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22/12/2017. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello all, and welcome again to the MNO blog with the final pre-Christmas update on the latest news from the HYIP industry. You might have noticed already that the last week or so has been as expected quiet, but for good reason. First off, the time of year is traditionally slow for both HYIP admins and HYIP investors who prefer to get ready for the winter festivities and not bother with investments. This year however saw things worsen with unusually high BitCoin fees that are literally killing the very point of investing and making profits. As BitCoin is currently responsible for roughly half of the HYIP market, paying sometimes as high as 50% of the transaction to BitCoin miners who get more and more demanding lately seems like the stupidest thing to do. Besides, as of today BitCoin has lost almost a third of its market value and I suspect the current situation with higher than usual fees is rather to blame for that. Instead both the HYIP investors and HYIP admins should switch to other currencies as BitCoin better alternatives, and the faster the process is complete the better for the whole industry and the faster it recovers after the Christmas/ New Year season. That won’t happen overnight though and on the way there will be just a lot of closures as the weakest programs in the market are unable to withstand the harsh climate in the HYIP industry now. That’s why it’s of utmost importance to be very selective when investing over the next couple of weeks and perhaps it would even be advisable to stop putting any new money into HYIPs during the holidays. In any case, due to the current circumstances it will be almost impossible to profit at the moment in the HYIP industry, as the recovery will surely take place only in the new year.

That being said, I hope that the current and remaining programs on the MNO monitor will continue to send profits to members’ accounts and we will see more new investors in just a couple of weeks time. Meanwhile, let’s have a look at what’s going on with the paying programs from the MNO list.


I know it’s a cliché that gets rolled out every year at this time, but it’s the truth – the HYIP industry slows down in December but never goes into full hibernation. By that I mean good programs never vanish completely, they just get harder to find and isolate from the scams. One such program is Octoin, which at this late stage is far from the best program of the year (give it more time) but is certainly the best program still online at the moment. You might remember from the original review of Octoin first published on MNO here that the program got off to a slow start, mostly due to the fact that it’s almost nothing like the more conventional online programs HYIP investors would have been searching for at the time. But a slow and gradual start-up isn’t necessarily a bad thing, indeed in the case of longer term more complex earning opportunities like this one it’s probably an advantage. As far as actual investment plans go, Octoin offer variable returns for terms running from 30 to 150 days, and your principal back on expiry. The first investors are all already comfortably into profit with Octoin there so I don’t need to say much else about that side of things, but there are so many other platforms available to members where they can also turn a low risk profit. Peer-to-Peer and currency trading/exchange being the main ones. Payment options are more focussed on digital e-currencies, which Octoin also has its own one, such as BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Zcash, Dash, and BitcoinCash, though the more conventional PerfectMoney and AdvCash are in there too. Anyway, the admin has always been active as can only be expected in such a huge program, and has issued the following newsletters. Among the items covered include the spread if Octoin internationally, the prize winners from the members who took the time and effort to attend the most recent Octoin online webinar (a regular event by the way, so keep your eyes open for more of these), the latest offline conference that was held in Indonesia during the week, and some essential maintenance work that needs to be done on the Octoin servers. By the way, there are two new instructional videos on the Octoin website which I have also embedded on the MNOVision page for your convenience here:

Octoin Coin (OCC) becomes popular!
The fame of Octoin in Indonesia is so high, that the top International Media has got interested in Octoin.
CNN Indonesia news have made a video about the cryptocurrency OCC and its Leaders in Indonesia. The internet users have watched this video more than 350 000 times and this number is constantly increasing.
Indonesia in their opinion is the first and one of the largest Octoin markets. This fact was mentioned a few times in CNN video.
Communities of many thousands of Indonesians are developing and earning this cryptocurrency. This was told in the video by one of the Crypto platform Leaders.
We cannot ignore this achievement of our Indonesian users so we publish this video for you.
Octoin is international company created by traders from UK, Singapore and the owners of a few top mining pools from China.
First banch of OCC launched to the market in the Autumn of 2017 with the price of 1$ per coin. This have created a real success among the investors. OCC is still at its pre-start and it is still an internal currency. Its tokens are actively bought by users from different countires. However, the leading countries are China, Indonesia, UAE, UK, Germany, India, Nigeria, South Africa, Pakistan and Israel.

