Apr 23rd, 2019 Archives

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Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello everyone, and welcome again to the MNO blog where only high-budget online investment programs are featured with more quality programs instead of dozens of fast scams you can spot on the many other cheaper alternatives. The MNO monitor has been online for almost twelve years now and in that time not only have I managed to build a strong reputation as an unbiased thinker but I was also able to attract a huge following of like-minded individuals interested in the same subject of HYIP investing and trying to find the most profitable programs in the industry. Over 3,100 subscribers are now receiving regular updates from my blog directly sent to their email address so if you’re reading this article from your mailbox then congratulations on your wise decision to choose an experienced HYIP monitor that will always stand for your best interests as an investor an not those of the admins. However, if you are not a subscriber yet please take a few seconds to enter and confirm your email address on this page. You can unsubscribe at any time if you don’t like the newsletters, as they are independently managed by the Google run service Feedburner, so are fully automated and managed by a third party to eliminate spam which I hate just as much as you do. Another way to follow MNO for more up-to-date announcements, monitor status changes and new program additions is to make sure you’re with me on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter, as these are the social platform channels you get the information first and in real time. For instance, those who follow MNO there were the first to know about the unfortunate scam of BullishInvestmentMood over the weekend, as well as being aware of the new Premium List program that was added to the MNO monitor just a couple of hours ago called Coinezos. Also read on to hear more on the latest developments from paying programs such as Weenzee, Hooplex and BrilliantAlliance, plus the results of the last week’s poll and this week’s new question on the MNO TalkBack page. So let’s go see what’s in the news!


I imagine the choice of the name for the program Coinezos that officially launched just a few days ago was inspired by the Amazon founder and currently the richest man in the world Jeff Bezos. His fortune will soon take a dip no doubt thanks to his recent divorce, though I don’t expect to see him riding the bus anytime soon! That’s another story of course, but if you invest in Coinezos now it might perhaps become one of your first steps towards riches, as the program offers a couple of investment plans which are both profitable and sustainable enough to allow the program to run successfully for a number cycles under the right management. After joining Coinezos you may choose to either invest in a plan offering a single payout on expiry of 121% after 2 weeks (that’s 14 calendar days), or go for a daily payment plan that will credit a fixed 5.5% or 7% rate depending on the size of your principal over a 30-business days term (Monday to Friday only for six calendar weeks that is). That means that you can choose to either collect 21% net profit after two weeks or finish up with 65% or even 110% net profit in six weeks. More details will be in the upcoming review of Coinezos on the MNO blog on Thursday. For now you should know that the last offer of 7% daily is only available for the top investors only as the minimum to invest starts from $10K. The two other plans are much more affordable and start from $25 for the 121% after 2 weeks plan (increasing to $50 for the 5.5% daily paying plan) via PerfectMoney, Payeer or equivalent in multiple cryptocurrencies. These include BitCoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, Ripple, Monero, Dash, Zcash, BitcoinCash and DogeCoin. Don’t forget to specify your wallet details in the Settings before making the first withdrawal request using the four-digit assigned code that will be sent to your email address after registration and which should be used to confirm any changes to your account to prevent hackers from gaining access. Note that withdrawal requests from Coinezos are processed manually within a 48 hour maximum timeframe which can be much faster on weekdays, while on weekends withdrawals are not processed at all. So if you request your withdrawal on Saturday or Sunday keep in mind that you will be paid on Monday only. I will be able to further discuss the payout pattern after a couple of payouts which I hope to receive by Thursday when I’ll take a more in-depth look at Coinezos on the MNO blog.

From a technical standpoint the Coinezos site looks an accomplished venture with a domain name registered for four years in advance, hosting on a dedicated Dancom server with CloudFlare DDoS-protection and an installed Sectigo SSL certificate for safer transactions. The site runs off a custom version of the licensed H-Script which seems less in favour among HYIP admins at the moment, but nevertheless is still a safe and solid choice. The first impression is quite positive, but we will wait and see if it lives to the fame of Jeff Bezos that was obviously the main inspiration for the admin. Stay tuned for more on Coinezos and my experience with the program in the upcoming review on Thursday, and meanwhile check for yourself to see whether it looks like a winner to you and whether you’d like to invest now or wait for a better alternative.


