Jul 26th, 2019 Archives

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Beware! EQTrade has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all keeping well this week. There’s a couple of news stories to catch up on since the last post, but for the first item in today’s update I want to talk in a bit more detail about the latest program to join the MNO monitor called EQTrade. It launched about three weeks ago so not exactly a brand new name in the HYIP industry by some definitions, but as a mid to longer term program and something the admin has done next to no promo work on up until now I suppose you could call it that. So like I said EQTrade have been online for around three weeks by now I imagine some of the more intrepid HYIP players reading this will have come across the name before today. But as the admin has spent that time ironing out some initial faults and problems in an effort to get things right from day one then yes, like I said, EQTrade starts here. And there’s also definitely a solid enough base to start with given the enthusiasm I’ve seen from readers feedback so that might be something to attract new members in bigger numbers. So let’s see what EQTrade are all about and whether or not you think they might be a suitable addition to your portfolios.
We’ll start things off therefore with the one single thing you’re probably most interested in – the investment plans. EQTrade have three of them, though the main thing to keep in mind here is that EQTrade does not work directly with hard currency, i.e. dollars. The main currency here as with a growing number of online HYIPs and probably the longer term future of the industry is BitCoin, that’s more or less how the plans are spelt out, but all the main payment processors including dollar based ones are accepted for deposits if you like. I’m going to describe the plans using BitCoin because that’s how they go, I suggest using a site such as https://www.blockchain.com/prices to convert everything back into dollars if you need to, I’m not going to do it for you here because any numbers I give would probably be obsolete within 24 hours. But the main currency is still BTC. If you invest with a different currency the investment amount you should enter it in BTC and the script will tell you exactly how much money you have to transfer. After that has been done any further conversions will not be applicable, and you are paid in the currency of your choice for you chosen plan’s duration. So for instance, let’s say you want to invest using PerfectMoney spend 0.01 BTC. The EQTrade script will tell you what the dollar amount is that you need to transfer at that particular moment in order to make your investment, however you will receive your interest payments in dollars (or whatever other currency you have opted to join with)

Your first option is a plan that makes daily payments, on business days only, Monday to Friday, for a term running for 50 business days, or ten weeks. You need a minimum of 0.01 BTC to join, which at the time of writing is around $100 give or take a few cents. Actually I really like EQTrade overall but that would be my one single biggest complaint about it – the cost. Then again 0.01 BTC could easily become five or six cents by the end of next week judging by how exchange rates can go these days, so who am I to say? Anyway, you can earn 4% interest per business day for the term’s duration which adds up to 200% in total. EQTrade include your principal as part of those payments, so it’s your own money back plus 100% net profit, or double your money.

If we say then you invest $100 in this plan that should see you getting back $4 per business day for the next ten weeks. The most important statistic to pay attention to here is that you can break even, as in earn back an amount equal to your own deposit and therefore make it impossible for you to lose money no matter what happens after that, in 25 business days or five weeks. The first EQTrade members will be on the way to this this already. The remainder of the term sees you collecting pure passive profit. Payments should add up to $200 by the end of the term, from which EQTrade include your initial hundred.

The second plan is a just as profitable but a little bit faster, though naturally it’s going to cost you more to join. The minimum cost of joining goes up to 0.5 BTC with an upper limit of 4.99 BTC. The investment term drops back to 40 business days or 8 full weeks, during which you will be offered an interest payment of 5% per day, Monday to Friday. That’s ultimately the same net profit as the previous plan, a 200% return on your deposit with EQTrade including your principal, you just get to the break even point and first profit payment at an earlier point, in this case 20 payment days or four full weeks.

Lastly, and I guess this one is largely academic since it costs more than what most of you would ever be prepared or advised to spend, EQTrade‘s third plan opens at 5 BTC. The term length runs for 30 business days, six calendar weeks, when investors can earn 6% interest per day on Monday to Friday. Ultimately less profitable in terms of actual percentages, the main advantage is that it gets you over the break even point line a bit faster. You get 180% back on your investment, that’s 80% net profit with EQTrade including your principal as part of the payments, but you’re into the profit zone after 17 business days this time or just over three full weeks.