Octoin Webinar Raffle Winners!
Congratulations to the winners!
So our webinar in German came to an end! For several hours, professionals from our team told all participants about the crypto-currencies and our project – Octoin. Unexpectedly for us, the webinar came not only the Germans, but also just people who know German well. It was very interesting to talk with various investors.
Also, as always, we raffled prize deposits for amounts of 50 OCC and more. This is already becoming a good tradition.
And according to this tradition, here you can see the names of the winners:
100 OCC, 50 OCC, 50 OCC, 50 OCC
And if you suddenly miss this webinar, then be sure to come to the next one! There will also be a lot of interesting and really useful. We look forward to seeing you!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

Octoin Conference in Banjarbaru 20 Dec 2017
Dear Octoin Leader!
Mega Octoin seminar will be held in Banjarbaru city on 20 December 2017 at 19.00 PM.
The seminar will be conducted after an important meeting between Indonesian Octoin Promoter Mr.Imran and the Leaders of the Banjarbaru city cryptocurrency led by Mr.Ahyar.
Some information about Banjarbaru city was presented. Martapura city is famous for its diamond. People in both cities are very fond of investment business.Upon the enthusiasm of the previous Leaders meeting with the Octoin promoter, it was agreed to present 100 participants in this event.
This event will be guided by famous Mc Mr. Bugdady’s.
At the event delivered by Mr.Imran there will be explained certain details about:
– How to recognize the world of cryptocurrency,
– Why participants choose Octoin as their investment project,
– A detailed explanation about the trading and mining portfolios in the Octoin platform,
– Detailed explanation about 7 level Octoin referral program and how to increase your personal income from Octoin program.
At this point all the Leaders of Octoin Banjarbaru are already preparing several targets to make direct investment in Octoin.
Octoin – Your Trusted Partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

Scheduled maintenance of servers
Dear users of Octoin!
We would like to inform you that on the night of December 20-21 technical maintenance of our servers is planned, so from 9 pm to 5 am GMT, short time intervals of our site offline are possible. We are sure that this will allow only faster and more stable work for our resource. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.
Octoin – your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!


Not just HYIP investors here, but I think anyone with any reason to handle BitCoin in recent weeks can’t help but notice the problems surrounding moving hard currency in and out of the network recently. In other words due to the relative shortage of businesses accepting BitCoin as a direct payment for their services, most folks still need to convert online BitCoins to dollars, and there’s a whole mess of problems, delays, and expenses there right now. One of the HYI programs to identify and attempt to deal with this situation is Automatix, reviewed on MNO here. In order to deal with the delays and expenses surrounding this, the Automatix admin has to take the understandable measure of imposing a minimum BitCoin withdrawal limit of 0.001 BTC, a move which he says is temporary though to be honest I don’t see the situation there improving anytime in the near future. As it’s beyond the control or influence of the Automatix admin he has to his credit done as much as he can to compensate for this. If using BitCoin has become too much of a burden for you then you can now invest in Automatix using Z-Cash, Ethereum, or BitcoinCash as well, joining LiteCoin and DogeCoin. Just to remind you, Automatix offers a mix of daily payment plus payment on expiry investment plans, including 2% for 7 days, 2.5% for 14 days, 3.1% for 21 days, 3.8% for 28 days, 4.6% for 35 days, 5.5% for 42 days (principal back), and 150% after 15 days, 190% after 20 days, 240% after 25 days, 300% after 30 days (principal included):

Bitcoin limit
Dear users,
We have imposed a temporary limit on the amount of Bitcoin withdrawal due to a high load on the blockchain network and a high transaction cost. The current minimum amount available for Bitcoin withdrawal is 0.001 BTC.
This is a short-term measure, and we will return the previous limits once the situation stabilizes.

