May 4th, 2020 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and staying safely home if the conditions in place in your country of residence require it. Here in London the situation has not stabilized yet, but at least we are allowed outdoors for exercise – something I believe still considered a luxury and a non-essential activity in many countries across the world. There are even talks of relaxing some restrictions with an eye on slowly getting the economy back on track, but frankly at the moment it seems to be like a distant dream for many of us. Let’s just hope it’s going to improve soon and the current pandemic crisis will be a bad memory.

For MNO business has been as usual, although still observing signs of an industry slowdown. That doesn’t mean the situation is not going to change quite rapidly, like usually happens. From my own 12+ years experience in the HYIP industry I’ve come to realise that you should always expect the unexpected, and while hoping for the best always be prepared for the worst as the tables can turn in a blink of an eye. That’s why it’s so important to keep a close eye on the current situation in the industry, see how it develops and spot the current and future leaders to take advantage of their offers and make a decent profit. In my long-term view it’s always better to wait for the right program to come your way than to charge head first into nice looking newcomers and be disappointed later. That’s why if you want to truly search for the most top end and high-budget HYIPs the best way is to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter where such notifications will be posted first including links to newly added programs on my monitor. If you would prefer to read blog articles in full at your own leisure then you have a great chance to do so by joining the 3,000+ readers who have already subscribed to the regular updates (click the link to submit the email address you would like to receive articles to). After all, the never ending education process has always been an essential key factor to being successful when dealing with HYIPs to achieve profits in the long term. Plus if you have any questions or issues with any programs I’ve referred you to please do not hesitate to write an email to be sent directly to my address, submit your query via this contact form, or simply chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. I’m always glad to hear your feedback, so you’re welcome to contact me privately or publicly on the MNO ShoutBox where you can also share your opinions on the monitored programs with your fellow investors.

Although most of the news currently discussed in mass media is about the pandemic and its developments the HYIP world continues living by its own laws and investors quite rarely (if ever) get any mention in what’s going on in real world at all. There is a certain level of buzz about the upcoming important event of BitCoin halving scheduled to commence in about a week from now, specifically as to how it will affect the BTC price and subsequently the HYIP industry as a whole where BTC has been the currency of choice for quite some time now. I would like to talk more on that in the TalkBack section of my post today where I will dedicate the next poll question to the subject, so keep reading for that. First though let’s look at the latest news from the most well established leader of the HYIP industry at the moment AlysDax and the serious contender for that title in Omega.


Now into its third month online AlysDax seems to be doing pretty well and the admin is not going to give away the reigns as the industry leader anytime soon. He even put his money where his mouth is by renewing both Sticky Listing and two banner spots across MNO for another month yesterday. What’s that if not a firm commitment to move forward at lightning speed? With the first lucky investors already in profit on the program’s 30 and 60 day plans AlysDax has become the force to be reckoned with. While the program’s setup might seem a bit more complicated to the average user once you slowly get acquainted with all its features it will all eventually make sense to you. After all, there is a comprehensive review posted on MNO which can be found here plus I hope to get a response from the AlysDax team soon in regards to the interview I have offered to conduct with them and which I hope to publish on my blog in the near future, so stay tuned for that.

If you want to know in a nutshell what AlysDax is all about then you should know first that the minimum to invest is only $25 which can be done via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Ethereum, Tether, Ripple or Eos. Note that there are small (about 1%) withdrawal fees on top of every withdrawal request which can be done on a daily basis, so refer to the website to find out more, while the principal withdrawal at the end of term doesn’t incur any additional fees (you may withdraw before the term’s end but for a substantial fee in that case). Moreover, during the investment process (which in AlysDax‘s case can be referred to as “creating an investment portfolio”) you have to specify not only from what currency you join with, but also which payment processor you are paid to, so choose carefully as it can’t be changed later. Of course, nothing stops you from running several investment portfolios simultaneously and I know some members who have faith in AlysDax and keep their deposits in various plans. The interest that is first credited on the following day after your investment was made is always variable, depending on many factors (investment plan duration, trading results, downline size, etc) but generally revolves around the 1% mark. Average profit you may expect is around 0.78% for 30 days, 0.98% for 60 days, 1.13% for 90 days, 1.18% for 120 days, 1.23% for 150 days, 1.27% for 180 days, however it’s not a given and can change at any time. Keep watching for the AlysDax stats which are updated daily for more information on that if interested or check out the Demo account to further understand the whole process. Finally, withdrawals from your account are processed by the admin manually within 72 hours (from my own experience it’s been always done within a few hours though). Just recently AlysDax started a more aggressive email marketing campaign aimed at targeting the more inactive members to persuade them to try their offers, with the first of these emails included below.