If you like any of those plans then and think they might be worth a shot, then the next thing you’ll need to hear about is what are the payment options. I mentioned earlier that EQTrade works mostly with digital cryptocurrencies, of which there are several, but you can still go through the more conventional dollar based payment handlers too. For cryptocurrencies investors will need to have a wallet with BitCoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, Ripple, Dash, BitcoinCash, EthereumClassic, BitcoinSV, Zcash and DogeCoin. For let’s say “regular money” you can use either PerfectMoney or Payeer. Payouts to members are handled manually by the EQTrade admin and so will need to be requested from inside your private members account area. Once done the majority of payments should be done instantly, or else within 15 minutes depending on the currency. See your EQTrade members area for the exact time scale, however in rare cases you are still required to allow a maximum time frame of 24 hours just in case there are any technical issues outside the admin’s control with your chosen payment handler. Also whilst still on the subject, just keep in mind that while there is nothing to stop you making a withdrawal request over the weekend, EQTrade don’t actually credit any new interest to your account until Monday to Friday. There is a minimum withdrawal limit policy which seems to have has quite a variety depending on your choice of currency. Regular dollar amounts going through PM and Payeer for example are only $1, but smaller investors should please take note that you are looking at 0.02 BTC (that’s about $20 at current exchange rates) for cryptocurrency withdrawals. Again, that could easily drop to $0.20 cents in a week, who knows, you can never predict these things but at the time of writing it’s a bit on the expensive side I think.

After looking at the more technical side of things in EQTrade, such as script, hosting, and so on, I can tell you that the website is powered off a unique script developed especially for the program to meet its own individual needs and requirements. For an extra layer of security the EQTrade website is properly SSL encrypted in both public and private areas by GeoTrust for safer browsing and more secure transactions. For hosting the admin has opted for Dancom who are keeping EQTrade on a dedicated server with support and protection and protection from malicious attacks provided by DDoSGuard. The domain name is registered for ten years in advance which is a nice touch which might attract newsbies, although neither the most expensive or necessary thing to do. Among the extras which I suppose may not be absolutely vital for the success of EQTrade but go a hell of a long way in making it a much more appealing website than average include a built-in profit calculator which comes in very handy for figuring out potential earnings, and a short video presentation explaining the program’s background. That’s also been embedded in the MNO monitor by the way, so you can watch it wherever you find more convenient.

The actual account registration process with EQTrade is a little different than what you might be used to with most other HYIPs by the way, I suppose due to the unique script, but nonetheless quite easy. In fact you can use Facebook to log in if you want. But it’s basically just a question of using your e-mail address followed by an assigned username and password which is created by the program and given to you via e-mail. And of course filling in whatever currency wallet numbers you intend on using while keeping an active account there.

If you have any further need to contact the admin with any questions or account related issues you need dealt with then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page on the EQTrade website. Before you get to that point however you should really check out the extensive FAQ section which will probably deal with a lot of your initial enquires before the need arises to ask anything of support. There’s a postal address in the UK where EQTrade is registered as a company, though perhaps unlikely to be where anyone connected with the program is physically located. Of more practical use is the social media profiles where you can find EQTrade on Twitter, Facebook, and for Live Chat and discussion Telegram.

For the record the alleged business interests supporting the whole thing are, we are told, EQTrade describes itself as being run by “cryptocurrency traders and software IT engineers” though to be blunt it does very little else to enlighten us as to exactly what that really means or involves. I think experienced industry players will know everything they need to here anyway, in other words treat EQTrade as you would any other online HYIP. That means don’t look for guarantees, keep your expectations realistic, stay well within a sensible spending range that you can afford not just to spend but to lose, and if you do decide to join EQTrade then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

Just before we move on to the news section I want to finish up with EQTrade, at least for today anyway, by asking what readers think of it. You can weigh up the pros and cons of joining, and decide whether it’s a risk you think worth taking. I hope then that you won’t mind answering the following opinion poll question, which is as always 100% anonymous and only takes a second to complete. Thanks to everyone who votes, as it will make interesting reading maybe not today but several weeks from now when we look back on EQTrade and see how it has developed by then:

Will you make an active deposit in EQTrade?

