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16/07/2019. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello all, and welcome to a new business week in the HYIP industry which I’m happy you’re spending with MNO – your most reliable source of accurate information on elite high-budget investment projects run by experienced admins. As summer is in full swing now and many people are trying to make the most of their downtime (hope it’s sunny where you are! we can clearly see a slowdown and thus lesser quality programs running at this particular moment. Still, things are not as bad as they could be with the programs listed on the MNO monitor all showing a brilliant level of performance and I must say that when we get closer to autumn activities should be picking up once again. We will see lots of promising programs smart investors like you can definitely make good money from. It’s vital to stay updated on the current trends to become a successful player in the HYIP industry, and it’s even more important thing is to spot the true future leaders and invest at the early stages which you think might make you a fortune. Take Timeless5 (reviewed here) as a prime example of how profitable a program might be to investors who are not afraid to take risks, as after six weeks of listing on the MNO monitor they could have easily doubled their initial BTC investments if they joined it on its first days and are still seeing the potential to earn more, as Timeless5 pays on a perpetual basis. And if you consider the value of BTC has grown significantly since Timeless5 (currently the #1 program on MNO) first appeared online six weeks ago then we can easily conclude it’s possible to even triple the initial capital in a very short period of time. All you have to do is be selective on what you’re about to join and avoid the countless low-life scammers you may see advertised in abundance on other websites, do your own research and trust your gut instinct. Really, what would be the better way to keep fast scammers away than to charge extremely high listing fees which MNO has been famous for and make it literally unaffordable for admins with bad intentions! MNO has been online for over twelve years now and has since certainly developed a unique technique of scam deterrent which has brought fruit and made my investment portal one of the most respected and talked about in the industry. Literally everyone who are involved in HYIPs read MNO carefully or check it from time to time for precious insight on the current state of things or simply to find the new investment programs worthy to be included in their portfolios. Both friends and enemies can’t help but reading MNO, and if you are willing to get into the position of power in the HYIP industry make sure to submit your email address on this page – that will subscribe you to the regular blog articles which will be delivered directly to your email address. And if you’re clever enough to keep your finger on the pulse and be the first to know about the latest promising programs added to the MNO monitor as well as their status changes please make sure to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter where all important announcements are posted first and within minutes after they are featured on my site.

It’s also very important to stay in touch and I’m always trying to connect with my readers and experienced and well-intentioned HYIP admins alike. The best way to contact and chat with me in real time is to create an account on Telegram and search for @mnoblog account. You may also write to my email address or simply use the Contact form located on this page to submit any queries. I try to respond within a 24 hour maximum even during this slow summer season which nevertheless hasn’t been too bad at all so far, considering the ratio of good profitable programs on my monitor versus the average ones. Over the last few days not much happened and at the moment of writing all the programs on the MNO monitor are still paying fine. The only news today is from the already established leader of the industry Hooplex and much newer but also highly respected for its superb performance TopBitCapital. Let’s get to business now and see what these programs have to offer.


Here’s a simple question for you, and I think we all know the answer already – do you want to make a little extra money? If the answer is as expected (a resounding “yes” I would imagine!) then TopBitCapital might have something of interest for you. Let me be perfectly blunt here, speaking as a monitor I do try to stay neutral in most things, but the fact is that TopBitCapital is one of the best performing programs in the HYIP industry right now. I’m not saying they’re the biggest program, they’re not around long enough just yet to claim that particular honour, but they’re getting there. In fact looking at their investment plans more carefully, there’s no real reason why a huge number of you can’t be comfortably into profit well before today. The plans TopBitCapital are offering include 0.17%-0.21% hourly forever, that means no expiry date, so you continue getting paid for as long as they stay online. The thing is though, you can claim your principal back anytime after the first 24 hours for a 5% fee, so really with so much control over the accounts handed to the investors themselves it’s really up to you where and when and with how much money you eventually walk away with. TopBitCapital is working exclusively with digital cryptocurrencies, so you will need a wallet with any of BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, DogeCoin, Dash, or BitcoinCash in order to participate. You can find out all you need to know about how the whole thing works by checking out the review of TopBitCapital first posted on the MNO news blog here.