Cryptocurrencies added
Dear users,
We have expanded the list of cryptocurrencies available on the platform: the most popular payment systems Zcash, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash were added. Investing with us has become even more convenient now!


If, and you are, already reading MNO then you will no doubt be aware that CryptoHolders is a recently launched medium term HYIP with a straight up choice between daily interest payments or a shorter term on expiry one. With CryptoHolders you can have either 7% for 22 business days, or 110% after 7 days. Pretty straight forward really, though there’s nothing to stop you from investing in both if that’s what you want. CryptoHolders accept payments via PerfectMoney, Payza, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, and Ethereum. This was further explained in detail in the review first published on MNO here. Since then, the shorter term plan has completed its first cycle and in doing so has placed all the first investors well into profit. This was perhaps the most important point raised in the admin’s latest newsletter which I am republishing for you below, though for the benefit of other investors he also included a link to the review on MNO, perhaps to better explain things to any members who joined but are still waiting to make an active deposit. Everything from CryptoHolders is included below:

Dear Members,
Greetings from CryptoHolders.
It has been 9 days since we have launched CryptoHolders and those who have invested in Weekly Plan earned 110% of their investment and got paid instantly/manually depending on the payment processor they invested.
Currently, CryptoHolders is monitored only in, and recently MNO have published a review about our program and members can read the review at and we would like to thank MNO for the review and we are working on the areas to be improved.
As the daily plan is making payments on Business Days, there won’t be any interest credited on Christmas and New Year Day.
Also, we are working on making Instant withdrawals to the Crypto Currencies as well, and it will be implemented in first week of January.
Thanks and Regards, Team CryptoHolders.


Do you still believe a HYIP can really develop and release their own ICO? Meaning initial coin offering and entering the world of crypto-currencies? Well, I myself am very skeptical about this, since even the biggest programs of the past like LaserOnline only used it as an excuse to get more money from investors before scamming. Of course, it costs you nothing to promise an ICO sometime in the very remote future to keep interest in joining the program high, and the admin of RenaissanceInvest has done his best to use this to his program’s benefit. In the last update posted on the company’s informational website RenaissanceInvest has reported the first stage of development of their ICO that is allegedly coming in July 2018 and where everyone who joined RenaissanceInvest via crypto-currencies would receive tokens to add extra value to the daily interest there. As you might remember from my review of RenaissanceInvest posted here, the program currently accepts investments via PerfectMoney, AdvCash, OkPay, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, and Dash starting from a $10 minimum. The investment offers include those paying 0.8%-1.2% per business days for 90 days, and 1.6%-2% per business day for 180 days. Both groups will allow you to make a premature principal withdrawal for a fee or wait for the completion of the term before getting back your principal. Now that RenaissanceInvest released the following news on the upcoming ICO you might want to hold on to your deposits there, provided there is any truth in the report you can read below:

Dear investors. As previously reported, RenaissanceInvest plans to conduct ICO on one of its start-ups. The purpose of the project is to use unique technologies to completely immerse a person in virtual reality. The equipment was developed by RenaissanceInvest. Successfully completed the first tests. ICO is held to attract additional investments for the development of the project and use it in large numbers in various fields of activity. We inform that investors who have deposits in the company RI in crypto-currencies will automatically receive tokens issued in the ICO process equivalent to their contribution. Tokens provide an opportunity to participate in the project and receive various privileges associated with the new technology as well as profit from the sale of products released by the company based on this technology. The ICO launch date is set for mid-July 2018. Now the preparatory work is underway. In the process of preparation, we will publish documents with information about the project on our information portals. Our official websites: link; link”.