View Results

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Staying on the subject of the above reviewed EQTrade, the admin shared some exciting news yesterday. There are four more payment methods you may use to join EQTrade with – BitcoinSV, EthereumClassic, Zcash and DogeCoin. These are alongside the previously available BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Dash, Ripple, BitcoinCash, PerfectMoney and Payeer. While these new currencies don’t really have a huge following in the HYIP industry, more choice is still better in the long-term and may potentially attract a new type of clientele at a later stage. As I already described the investment process above I don’t want to repeat myself and will leave you with the latest newsletter from EQTrade where the announcement was made and withdrawal times and minimums using new currencies covered:

BSV, ETC, ZEC, DOGE altcoins are currently supported
We added Bitcoin SV, Ethereum Classic, Zcash and Dogecoin cryptocurrencies to the dashboard.
The cryptocurrency industry trends are changing all the time – altcoins demonstrate both uptrend or downtrend as well. So, how to increase own assets regardless of the cryptocurrency market states?
We have expanded our payment option again. Therefore, now you are provided with a chance to invest your Bitcoin SV, Ethereum Classic, Zcash and Dogecoin while earning up to + 6% every day! Note: BSV rate increased by 28% for just a week, DOGE did not change while ZEC lost almost 7% – it does not matter for us since we will still pay you up to 30% in just one week of your active deposit!
Profit withdrawal is available from 0.002 BSV, 0.1 ETC, 0.02 ZEC and 20 DOGE. Maximum withdrawal time is 15 minutes while the transaction on the DOGE wallet will occur instantly.


This has finally happened, guys! Hooplex is now accepting direct investments via BitCoin and Ethereum as promised in a newsletter a couple ofsome weeks ago. I guess the Hooplex programing team worked hard to alter the script so it can accommodate investments not only in Lexera (the internal currency you convert your deposits into and sell back to the program on every withdrawal), but also in BitCoin and Ethereum if you prefer to avoid moving money to and from Lexera all the time. I guess the overly-complicated process of investing in Hooplex as discussed in the original review posted here really made the whole investment procedure quite hard to figure out for too many players, so the new streamlined version of depositing and withdrawing directly via the two most popular cryptocurrencies in use in the HYIP industry should help inject some fresh funds into the program. The minimum to invest in Hooplex remains at $50 which can be placed in the plan of your choice on expiry of which (or earlier for a fee) you will be able to withdraw your principal as well – 0.7% for 30 days, 0.8% for 60 days, 0.9% for 90 days, 1% for 120 days, 1.05% for 150 days, or 1.1% for 180 days. If you don’t wish to invest directly via BitCoin or Ethereum you may still use the Lexera method to buy and sell this currency using any of multiple payment options available to investors – LiteCoin, BitcoinCash, EthereumClassic, DogeCoin, Dash, Zcash, Tether, Tron, Ripple, BlackCoin or Waves. It’s really up to you on how you wish to proceed with Hooplex now is in its sixth successful month online with many investors richly rewarded for their trust, regardless on the investment plan they initially signed up for. Fingers crossed, we will hear more good news from Hooplex very soon and be sure that MNO will be the first to report it, so stay tuned for more, guys!

Below you will find the latest news on official opening of BTC and ETH deposits to run simultaneously with those conducted via the Hooplex internal currency Lexera, plus you can read all about today’s promotional event going on in the Philippine capital Manila:

We’ve launched ETH and BTC deposits
Friends, as we promised, on our platform appeared an opportunity to open deposits in cryptocurrencies! ETH and BTC are already available. In due course this list will grow!
Hooplex always moves forward! For 5 months of work we have been joined by more than 15 countries! Every day more and more people are becoming members of our community.
It is for you that we are constantly working to become better, more reliable, to provide even more opportunities! We’ve done a great job, and now you can open deposits in Bitcoin and Ethereum with Hooplex deposit programs with profitability from 0.7% to 1.1% per day, depending on the deposit term.
You also have the opportunity to open deposits in LXR – the internal currency of the platform.
Invest and earn with Hooplex!

