invested in this line of activity. And of course, the main part of revenue was generated thanks to cryptocurrency accounting for about 70% of the total funds invested.
Dear customers of ResonanceCapital, follow our news and share information with your investors.
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital

Hello, dear ResonanceCapital customers.
Today we would like to kindly offer you a new productive tool for increasing the loyalty of your target audience – the video screensaver of ResonanceCapital in the form of an animated corporate flag.
It looks very impressive and can be used by you when carrying out offline activities.
The screensaver is accompanied by melodic music and as a whole creates a feeling of kindness, stability, happiness, great strength and a great team spirit.
Please use all of our tools for the benefit of growing your business. We do this specially for you.
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky listChainGroupService.
From MNO Premium list: LaserOnlineCoinreumMedusaCapital, Cryptoosa, BiostryAlpexTradeBitcyResonanceCapital (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: Raizex, LifeBitTradexTop.
From MNO Basic list: DobroFatherTraderBankSupercharged.

That’s it for today, guys. Stay with MNO for even more new programs, reviews, and unbiased opinions. Get subscribed here, or follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter. You can also ask anything about the monitored programs either on the MNO Shoutbox, or using the Contact form here, or by chatting with me on Telegram @mnoblog. I’ll see you on Thursday with a detailed look at another brand new program called TradexTop that joined the Standard List on MNO immediately after coming online last Saturday night. The latest updates from the biggest investment programs in the HYIP industry will also be included, so stay tuned for more as MNO is For Money Lovers!

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