Mar 25th, 2018 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome once more to the MNO news blog, the best and most up-to-date source of information for everything related to the HYIP industry and the best programs operating there! I hope the weekend has been going well for you, though despite it being Sunday and an otherwise quiet day for news, since I haven’t posted for a couple of days there’s a couple of stories worth catching up on. Of course, the HYIP industry being at its lowest point now is not giving much newsworthy material anyway, but we all hope the situation improves as spring continues. The main event I want to discuss today and something making the mainstream media has been the recent arrest of Ferhan Patel, the co-owner and founder of the Payza payment processor. Though perhaps not quite as popular in the HYIP industry today as it was a year or two ago, Payza and its predecessors EgoPay and AlertPay played a major role in the history of the industry. So let’s get started with that and see how online investors are reacting as more and more details become clear.


Starting today’s news, I want to look at the results of the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll and of course replace it with a new question for readers to think about. I’ll get to the previous poll in a few moments, but given the serious nature and urgency of the latest developments surrounding Payza (temporarily now available on the domain) I think that might be a better place to start. I don’t want to be seen as if I’m deliberately guiding or pushing some kind of personal agenda here, but let’s face facts – you need to get every single cent out of Payza as fast as possible while you still have the chance. There’s simply no other way of putting it. Any money that Payza are holding in your name is going to be seized either by the US government or by the government of whatever country they are hiding it in (only a matter of time before we find out where that is, though it’s not entirely relevant to your personal predicament), and it’s going to be a long long time before you ever get it back. And even then it’s assuming you are prepared to explain where it came from and why you are holding it in Payza to begin with. In the interests of fairness and impartiality of course I should also highlight one blatantly obvious fact here – Ferhan Patel has only been arrested, not convicted. As the official Payza news blog and Facebook page are so eager to remind us, the man is indeed innocent until proven guilty. No crime has been committed that he can be held responsible for until after the courts have said otherwise. Between us however, I think we all know this isn’t going to end well. If you want the “official” party line version of events according to Payza themselves then the business is under what they call “reconstruction”. If you want the version that every other newspaper including The Wall Street Journal is going with, it’s that everyone connected with managing Payza is involved with a near quarter billion dollar crime and is going to get locked up for a very long time. Take whichever view you prefer, I know I don’t keep any money in Payza and it’s none of my business if you do, I’m just putting the suggestion out there that you either get what you are holding there back ASAP or else say goodbye to it. Tick tock, time is running out.

Kinda like the elephant in the room at this stage, there’s just no denying what Payza themselves are ironically trying to deny! The upper ranks of the payment processor are under investigation by US federal authorities, they are going to be arrested as soon as they can be identified and located, and frankly speaking I’m personally amazed that this didn’t happen five years ago when the very same people stole millions of dollars when they operated the “EgoPay” payment system. Well, the wheels of justice grind slowly I suppose, so better late than never. No hope whatsoever for the victims to recover a cent unfortunately, but at least, maybe, I don’t know, it might be of some comfort to you to learn that the top people behind these crimes will do some serious time in a US federal prison. (Just watch the HBO miniseries “Oz” to see how much fun that is!)

Just to give you some background information, if you haven’t heard the news then one of the founding members and co-owners of Payza has just been arrested in the US and indicted on charges of money laundering and operating a money transmitting service without a licence. I can’t say I’m al that surprised to hear about the laundering part, though I was genuinely under the impression that Payza was actually licensed in the US. Seems not, but then again I wouldn’t be able to research this anyway. Their domain was subsequently seized by US federal authorities just like what happened with LibertyReserve if anyone remembers that.

The thing that puzzles me most at this point is that the staff at Payza, those opting against dropping out of sight and running away from the inevitable that is, have bizarrely opted to migrate their website from the old .com domain (seized by the US authorities) to the previously inactive .eu domain. Why is this so strange do you think? Because the joint owner of the business has been arrested, is in custody, and is facing 25 years in prison! Yet despite all of this they’ve still decided to press ahead and try to continue with a business clearly in its final days, which to me indicates the lack of any real importance the alleged “owner” of Payza has and only points him out as a public figurehead representing far more serious criminals who don’t particularly care about what happens to this minion. One of the other more serious charges being made against Payza is handling money for a child pornography website. HYIPs and ponzis are one thing, I can live with adults choosing to gamble of their own free will, but if those charges are proved? Sorry, I hope they throw away the key when this scumbag gets sentenced. Too bad however that he looks more likely than ever to simply be a rich over paid pawn for someone a lot more sinister. If they are willing to sacrifice the supposed owner of the business who one imagines knows all the skeletons in the closet then it’s a good guess that he’s not that big a player and doesn’t know as much about his handlers as he thinks.