I don’t think it would be a regular day in the HYIP industry if we didn’t see another string of positive developments from Weenzee who I must say really are stamping their authority on leadership now. Over the last five months the way they’ve really taken control of things and established themselves as an international brand is nothing short of phenomenal. Not trying to be funny about it but they’re almost like the online HYIP version of Apple or Coca Cola at this stage. If you’ve been following the exploits of Weenzee on MNO since they were first listed, and let’s be honest if you’ve even got the remotest passing interest in online HYIPs it’s almost impossible to not know who they are by now, you should know that Weenzee are just as active in their offline activities. Initially they were most active across Asia, which is I guess the smartest business decision given that this is now the number one market for the HYIP industry having surpassed the USA and Russia. Conferences and seminars continue to be held in new cities and countries across the region, always held in publicly accessible meeting spaces such as hotels and conference halls. It’s then up to the general investing public with an interest in such things to attend these events, free of charge, see what Weenzee are all about and put your questions to the program’s leaders in a personal face-to-face setting. In that sense it’s probably a misnomer to describe Weenzee in the same breath as other purely online HYIP related ventures then, I certainly don’t remember this level of accountability, transparency, or any kind of a real world public persona.

Still most active across South East Asia and China, Weenzee have also been taking their first tentative steps into South America and Europe. There’s even a TV sponsorship role for them on Chinese TV where they are a small but very visible sponsor in a popular entertainment show there (“The Voice” which many of you might know due to being a franchise with various international versions in many different countries including the UK and USA). So while it’s easy enough for a program to create a promotional video and post it on YouTube, the sheer volume of material now available to few posted either by official Weenzee agents or just enthusiastic members plus the huge numbers of people you can see involved would mean there’s a lot more going on here than just another HYIP. I mean you don’t even have to follow the official Weenzee channels here at all, just do a search for yourself and see the wealth of broadcast footage that’s out there now.

It really is no wonder then that Weenzee remains the number one program in the HYIP industry today, and while maybe not the only good program, it’s certainly not looking like anyone will challenge them in the immediate future. Just to give you a very brief recap about what Weenzee are all about however, they offer a series of mid to longer term investment plans that run from 30 to 360 calendar days that can be joined for a $30 minimum. In return they make variable daily interest payments with your principal returned on expiry. Generally speaking the rates don’t tend to stray very far from the 1% mark, though payments are marginally better to those in longer term plans or making bigger deposits. One way to boost your earnings is by allowing your deposit to be converted into the internal Weenzee cryptocurrency WNZ, which may very well be launched to the general public before too long. By doing this you get an extra 15% of what ever the posted interest rate of the day was, plus are allowed an early withdrawal option (for a fee) should you need to get your principal back before the plan has run its full course. Payments can be made through PerfectMoney, BitCoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, EthereumClassic, LiteCoin, Dash, Zcash, Ripple, Eos, Tether, and Tron within a maximum 72 hour waiting period (though in practice it never takes nearly that long). For full details on how Weenzee works you should start with the detailed review first posted on the MNO blog here, meanwhile you can check out all the news of the latest events going on with Weenzee globally in the updates below:

Partners of WEENZEE system are again in Thailand and Laos to develop together the WEENZEE community and achieve financial success for all participants. For two days, on April 20 and 21, the leaders will discuss and debate on the themes of the blockchain and cryptotechnologies.
At the events, users will be able to exchange experience and skills in the field of blockchains, cryptocurrencies, trading strategies, and also have the opportunity to start in the Weenzee system.
The WEENZEE system has a balanced investment program, stimulates the development of leadership networks and encourages partners for individual achievements and success of the team. The WEENZEE community allows you to meet successful people and become financially literate, improving your well-being.
You will be able to join the revolutionary WEENZEE system using the most innovative technologies in the world. Information about the time and place of the event can be found below:
Basic information:
Main event date: 20th April 2019, Time: 4 p.m untill 10 p.m, Location: Ubonratchathani, Place: Sunee Grand Hotel & Convention Centre
Core leader meeting planning for market plan & new investor registration
Date: 21 April 2019, Time: 10 p.m until finish, Location: Ubonratchathani
Sunee Grand Hotel & Convention Centre, Key Speakers: Mr.Ta 093-5163665, Mr.Tik 087-5926589, Mr. Tin 086-4564395, Mr.Panus 066-53457897

A huge number of people from all over the world want to understand the blockchain technology and start earning, using advanced development Weenzee.
On April 11, 2019, the best specialists met at San Paolo to discuss Weenzee‘s robotic trading technology and cryptographic management strategy.
The event was attended not only by partners and leaders of the project, but also ordinary people who were not familiar with this topic, and left with a firm intention to continue working with Weenzee.
The zeal and enthusiasm of our colleagues from Brazil, which they emitted from a variety of photos of this event, instantly scattered across the Internet, made a vivid impression on leaders from other countries.
Without a doubt, this event will give a powerful impetus and allow us to continue active expansion into the blockchain sphere! The Weenzee community is growing, becoming multinational and large-scale.
Weenzee unites the whole world!
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gst-XnWyMAc&feature=youtu.be, YouKu: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDE0MjUxOTYyMA==.html?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0
Photos from the event can be found in the gallery on our website: https://weenzee.com/gallery/. You can also watch the video report in the corresponding section: https://weenzee.com/video/

