Jan 6th, 2021 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome once more to the MNO blog which has been delivering regular news from the hottest online investment programs for over thirteen years now. The choice has been obvious: either to follow me on Telegram, Twitter and Facebook and get familiar with the biggest and best investment opportunities with huge advertising budgets and experienced admins at the helm, OR to lose money in countless low-life scams that have been overwhelmingly present in an oversaturated HYIP market back in 2020.

We must admit though that the last year was not a good one if you were on the lookout of the best and brightest. However it was still possible to find a few true gems and get in profit with the careful approach to building your investment portfolio and properly diversifying your funds. I tend to believe that the main aim of MNO is to help my readers to stay ahead the latest trends in the HYIP industry and pick only the current and future leaders which might come to prominence this year following the recent cryptocurrency price increase that has resulted in BTC setting a new all-time high of $35.7 recently. If that alone doesn’t inspire confidence in a brighter future for the HYIP industry overall this year then I don’t know what will! Anyway, we’ll be looking forward to seeing more quality programs appearing on the MNO monitor within the next few weeks and who knows – maybe the next contender to become the future leader of the HYIP industry is not so far from appearing to reign in the hearts and wallets of investors.

By the way, if you’re thinking about joining a particular program or have any questions for me why not participate in the discussion on the MNO ShoutBox and share your feelings with other readers? Or, if you have a more personal question, suggestion or listing request I am always available to answer all your concerns on Telegram @mnoblog in real time. You may also contact me via this online form or email me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com In any case, I’m always pleased to hear from my readers and am here for you 24/7 to respond to all your queries.

In today’s news I am going to discuss the latest updates from the MNO readers’ choice QubitTech and will also have a look at the final results of the MNO TalkBack poll while posing a new question to be voted on. First however let me start with another article from the acclaimed series of HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets where I reveal the sneaky tactics aimed at scamming you hard.

We all know the golden investment rule when it comes to joining HYIPs – never put more money in than you can afford to lose. It’s been successfully applied by all smart investors and many MNO readers diligently follow it to the letter. However, what would you say if the HYIP in question would offer you a safety net provided by one of the biggest insurance companies in the world? Sounds enticing? Are you already thinking of how much money you can earn not fearing that one fine day the site would disappear into thin air with all the investors money without any trace? It’s just too good to be true, isn’t it?

Remember that HYIP admins’ aim is to suck you dry of as much of your money as possible and make you get into debt by investing much more than you can afford to lose. So what can be a better method to make you part with your hard-earned cash than to make you believe in the existence of insurance policy that would take all the risk in case something gets wrong? After all, everyone wants to get insured from potential losses and trust big names of worldwide known companies whose logos flash up on a HYIP website.

In my example I will tell you about a case with one particular program which I will not name here, but which some of you might have recognized from the past. Anyway, its name is not that important for now. What’s important here is that the site in question was proudly displaying the carbon copy of the apparently fake Certificate of Insurance Investments allegedly issued by the leading multinational insurance company Aviva headquarted in London, UK. According to the certificate, all the investments in the HYIP have been insured to the sum of $92 billion USD (!) and have been guaranteed to be refunded to investors in some unforeseen circumstances which included the company’s bankruptcy. Here’s the part that was posted on the website in question:

We are pleased to announce that we have entered into an agreement with the largest British insurance company, classified as systemically important for the world economy, and a leading provider of financial insurance services with an annual turnover of over $ 92 billion.

I don’t know how many people would believe this fake cert which was most probably hastily made in using some graphic editor software program, but out of curiosity I contacted the Aviva insurance company just to see how they’d react. I was actually surprised at how fast I received the following response further confirming my suspicions of forgery:

Many thanks for your report. This is not connected to Aviva and we had already instigated a request that the domain be taken down on Monday. Unfortunately, we can’t force the domain providers to do this immediately and it can range from 24 hours to several months depending on jurisdictions. Please do not communicate or become involved with them in anyway. Please do not send them any money.

That response has been clear and concise and just further confirmed that no real insurance company would touch any HYIPs. So, their claims of billions in funds insured by Aviva or any other proper insurance provider is no more than yet another sneaky attempt to defraud their clients. This seemingly smart trickery may backfire on the respective HYIP admins as we can clearly see that anti-fraud departments of real multi-billion insurance conglomerates are working day and night to insure that such scammers are kept at bay. That’s why displaying fake insurance certificates and not taking them down at the first demand from the companies whose good name and business reputation are being abused could be the very worst choice a greedy HYIP admin can make.

The lesson learnt from all of this should be obvious – avoid investing in any programs that falsely claim their funds have been insured. It’s even worse when such HYIPs use the real names of the reputable companies that allegedly insured their investors’ funds from bankruptcy (anyone heard of HYIP’s bankruptcy legal procedure, lol?). This way they play with fire and may cause anger and retribution from the administration of such companies and can lose their domain name and website as a direct result of their foolish actions.

Well, we cannot really underestimate the level of stupidity of some HYIP admins and their passion for faking everything and pretending to make billions for their investors. That might be actually a good follow-up piece, but will be the subject of yet another one from the HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets series that will be more regular. Keep reading the MNO blog and subscribe to get regular updates to your email address you may submit here!