I should leave it at that because I admit I’m just speculating now, though I do stand by what I just said that there’s more to this than meets the eye. More will become public knowledge as the trial happens, so keep an eye on the mainstream media for info on that, painfully slow as it might be.

My question therefore is this:

How will you react to the legal issues facing Payza?

Possible answers are as follows:

1) I’m going to get all my money out and stop using them
2) I’m not going to do anything and hope for the best

Thanks as always in advance to all MNO readers who participate in this. The poll will remain open on the MNO TalkBack page here for at least another week to ten days. Long enough for anyone who wants to vote to have plenty of time to do so.

So let’s move on now to the results of the old poll. One of the hottest topics being discussed on forums and other HYIP related media these days is obviously the price and exchange rate of BitCoin, and the whole bursting bubble surrounding it. It’s an independent industry all by itself of course, the buying and selling of BitCoin, I’m just asking the opinion of those using it for HYIP related purposes. When I first became aware of BitCoin some years back (and years before I actually started using it by the way) I think the value was one to one against the US dollar, i.e. parity. On researching it I later discovered that even then the price was vastly over inflated, having started out at just a fraction of a cent when it was first created. In fact when the price of BitCoin first hit the then unbelievable price of $100 it was all over the news about overnight millionaires. Imagine then when the price hit an all time high of $20,000 late last year then, I mean it was a great opportunity for some people to make some (or a lot!) of money but experienced players must also have seen the inevitable ending. So the last question on the MNO TalkBack poll asked about where readers think BitCoin is going next, or at least later in the year after the dust settles from the recent implosion. The exact question was: What will be the price of BitCoin by the end of 2018?

It seems that most readers, though admittedly the vote was split and very close, are largely optimistic about returning to the “good old days”. 35% of you think “It will reach a new record high of above $20K“. And who knows? If it happened once it can happen again, and if the last year proved anything it’s that nothing is predictable! In second spot with 31% of the vote was the opinion that things might stay the same, approximately anyway, saying “It will float between the current level of $6K to $12K”. 23% of readers think the value will recover but not necessarily go any further than it already was, voting for the option “It will recover to previous levels of $12K to $20K”. Meanwhile the remaining 11% of readers take a more pessimistic view that “It will continue to drop and stay well below $6K”. As I always say, there are no right and wrong answers in MNO opinion polls, it could really literally go any way, but that’s how the readers of MNO see things going with BitCoin between now and the end of the year. It will be interesting to see how things develop and how many of you were actually correct.


ETHMine (reviewed here) is deservedly the #1 program on MNO since joining my monitor on day one and now running for an entire month. With its gradual development and attractive investment plan with instant payouts many investors have been paying more attention to this one as the recovery of the HYIP industry becomes more imminent. With ETHMine it’s possible to profit in just a couple of days as the terms are not set in stone with deposits durations and profits levels being flexible. Although the general terms state you get paid 2.6% to 3% daily (depending on the size of your deposit) over the period of one calendar year you can leave the program altogether in just 24 hours when the release deposit is made available. It would be wise to wait for at least two days though, as a 5% exit fee applies, but it’s totally up to you. ETHMine has recently started working with investments calculated via either USD or BTC, and you can start with as little as a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, BitcoinCash, LiteCoin, Ethereum, or DogeCoin currencies.

