Hello everyone, and welcome to the MNO blog and the first of what will initially be an occasional series of informational articles which may, eventually, lead MNO in a new direction. What’s it all about? Well, something that’s been on my mind for a while now but has really come to prominence this year more than any before is the amount of readers asking me to cover other online earning opportunities rather than just HYIPs all the time. Specifically people have been looking for more practical information about how to make money using BitCoin and other cryptocurrencies. And to be blunt, I’m inclined to agree.
There’s been a sea change in the industry since the emergence of cryptocurrencies, no point in pretending otherwise, at this stage you either adapt to it or get left behind, simple as that. The gradual erosion of the influence held by traditional dollar based payment handlers, either by force of law as witnessed in the arrest of LibertyReserve and Payza directors, or voluntarily by less greedy and more sensible operators such as SolidTrustPay and AdvCash who realised the potential consequences of falling foul of US federal authorities, has meant that cryptocurrencies are now the dominant force when it comes to money.
Part of what I’m hoping to discuss in the coming series of BitCoin and crypto related articles if how we found ourselves in this situation, how it resulted in such a massive paradigm shift in the online investments industry, but most importantly how rank and file investors can use the situation to their advantage by taking control of their own investments back from shifty HYIP admins and assume some personal responsibility for their own profits and losses. Experienced investors of course never really believed the stories put out by HYIP admins concerning the so-called business plans behind their programs, they just played along with the story as they acknowledged it was necessary for bringing in new investors who took things at face value and were unaware of just how big a risk they were taking. What’s changed is that more and more first time investors are joining their more experienced counterparts in the realisation that they no longer really need HYIP admins with their made up stories as middlemen, taking all the benefits while you take all the risk, they can use cryptocurrencies to trade for themselves. The risk is still there, currency speculation is basically gambling unless you have inside knowledge, but at least if you lose money it’s your own judgement rather than being the victim of a deliberate scam.
I want to start with some basics, but first let me apologise in advance to some of the longer term readers here who might think I’m covering old ground and not telling them anything they don’t already know. I just think for the benefit of all readers it’s important to start at the beginning and cover all the basics, to create a database from scratch covering the most simple aspects of cryptocurrencies for first time readers unfamiliar with the concept and then build it up from there.
What we are seeing now is that the HYIP industry remains in hibernation, probably with the lowest level of activity in a decade if not more. Meanwhile BTC has every chance to become the next big thing for former HYIP investors in 2021. In fact since my last post on Monday the BTC exchange rate has increased from $16K to over $18K per unit and continues to climb. The same pattern happened back in 2017 and we should fully expect history to repeat itself next year making it not only more profitable for HYIP investors but for all the cryptocurrency holders and traders in general. It’s therefore becoming more important than ever to educate yourself on cryptocurrencies in general and BTC in particular as the main player. Looking at the opinion poll in the last blog post I see readers mostly consider themselves familiar with BTC to some extent and the majority even use it on a regular basis, but for everyone’s benefit I want to start at the beginning and look at the advantages and disadvantages. After all, the HYIP industry has been evolving and is fast abandoning fiat-based currencies like PerfectMoney and Payeer in favor of cryptocurrencies with many programs no longer even bothering to use anything but BitCoin. That’s how widespread it is and I firmly believe that the future of the HYIP industry is closely intertwined with BTC and other cryptocurrencies.
Hence the main idea of the articles I’m planning for the MNO blog is to give you an advantage, for readers to share knowledge and experience in order to maximize all our efforts in profiting from both the BitCoin market and the HYIP market. And if you wish to get some good ideas on that please support MNO by subscribing to the regular blog updates by entering and confirming your email address here, or follow MNO on Telegram, Twitter or Facebook. And of course, you can always email me at abramsonp@gmail.com, submit your question from this page or simply chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog for a speedier response. Let’s start now, shall we?