Anyway, getting back to more current events with the program, the admin has just announced a new representative scheme. This is where you can earn some pretty generous referral commissions for yourself if you’re interested in acting as a promoter for TopBitCapital in your local area. And as it’s a multilevel system if you can get another decent promoter to join using your ref link you could keep earning beyond that. You can read more about that from the latest update issued by the TopBitCapital admin re-posted below:

Become our Representative and maximize your earnings!
Hello, You can now become our Regional Representative for free, which means you are not obligated to have an active deposit with us. You will earn 10% from your direct referral investments, 4% from second level referrals and 2% – from third. More about our partnership program you can read here:
All you have to do is send your application explaining how do you plan to promote TopBitCapital. Reach us using our contact form at our website or simply by replying to this email, we will check your application within 24 hours and get back to you ASAP.
You just have to provide your referral link to others for joining, which is:
Happy promotion and earnings!
Best Regards, The TopBitCapital Team


One program that’s rarely far from the news is Hooplex. Always prolific with the news stories, and today is no exception. Actually over the last few days since the most recent news update was posted on MNO Hooplex have had no fewer than four news stories of their own. Just to give you some quick background information on the whole set-up first, I would strongly encourage you to read my review posted here where you can find what you need to know about a sometimes complicated program. You see, in order to invest in Hooplex you must convert funds (starting from at least a $50 minimum) into the internal currency called Lexera. You then sell this back to the program in order to withdraw to the payment processor of your choice for a small fee. Hooplex uses BitCoin, LiteCoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, EthereumClassic, DogeCoin, Dash, Zcash, Tether, Tron, Ripple, BlackCoin or Waves. Investment plans are paying 0.7% for 30 days, 0.8% for 60 days, 0.9% for 90 days, 1% for 120 days, 1.05% for 150 days, or 1.1% for 180 days, principal back on expiry. Simply sell your Lexera funds when making a withdrawal and get paid within a 72 hour maximum (usually much faster) to your account. If for some reason you change your mind after investing in Hooplex and wish to leave early, you can get your principal back before the final expiry date on demand for a fee.

Among the latest news events going on with Hooplex was the latest offline promotional public meeting for which the program has become known for. As it already took place over the weekend there’s no real need to go into too many details on the agenda for this one, but they seem to roll around often enough where representatives of Hooplex organize presentations in public meeting spaces (generally hotels I believe) for the general public to come along and see what it’s all about. Other news included the expected addition of BitCoin and Ethereum as direct account deposit options. This hasn’t actually happened yet, not at the time of writing anyway, but progress is ongoing. Obviously as stated already you can already use those currencies when joining Hooplex, the difference here is that you won’t necessarily have to convert it into the internal currency any longer. The Hooplex Telegram bot is now fully loaded and will contain some exciting features we hope. And perhaps the best news of all, well, not for most of us but for a very select few at least, was the recent bonanza paid out to the leading five Hooplex promoters who have done most in reaching the widespread global audience the program targets so well. All of the updates are included in full below:

Hooplex event: BANJARBARU, July 13
Friends, we invite you to our event! Theme: Get rich with the best platform, LEXERA TECHNOLOGY!
We will talk about how the technology is developing and advancing. This is an event not to be missed!
We’re waiting for you at 2pm at the Fave Hotel!
At the upcoming event, you will learn about the following topics:
– Company profile
– Products : LexeraLXR and LexeraWAY 1.0
– Backoffice knowledge
– How to make Registration
– How to deposit
– How to withdraw
– How to create payment gateway and wallet btc etc
– Career opportunities in our company
Date: Saturday, July 13, 2019, Time: 14.00 – 17.00, Place: Fave Hotel, Leader in Charge of: Panji Samudra, Promoter: Panji Samudra, Host: Indra Radian, Speaker: Panji Samudra