An international team daily fills the online catalog with quality videos in all languages of the international community WEENZEE. It is important for us that each user receives the maximum amount of useful content in his native language.
And now WEENZEE team together with the leaders from Italy have translated the main video about WEENZEE into Italian. In a colorful video, speaker talks about the advantages of the system: powerful analytic bots and a multi-stage hierarchy system where each participant can earn. The future has come!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WreyFFXsFes, Y
ouku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDE0MTc1ODU2OA==.html
We remind you that all video content (instructions on how to work in the system, news, presentations, reports from events and reviews of bloggers) are regularly updated on the official website, in the video section: https://weenzee.com/video/, https://weenzee.com/video/youku/ (for users from China)

China Good Voice – a grand competition for singers from all over China is nearing completion. For the whole season, the mentors developed their wards and the winner will be determined soon. Competitors from the Jay Chou and Nicholas Tse teams are considered favorites, but everything can change.
In the semifinals, in addition to the performances of the contestants there wa a special event dedicated to WEENZEE. This initiative is of great importance for the future expansion of our company in China. Also, this step is very important in the development of the WEENZEE community around the world.
Therefore, we advise you to join the regular viewers of the show and see how cryptotechnologies work with TV and media. Millions of people from all over the country learned about WEENZEE. We are sure that many of them will become part of our community in the future. In general, this is a must see! Follow the link and see: https://vzan.com
And don’t miss the China Good Voice final – it’s already this weekend! To see it – use the link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LSd-52Tu_TlmK4pX0ROwSQ

The leaders of WEENZEE in Italy are back in business! A representative of the company Maurizio Pilloni holds regular webinars for all those who are interested in profitable and innovative projects.
On Tuesday, April 23, the theme of the online lecture will be the WEENZEE project and stability, as the main characteristic of the business platform. Maurizio will tell participants about the project and how to make money using WEENZEE. Also, the speaker will share the news about the upcoming grand conference in Hong Kong.
In general, everyone will be interested. In a few hours you will get a lot of useful knowledge and skills that you can immediately put into practice!
The webinar will be held on April 23 on the ZOOM platform at 21:30 local time. To access the webinar, use the link: https://zoom.us/j/8115246095
Records of previous webinars can be found on the WEENZEE Italian channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjIXwF1RZf0pG3p7_SkEfMA
WEENZEE – discover the world of cryptotechnologies!


Just last week there were two promotional events from Hooplex held in the Indonesian cities of Trenggalek and Pasuruan with some photos now available to view in their News section. As you might know, Hooplex (reviewed here) has been a steady performer on the MNO monitor paying in a timely fashion for eleven weeks by now. That’s been more than enough for the first investors to comfortably reach the profit zone from almost all available plans – 0.7% for 30 days, 0.8% for 60 days, 0.9% for 90 days, 1% for 120 days, 1.05% for 150 days, 1.1% for 180 days. Some of the Hooplex investors have even managed to complete the first investment cycles and get their principals back on expiry, while others might have been doing this over the coming weeks and months. And as if to ensure the members of the long-term plans the admin of Hooplex has recently purchased the top banner on the MNO monitor for one month which will help him make his program more visible among others, as it only occupies Standard List position. I guess something which might have put some people off Hooplex would be the relatively high investment minimum which starts at $50 via PerfectMoney, or the same value of its cryptocurrency alternatives, such as BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, EthereumClassic, DogeCoin, Tether, Tron, Dash, Zcash, Ripple, Waves and BlackCoin. Perhaps another obstacle was the necessity to convert investments into the internal currency called Lexera (abbreviated LXR), but I guess that’s why educational conferences are held in some Indonesian cities and the website translated into the Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian, Chinese and Hindi languages. The last news from Indonesia can be found below accompanied by the pictures of the events which can be viewed on the Hooplex website:

HOOPLEX GRAND BOP: Trenggalek, April 19
Dear friends, we are pleased to announce that last Friday, April 19, the event HOOPLEX GRAND BOP was held in Trenggalek, Indonesia. The presentation of the business opportunities took place at the BUKIT JAAS PERMAI RESORT HOTEL.
During the event, our speakers Mr. FAISAL and Mr. ZENAL MUTAKIN told all the guests about the prospects of the HOOPLEX community. We are grateful to everyone who came to learn more about our project and are confident that we can bring you to a new financial level.
We are waiting for You at our events!