In the latest news ETHMine recently held a video contest with a main prize of $100 for making a promotional video. The results were just announced lately and the lucky winner, a Russian national, handed the cash prize. More details can be found below:

Our Video Contest Winner is Crowned!
Dear customers,
We hope this message finds you well and your mining in good stead.
Today we’re proud to announce the winner of the video contest that we have been running. First of all, everyone on the ETHMine Team would like to thank everyone who took the time to participate.
We saw so many incredible entries – including some really strange and hilarious ones – and from so many countries around the world.
Without further ado, we would like to present Maxim Alexandrov from Russia with the honour of winning our video contest and the grand prize of $100! Your video engaged us for all the right reasons and we can’t wait to welcome all the new users who arrive at ETHMine thanks to your engaging composition.
Keep an eye out for our next competition and until then, may your mining be fruitful!
Best, The ETHMine Team


Octoin (reviewed here) is still not doing too well, and the value of its own cryptocurrency OctoinCoin (OCC for short) is hovering around the $7 mark as of now. And that is considering that the original value on ICO was at $100 per unit. That means people lost money, and lots of it, as their balances in Octoin were forcefully converted into OCC which then almost immediately collapsed in value. That was probably the first incident in my memory when a HYIP admin actually delivered on his promise to launch a currency, but unfortunately it didn’t work out for Octoin investors, which is why Octoin is on Waiting and not Paying Status on the MNO monitor. It will stay there until the value of OCC reaches $100 which is by no means a sure thing. With all their activities, posts, seminars, etc, interest from investors in the OCC currency remains pretty low, and that reflects on the exchange rate value on the trading platforms that allow them. The administration is not losing hope though and keeps promoting OCC and Octoin (where you may currently make an investment using only the OCC currency) quite enthusiastically. At least that’s how the news section from the last four days re-posted below puts it:

Yobit fixed the problem! OctoinCoin is available again!
Some time ago on the exchange, Yobit’s cryptocurrency had difficulties with the output and input of OctoinCoin. Users sometimes had problems with OCC transactions. This was due to the technical maintenance of the exchange.
We are glad to inform you that technical problems have been corrected and the cryptocurrency exchange is normally working now. Operations with OctoinCoin are again available and you can easily trade, output and enter the required quantity of OCC.
We apologize for the inconvenience! Thank you for your understanding and patience!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!

The future of the cryptocurrency: forecasts and development prospects
It’s not a secret for anyone that we are on the verge of a complete transition from ordinary money to various cryptocurrencies. Some ages ago people switched from natural exchange to cash equivalents which have been some beautiful shells or stones of a special color. Also, they had already switched from iron money to paper money. Now the whole world is gradually adjusting to the latest achievements of technological progress. Soon, the US Dollar and Euro will be replaced by Bitcoin, Ethereum, OctoinCoin and other cryptocurrencies, which will replace the usual fiat money.
In this article we have collected the most popular questions, which now concern both ordinary people and the participants of our Octoin project. They spin around in everyone’s head, but not everyone can respond sensibly and coolly to them. Therefore, we tried to help you in this and express our point of view.
So, let’s begin:
What prevents cryptocurrencies from developing now?
Well, the answer lies in the main advantage of cryptocurrencies which is their progressiveness. They so sharply attracted a lot of people who began to use them, that the state machine did not manage to adapt to the new conditions of economic development. In addition to the technological foundation, there is also a legislative and legal basis. Only in a single system will they be able to control the market. It takes time to create and regulate such a system.
Why does the market fall?
Let’s start with the fact that it does not fall, but on the contrary – it grows! The main indicator is the attraction of new people who transfer their usual money to the cryptocurrencies. If you look at the statistics as a whole, then the number of transactions as well as active wallets is constantly growing. Even if you look at the rate of our OctoinCoin cryptocurrency, you can see that even despite the slight decline, the overall dynamics are positive. Since the beginning of trading it has risen in price several times and the trading volume has increased significantly.
So what happened? Why did Bitcoin instead of worthing $20,000 is now worth $8,000?
There is nothing difficult here either: since January 2017, the market capitalization of Bitcoin has increased by 4.6 times: from $ 100 billion to $ 460 billion at the beginning of March 2018. When analyzing the charts, it becomes clear that this is an absolutely planned growth, which is caused by the appearance of new players in the market, as well as the increasing popularity of the topic of cryptocurrency.
However, everyone can notice that the period from the beginning of December to the beginning of January is clearly different, when we saw explosive growth in a month. Total capitalization took off from 300 billion USD to 830. The price of Bitcoin had risen almost instantly from $10,800 to $20,000 US Dollars for Bitcoin. This growth was not due to any fundamental reasons. Now we can conclude that it was most likely created artificially. This is confirmed by the fact that just a month after this growth the market again returned to the same values. It should be noted that globally nothing has changed and long-term investors and traders have been slow to sell their cryptocurrency portfolios.
Why is the market now in such a languid state during last month?
People’s crypto wisdom says: “If the rate falls, then large players want to enter the market. If the rate increases, then these players want to exit.”
In simple words, in order to enter the cryptocurrency market, big money players needs the appropriate legislative and regulatory framework. So, at the moment they do not want to invest in cryptocurrencies. They are waiting for the most advantageous entry point on the wave of not only the popularity, but also the transition of society to cryptoeconomics.
All this is naturally heated by the news: big players want Bitcoin to fall so everyone writes about the future with cryptocurrencies. They want it to fall so there appeared a lot of experts who assure that cryptocurrencies are just a bubble and fraud. Therefore, we encourage you (the participants of Octoin the project) to analyse the situation with coolness and not let yourself to be misled. Panicking, you can sell your assets below their real price. This is what the wise traders do not do.
So what awaits us and why should we not panic?
Our answer will not change. The technological progress can only be slowed down a bit, but not stopped. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies is expecting the same thing that the Internet had experiences some time ago. They could not prohibit it. So maximum what they could do is to start to regulate it.
There will be absolutely the same situation here: cryptocurrencies will be widely used in many real spheres. Some of the most lucky and successful ones will become real giants of the world economy. In different countries there will be various dominant cryptocurrencies (for example, in Indonesia the OctoinCoin is gaining popularity). And those who will be their main holders will pass to a fundamentally different level of wealth.
We want to be one of them. How about you?

