Hello everyone, and welcome again to the MNO news blog for all the latest from the HYIP industry and the next instalment in a series of articles on cryptocurrencies which I hope to make a permanent feature. With only a month left until Christmas and barely five weeks to go until 2021, I know a lot of you have been looking for other earning opportunities following a year that’s been forgettable at best in the HYIP industry for so many reasons. With that in mind I do hope you find the information here in some way interesting or helpful if you are just getting started in the world of cryptocurrencies.
Today I want to give a brief introduction to BitCoin wallets. What are they, what do they do, what are the various different types of wallet, and which one is best for different requirements. For the sake of keeping things straight forward and easy to read for those new to the whole concept of cryptocurrencies I’m going to keep this short and to the point. I appreciate again that maybe some of my longer term more experienced readers may think I’m covering old ground here and there’s nothing new they can learn from, however I can assure you I will be returning to all the different varieties of wallet in future articles and covering each one in finer detail when the time comes. For now I think it best to start with the basics and build from there.
So, since we’ve already given a brief introduction to BitCoin in the previous article, what then is a BitCoin wallet exactly? I suppose in the simplest possible terms it’s sort of like an electronic version of the physical wallet you might keep in your pocket to store your cash, though maybe it’s more accurate to compare it to an instant access online bank account. So whereas your wallet is a program for sending and receiving BTC by interacting with the BitCoin ledger, i.e. the blockchain. Your BitCoin wallet is then identified by a unique Bitcoin address which you will need to share with anyone who wants to send you BTC. Typically a BitCoin address is a randomly generated 34 digit list of case sensitive numbers and letters, impossible to guess and impossible to stumble across by simply hitting random buttons on a keyboard. Your wallet will also generate a random password for you, called a private key, which like all passwords should never be shared with anyone. All transactions in the blockchain can be viewed as a sort of public ledger, so on one hand it’s not absolutely 100% private, however there’s also nothing whatsoever that can identify you as the owner of a particular wallet unless you yourself make it publicly known that you are the owner. For example if you own a commercial website which accepts BTC as a payment you obviously then need to make your customers aware of what your BitCoin address is, either privately or by listing it on your site. Anyone can view the money that goes into the wallet, but never the name of the person who owns it.
If that much is clear then let’s see what the different types of wallet are and what suits you best. It really depends on the nature of your account, i.e. business or personal, what you intend using it for, how much money will pass in and out, your level of technical know-how, what kind of security you need, and so on. For example, there are now over 5,000 businesses across the globe where BTC is an accepted payment method. If all you’re doing is spending $5 or $10 to buy a coffee and a magazine while you’re walking around the city then chances are the most basic model installed on your cell phone is just fine, sort of like the ApplePay or GooglePay apps. It may not be the most secure but honestly, for $5 or $10 it’s too much effort for a hacker to bother you. Then at the other extreme you may have huge international exchangers and commercial traders handling millions of dollars worth of BTC. Needless to say they need something a bit more complex.
BitCoin wallets come under two main categories – hot wallets and cold wallets. For cold wallets think of cold storage. In other words this can be any type of wallet that is intended for longer term savings rather than regular day-to-day use. So these are detached from an internet connection and therefore cannot be accessed (or hacked!) remotely. Some examples of cold storage wallets are hardware wallets and paper wallets. Hardware wallets are really all you need to know about here. These are physical devices that safely store your financial information and kept offline in a secure place. These could include something like a flash drive or a portable hard drive that can be connected to your computer’s USB port when you are eventually looking to use them. The main benefit here is that it doesn’t really get more secure than this, plus it’s also quite easy to use. The downside is that it’s not always practical if you are using BTC for regular commercial or trading purposes on a daily basis. On the other hand if your intention was to buy BitCoin two years ago when the price was $3,500, you just lock your flash drive away in a safe location until today when you can cash in on your investment for almost $20,000. Again, it really depends on what you need BTC for in the first place.
For the record, from the others that I mentioned above “paper wallets” are basically just a written hard copy record of your BitCoin account. It’s OK to keep one but always keep multiple copies and under no circumstances be reliant on this method.