Dear friends, we are pleased to inform you that on July 26 our community will hold the first conference in Manila, Philippines.
This means that residents of this country will be able to take advantages of all the opportunities offered by Lexera technology and the Hooplex community!
This is the event that must not be missed! Come to discover new opportunities that will change your life forever!
The event will cover the following topics:
– Company profile
– Products : LexeraLXR and LexeraWAY 1.0
– Backoffice knowledge
– How to make Registration
– How to deposit
– How to withdraw
– How to create payment gateway and wallet btc etc
You will also learn about career opportunities in our company
Date: July 26, 2019, Time: from 17:00 to 21:00, Place:Manila, Aura 1 Hotel, Theme: Trade and earn in the best platform, LEXERA TECHNOLOGY, Leader in Charge of: Mark Navarro, Promoter: Mark Navarro, Host : Sebb fernandes, Speaker: Mark Navarro


Let me finish for today by drawing the final results of the regular opinion poll that was held on the MNO TalkBack page over the last week or so, as well as posting a new question for you to vote for.

The majority of you, since you’re still counting your money, will still remember the surprise hit of the summer – a program called Timeless5 ran for almost seven weeks paying 5% daily. That amazing lifetime made Timeless5 the highlight of this season and a possible contender for the best program on the year for sure. Many of the early investors in Timeless5 (the program was listed on MNO since day one) were lucky enough to double their BTC investments, which might be even more than that if you convert their earnings into USD, as the BTC value itself more than doubled over the period Timeless5 was online. Anyway, it looks like not only myself was impressed by the program’s performance as it seems that at least 67% of the readers participated in the poll asking them how well they did with Timeless5 answered that they “joined early and earned a lot of money”. 25% of the voters still did alright, however they “earned a little money after joining later”. Only a small number, 8% of readers say they “lost money by joining too late to profit” from Timeless5. The overall result of the poll proves again and again that the MNO monitor usually offers some seriously quality programs giving an ample opportunity to earn money before it eventually collapses. That happens with every HYIP in the end however good and got however long it can run, and in the case of Timeless5 I cannot really fault the admin, but rather would say a huge thanks to him for a job well done. Me and all my readers will be surely pleased to see such great programs like this listed on the MNO monitor anytime, so hopefully we will see more good performers from that particular admin soon. Stay tuned for that, guys!

For the next question open for your votes on the MNO TalkBack page over the next seven days or so I would like to ask you if you’re satisfied with the quality of program usually listed on the MNO monitor. That’s just a general question I would like to see you voting on just for general feedback purposes which will help make my job more efficient. The exact question will be as follows:
Are you generally satisfied with the quality of HYIP monitored on MNO?

Possible answers can be taken from the following options:
– Very satisfied, they are mostly high quality programs
– Moderately satisfied, the HYIPs could’ve been better
– Not satisfied, the quality of most HYIPs is poor

I’ll be drawing the results of the poll in about seven days from now and your opinions will be highly appreciated and will help me to see if the MNO monitor is on the right track now. You may know that the less programs than other monitors usually feature caused by the high listing prices to keep off the intentional fast scammers who might hurt my readers financially instead of delivering them good stable results and giving a decent chance for profits. Whether this approach has been working for you personally is up to you to decide by voting here. Thanks in advance for voting, guys!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TopBitCapital, Hooplex, InstantBitex, Yesss.
From MNO Standard list: EQTrade.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s about all the news I have to close this business week, guys. I hope you find the information useful and will help you in making important investment decision and eventually earn nice profits. Thanks for following MNO and have a good weekend ahead. I’ll be taking a break myself, but will be back next week to see what’s new in the HYIP industry and maybe even introduce a new program by then. So if you wish to stay updated on all the current news from the biggest programs the HYIP industry can offer and be the first to know about the new additions on the MNO monitor please follow me on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, and subscribe to get the regular blog articles to be sent directly to your email address which can be submitted here. If you have any questions, suggestions or advertising requests please contact me here or chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. I’m always happy to help you out with anything I can as I appreciate all the loyal support MNO readers have shown over the last 12 years my blog has been online. Without my readers it would not be possible to build and maintain the oldest and most trusted HYIP blog entirely dedicated to covering the most elite programs after all. Please show more support to my work by voting on the MNO TalkBack poll and leaving a comment on the MNO ShoutBox where all your feedback is highly appreciated. Talk to you again next week on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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