Facebook policy and new social resources of Octoin!
The blockchain is developing, new ICOs and crypto-currencies are emerging, but, unfortunately, not all are ready for the technological and economic revolution that they carry. Recently Facebook began to impede the development of the cryptosphere: it began blocking the pages of projects, banning advertising and so on. According to the statements of Google and Twitter are going to follow the example of Facebook. It becomes obvious that in the course of time publicism about blockchain will finally go to profile publications. This is where professionals and experts in this field are already leaving, and hence behind them is the future of crypto-journalism.
Unfortunately, our community also felt the negative impact of the new Facebook policy on itself. Our page has been blocked, but the support service does not react to numerous appeals. We created a new page for our project, you can find it by clicking on the link: However, we can not be sure that it will not be blocked either, so we recommend that you also subscribe to our official duplicate channel in Telegram
We hope that in the future social media will be more friendly with the cryptocommunity and will change their attitude towards the blockchain. We will continue to work to prove that cryptocurrency should be given a chance. Subscribe to us on Facebook (, Telegram ( and follow the news!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!

Marathon broadcasts on Facebook is not going to end! We are waiting for you on March 24!
Leaders from Indonesia do an excellent job – they continue a whole series of training broadcasts, which they conduct on the Facebook platform. The new online broadcast will be held at 19:00 – 22:00 UTC + 07, and the main speaker will be known to you Mr.Imran.
In these webinars, speakers talk about the blockchain, the crypto-currencies, our project Octoin. The project participants will learn useful information about the cryptosphere and ways to earn and improve their well-being thanks to Octoin. Beginners will learn how to mine OctoinCoin and how to trade it on exchanges; experienced traders can hear the opinions of our speakers about the future of the cryptocommunity and its prospects.
Subscribe to our Facebook page via the link to receive a notification of the start of the broadcast: Also, the recording will be available later in the video section of the link:
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!

A new conference, this time in Malang! March 24th!
Member of our room in Indonesia Rennie J continues to conduct training events, on which he talks about various aspects of working with OctoinCoin. The next such meeting will be held on March 24 at 14:00 – 17:00 UTC + 07 at Hotel Swiss Jl. Veteran Samping (Jln. Veteran No. 8, Malang, Malang 65146).
The conference will be interesting to everyone, without exception: especially for beginners the speaker will tell how to install and use the OctoinCoin wallet. Those who already trade OCC, will be able to learn how to do it at the Yobit exchange. Also, the speaker will tell a little about the basics of marketing work with Octoin, both offline and online.
Feedback remains the most important part of all our events:during the event you can ask any question that interests you. If you have any questions about the meeting, you can clarify them by these numbers:
1) + 6281232152032 Pak Kus
2) + 6282331818240 Nathanael
We are looking forward to you and your partners!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!