In today’s article you will find out the very basics of what is BitCoin, how does it differ from traditional currency, and what are the advantages and disadvantages compared to the usual paper money you are probably more accustomed to. So let’s start then with the simplest possible question and the simplest possible answer – what is BitCoin? Well, it’s money, just not money in the traditional way that most people have come to understand the word. The physical product you can hold in your hand and spend over the counter in exchange for goods and services is often referred to as “fiat money”. Not after the car, but from a Latin word meaning “by decree”. In other words it has a certain value because the government of the country issuing it say it has value, and the law deems that if you sell a product or a service then this is what you need to accept as payment. When you actually look at cash itself as as a physical product it has no intrinsic value of its own, after all, it’s simply a scrap of paper isn’t it? You can’t eat it, you can’t wear it, you can’t drive it, and you can’t live in it. So if you put a US $100 bill on a table next to let’s say a 100 Cuban peso note, why does everyone want to take the dollars? Not because of the actual paper, but for the value of what the government says you can exchange it for plus the expectation that it will hold this value for a reasonable amount of time.
In some ways BitCoin is like that, except the value and issuing of new units is not governed by any government or central bank. It’s value in terms of dollars is decided entirely by the market, and exchange rates determined by what other people may and may not be willing to pay you for it. If one BitCoin is worth $18,000 today it’s because someone is prepared to pay you $18,000 for one. Tomorrow they might be prepared to pay you $20,000, then again they might be prepared to pay you nothing. In a nutshell that may be both the biggest advantage and biggest disadvantage all at the same time depending on which side of the table you’re sitting on. But one thing that Bitcoin isn’t is a physical product you can carry around in your pocket and pass from one person to another in a shop. A masked criminal doesn’t walk into a city bank with a rifle and run away carrying a sack full of BitCoins. You can’t accidentally drop a BitCoin in the street or have it fall out of your pocket. It’s just a concept that exists as numbers on a computer screen which you can then transfer from one account to another. It’s probably easiest to imagine spending BitCoin in much the same way as you do with cash, you just do it online without the paper money.
As a concept BitCoin first appeared in 2008, but was basically valueless for the first couple of years since no one knew what it was or attached much importance to the theory. I myself only discovered it sometime later when the first HYIP admins started to experiment with it. I quickly realised that it was definitely the future of online HYIP investments, though to be honest I was a little surprised at how long it took for us to get to this point. I thought it was going to happen years ago, but whatever, it still came to pass.
With the growth in mainstream e-commerce however BitCoin shouldn’t really be that difficult an idea to get your head around. Most money today is already digital anyway, for example if you’ve ever purchased anything from Amazon, e-Bay, AliBaba, (but do keep it to yourself if you’ve used SilkRoad!). Even supermarkets deliver groceries online, and with debit and credit cards being almost global now physical cash is in decline across much of the developed world. Personally I haven’t even touched cash in almost 11 months (since February of this year) and that was only because I was on vacation.
In other words the online transfer of BitCoin is more or less comparable with that of dollars, euros, or what ever currency you prefer. No cash changes hand physically, it just moves between accounts from buyer to seller. There’s a certain degree of transparency with BitCoin as all transactions can be viewed publicly. The identity of the account holders remains anonymous however as they operate under numbers rather than names, unless they willingly decide to identify themselves as the owners such as you see on any website where a BitCoin wallet is listed as an accepted payment destination. There are also over 5,000 businesses around the world which will accept BitCoin transactions in place of fiat money. And I don’t mean HYIPs either, I mean cafes, clothes shops, bars, book stores, hotels, even right around the corner from my own house here is a language school that caters to mostly Asian students wishing to study English. The majority of these businesses are US and EU based for the moment I have to say, but they are spreading globally so check for online guides if this interests you.
I admit that what I’ve described above is a very simplified version of the story, which was my intention. There’s no need to complicate things because it’s a pointless exercise if people don’t understand the basics first. There’s a hell of a lot more ground to cover on this subject, something I’m looking forward to doing in future articles. BitCoin isn’t the only alternative to fiat money either of course, there are countless alternatives springing up with different degrees of success and popularity all the time. Collectively referred to as Altcoins, short for alternative I guess, it’s a blanket expression for more or less anything crypto related that isn’t BitCoin. As far as the HYIP industry is concerned the main players here would be Ethereum and BitcoinCash, maybe LiteCoin as well, but they all operate along the same theory as BitCoin described here. I’ll try to cover these in due course as well in the future.
For now I just want to sign off this brief introductory article by asking readers their opinion. Please select from the answer that comes closest to matching your own thoughts. Thanks a lot for voting and remember all answers are 100% anonymous and untraceable, unless you wish to discuss your reply on the MNO ShoutBox.

