March 2018 Archives

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Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello all, and welcome again to the MNO blog for all the latest news stories from the biggest programs currently running in the HYIP industry. To tell you the truth current activities are at their lowest point I’ve seen this year so far and are on par with last December which is surprising to see, of course. However, we all know that the industry is as unpredictable now as ever so we can only hope it will be back on track sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, I apologize for not posting on the MNO blog as frequently these days, but I think I just explained the reasons why.

Today we have updates and newsletters from all the paying programs on the MNO monitor (plus an article on the surprising closure of Payza) in a few moments. First I want to remind you of the poll running on the MNO TalkBack page over the last few days on where you think the price of BitCoin is going by the end of the year. It seems opinions are divided with previous levels of $12K to $20K taking a slight lead. What do you think? Do you have a crystal ball to look into the future? If so, then please click here and submit your vote in the poll whose final results will be drawn at the end of this week.


We’ll start with the latest news from the leading program in the HYIP industry which has also reached #1 on the MNO monitorETHMine. From my original review of the program posted here you might know that though ETHMine used to only work with crypto-currencies like BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, and DogeCoin all the transactions had to be done in USD where these currencies were converted on each deposit and withdrawal. Since with ETHMine investors had a wider freedom of choice when it comes to releasing the principal which they could do after just 24 hours (earning 2.6% to 3% fixed daily over the period of one calendar year) with only 5% fee, this conversion raised some eyebrows from experienced investors. You see, with the volatility of crypto-currencies as it is now, members might not be aware if such a conversion was going to benefit them or leave them at a loss, had they withdrawn their principal at the wrong time (low exchange rates). So to overcome this unfortunate situation and give ETHMine investors even more flexibility there are now separate platforms for USD and BTC deposits. You have the choice of using whatever you think fits you best. You can find out on how to do it exactly in the first newsletter from ETHMine issued a few days ago reposted below. In the second newsletter from today, outlined are some important changes made in ETHMine‘s representatives programs to simplify it and at the same time make it more attractive for online promoters. As the program clearly seeks further expansion it’s also worth noting that PerfectMoney is now onboard which you can use for a $10 minimum. That will certainly be the subject of the upcoming newsletter from ETHMine whose admin is tirelessly working on improvements:

Huge News! We’re addressing BTC users with a new separate ETHMine platform!
Dear customers,
It seems like not a day goes past without us adding to the ETHMine platform so that we can keep your Ethereum mining experience as convenient and as powerful as possible – we wouldn’t have it any other way. And so we move onto some big news today, which many of you will be delighted to hear.
We know that around 50% of our existing clients enjoy that ETHMine’s primary account format is in US Dollars (USD). We also know that a majority of our other users would love to skip out the whole USD conversion process and enjoy Bitcoin (BTC) instead as your main value when using our mining platform.
We get it – our team is similarly divided, and so, we’ve launched a subsidiary platform that offers exactly that!
Find our new ETHMine variant right here ( and instantly start to enjoy your mining rewards in your preferred BTC denomination. Please keep in mind these few factors:
– All wallet amounts, interest rates and other figures will be calculated in BTC. Perfect!
– This new platform is under the ETHMine banner yet is an entirely separate platform. That means you will have to register a new account for use on this platform, and that none of your existing mining records will feature on this new platform.
– You can hold accounts on both platforms, no problem!
We hope those of you who called out for BTC-based Ethereum mining will be happy with the new platform we have provided. As always, if you have absolutely any issues or suggestions for improvement, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly support team at
Thanks guys, wishing you the most enjoyable mining experience whatever your chosen currency. Until next time!
Best, The ETHMine Team