Hello, friends! Our community wants to thank everyone who came to our event “UTILITY OF HOOPLEX FOR PROSPERITY”, which was held on April 21 in Pasuruan.
We are pleased to note that both the younger generation and the older ones are interested in our project. This means that your youth, energy, wisdom and life experience will help the HOOPLEX community grow and develop even faster!
Join us to build your successful business with HOOPLEX!


On Easter Sunday the admin of BrilliantAlliance announced that a third language version of the website was launched. This time it was German, joining the default English and later Spanish version made available some time ago. In order to easily switch between the professionally translated versions you simply need to choose the language from the drop-down menu in top right hand corner of your screen. The welcome message to potential German speaking customers of BrilliantAlliance who might be interested in browsing the website in their native language has been posted by the admin and can be read below:

German language
We welcome the alliance customers!
One more update of the BrilliantAlliance language panel: German version of the web-site.
Switch to your native language by expanding the list of language versions above the personal account login button on the main page of the website. Your feelings will not deceive you: a totally new level of comfort after which you will not wish to return the previous state of things.

BrilliantAlliance has been reviewed on my blog about two weeks ago when the program joined the Standard List on the MNO monitor. The review can be found here. The program has been gradually expanding by adding payment processors and is now accepting USD investments starting from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney and Payeer and BTC investments with a 0.005 BTC minimum. The two investment plans are available for investors include 4.5% for 34 business days and 112% after 12 calendar days. All the withdrawals from BrilliantAlliance have been processed instantly so far and that might be the main attraction for new investors while the program continues its welcome gradual expansion. Long live BrilliantAlliance!


While so many programs are doing great these days BullishInvestmentMood has been the one spoiler in what had been an otherwise positive trend with an unexpected fast scam. The first sign of pending trouble was seen over the weekend when the usual withdrawals that had to be requested on Friday were not processed. As my own withdrawal request was not done by midnight Monday and the promised timeframe of 72 hours had expired by then I had no other choice but to move the program to Problem status on the MNO monitor and warn my readers against further investments with BullishInvestmentMood. As usual mine was the first monitor to bring the bad news while other monitors followed later when it became obvious the admin was not even attempting to pay anyone. He even had the audacity to lie through his teeth when I asked him via social media channels why the payments were delayed. The cheat promised to pay within a few hours and tried to put the blame for delayed payouts on unnamed technical difficulties. While that might be true about a week ago when the BullishInvestmentMood website was actually having troubles it was a total lie this time and I was aware of the situation and kept the Problem status which later was changed to Scam. Please do not invest in the program anymore, guys!

I must admit that the premature scam of a seemingly long-term and well-planned program that spent a fortune on advertising on MNO and other online resources came as a total surprise not only to myself but to many others in the industry as well. With only four weeks under its belt BullishInvestmentMood could barely scratch the surface of what might have been achieved had the right management and patience been in place to develop further. I have no idea what really happened to the program which seemed to have been created to run for a long time and even limited its withdrawals to being processed twice a week that was supposed to keep possible hit-n-runners at bay. Whatever the original intention of the BullishInvestmentMood administration was it’s clear it didn’t go their way and they had to change their plans and run off with whatever small amounts they could scrape together over its relatively short lifespan. Perhaps they have even lost money as people certainly invested at least twice less from MNO compared to the over $4K they spent on advertising here. We can only speculate on the possible reasons for the early closure, but it’s very possible the admin managed to get a few huge deposits from someone unfamiliar with the risks and just ran off. While such programs cannot be truly stopped from coming to MNO for listing we can’t know for sure what their motivation is. In the case of BullishInvestmentMood I suspect something truly unexpected happened that made the admin call it quits, but it will be very little consolation to investors who lost money there. Hopefully in future we will have fewer admins with this negative approach who only destroy faith in the HYIP industry instead of trying to build something god for all of us, like the majority of the admins who bring their programs to the MNO monitor.


Now that we have the main news events from the last few days out of the way I guess we can finish up for today by looking at the results of the last opinion poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page and replace it with another new question. You might remember that last time out I was discussing the importance of diversity in your online HYIP portfolios, actually a point that frequently gets raised on MNO.