As the HYIP industry as a whole might not be as active as before that seems to have no negative impact on the smooth and consistent development of a few brilliant programs like QubitTech that’s been under the radar for many investors for quite some time but seemingly on more solid ground with every passing week. The main secret of their success even in this sluggish HYIP market is certainly an unorthodox approach to advertising with their main promotional activities concentrated both online and offline, and considering the current Covid related restrictions across the world seems to be pretty spectacular approach indeed. The extra lucrative and multi-layer affiliate program from QubitTech also rewards its main leaders with not only cash prizes, but also with a chance to participate in various events, such as closed online webinars and various offline events, such as their famous BaseCamps – something that we almost never see in other programs. That’s a totally different level of promotion when the main promoters of a HYIP gather in a specially allocated place in a specific country to share their experiences and gain more knowledge on how to better sell QubitTech to other investors and thus cement its position as one of the main leaders of the HYIP industry at the moment.
The extra promotional activities are essential to QubitTech now as the program is already producing profit for the first investors who were fortunate enough to join the program over five months ago when it was first listed and reviewed on MNO. If you haven’t had an opportunity to read the review posted here let me remind you that QubitTech offers a so-called Digital License which is priced at a $100 minimum and can be bought in bulk (so you may only invest in multiples of $100) via BTC or ETH funds. Your deposit is then converted into the USDT internal currency and brings you a variable daily return of up to 2% daily (about 25% monthly on average). It continues until the expiry point which happens once you reach 250% on your investment, which with simple calculation can take up to ten months in total. Every withdrawal request is subject to manual approval with up to 72 hours processing time and a 2.5% fee automatically applied on every cashout. That’s pretty much it and although QubitTech also offers now so-called Corporate Licenses I would honestly advise against it due to a much higher risk involved with them.
As you can see, investment offers from QubitTech are pretty simple and straightforward, but even if you have any questions after what you read you may always address them to their Live support, multiple social network accounts, check out their FAQ in different languages or visit one of their online webinars or offline BaseCamps in person once you reach the necessary qualification to apply for a limited spot in one of them. By the way, the ongoing second BaseCamp event in Mexico seems to have been a success so far and now the registration to QubitTech‘s third BaseCamp is open which will happen in the Turkish city of Istanbul in a couple of weeks. More on that read below in the latest news from QubitTech which also told us about the first road shows in Ukraine, opening two new offices in Russia, gave us links to the latest webinars with company CEO Greg Limon and today’s leadership video meeting on Zoom. And I guess that the Top 30 best affiliates having earned many thousands of dollars for their promotional efforts should encourage many others to step on board and try their luck in getting the same and even better results with this wonderful investment platform and the undoubted leader of the HYIP industry at the moment. So let’s hear from QubitTech:
“First QubitTech Road Show in Ukraine
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are glad to announce that QubitTech holds the first Ukraine Road Show with its leaders.
The meetings will be in 4 cities: Kherson, Odesa, Lviv and Dnipro.
The first meetings will host in Kherson and Dnipro on November 16 and November 20.
The entrance is free so bring your friends and see you in Kherson on Ushakov 57 street ‘New York studio’ at 7 p.m.
We will announce the time and place of other events later.
Our leaders are doing their best in promoting QubitTech in Eastern Europe.
We wish them continued success.”
“Start of the second BaseCamp
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We’re announcing the start of the second BaseCamp, which will take place until November 22 in Mexico (Cancun city).
About 100 leaders from Latin America and Mexico attended the event. An amazing 7 days await them, during which they will work both on their own skills and on personal growth. In addition, they will receive speeches from top speakers on building a successful business, the secrets of modern marketing and much more.
We remind you that BaseCamp is a new training format from QubitTech. The first BaseCamp took place in Turkey in early November. More on this – https://www.qubittech.ai/news/basecamp-33/
We’ll keep you informed of all BaseCamp activities in Mexico.
Follow our news!”
“New QubitTech offices in Russia
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are glad to share with you great news – 2 new offices just opened in Russian cities of Ufa and Samara.
Ufa is the largest city of the Republic of Bashkortostan in Russia. While Samara is the eighth-largest city in the country.