Telegram Bot update
Attention, big news! We have completed the Telegram bot update. Soon new useful features will appear in the bot.
We always try to improve the quality of our system for your convenience.
PLEASE NOTE: To work with the updated bot you need to reconnect it!
A guide to how to connect an updated version of the Telegram bot:
1. Log in to your personal account, tab SETTINGS.
2. If you have not been connected to the Telegram bot, you need to press the CONNECT TELEGRAM button.
3. After that, in the window that appears, you need to connect to the bot by link and enter the verification number.
4. After that, the bot will confirm your verification.
5. You can also connect the binding of the confirmation of all the manipulations in your account to Telegram.
To do this, select SEND CODE TO TELEGRAM in the SETTINGS panel.
6. After that, enter your personal account password.
7. After that, in the upper right corner, you will receive confirmation that you have accepted the new settings.
8. Setup is complete, you will receive a report on all your account details.

Big update of the deposit program. BTC & ETH deposits will be opened soon
Friends, we are expanding the capabilities of our platform – in the near future you will be able to open deposits in BTC and ETH cryptocurrencies.
At the moment we are conducting the final testing of the module, which will allow you to open a deposit in the cryptocurrency. In the future, we will expand the list of cryptocurrencies in which to open a deposit. This will allow you to earn profit on the main crypto assets, which can be a great option for long-term investments.
We also draw your attention to the fact that you will also be able to open deposits in LXR, the internal currency of the platform. As you know, cryptocurrencies tend to grow rapidly, and fall as fast. In this situation, LXR is the guarantor of the safety of your funds, as our coin has a stable rate.
Join Hooplex and follow our news!

Hooplex is 5 months old. Giving 115,000 lxr to the most active leaders
Friends, we would like to share with you the good news – our project is 5 months old! This is still a very modest date, we are still very young, but very promising! We congratulate you on this event, because it is thanks to you, all those who are with us, our project is growing and developing.
Hooplex is still very young, and the path of our community is just beginning. However, already now we can proudly say that people from more than 15 countries have joined us! Our community is associated with reliability all over the world!
At the very beginning, we said we were providing maximum support to the leaders in the development of the project. We regularly publish your reviews, contacts, translate materials into your native languages and much more. As promised, we will additionally reward the top Hooplex leaders and their teams with money prizes.
It’s time to sum up the first results! Our winners are the 5 most active leaders:
Wang Ying (50,000LXR), 9561 4251 9503 2653,
Kung Labba (30000LXR), 1985 3612 8145 5341,
Udaman (20000LXR), 1536 2108 3096 7059,
1. Adi Pratama (3000LXR), 1384 5784 6025 9731,
2. Panji Samudra (3000LXR), 6247 1594 9537 2603,
3. Azir mahyudi (2000 LXR), 1459 6579 7310 8726,
4. Yunu Kusmana (2000LXR), 9068 6130 3058 3570,
5. Aleksandr Sobolev (5000LXR), 3065 3701 1765 4952,
The money can be spent both for personal needs and for development of the structure.
We sincerely congratulate the winners! We thank and appreciate you. On the 15th of each month we will hold a monthly awarding of the top teams. Each time we will raise the prize fund, and each of you can become a winner.
We remind you that project leaders get support from the company at every stage! To learn more about the conditions of working with our project, go to the site:
English –
Portuguese –
Thai –
Korean –
Leave a request and become a leader of the international Hooplex community!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 120 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Timeless5, TopBitCapital, Hooplex, Yesss.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all the news for today, guys. Thanks for reading and please keep voting in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page and stay active on the MNO ShoutBox where your feedback is always valued. The final results of the poll will be drawn in a few days time which I will use of course to deliver you all the latest news and possibly will even introduce a new program. So stay tuned and thanks as always for staying with MNO – For Money Lovers!

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