Attn. all Representatives: Small yet key program policy changes inside!
Dear customers,
We are writing today to inform all of our valued Representatives about some small policy changes. If you are not yet a Representative, we hope you will consider taking part and enjoying a whole new level of profitability in your Ethereum mining.
As you may know, all users are eligible to become Representatives as soon as they have crossed over $1000 in active contribution. There’s no time limit on this pivotal point, so it doesn’t matter whether it takes you one day or one year to hit this number. Once you’re in you’re in, and the rewards can reach rather tasty heights. Now, however, we are delighted to announce that we are extending Representative eligibility to all those users who possess unique promotional skills and experience. You can think of this as an invitation for platform Influencers, just like those who play a prominent part in spreading the message of many online platforms these days.
All you have to do is to share with us why we should add you as a Representative so that you can immediately start collecting 5% direct from all contributions!
Just write to us ( explaining how your past experience and current role can be used to promote our platform on a regional or global scale. Make sure your application letter includes your full name and ETHMine username, and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
We also understand there has been some confusion regarding the specifics of our Regular Affiliate and Representative Programs. We’ve just rewritten our site text on the matter, and we’ve shared our new version below to clarify any residual confusion:
ETHMine provides users with two levels of award incentive program.
The first is our Regular Affiliate Program, which every ETHMine user benefits from. Here’s how: In the Regular Affiliate Program you earn commission from all referral earnings. If you refer a friend who then invests $1000, the very next day they will receive $26. At this point you will then receive 10% commission from your friend’s earnings – that’s $2.60.
Now, the Representative Program goes one step further and enables you to earn directly from referral contributions. If you refer a friend who then invests $1000, you immediately earn 5% commission on their contribution – that’s $50. You will also continue to enjoy Regular Affiliate benefits every time your friend earns interest on his contribution.
So there we have it! We hope you find our new explanation easier to understand, and invite you to get in touch if you have absolutely any further questions.
The ETHMine team is incredibly grateful for any independent contribution to and promotion of our platform, past and future. We look forward to receiving your Representative applications!
Best, The ETHMine Team


There were some positive developments reported by the admin of AK47Capital lately. First of all, the long anticipated Russian language version of the site has been launched, thus allowing more investors from Russia and the CIS countries to participate. BitcoinCash has also been added as another payment option for the only plan which makes automatic payments of 4% for 50 business days. While I’m sure there will be more plans in the near future, I’d only recommend this one. Along with BitcoinCash, there are plenty of other options for a $5 minimum including Payeer, PerfectMoney, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, and Ethereum. Note that AK47Capital does not have an account area like most other programs, so you just click on Make Deposit and proceed with the payment. Your daily interest will be paid automatically every day Monday to Friday to the same account you joined from. More on AK47Capital can be found in the detailed review posted here and if you wish to read the latest updates posted on the Telegram channel have a look below:

AK47Capital News
Dear friends, we added a Russian language on our site! Also we added a tutorial help for newbies on a right side. Have a nice day and many may payouts!

AK47Capital News
Good news again: we added Bitcoin Cash as a deposit method. Our Bitcoin Cash address is 1AK47FbevdzaTmYRQgUQuS1BSuBswk1YDN


Frankly speaking, there was something in the back of my mind when first reviewing NobleDDoS about the possibility of real DDoS attacks. And ironically it did happen to the website claiming to attack others and thus making money for their members. Over the last few days NobleDDoS has been struggling with the real DDoS attacks that saw the site frequently up and down until the admin made a necessary, but probably way overdue decision to move to a new better protected server. The process did last for a while and while nameservers were changing the website was not accessible. To add insult to injury the database seems to have been corrupted as well which made the admin of NobleDDoS disable instant payouts and process them manually to avoid double payments. The effort and the hard work the admin made to bring NobleDDoS back online surely deserves some credit, but it’s highly unlikely that the website is actually going to thrive as before the attack. The confidence of investors has been lost and many impatient monitors have already branded NobleDDoS as Scam, without giving the admin a chance to redeem his credibility. I’m for once keeping the program on Waiting status on the MNO monitor due to lots of complaints from disgruntled investors not having been paid yet. As the cashflow for NobleDDoS must have been seriously affected by the downtime, which could have been avoided had the admin chosen a better hosting in the first place, there is a very slim chance for recovery. From previous experience in the HYIP industry over eleven years there have been only a handful of cases when it actually happened. The next couple of days will surely be the survival for the admin of NobleDDoS, as well as the program itself which seems to have been slowly going down the drain. The status of NobleDDoS on the MNO monitor that has been frequently changed from Waiting to Problem and back to Paying is now set at Waiting for the time being. At the moment I simply cannot recommend investing in NobleDDoS where payouts are still not instant and some members claim to be waiting for days and still not paid. Avoid until further notice!


Two days ago payouts from BitifyLimited suddenly stopped and the program has finished its lifecycle with a disappointing result of less than four weeks online. In the current slow season that might have been quite an OK result for other programs, but the admin of BitifyLimited ran much better and longer-lasting programs before and his style was instantly recognizable by many investors who were quick enough to join while the site was still new. The problem was though that over the first couple of weeks BitifyLimited only accepted BitCoin and a few other unpopular currencies and thus was deliberately trying to fly under the radar. Just a couple of weeks after adding more crypto-currencies and only days after adding additional traditional currencies BitifyLimited decided to close up shop and stopped withdrawals without any reason, leaving those relatively late investors at a loss. Nothing really else to add to that except to warn readers once more against investing in BitifyLimited which has been moved to Scam status on the MNO monitor already.


