September 2019 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome again to the wonderful and ever changing world of HYIP investments! It’s been pretty much a passion of mine since back in 2007 which led to the creation of this blog, later becoming one of the biggest on the subject in the world. I must admit it took me awhile before getting into the position I’m in right now, but I’m very proud of what I managed to achieve and am now in the position to say MNO is the not the main income source for me, but rather a supplement and a sort of hobby I still enjoy in my spare time. So now I can charge listing prices that inexperienced and impatient admins who want simply to collect money from investors and run away won’t pay. That has resulted in having less programs than other cheaper monitors who keep listing dozens and dozens of fast scams, but it allows me to concentrate my efforts on promoting the best and the brightest talents the HYIP industry produces. Once MNO became the monitor with the highest listing prices in the HYIP industry the percentage of deliberate fast scams dropped significantly. Now only the biggest spending admins out to become the real leaders come to MNO with original projects for sophisticated and savvy investors. MNO is genuinely a monitor for large-scale programs and if there is less investment opportunities listed as a result then I’m totally OK with that, it’s exactly what I wanted to happen. It will stick with this strategy and have no intention to change, so you know the results you will get.

This past summer I must admit was pretty slow in terms of HYIP related activities, but when the autumn kicked in and we had the next industry leader in GovBid listed the situation seems to be slowly improving. I’m pretty sure that this program is capable of pulling the HYIP industry back from its misery and will bring more experienced admins out to bring their next projects into the limelight and deliver something spectacular. There was a big update from GovBid just sent out which is going to be be the main focus of today’s MNO blog article, plus I also want to discuss some of the latest news developments from another fantastic performer Hooplex. Before I get to any of that I just want to report that in the coming days another brand-new program will be listed on the MNO monitor from an admin who expressed some interest in presenting it probably (I hope) on Thursday when he thinks it should be ready for an official launch. I’ll keep you updated on how that goes but just in case please follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook and Twitter. Doing so means you’ll be the first to know about all the latest additions to the MNO monitor and important updates from the already listed programs. You can also subscribe to regular blog updates sent directly to your email address you can submit and confirm here. And remember that I’m always happy to answer any questions from my downline and assist them in the best way I can, plus any advertising requests will be also welcomed from serious admins only. There are three main way to get in touch – via Telegram @mnoblog, emailing me directly at or by submitting your request via this contact form. Positive discussion of monitored programs along with general questions can be also asked on the MNO ShoutBox where you can also support your favourite programs by submitting payment reports or reporting any issues you encounter. So let’s get on with the news now, eh?


Now in its fourth week online GovBid has been doing well, but as a permanently blank canvas the program requires some behind-the-scene work for investors to find perfection. Having initially launched with only BitCoin on board GovBid swiftly added more cryptocurrency options like LiteCoin, Ethereum and Ripple, and most recently the fans of the USD-based currencies also got an opportunity to invest using their PerfectMoney and Payeer funds. I’m sure there will be more payment options in the near future, but I believe at the moment all the popular investment methods are truly covered. If you haven’t read my detailed review of GovBid posted here I should remind you that you can fund your account starting with just $1 which is the minimum price of one contract you can purchase once the funds are credited to your account. There is a huge variety of such contracts which are all in essence limited in time and volume investment plans each of which can only be joined once and with a certain amount. Once you reach expiry you may then either reinvest by purchasing another contract or withdraw using the same method you originally used to fund your GovBid account with or exchange it to another currency for a fee which will not exceed 10%. The latter rule was introduced just a couple of days ago and the admin fully explained how it all works in the newsletter reposted below. By the way, the withdrawal processing time has changed as well to prevent people from splitting their requests and paid faster. Now depending on the asked amount the waiting time which can be seen as a countdown timer across every withdrawal request will range from 24 hours to 72 hours (it’s only up to three business days for a manual check up on the largest amounts). That new rule won’t affect smaller investors of GovBid who nevertheless should be aware of the fact that withdrawals are only processed from Monday to Friday on server time, so add an extra 48 hours to your waiting time if you are doing it over the weekend. Of course, instead of waiting for up to three days you may just purchase another contract and save time, and that I guess is the admin’s goal to decrease the workload once the membership grows further. Overall GovBid‘s growth has been slow and manageable (currently around a respectable 1,000 members I believe) which is totally OK for a program destined to become the next industry leader as many experts say.