Even despite many countries in quarantine due to the awful coronavirus pandemic which prevents AlysDax leaders from organizing offline conferences they seem to have found a temporary solution to either move their activities totally online instead, or scale back the size of the events to comply with government regulations. From the latest news there was a special mention of a webinar held in Indonesia a few days ago and an offline workshop in China scheduled for tomorrow which you may still apply for by contacting a dedicated organizer on Wechat at the address listed in the latest newsletter. If you wish to read all the latest news and updates posted over the last six days please take a look below to find out more:

We are glad that you are in the same team with us.
Welcome to AlysDax!
We thank you for choosing us. In return, we will introduce you closer to the company.
-We will tell you about how our leaders earn;
-We will focus on working with a personal profile;
-We will give recommendations on profitable opening of a deposit in order to start receiving passive income;
-If you have your own network structure we will help you develop it.
If you have any difficulties, please contact the official Support Service on our website. It is open 24/7 in all available languages on the website.
Stay in touch.
With best regards, AlysDax Team

Introducing AlysDax
Hello! The AlysDax company provides an opportunity to earn for both, the new investors and leaders with large network structures.
To begin with, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the official video of the company. You can also share this video on your social networks and in chats.
Our company offers opportunities for profitable investment and building your business within the company. There is a calculator presented on the official website. It will easily help you to calculate the level of earnings for all possible tariff plans. Just use it and decide for yourself on its convenience. This irreplaceable tool will help you develop your network faster. (anchor on calculator).
If you have questions about working with the project, you can ask them in the chat of our Support Service.
We are in touch with you on 24/7.
With respect, AlysDax Team

Have you already been in the Demo Account?
Good day! We know that you have studied the investor’s personal account in detail and saw modern functionality of it. You can easily understand all the options and settings using the Manual for working with the company (it is available in all languages of the website). We recommend that you save the link in your browser’s favorites and you can always access it again. A successful investor always knows the result he is looking for. In the DEMO account, you can create an unlimited number of portfolios in test mode and calculate the strategy for obtaining the maximum result in the specified time.
>>>Proceed now!<<<
Customer Support service will answer your questions 24/7 at or in on-line chat.

On May 1st, 2020, at 22:00 (Jakarta Time) an online webinar will start. It will be conducted by the AlysDax Crypto Vlogger project leader. Participants of the event will learn about what opportunities AlysDax offers, its referral program and how you can earn passive income and develop a community. The speaker will talk about the main trends in the financial market and why right now it is important to ensure financial independence and freedom for yourself and your family.
During the webinar, participants will be shown how to register on the platform and what will be the first steps in the project to achieve increasing the personal profit by x10.
Modern technologies allow you to improve constantly and become part of a large-scale financial project without leaving your home.
Learn more about AlysDax at the Indonesian leader’s webinar, ask questions to more experienced participants. Do not miss your chance!
Area:, Time: May 1st, 2020, at 22:00 (Jakarta Time)

The conference will be held in one of the most famous and chic hotels in Beijing for three hours. During this time you will find the opening ceremony of the meeting, gathering guests, presenting souvenirs from AlysDax and, of course, you will get the answers to all questions.
Conference speakers Abigail and Beata will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the AlysDax business model and will tell you about the main features of the project. Why AlysDax has become one of the leading projects in the global financial market in just a few months. The speakers will discuss the advantages of the project, the system of rewards and deposits. They will answer questions about the referral program. Plus, they will show how the use of the most trendy and innovative technologies, including blockchain and cryptocurrencies, contribute to the development of the project in 2020.
Conference participants right at the event will be able to become one of the project partners and begin their development in AlysDax!
There is a free entrance to the conference and we are pleased to invite everyone! The event will take place on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. Guests pick up at 13-00 in the conference room of Beijing Yuanding Hotel.
You can apply for participation by contacting the contact person Mr Huang
Wechat ID: sxhjqr26


There was quite a big update from the admin of Omega announcing many new features that the team behind the program has been quietly working on behind the scenes over the last few weeks. First off, the site is mobile-friendly now. Well, not all of it yet, but the member’s area should be. So when you log-in you will see some ground for further apps to be built soon (at least, the admin promised as much). Next, there are more language versions added which you can easily switch between by clicking on the top right corner of the screen with English being the default language. Alongside with the existing Spanish and Portuguese you may view Omega in Russian, Hindi and French with more to follow. The 3D Omega rotating logo at the top right corner will now take you on a short tour explaining certain features you might be curious to know about. In the newsletter there was further explanation given to the Representative program as well with much higher requirements in place than most other programs ask of you before applying for a position. There is also such a Reward fund presented which will help distribute extra funds to incentivize the active promoters. Also, the admin revealed some plans for future development and if you’re interested you can find out more on that by reaching the end of the newsletter I will repost for your convenience below.