As a reminder, QubitTech has already 17 offices in Russia and a few ones in Ukraine, mainly, in Kyiv and Kharkiv.
Eastern Europe shows one of the greatest results, and we wish partners to keep up the good work. In total, almost 30 offices are operating all over the world where local leaders promote QubitTech in their regions.
Join QubitTech”.
“Rating TOP-30 Platform Affiliates
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We’re glad to present you the TOP 30 affiliate rating, on which we have been working hard over the past month. We also announce a special surprise that our leaders will receive at the end of 2020.
So, you can track all kinds of static and dynamic performance indicators of the best QubitTech affiliates online with the help of our ranking (you must enter your personal account): https://qubittech.ai/account/info/rating/
The rating system takes into account the data of all users of the QubitTech platform. This will allow even a novice user to appear in the first lines of the rating, proving their effectiveness.
You can find a detailed description of the settlement system, as well as the rating table on a special page.
We’re confident that the new tool will create the necessary atmosphere of fair competition and will allow you to achieve the best results within the Affiliate program.
A special surprise for our affiliates – according to the TOP-30 rating as of December 31, 2020, the best users of the QubitTech platform will go on an amazing journey. It will be an unforgettable 10 days with the participation of QubitTech Top Management: Greg Limon, Marc Swickle and Chief Education Advisor at QubitTech Academy Andreas Tissen. The event will include a wide educational and entertainment program, as well as a closed leadership council. We’ll inform you about the place and time of the event later.
Remember: being the First means being a model for others!
We wish you success!”
“Important news: Webinar with Greg Limon
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are glad to invite you to another webinar of QubitTech CEO Greg Limon, which will be held on Thursday, November 19.
The CEO will talk about the latest news on the QubitTech platform.
Mainly, Greg will discuss the achieved results of the project.
The webinar in English will take place at 11:00 UTC (November 19) – https://youtu.be/Yw1sqLikyEk
The webinar in Russian will take place at 19:00 Moscow time (November 19) – https://youtu.be/Ak_l2rCG27M
We will be waiting for you!”
“Registration for the third BaseCamp is open
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We’re pleased to announce the start of registration for the third BaseCamp, which will bring together all our English speaking leaders – http://qubittech.ai/basecamp3. The event will take place from December 1 to December 12 in Istanbul (Turkey).
The cost of pre-registration for the third BaseCamp, which reserves a place for you, is $ 250. You can pay this amount from the balance in your personal account or using the marketing budget.
Recall that BaseCamp is a new training format from QubitTech. You’ll improve your sales skills, work on personal growth and get rid of fears in 10 days. All this with Education advisor of QubitTech Academy, renowned European business coach Andreas Tissen.
The first BaseCamp was held in Turkey for the Russian-speaking audience in early November. Its results can be found here – https://www.qubittech.ai/news/basecamp-33/. The second BaseCamp is taking place these days in Mexico for our leaders from Latin America. You can follow him through the official BaseCamp channels:
– https://t.me/basecampqubittech2020
– https://instagram.com/basecampqbt
Register for BaseCamp in Turkey!
It will be unforgettable!”
“Leadership meetings in Zoom
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We are happy to invite you to the QubitTech leadership meetings in ZOOM with CEO Greg Limon will take place this Friday (November 20).
Leaders from rank 3 can attend closed leadership meetings in English and Russian. In leadership meetings in Spanish and Thai languages – leaders from rank 2.
You will receive links to leadership meetings as before to your email.
Leadership meeting in Thai language – 13:00 UTC / 20:00 (BKK)
Leadership meeting in English – 14:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Spanish – 15:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Russian – 19:00 (MSK)
Always with you, QubitTech team”.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: –
From MNO Standard list: QubitTech.
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s all for today, guys. I’ve decided to skip the results of the latest TalkBack poll until next time, but I can clearly see that the preliminary results show some significant interest in the BTC educational articles expressed by readers which the MNO blog will be more inclined to do now with the HYIP industry in stasis. Stay tuned for more information and get ready to invest once things get back to normal which may easilly happen anytime soon. Have a great weekend guys, stay safe and talk to you all next week! And thanks for reading MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Cryptocurrencies, Daily News by on Nov 20th, 2020. Comment.
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