After a very brief surge in value Octoin‘s own OctoinCoin crypto-currency (also known as OCC) has plummeted below $10 threshold, much lower than the original value of $100 set on the currency’s official launch a few weeks ago. There is still not much interest shown in the currency despite its appearance on many exchange platforms and the active promotion via conference and webinars held mostly in Asian countries. Among the latest news from Octoin which remains on Waiting status on the MNO monitor due to the low value of its OCC currency were reports from some of the conferences, as well as a document issued in two languages to promote the distribution of OCC among Octoin‘s members – Chinese and Vietnamese. Whether it’s going to help further advertise Octoin and its OCC currency among a wider audience remains to be seen, although I’m personally not very optimistic about their prospects, as all previous attempts failed and stopped OCC from taking off to the huge disappointment of the crypto-currency holders:

Learn to trade OctoinCoin at the conference! March 21!
Member of our room in Indonesia Mr. Purnomo continues to conduct training events, on which he talks about various aspects of working with OctoinCoin. The next such meeting will be held on March 21 at 18:00 – 21:00 UTC + 07 in Tulungagung Istana Hotel (Jalan KH Agus Salim No 73-75, Kenayan, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66212).
The conference will be interesting to everyone, without exception: especially for beginners the speaker will tell how to install and use the OctoinCoin wallet. Those who already trade OCC, will be able to learn how to do it at the Yobit exchange. Also, the speaker will tell a little about the basics of marketing work with Octoin, both offline and online.
Feedback remains the most important part of all our events:during the event you can ask any question that interests you. If you have any questions about the conference, you can clarify them on this phone: 082223269691.
We are looking forward to you and your partners!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!

More communication with the leaders in the broadcasts on Facebook! March 19 – Come All!
Especially for those who do not have the opportunity to come to a meeting with our speakers, we continue to make online broadcasts. This time it will be held by the speaker Mrs. Diane Jordan. This event will be held on the March 19th at 19:00 – 22:00 UTC + 07.
Mrs. Diane Jordan will talk about the blockchain, crypto-currencies and our project Octoin. You will learn how you can become successful and earn in this new, promising field. Also, the speaker will tell you about the advantages and features of the Octoin project, which will allow you to embark on the path to prosperity and wealth! Everyone will be able to see how our platform works, how to mine OctoinCoin and how deals are made on the p2p exchange.
Even if the speaker misses something – you can always ask him any question in the chat. Communication and feedback are integral parts of our cryptocommunity! We are looking forward to you and your partners!
Subscribe to our Facebook page via the link to receive a notification of the start of the broadcast: Also, the recording will be available later in the video section of the link:
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!

Training online broadcast on Facebook – March 20!
Dear participants of the project, we are pleased to announce the continuation of a series of online broadcasts on Facebook specifically for those who can not come to a live meeting. This time it will be held by the speaker Mr.Asep Susanto. The webinar will be held on the 20th of March at 19:30 – 20:30 UTC + 07.
Mr.Asep Susanto will talk about the blockchain, crypto-currencies and our project Octoin. Speaker will tell you about the advantages and features of the Octoin project, which will allow you to embark on the path to prosperity and wealth. Everyone can see how our platform works, how OctoinCoin breaks down and deals are made on the p2p exchange. You will learn how you can become successful and earn in this new, promising field.
Even if the speaker misses something – you can always ask him any question in the chat. Communication and feedback are integral parts of our cryptocommunity! We are looking forward to you and your partners!
Subscribe to our Facebook page via the link to receive a notification of the start of the broadcast: Also, the recording will be available later in the video section of the link:
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!

Hot news about White paper! Available in Chinese!
We have good news for all project participants who speak Chinese. Now white paper is available for you too. Recently our team has finished translating this important document into Chinese. You can find it by the link:
Also, the English version of the document has long been available. You can read it here:
White paper is the main confirmation of the reliability of our project. This document in detail describes OctoinCoin (business plan, information about technology, security and the mechanism of distribution of coins) and prospects for its development. There you can also find all the necessary information about the Octoin road map and the details of the OctoinCoin mining.A separate chapter describes the first persons of the team, as well as other important participants. In the end white paper, there is presented the legal documentation and anyone can familiarize with it.
We believe that for successful work in the cryptosphere and improvement of personal well-being, each participant of the project Octoin should read our main document, which once again confirms the seriousness and responsibility of our intentions.
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!