For those of you not familiar with Omega and its investment plan I would like to remind you that the program allows to set up one to five weekly withdrawals depending on your status while paying about 1% variable daily interest. Once you make an investment of at least $1 via any of the accepted cryptocurrencies (BitCoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, Ripple, Dash, Tron, Stellar, or Zcash) you cannot leave the program and will be paid a part of your profit and principal in the form of Stack Share – a portion of your balance available for auto-sale on the specified date in the internally recognized Omega units later converted into the currency of your choice. As of now withdrawals set to auto-sale of $100 and lower are paid instantly (or within an hour), while higher withdrawals will have to reach zero in the timer counting down to the moment when your money is transferred to the nominated wallet (24 to 72 hours). While at the first glance understanding how the whole process works with Omega is far from easy, you can always refer to the detailed review of the program posted here where I tried my best to explain all the basics to you. Plus, there is now a useful Get Started! section available for you when you logged in to your Omega account which should help you with your very first steps towards making profits in a visual-friendly way:

Mobile Version, 6 New Languages, Representatives & Tons of Updates…
To properly test every feature, we deliberately kept the platform under the radar for a good few weeks. And with the first wave of your feedback our team’s to-do list has increased tremendously, although as the motivation to deliver great results, hence we continue to work non-stop, gradually polishing our services…
In today’s article we will share various updates we have accomplished so far, with a few upcoming ones, thus first thing we would love to highlight all-new Omega Mobile adaptation!
Being “mobile-friendly” is not the future, as only becoming “mobile-native” is a way to go these days. As of now, you can explore the 100% mobile-redesigned Omega for your Android or iPhone (version will be detected automatically) both Dark & White versions!
As this interface update will become a core of Omega’s native Google Play & iOS Apps in the future, leave us your comments and usability suggestions here.
In order to ease up the entrance for newcomers, we have created an animated Popup-Tour for all the key areas of the platform. To access the Intro Tour, click right at the rotating 3D Omega Logo on the top of your desktop.
You can also access an area-designated guide by clicking the “Get Started!” button on the top of the desktop’s menu as well, which essentially displays a helpful set of animations for every key zone of your profile. (Prosperity, Collaboration, Community)
You might have already noticed a new set of notifications series, called “Did you know?”. Such useful insights will not only uncover useful tips but even allow you to access a secret functionality.
We do have a lot of content at the Omega Community’s website, thus it might take a while to perform a proper localization and explain the Mission as it should be. Only as today we have accomplished the full translation of all the platform’s hidden corners.
To the line up of recently added Portuguese & Spanish versions, a fresh addition of Russian, Hindi, and our first user-powered adaptation of French languages have all been finished. We do have 3 more languages (German, Indonesian, Chinese) at the final stage of localization, thanks to our last Telegram Community poll results.
You can also take a quick vote at the Telegram chat, to let us know the language you would like to see the most, and if you are a native speaker, leave us your suggestion & quality corrections here!
If you haven’t already tried Omega’s Bounty program passive income opportunities, it might be a good time to catch up, so you can potentially get the unique and highly profitable Representative Status, that we now can uncover…
While inviting users under the regular Omega’s Bounty Program, your affiliate bonuses are all converted into the OMG Stack (or can be kept as Trust Points instead) This affiliate program was designed to become the first frontier against a widely spread Affiliate Fraud attacks, that can destroy the core of any financial ecosystem in a matter of days.
As regular status reward is fair, it may not be instantly accessible.
Only now, with a new Representative status, trusted and profile-verified users can receive their referral reward right after the user’s exchange was made. In fact, we have already tested out this feature by sharing such a unique status with a couple of active promoters, ergo from this very moment, everyone can become a Representative of the Omega Platform.
To do so, you will have to achieve a minimal $3000 OMG Stack and recruit at least 30 Active members in your team. This status will allow an instant 7%-3-2 Instant Affiliate Reward (All bonuses are streamed right into your wallet, avoiding any conversions or Auto-Sale schedule waiting periods)
But more importantly, being a Representative allows you to compete for a Weekly Reward Check!
Omega Rewards Fund is formed out of extensive platform’s earnings, and aimed to sustain the community’s growth in various means or promotion. Official Representatives can now claim up to 10% of it, thus every week a list of top leaders can compete for the Reward Check by recruiting new people and building strong teams.
How to win a weekly Reward Check?
Start your path as an active social media promoter, invite at least 30 Active users, make sure to grow your Stack from $3000 OMG and apply for an official Representative (7%-3-2 Instant Affiliate Program)
If your profile requirements and overall social status is acceptable, we will grant you with such a status shortly!
As we have only a couple of Representatives so far, we have filled up the Rewards Fund with a starting $3,000 budget, with $300 to be shared with the best one already this week!
The bigger Omega gets, the more people will complete for the fund, eventually helping each other to obtain the higher reward! To watch all the weekly winners, stay in touch at our Telegram Channel!
For the next couple of months, we will focus even more extensively on the community features such as:
– Platform users proprietary messaging service
– Profile-related friends searching and filtering,
– Bounty program leader-boards, currency, and rates data,
– Various helpful media (video tutorials & etc.) which all promise to make the user experience even more effortless…
Soon enough Omega Community will present you the very first list of Omega Representatives & all-new (but planned from the very first day) exquisite 7 downlines multi-level Counselor Program, which both can be considered as one of the most rewarding affiliate opportunities at this and other universes. The final content creators touch will grow the library or promotion materials and presentation files as well.
And last, but not least…any Auto-Sale below $100 is now an instant scheduled day payout!
Now let’s get back to work!
Always yours, Team of Technical Geeks here at Omega.
Stay in touch with all the important updates at:
Telegram News Channel:
Telegram Global Chat:
Facebook Page:
Having questions? Address us 24/7 at:
or explore FAQ to find an answer!