The newsletters from GovBid are posted let’s say regularly but not exactly often, as the admin prefers to accumulate new features introduced via the customizable script before announcing them to the public. These include the first official representatives of the program, new stats displayed on the site, Telegram stickers, and so forth. There are also some exciting announcements on upcoming events the admin and the GovBid has been working on lately, so check the newsletter yourself to find out more on that (with a Coming Soon section located at the end of it):

As we are counting down the first month online, with imposing 6 digits figures of our first 1,000 client’s trust, today our job will be simple enough. This article will share with you an additional set of important insights that each user on the platform should be aware of…
First, we have some great news to share with you:
– Our financial results were always visible in the left corner of your account. I hope you took note of how large our average deposit amount was, as from now on this section will be replaced with a convenient set of currency-exchange & tracking tools. Use this handy widget to get a better idea of your favorite coin growth!
– The contract management system now displays a Set of Badges attached to the lot. Explore all the trading, long-term and limited offers. Catch them right on the spot!
– Have you noticed official G.B.P. Telegram Stickers? Use them all at one of our country-based chats! Find your local community here.
– Perfect Money & Payeer, as well as NEO, WAVES, TRON all available as your payment options. Thank you to all the users who voted on this issue in our Group Poll a few days ago.
– And yes, as usual, quite a few visual improvements, including G.B.P.’s new budget transparency entry in the Marketing & Approach section.
TachiTeam, Monira Binta Ahsan and Huy Hoàng have been once again given the prestigious status of Representatives in our affiliate program. They already enjoy their new reward system, find out how you can join them in the Affiliate Program section.
After accepting such a vast number of fiat & crypto-currencies at the platform, a solid fluctuation protection mechanism might be required. From this very moment, you may see E.S.F.’s value-added to your withdrawal.
Exchange Service Fee is always calculated in the favor of the dominant deposit currency of your account balance, thus a particular service fee may be applied to your withdrawal request.
As you can fill up the available balance with multiple crypto-currencies and payment processors, all fiat rates are then to be converted into the $ (USD) value. Eventually, it may lead to a significant rate difference between a depositing payment processor, and the final withdrawing channel of your choice.
To minimize your E.S.F., please consider using the same channel that your funds were deposited with.
“Skip it or read it!” section.
The exchange fee is calculated from the fee base which includes positive transactions (deposit, bonus, revenue, referral) and negative transactions (withdrawal, penalty). Acquisition and sale of contracts are discarded because when a contract is purchased and then sold, there is no effect on the fee base, however, if a contract is still active, the negative operation Acquisition will reduce the fee base and assign an unfairly high exchange fee.
The main rule is that revenue and referral rewards are never liable to exchange fee and such amounts may be withdrawn in any currency. For example, if a user deposits $1000 via system A, earns $100 as the ROI and $50 under the affiliate program, the $150 are not subject to exchange fee, no matter which system the user selects for withdrawal. However, if he or she is withdrawing more than $150 via any other system besides A, he will pay an exchange fee from the difference between the requested amount and $150. For example, if he is withdrawing $500 via B, the fee base will be $500 – $150 = $350. Therefore, the exchange fee will be $350 / $1000 * 10% = 3.5%. However, the exchange fee is never greater than 10%.
Next, please forgive us for a bit lengthy but the unavoidable discussion surrounding the payout timing. We have an automatic system that can process all the withdrawal requests instantly right after the timer ends. However, we are not using this feature at all times, because we are not willing to compromise the security of our platform for the convenience of the instant payouts. Thus on some occasions, your withdrawals might go in manually paid groups resulting in short traffic jam*
Instant payouts for any withdrawal requests send by you, would give potential hackers a perfect opportunity to gain access to all the funds in the platform’s operational wallets. Partial manual payouts allow our Financial Department to perform numerous manual checks of activities of all users before the withdrawal request can be processed, yet sometimes it can cost us a little time.
* If you do not see the payout made right after the end of its timer, simply give it a little room for processing.
– A maximum of 3 (Three) Pending Withdrawal requests is allowed.
– The Total Amount Requested is a part of the algorithm for the processing timer.
– $10-100 – Instant automatic withdrawal after 24 hours.
– $100-$1000 – Instant automatic withdrawal after 2 business days.
– $1000-$4,999 – Instant automatic withdrawal after 3 business days.
– $5000-$10,000 – Manual Checkup of 12 hours, after 3 business days timer expiration.
– $10,000-$30,000 – Manual Checkup of 24 hours, after 3 business days timer expiration.
– $30,000-$49,999 – Manual Checkup of 48 hours, after 3 business days timer expiration.
– $50,000-$100,000 – Manual Checkup of 72 hours, after 3 business days timer expiration.
– Requests are processed only through Mon.-Fri. timeframe.? All withdrawals placed right before the weekends, will have an extra 48 hours to its timer.
As previously stated on several occasions, we do not wish to become yet another sad chapter in the series of Never-ending Hacking Talesplaguing online platforms as of late. Therefore, we always continue making changes to enhance security measures.
We are here to make history and become the only investment platform that you can trust! Our rules are carefully crafted to achieve this goal. The rules are the same for all members and are meant to benefit all members, not only select few who are adept at gaming the investment platforms.
We achieved impressive results in just a couple of weeks. Imagine what is possible in a year. Two years. Five years from now. Let’s get there together, enjoying a hefty profit stably and safely for everyone!
PS. Coming soon:
– GB Packages, powered by all-new Capital Lineups feature! Expect it by the end of this week.
– New and improved Personal Statistics.
– Long-awaited Mobile Version to finally become available.
– Native Localization Editor (To empower the people within the community by providing an opportunity on becoming an official well-rewarded content translator!)
Always yours, Jordan Letterman,
Marketing manager at G.B.P.
Missed any previous Vital Pieces Articles? Explore them now at:


Hooplex is for sure another big program in the HYIP industry you’d be crazy to miss right now. In its eighth month online it has seriously been the epitome of a remarkable achievement any professional HYIP admin might accomplish if he bothers to give investors what they need. Hooplex is a fine example of how much genuine commitment can pay off, as the program is now on the peak of its performance and loved by investors pouring thousands of dollars into it. Of course, we will never know when such a brilliant program is going to collapse (and we all know it will happen eventually), but it’s an established fact that Hooplex is on the shortlist of the longest-running programs of 2019. By the way, what actually determines a successful HYIP was the recent question put to my readers on the MNO TalkBack page which is still open and accepting your votes. If you haven’t done so please go here and cast your vote, as the final results will be drawn by the end of the week.

Anyway, back to Hooplex. I guess most MNO readers were lucky enough to join the program at the early stages and make a nice profit from the various plans which include 0.7% for 30 days, 0.8% for 60 days, 0.9% for 90 days, 1% for 120 days, 1.05% for 150 days, 1.1% for 180 days. All of the above-mentioned offers also return your principal on expiry and credit your account with the fixed rate of interest on every calendar day. You are then welcome to reinvest or withdraw to any of the currencies accepted by Hooplex (withdrawals are processed within a 72 hour maximum, but usually much faster), these include PerfectMoney, BitCoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, DogeCoin, EthereumClassic, Tether, Tron, LiteCoin, Dash, Zcach, Ripple, Waves, or BlackCoin. Until recently Hooplex only allowed you to invest (minimum of $50 to each plan) by converting your funds to the internal currency called Lexera for a small fee, but it all changed a few weeks ago and now you may also invest directly using BTC or ETH funds and get profits without any conversion. The importance of working closely with crypto-currencies was outlined in the latest newsletter posted on the Hooplex website’s news section which I present to you below. I guess this article will be interesting not only to the Hooplex current and future members, but also to everyone who is into the subject of the rapidly developing cryptoworld. This article is followed by two other emails sent recently to all inactive members of Hooplex clearly targeting their undecided investors by persuading them to give the program a go. If you have any difficulties with the investment process which I do agree may complicated to some given the unique script handling it you can read the detailed review of Hooplex posted here. Otherwise, please check all the latest news to find the information you’ll need when you eventually decide to go ahead with your investment:

Why does Hooplex work with cryptocurrencies?
We at Hooplex are confident that Cryptocurrencies are the future of the global financial system, a new round of its development. This is a global phenomenon – an investment instrument that has surpassed all the financial instruments that have ever been available to mankind in terms of profitability.
This is the market we chose to work on because these assets are decentralized, anonymous and secure. No intermediaries are needed to make cryptocurrency payments, and transactions are inexpensive, fast, reliable and accessible to everyone. The recipient of the funds can be a user from anywhere in the world.
The Hooplex platform is the solution to one of the most pressing problems in the crypto market. It provides instant conversion of cryptocurrencies and money transfers, which is made possible thanks to innovative development – the LexeraWay multi-currency core.
Already now users of our platform from all over the world easily convert crypto and fiat currencies, make money transfers instantly, safely and without additional fees.
We are fully aware of the potential of the cryptocurrency market, and therefore we have added the ability to open deposits in cryptocurrency, thanks to which in addition to the interest rate on the deposit you receive income from the growth of the rate of your chosen asset.
Cryptocurrencies are a good option for investments in the global financial crisis, the signs of which can already be seen. Pension funds and banks around the world are beginning to invest in digital assets.
The world’s financial system is not going through the best of times. Many experts are confident that the answer to the imperfection of monetary policy will be Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the popularity of which will increase with the aggravation of global crisis phenomena.
Today, cryptocurrencies are recognized as legal in more than 100 countries around the world, and this list is constantly growing. Along with the legalization of digital assets, their popularization also comes.
Thus, Germany recognized Bitcoin as a legal tender. All purchases made for cryptocurrency are tax-free in this country. The UK believes that it is only a matter of time before Bitcoin is recognized as a global currency. In this country, BTC recognized a private money in the form of foreign currency. In Canada, Bitcoin is legalized, while it is considered a commodity. Indonesia has also fully recognized Bitcoin as a commodity. Cryptocurrency in one form or another is legalized in such countries as: USA; Japan; Estonia; Australia; Denmark; Finland; Netherlands; Sweden; South Korea and many others.
In March 2010, the first cryptocurrency was worth $0.003. Thus, at the current exchange rate above $10,000, the growth rate was 338,433,233%.
Charlie Bilello, an analyst at Pension Partners New York, estimates that the profitability of investments in the first cryptocurrency since the beginning of this year was 134%.
The return on investment of the first cryptocurrency is several times higher than that of traditional market assets. For example, it is 27% for oil, 16% for the high-tech index Nasdaq, 14% for S&P 500, and only 0.04% for gold.
Join Hooplex today to save and grow your money. Enter the era of cryptocurrency with us.

Have you read the news on Hooplex website?
Good day!
Do you read the news on our website? Hooplex has recently raffled LXR 115,000 among active members.
Stay tuned and check our website section —> not to miss anything.
What you will learn from the platform news:
– Event announcements
– Platform development and improvement
– Information on the platform’s operation
– New interesting project reviews
– Terms and conditions of drawings
– Conference reports
– Chat with like-minded people from your country
– And much more.
Successful people start the day by having a cup of coffee and reading the news.
Follow the link for details:
Best regards, Hooplex Team

If you have any difficulties with the Hooplex website…
Good day!
If you somehow cannot open a deposit or you have any difficulties with the Hooplex website we will be happy to help you.
If you:
– Do not know how to buy cryptocurrency;
– Cannot replenish your personal account;
– Do not understand what currency is better for opening a deposit on the Hooplex platform;
– Did not receive an email registration link;
– Have not found how to connect a telegram bot to keep track of your bonuses;
– And much more.
To solve the problem, you need to go to and ask us a question.
Every day we improve our customer support service and answer all your questions 24/7 within a few minutes.
We will guide you step by step and will always be in touch to solve any issue of our customers!
Best regards, Hooplex Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: HooplexYesss, InstantBitex.
From MNO Standard list: GovBid.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s about it for today, guys. I hope you found the information here useful and some way helpful in your investment decisions. I’ll be back by the end of the week with more news and updates and a possible new addition to the MNO monitor I’m sure everyone will be talking about. Don’t miss anything important and stay with the most reliable investment monitor MNO – For Money Lovers!

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