We continue to translate White Paper, in turn – Indonesian!
Our team does not stop and does not stop its hard work: this time we inform you about the end of the translation of the most important document into Indonesian. All interested persons can read this version by clicking on the link:
Also, in the public domain is the English version:
Working with White Paper once again confirms the seriousness of the intentions of our company. In this main document you can read about the history of the project, about our business plan and the road map of the whole project. Also, in it you will find a lot of information about the technology of mining OctoinCoin, about how you can store and use OCC. At the end of the document, you can read about the leaders and ordinary participants of our friendly team. And, of course, White Paper outlines all the legal documentation relating to our project.
Read White Paper and follow the news – it will be even more interesting!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!

March 27 – new online broadcast from the Octoin speakers! Your chance to gain new knowledge!
Leaders from Indonesia do an excellent job – they continue a whole series of training broadcasts, which they conduct on the Facebook platform. The new online broadcast will be held at 19:00 – 22:00 UTC + 07, and the main speaker will be known to you Mr.Imran.
In these webinars, speakers talk about the blockchain, the crypto-currencies, our project Octoin. The project participants will learn useful information about the cryptosphere and ways to earn and improve their well-being thanks to Octoin. Beginners will learn how to mine OctoinCoin and how to trade it on exchanges; experienced traders can hear the opinions of our speakers about the future of the cryptocommunity and its prospects.
Subscribe to our Facebook page via the link to receive a notification of the start of the broadcast: Also, the recording will be available later in the video section of the link:
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!


Many people would like to believe in miracles, but in real life circumstances and in the HYIP industry these rarely happen. In NobleDDoS the admin enjoyed playing with the idea of reviving the program after a series of huge DDoS attacks on the website. Ironic as it is, the site that claimed to be unleashing the very same attacks on illegal websites has fallen victim to someone with perhaps a sense of humour doing the same against NobleDDoS. After an extended period of downtime and inability of accepting new deposits the program’s vaults were naturally depleted and that led the admin to an idea he could turn the things back on track by applying some severe restrictions on the cashflow. In his email to me a couple of days ago he asked to return the program to Paying status on the MNO monitor and claimed NobleDDoS had resumed payouts, albeit manually and with a limit of $5 per day. According to him, that decision was temporary and until the recovery period is over. Wishful thinking, I thought to myself! The status for NobleDDoS on the MNO monitor had been briefly changed to Waiting, but as the limits were set only for withdrawals and not for deposits, it might be stalling tactics and a chance for the admin to cut his losses after the unexpected server attacks forced a move to a different host. NobleDDoS then kept accepting new deposits of any amount but only pays $5 per day regardless of how much you spent, and that didn’t seem right to me at all. So following more difficulties with crediting members’ accounts (another script glitch?) I moved them back to Problem Status. Today it moves to Scam, as payouts have stopped completely and the admin has obviously given up on a recovery. He might have had good intentions, or he might have tried to collect more money before closing – we will never for sure. However the collapse of NobleDDoS lasted for much longer than most in this case, which helped more members get paid a little bit longer. I cannot really blame the program overall, as NobleDDoS ran for over five weeks, long enough to see a good profit if you joined at the right time. So no hard feelings really! Please do not invest in NobleDDoS anymore, guys, if you’re not yet aware of its Not Paying status the MNO monitor now!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: ETHMineAK47Capital.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: WorldMining, TransportAllianceResonance7, InvestmentSlots.

That’s all for the moment. Please stay safe and join MNO next week for an incredible journey through the sea of personal investments in HYIPs which has been more rough than calm lately. Hopefully that’s going to change soon, but meanwhile not to miss anything important check out the MNO blog more often, follow me on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter, and subscribe for the daily news to be delivered to your mailbox on this page. I would appreciate your votes in the most recent poll on the TalkBack page and if you have any questions or advertising requests please stay in touch via this contact form or chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and talk to you all again next week! MNO – For Money Lovers!

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