Finishing up for today I suppose by now everyone who wanted to vote in the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll has had enough time to take part, so I guess it’s time to wrap it up and move on to another more topical question. Without repeating the news that everyone already knows, I think it’s obvious to all that the world today is a very different and perhaps somewhat more dangerous place if that’s even possible than it was at the same time last year. I’m assuming most readers have access to CNN, BBC, Sky, and all the other international news media outlets for that, but have things changed all that much in the HYIP world? Given that we participate in an industry that requires (actually depends on) no personal human contact whatsoever, you might be tempted to think that things are continuing as normal. Of course nothing could be further from the truth, we all know that by now, your online HYIP activities are utterly dependant on being financed by your real world income streams.

Given that most people would agree that 2019 as a whole was not really a successful year for the HYIP industry, we saw some outstanding programs OK, but not as many as in previous years, I was wondering how things were going for you in 2020. At the time of writing, May 4, we are only barely stretching from spring into summer so there’s a big part of the year still to go. Thing is this year is so much different from every other year, like it or not. Financially speaking has it been better for you? The exact question I asked in the last MNO opinion poll was as follows: Has 2020 been a better year for you so far in the HYIP industry than 2019?

It’s a hard one to call since everyone’s experience is going to be different, but for the most part I was happy to see a majority of readers say things have been improving. In fact 58% of you reported “Yes, it’s been more successful” which as a monitor I must say is wonderful to hear. 11% of those who voted say their experience of 2020 so far compared to 2019 has been “About the same, not much difference”. Fair enough since we are only entering May now, a lot can change I suppose and I can see why some of you might think its still too early to ponder that question. Fingers crossed you will see out the dream where every year gives you more money than the last.

I was surprised at just how high this number was (again basing this on my own stats as a monitor) but the remaining 31% of you voted “No, last year was better for me”. Don’t get me wrong here, if 2019 was a good year for you in the HYIP industry then you have my congratulations, it wasn’t easy, that’s for sure, but like I said there was always a steady stream of good programs running so if you were either smart enough or just plain lucky enough to be in that group then well done! Of course, I would prefer if 2020 was a better year for you, anything can happen, I just want MNO readers to earn more money than they spend.