White Paper in Vietnamese! The most important thing about Octoin is here!
To be sure of the project in which you participate you must have the most complete information about it – this is the main foundation of trust. This function is performed by a special document – White Paper. It outlines development plans, the main features of technology, details of participants and project leaders, as well as legal documentation.
Our White Paper is already in the public domain, now we are working on translating it from English into other languages (wait for news about this in the near future). At the moment we have already translated it into Vietnamese. All the necessary links you will find below.
You can find the English version here:
The version in Vietnamese can be read by clicking on the link:
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!


One big news story today if for nothing other than its historical connection to the HYIP industry has been the seizure of the Payza payment processor and its domain by US federal authorities. This was accompanied by the arrest of its directors. Well, one of them anyway, the other is described as “still at large” by the latest news reports. Whether that means he’s actively on the run or just hasn’t had his extradition handled yet I wouldn’t know, but I doubt he’ll be a fugitive for long. It’s been quite a long time now since Payza was widely used in the HYIP industry, so it’s hard to say exactly what kind of impact this might have. Almost none on the direct finances of any of the programs currently monitored on MNO I would think. If anyone was storing money there long term (and trust me, there’s never a good reason for doing that) it’s now in the possession of the US government, and you are facing a long uphill battle to get it back. What it might do however is force other payment handlers such as PerfectMoney to re-examine the steps taken by them a few years back when we saw the last incident like this one, when the owners of LibertyReserve were arrested and that payment processor also seized. LibertyReserve of course was the single biggest payment method in the HYIP industry at the time so its impact was massive. Payza on the other hand were once hugely popular but a variety of reasons (many self inflicted by a very poor customer service record and attitude of their staff) combined to see them almost completely abandoned in the industry over the last year. Where there may be a bigger problem, by which I mean where people might take a bigger financial hit, is that many American investors were using Payza as a sort of conduit for moving money in and out of BitCoin. Again, I don’t think moving money should necessarily entail storing money, but maybe some people were hit simply by the timing of the seizure. What if any impact that’s going to have on the HYIP industry will become more clear in the coming days and weeks.

What I was a bit surprised to hear was the immediate background to the case. It’s not so much that it happened at all, indeed as I said Payza is by no means the first or even second payment processor to go under like this. It seems to be the whole cavalier “devil-may-care” attitude to what we now know was a major and imminent problem there. Just to give you some info in case anyone is not aware, Payza is operated by two brothers of Indian extraction but headquartered in Montreal, Canada. There’s also a parent shell company in the UK. It seems that one of the brothers was arrested just over the border in Detroit, USA which is where they were allegedly laundering money for the various criminal enterprises using Payza. He has since been indicted and already made his first court appearance in Washington DC and faces up to 25 years in prison for his troubles. So what’s so surprising about this? Well, it’s been claimed by the US federal authorities that they had actually given Payza every possible warning about what was going to happen, that their business was illegal (if they didn’t already know it!) and they sent several so-called “cease and desist” orders. In light of what happened to the people who ran LibertyReserve, i.e. committed the very same crime, sorry, but only a prize idiot doesn’t take that warning seriously! The story is just now bleed from government websites onto more mainstream media outlets (the Wall Street Journal for example have covered it briefly) so keep an eye out over the coming days. I’m think it might get very interesting as more details emerge, but one thing I can say for sure is that Payza are gone, they’re not coming back, and neither are any of the crooks who were operating it!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: ETHMineBitReliabilityAK47Capital.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: WorldMining, ForeverMoney, TransportAlliance, Resonance7 (the first instant payments received).

That’s all the news for today, guys. Please keep voting in the TalkBack poll and stay active on the MNO ShoutBox and share any issues you might have with the monitored programs. You can always contact me via this form, by emailing me directly at, or alternatively by chatting with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. For all the latest updates in real-time please follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, and for the full version of the MNO blog articles go here and subscribe for regular updates to be delivered straight to your mailbox. I’ll be back later in the week with more updates and opinions on the HYIP industry and the biggest investment programs online. Keep earning with MNO – For Money Lovers!

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