The more common type of BitCoin wallet in general use then is the hot wallet, something installed on your computer and connected to the internet. These can come under the groupings of Desktop Wallets, Mobile Wallets, and Web Wallets. For Desktop and Mobile the basic premise is the same insofar as your BitCoin passwords are stored on your device. It’s absolutely essential that you keep your computer free of and regularly checked for malware, spyware, viruses, and any other form of security issue that can compromise you. Do this properly and your BitCoins are relatively safe. The only issue with mobile devices as opposed to regular desktop and laptop PCs is that phones are a lot more likely to get lost, broken, batteries go flat at the most inopportune moments, and of course people often flit between free public WiFi connections instinctively without giving it a second thought. In this instance it’s going to be a lot better if you just keep the bare minimum you need to spend in your wallet at any one time. And of course remember that installing 2-factor authentication, password protection, and a secondary backup are essential and should be treated as a matter of urgency whenever you get a new phone or tablet.
The other hot wallet I mentioned, the so-called Web Wallet, may not be of so much interest to you on a personal level. To put it simply this is basically turning over control of your BitCoins to a third party service provider. Certain commercial service providers and exchangers might require you to deposit your BTC in their hot wallets in order to do business. It’s convenient and sometimes necessary, however the most important rules here are that you need to trust the business you are dealing with, and never under any circumstances use a Web Wallet for personal storage of your BTC. The risk is high and it offers no benefit over cold storage or a desktop wallet.
I know there’s literally volumes more I can add here, but that’s for another day. The practicalities of how to open a wallet, who are the best service providers when it comes to choosing a wallet, and so on. It’s not being ignored however, I just don’t want to complicate things here so will cover these topics gradually in future articles over the coming weeks and months.
For now I just want to finish with one quick question I hope you won’t mind answering, just for curiosity and general information purposes, there’s no right or wrong answer here I just what what readers prefer. Thanks a lot for voting and remember all answers are 100% anonymous and untraceable, unless you wish to discuss your reply on the MNO ShoutBox.

Among the vast sea of uninspiring low quality programs occupying space in the HYIP industry right now QubitTech stands out proudly as a perfect example of what can be achieved with some diligent work and months of building trust and confidence among investors with steady payments and superb customer support. QubitTech (first reviewed here) has been online for nearly six months now which allowed all the first investors to enjoy a profit from its variable term investment plan. By buying a Digital License starting from $100 via BTC or ETH you can earn a variable daily interest rate of up to 2% (or about 25% monthly on average) until you reach a 250% net return on your investment. Once you reach the $10 minimum you may request a withdrawal which will be manually processed within a 72 hour maximum. Remember a 2.5% conversion commission is applied to every withdrawal which can be requested to either your BitCoin or Ethereum account.
As you can see, it might take a while to break-even but the risk associated with joining QubitTech right from the start has brought good rewards already and judging by the amount of affiliate activities both offline and online we should all hope the program will run long enough to complete the full investment cycle. It has become the major highlight of the autumn season and will surely leave a long-lasting positive impact on the general state of the HYIP industry and its upcoming recovery. There have been already two BaseCamps having held in Turkey and Mexico with a third scheduled again for Turkey, this time Istanbul (the last was in Antalya) in about a week from now. The registration for the third BaseCamp is already open and if you’re an English-speaking leader of QubitTech with a sizeable downline you’re warmly welcome to participate there. Please refer to details below while the latest news from QubitTech also including a detailed report from the previous BaseCamp in Mexico and the encouragement video from Andreas Tissen inviting everyone to join the upcoming event:
“Important information: Third BaseCamp is available for all QubitTech affiliates
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
Recall that a few days ago, we opened registration for the third BaseCamp, which will be held in Istanbul (Turkey) from December 3 to 14, 2020 for English-speaking leaders.
The cost of pre-ordering a ticket is $ 250.
During the first day, we received a large number of registrations and requests.
We’re pleased to announce that following the results of the past leadership meetings and numerous requests, our CEO Greg Limon decided to allow all QubitTech affiliates to participate in the upcoming BaseCamp in Turkey.
Besides, provided the organization of a group of 30 or more people speaking the same language, will be provided with simultaneous translation from English into any language.
We always go to meet our users!
Join our team and follow our news.”
“BaseCamp in Mexico successfully completed
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We’re pleased to inform you that BaseCamp in Mexico (Cancun) was completed on November 22nd.