For the next question let’s move on to something completely different – BitCoin. Love it or hate it, it’s part of the future and it’s not going away. The thing about currency though is that it’s only worth what ever confidence people collectively hold in what backs it up and guarantees it to hold its value. Right now you can put let’s say a 100 US dollar bill, 100 euros, 100 Russian roubles, 100 Chinese yuan, and 100 Central African francs on a table. Ask any random stranger off the street which one he would like, given the choice, to put in his pocket and walk away with. Chances are people will either go for the dollar or the euro, but why? These are just slips of paper that cost a fraction of a penny to make, why do they command such, well, for want of a better word, lust? Obviously if we take economics and banking out of the equation and strip things back to basics it’s because of the goods and services the next guy on the street is prepared to offer us in exchange for that same bank note.

And that brings me on to BitCoin. How on Earth did an abstract idea, something you can’t physically see or touch, ever get to the state where “one unit” could be sold for (at one time) about $20,000? I think it says a lot more about the users than the product, though maybe that’s the subject for another poll. Who can deny however that the whole concept of cryptocurrency isn’t absolutely fascinating? Future generations growing up around it as a matter of routine probably won’t even think twice about this, but go back a short couple of years and the very idea of mere numbers on a screen being so valuable would have been inconceivable.

Perhaps that’s the one single facet of the HYIP industry that helps keep it alive after so long – the ability to grow and evolve. Cryptocurrency was once just an obscure concept understood by few, today its exchange rate gets reported in the mainstream newspapers financial sections. What I’m getting at today then is a regular event specifically in BitCoin referred to as “halving”, i.e. to be cut in half. In a nutshell this is something that needs to happen once every four years or so to control the supply of BTC into the market. Not exactly four years as such, it isn’t marked down as a calendar event or anything, it actually goes according to the number of transactions but on average this would be about every four years. A BitCoin halving is when the reward for mining new blocks is halved, meaning miners receive 50% fewer BTC for verifying transactions. BitCoin halvings happen once every 210,000 blocks – roughly every four years – until the maximum supply of 21 million bitcoins has been released. BitCoin halvings are important events for traders because they reduce the number of new bitcoins being generated by the network. This limits the supply of new coins, so prices could rise if demand remains strong. While this has happened in the months before and after previous halvings – causing BitCoin’s price to appreciate rapidly – the circumstances surrounding each halving are different and demand for BitCoin can fluctuate wildly.

It’s a pretty big deal if for instance you already know this is coming and have some experience with the currency. The biggest failing of cryptocurrency in general including BitCoin in my opinion up until now is that it has never really succeeded in replacing hard currency as a means of buying and selling real physical goods and services. It seems to exist primarily as a means of gambling, no more interesting than horse or greyhound racing. The number of places globally where you can use BitCoin to buy groceries, fill your car’s gas tank, pay your electricity bill and so forth remains miniscule, despite the relative ease with which you can obtain BTC and its almost universal presence in e-commerce and online HYIPs. I don’t know how many readers are even aware of this, let alone if you deliberately follow it in the news or even care in the first place, but all of this is largely the reason the value of BitCoin has taken such a sharp rise in recent weeks. Because whatever about the “average” user, there are enough professional speculators around to see this coming and who know how to make money out of it.

Whether any of this interests you or not, if you’re reading the MNO blog then chances are you have an involvement in the HYIP industry so might therefore have an opinion on how this might affect your fortunes there. My question for readers in the next MNO TalkBack opinion poll is as follows:

How will the imminent BitCoin halving affect the HYIP industry?

Possible answers can be taken from the following options, just pick the one that comes closest to your own viewpoint:

– This is positive and will benefit the HYIP industry
– BitCoin halving doesn’t have much impact on HYIPs
– This will have a negative affect and HYIPs will suffer

As always the poll will stay open for at least a week, maybe longer, but definitely long enough to allow everyone who wants to vote to have ample opportunity to do so. Thanks in advance to everyone who takes the time and effort to participate. The voting buttons can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here, and remember that all votes remain strictly anonymous and untraceable at all times. You are however free to discuss your opinion if you want to on the MNO ShoutBox with your fellow readers/investors if you wish.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 144 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: AlysDax.
From MNO Premium list:
From MNO Standard list: Omega.
From MNO Basic list: Zuhoxe.

That’s about all for today, guys. Please be more active and vote for your favourite programs on the MNO monitor and ShoutBox and answer the new poll question on the MNO TalkBack page. I’ll be back in a few days with all the latest information on the hottest investment opportunities – the programs everyone’s talking about. See you soon and thanks for staying with MNO – For Money Lovers!

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