I don’t know how about you guys, but for me personally the addition of new investment offers coupled with time-limited bonuses for new deposits has always been a red flag, and even more so if they are both offered at the same time. Take BISTInvest for instance (reviewed here). The program used to offer three investment plans initially counting the term in calendar days with accruals on business days only and principal back on expiry – 1% for 30 days, 2% for 50 days, 3% for 100 days. Now there are six more plans added with principal back and accruals on a weekly or monthly basis which include – 6% for 4 weeks, 12% for 7 weeks, 18% for 14 weeks, 28% for 1 month, 56% for 2 months, 84% for 3 months. I’m not sure whether BISTInvest will get a lot of takers on such high risk plans, but the addition of the Christmas deposit bonus paying from 10% to 20% for both new investments and reinvestments from your balance starting from $50 makes these offers even more suspicious to me. If you intended to invest in the program it’s probably a good idea to stop and think hard on whether you think BISTInvest will survive the holidays and will still be pay members in 2018 to their PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin accounts. So far the payments have been done on time, but the latest news on the new investment offers and bonuses are not good at all, and perhaps even a funny interview with the BISTInvest admin posted in one of the latest updates below cannot dissolve a grim picture of the program’s severe cashflow issues they try to hard to conceal:

Hello dear users,
We have already added new plans for you. You will be able to make deposit in weekly and monthly plans and earn more profit now.
Most of our users, especially from United States requested bonus for Xmas. We have prepared a bonus program and our advertisement department will announce tomorrow morning.
Best regards, Mr. Hakan Kayali.
General Manager, BISTInvest

Hello dear friends,
Our administration department has prepared a new bonus program for Xmas. Please notice that application date is just for two days.
Minimum deposit: $50
Maximum deposit: $50,000
Currency: Bank Wire – BitCoin – PerfectMoney – Payeer – AdvCash
Application date: 24-25 December 2017
Plan Bist – Dow – Chx: 10% bonus
Plan Amex – S&P – Otcm: 15% bonus
Plan Nyse – Nasdaq – Russell: 20% bonus
Reinvestment from account balance is accepted.
You will also receive 5%-10% referral bonus from your referrals.
It will be a pleasure for us to answer your questions if you have any.
Greetings from Istanbul!
Miss Oykum Duygulu. Advertisement Department. BISTInvest

Hello dear investors,
Our Brazil representative Mr. Mauro Neves has made a conversation with our admin Mr. Hakan Kayali.
Best regards, Miss Oyku Duygulu


I know that I promised to keep ResonanceCapital on Paying status on the MNO monitor during their announced longer than usual four week vacation, but the latest events made me completely change my mind and stance regarding their chances to return in the New Year. And here’s why! You see, now ResonanceCapital refuses to even honour its own commitments and pay what is owed to members who requested their withdrawals last week. This is totally unacceptable in my view and is an attempt to scam those members who legitimately requested withdrawals expecting to be paid within five business days. So they thought they would, because on Monday ResonanceCapital has suddenly decided to halt all the withdrawals as they are allegedly going on holidays for four weeks (!). Although they didn’t forget to mention that all new deposits will still be accepted as usual and they will even pay referral commissions to everyone who shamelessly keeps promoting their program even despite the obvious financial troubles they have now. That is the most blatant attempt to keep scamming people over the next four weeks and then possibly decide if they didn’t collect enough money to continue this horrible practice as explained in the following two updates re-posted below. This will be the last update posted on my blog regarding ResonanceCapital which is considered a Scam now, so please stay away over the next four weeks. The program’s status on the MNO monitor will only be reconsidered if they start paying after January 15 as they promise which considering their current stance on pending withdrawals is highly unlikely:

Hello, dear customers and agents of ResonanceCapital.
Allow us to talk you through the schedule of ResonanceCapital‘s investment products and agency program for the holiday season (December 18, 2017, through January 15, 2018).
Investment Products Purchase and Operation.
For customers willing to make themselves New Year’s gifts between December 18, 2017, and January 15, 2018, by purchasing any investment portfolio, portfolios will be sold as usual. Any customer may purchase the desired investment portfolio any time he or she finds convenient – with no restrictions. Operations related to all the portfolios purchased will commence as of January 15, 2018. I.e., right after the holiday season.
A new business season starts on January 15, 2018. From then on our company’s traders will get back to their work. All the weekly earnings covering the period from January 15 to January 19 will be accrued for every investment portfolio on Friday, January 19, 2018 (in line with portfolio operation conditions).
It should be recalled that the annual return on investment portfolios indicated on ResonanceCapital‘s official website ( had already been calculated adjusted for the annual holiday season and with the deduction of minimum holiday period of 4 (four) weeks. During a 365-day period, all company customers are being paid all declared income according to the purchased portfolio’s terms and accounted for the holiday.
Adding and Withdrawing Funds.
ResonanceCapital Co.’s Financial Department operations will be suspended for the holiday season. Consequently, all financial processing operations related to funds-withdrawal applications will be suspended until January 15, 2018.
Being performed automatically, all the financial operations related to adding funds to accounts via electronic payment systems will be available as usual. The same is true for internal transfers.
Accrual of Agent’s Earnings.
From December 18, 2017 to January 15, 2018, the remuneration to any company agent for promoting ResonanceCapital and selling its investment products will be accrued to his or hers account in line to his or hers career rank and agency program terms & conditions. All applications for partner earnings withdrawal will be processed within one business week (from 15 January, 2018, to 19 January, 2018) right after the holiday season.
During the holidays, we’ll improve our hours of idleness with planning and creating brand-new and even more successful business models. Our key employees will visit a number of workshops and trainings to improve their professional skills. And, of course, they’ll have a little rest from the constant hectic atmosphere and the host of figures by spending time in the bosom of their relatives and friends.
Since the year 2017 comes to an end, we’d like to congratulate each and every of ResonanceCapital customers on that! Have even more prosperous new year!
Congratulations and thanks for your cooperation.
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital

Hello, dear ResonanceCapital agents.
We are glad to share with you the joyful news. All the company’s agents who will be selling the ResonanceCapital investment products during the holiday season will be able to withdraw the profits accrued on their affiliate accounts starting from December 20, 2017, under the agency program. All applications for the withdrawal of agency profits will be processed within 24 hours since the request for withdrawal has been submitted.
As you know, during the holiday season, all ResonanceCapital employees would like to relax after a year of hard work for the company, and we have made a very difficult but fair decision to reward all the company’s active agents with the possibility of withdrawing agency profits even during the holiday.
Thus, so that the company’s agents keep selling its investment products during the holiday season, the ResonanceCapital Financial Department has specially assigned an employee who will process applications for withdrawal of agency profits as promptly as possible.
From December 20, 2017, while selling the ResonanceCapital investment products, you will keep receiving agency profits on your affiliate accounts and have the possibility to withdraw funds with the preferred rules for application processing.
We congratulate you with this joyful news and thank you for your cooperation.
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 84 hours:
From MNO Sticky listOctoin.
From MNO Premium list: AlpexTradeCurrencyGlobal.
From MNO Standard list: CryptoHoldersRenaissanceInvestBISTInvest, Automatix.
From MNO Basic list: InvestellectWorldMiningCryptoFX.

That’s all for today, guys. Please keep voting for your favourite program of the year in the poll running on the MNO TalkBack page (LaserOnline has a commanding lead). Results are coming after Christmas when I will be in Thailand to start a two and a half month south east Asian tour. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, guys, stay safe and keep reading MNO for possible new updates and listings. Please allow me more time to answer your questions you can submit on the MNO Contact Page, or by emailing me directly at The best way to get in touch though if you have an urgent matter is to send a couple of lines on Telegram @mnoblog and I will respond as soon as soon I’m back online. Be sure that even during the holiday season you follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, and keep subscribed to the regular news from the HYIP industry so not to miss anything big coming our way in 2018! The new year will definitely bring lots of new investment opportunities the biggest of which will be listed on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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