The event brought together over 80 leaders from Latin America and Mexico.
Among the BaseCamp participants, divided into several teams, there was a tense struggle until the last day. Nevertheless, the team “Wolfs” became the winner.
The total volume of all teams for the week amounted to more than 200,000 USDT on the first line in affiliate networks. Besides, the participants of the second BaseCamp attracted about 1000 new users, and their work results increased several times.
‘Best Captain’ award was taken by Marco Nastasi (wolfs team). ‘Heart of team’ award was taken by Isabella Ossowska (Waives).
The third BaseCamp is starting very soon (December 3), which will be open to all leaders from rank 1. There are still free places – don’t miss the opportunity to improve your skills and meet the best QubitTech international leaders: https://www.qubittech.ai/basecamp3/
If you have any questions about BaseCamp, you can write to us in Telegram: https://t.me/basecampqubittech.
See you at the next BaseCamp!”
“Andreas Tissen invites to the third BaseCamp
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
Andreas Tissen, Chief Speaker of BaseCamp events, as well as Education Advisor of QubitTech Academy, recorded a special video announcing the third BaseCamp.
The event will be held in Istanbul (Turkey) from 3 to 14 December.
It’s open to all leaders (from rank 1).
Hurry up to register for the third BaseCamp – https://www.qubittech.ai/basecamp3/
Tickets are still there!
If you have any questions about BaseCamp, write to us – https://t.me/basecampqubittech
See you at BaseCamp!”
It’s time now to draw the final result of the poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack over the last couple of weeks as well as ask another question this time connected with the restructuring of the MNO monitor‘s listing categories.
You might know, that the main idea behind launching the so-called StartUp listing on MNO was to attract low-budget “sleepers” whose admins had the intention to make significant changes with time once their reputation became more firmly established and the site ready to go live in full swing with proper investment offers. Unfortunately, the StartUp listing hasn’t ventured well despite being totally free of charge. The main reason for this is its separate status from the main MNO monitor. That effectively makes it impossible for HYIP aggregators to collect info and display the website as being listed on MNO. That was the main criticism given by some admins and I intend to take it on board in order to improve the offer, yet keep its price low enough (only a $200 deposit is required to be listed on StartUp listing). Before making a final decision about incorporating the StartUp listing into the main MNO monitor I would like to ask of my readers’ opinion whether it would be a wise move or not. So, for the next TalkBack question I would like to ask the following question:
Should the StartUp listing become a part of the main MNO monitor?
You can choose from one of the following answers:
– Yes, it will help lower budget programs become more visible
– I don’t mind, after all we need a wider choice of new programs
– No, that won’t interest me as I only invest in high-budget HYIPs
As usual, I will be grateful if you state your opinion on the subject which will assist me on the final decision which will be made probably next week. Thanks a lot in advance for your active participation in the TalkBack polls.
I will not be dedicating too much time and effort in analyzing the quite obvious results of the former TalkBack poll which asked – Do you want occasional articles on MNO on how to profit from cryptocurrencies? As I have started the series of articles on BitCoin and other cryptocurrencies, the results do not matter much. However, as I predicted nearly 84% of those participating in the poll answered – “Definitely, this is a subject of great interest to me”. And only 8% gave the response “Maybe, it’s something I’d like to learn more about” and the remaining 8% said “No, I prefer HYIPs and don’t really care about this”. The final figures speak for themselves and I’m glad MNO readers have supported my decision and hopefully in 2021 we will be able to make a partial switch to the cryptocurrencies arena since its influence has only been growing year after year. Next year should be truly big for BTC and other cryptocurrencies, so hopefully we will all make some profit from investing in them. Stay with MNO for more interesting articles and subscribe to the blog’s newsfeed here!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 120 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: –
From MNO Standard list: QubitTech.
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s all for today, guys. Stay tuned for more news from the HYIP industry and if you want to be the first to know about any promising newcomers and future leaders don’t forget to subscribe to the MNO Newsfeed by submitting your email address here or follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter where all the important announcements are posted first! And of course, you can always email me at abramsonp@gmail.com, submit your question from this page or simply chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog for a speedier response. I will talk to you again soon, and thanks for reading MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Cryptocurrencies, Daily News by on Nov 25th, 2020. Comment.
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