I know you all have heard this before, indeed a lot of longer term readers and more experienced investors may even find it tiresome by now, but I’ll make no apologies as this is something that simply cannot be overstated. The HYIP industry is nothing if not fast moving, ever changing, unpredictable, and at its best vibrant and exciting. But the qualities that make it so much fun can also make it kinda dangerous for the uninitiated and the newbies just coming across the world of online HYIP investing for the first time. It all comes back to the old adage of not keeping all of one’s eggs in the same basket so to speak, better to spread you capital around between different programs rather than lumping everything into just one HYIP, closing your eyes, crossing your fingers, and hoping for the best. That way if any one single program in your portfolio collapses then you’re protected from any serious losses by not having too much money committed to a scam and stand a better chance of earning it back from the other paying programs.

The thing is though, what about when it comes to so-called “flagship” programs? I mean the industry has always seen its ups and downs, but one thing that never really changes through good times and bad is that there always has to be at least one program that’s bigger and better than all the rest. One program that nearly every serious investor has a stake in, then spreads the rest of their capital around between their choice of various smaller lower key projects. What I wanted to know in the last opinion poll then was how big a slice of your total investment in the wider HYIP industry would typically be held in the single biggest program you are a members of. Specifically the exact question was: What’s the biggest part of your portfolio in any one single program?

There seems to be something of a divide between readers on just how much importance in financial terms is attached to their favourite programs here, with equal numbers looking at higher and lower levels of dependency. 44.5% of readers voted that “My main program has between 10% to 20% of my portfolio”. That’s the same number of you, also 44.5% of the voters, who place a bit more importance on your biggest HYIP project when you said “More than 50% of my portfolio is held in my main program”. The remaining 11% of voters are somewhat divided between those extremes, favouring a more neutral stance of “I have from 20% to 50% of my money in one single program”.

Interesting results as always, I know I enjoy hearing about all my readers various philosophies and strategies when it comes to online HYIP investing. There’s rarely a wrong answer in any opinion poll as such, it’s just a question of whatever you feel best suits your own needs and requirements at any given time and what you have the financial clout to risk and achieve. Ask the same question to a hundred people, get a hundred different answers, it never means any of them can be labeled as exactly right or wrong.

So, let’s move on to the next question for the MNO TalkBack page. I suppose in many ways it’s in keeping with some of the topics covered already and relates to diversity in your portfolio and how you choose to expand it if and when you feel the need arising. After all, we know that it doesn’t matter how great any one single HYIP is, they all collapse at some point so when that happens you should probably think of replacing it with something else, just to keep some balance in your portfolio and continue earning at a similar level. But how do you decide what program might be right for you? Where do you go looking to see what’s new, or what’s a good established name, or maybe a promising project not yet on most people’s radars you might wish to take a gamble on? I mean there’s no end of promoters out there in the HYIP industry trying to reel you in, but to be perfectly blunt about it not all of them are always that scrupulous and don’t always have the best interests of investors as their primary motivation. Sure, they’ll tell you how wonderful a certain program is when trying to get you to join, but once you’ve handed over your money and they get their cut they don’t always want to hear that actually you’re not having such a great experience there after all.

Depending on where you want to look in the online HYIP related media it seems there’s a new program for every day of the week, unfortunately most of them are out-and-out scams. So when the time comes for you to go looking for something new, what do you find to be the most dependable source of information you can trust? The exact question I want to put to readers in the next MNO TalkBack opinion poll therefore will be this:

Where do you mostly look for new programs to invest in?

Possible answers can be taken from the following:

– Monitors and news blogs/media that I trust
– By following discussions on HYIP forums
– Social media (Facebook, Telegram, etc)
– Online friends and personal contacts

Of course possibly the most correct answer might well be all of those or none of those! Just pick the one answer you feel is closest to matching your own most usual method. The poll will stay open as usual for the next week to ten days, certainly long enough for everyone who wants to vote to have adequate time and opportunity to do so. The voting buttons can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here, and remember that all votes remain 100% anonymous and untraceable at all times. I’ll leave it at that but just want to finish by saying a massive thank you in advance to all the readers who participate, it only takes literally a second of your time but your effort is always much appreciated. Let’s hope for some interesting results.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Weenzee, BitBoots.
From MNO Standard list: WaveRiderHooplex, BrilliantAlliance.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s it for today guys. I hope you find the information useful and helpful in determining where best to put your free money to work for you. Please take a moment to vote in this week’s poll on the MNO TalkBack page and be active on the MNO ShoutBox where you can discuss all the latest events, including the new arrival Coinezos that is going to be reviewed on my blog on Thursday. If you ever had any questions please do not hesitate to stay in touch by emailing me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com, submitting your query via this online form or just chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. I’m open to questions, suggestions and advertising requests and will try to answer as quickly as possible. Thanks for reading and I hope to talk to you all on Thursday on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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