QubitTech seems to be doing well even despite still being in self-imposed vacation mode. The thing is that from January 1 to January 15 investors do not get their accounts credited with their daily earnings which usually hover around 1% variable and are paid until they reach the 250% total ROI. However, the other payouts including the referral payments are still pretty much going on and that inspires hope that once QubitTech is back from the winter holiday break we will see more activities going back to normal, so all the current and future investors will be able to enjoy their profits paid to their BTC and ETH wallets within 72 hours on request subject to a compulsory 2.5% fee automatically deducted from every payout which can be requested once a member reaches a $10 minimum balance.

Apart from the Digital Licenses (explained in the detailed review posted here) QubitTech also offers investments via the so-called Corporate Licenses. And starting now you may also invest by buying Cashback Licenses which cost a $500 minimum per one license. The unique new product should work as a cashback tool which some of you might be familiar with as being offered by some apps and banking institutions. More or less it’s supposed to work like this. You buy a Cashback License from your QubitTech account and claim the percentage of your purchase for some products by submitting a receipt. Then you are free to get hold of the license for some time or free to sell it back to QubitTech at any time you like. More on that can be found in one of the latest newsletters from the program I’m reposting below.

Beside that, QubitTech is not forgetting to reward its best promoters by offering their top 30 leaders whose list was posted last week an unforgettable trip to Tanzania. If you’re one of the lucky thirty you should be able to find your name in the list and enquire about the details of your upcoming trip that starts in just a few days time. If you’re not on the list then I wish you the best of luck in other promotions which I’m sure there will be plenty in 2021. Meanwhile, if you’re a native Chinese speaker you might want to check out what the leading Chinese media say about QubitTech as a few more links have been posted in another newsletter.

All of the latest updates from QubitTech that was recently voted as the best program of 2020 by MNO readers (see the results of the poll here) you may find them all below:

Results of TOP-30: Travel to Tanzania
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We’re pleased to announce that today you can see the results of top 30 rating for 2020. We remind you that the top 30 leaders will soon go on a trip to Tanzania – from January 10 for 10 days.
‘Andrey Zaitsev’ topped the ranking, followed by The ‘Syndicate’ and ‘Gold QubitTech‘.
We congratulate all the leaders who made it to the Top 30. This is a brilliant result that we wish you to boost in 2021.
Greg Limon and Andreas Tissen will soon meet you in Tanzania.
Recall, what awaits you in Africa:
– great rest;
– amazing entertainment with an African touch;
– personal meetings with the top management of QubitTech;
– a discussion of insider information and plans for the platform for 2021-2022;
– unforgettable trainings;
– as well as other pleasant surprises that will give you a storm of emotions!
Happy New Year!
And see you in Tanzania!

Leading Chinese Media about QubitTech
Dear users of QubitTech platform,
We are glad to announce that the leading Chinese media platforms have published the articles about QubitTech.
Sohu is a Chinese search engine that offers on-line multiplayer gaming and other services. While Toutiao or Jinri Toutiao is a Chinese news and information content platform.
In terms of QQ, it is an instant messaging software service and web portal developed by the Chinese tech giant Tencent.
The following platforms have huge coverage – the audience of publications averages more than 200 million visitors per month. In such a way we possess ourselves in the Asian and Chinese markets and point out that this market is important for us.
We will keep informing you about the popularity of QubitTech among the top news platforms.
Best regards, QubitTech team”.

CASHBACK LICENSE: New digital product
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are glad to present to you our new development – an innovative CASHBACK license, thanks to which you can get up to 100% cashback from any purchase or any rental service cost.
Any expenses can be covered under CASHBACK licenses: from clothing and household appliances purchases cost, to any property rental cost.
The main advantages of a CASHBACK license:
– the license can be cancelled by the user at any time;
– the minimum CASHBACK license amount is 500 USDT;
– the maximum CASHBACK license amount is 100,000 USDT;
– the license value can be upgraded by the user at any time.
To use a CASHBACK license you need to purchase it on the QubitTech platform, make a scheduled purchase at any store anywhere in the world, send us a receipt (received upon purchase) and receive up to 100% of its cost.
For example
You bought a CashBack license for 1,000 USDT.
You can reserve CashBack of up to 20% of license value for any expenses every month.
In the current month, you spent 580 USDT on the purchase of a new smartphone. You can request a CashBack of 200 USDT by attaching a copy of your purchase receipt.
200 USDT will be paid in equal instalments over 4 months. The first payment (50 USDT) will be credited to your balance immediately after your CashBack reservation request is approved.
The available CashBack balance will be updated to 200 USDT in early next month.
Use our CASHBACK license and make your life easier and more enjoyable!
License purchase scheme 
Always in touch, QubitTech Team”.


Lastly for today I want to draw the final results of the MNO TalkBack year end poll to see what MNO readers thought 2020 as a year overall in the HYIP industry. Slim pickings I believe is the expression in English, in other words we didn’t exactly have a huge choice for most of the year for one reason or another, but to be fair to the admins there was actually still a few good programs. Not as many as I would like, but that’s not something I would blame the admins in question for, they can only look after the programs they run and some did a fine job of doing so under some very challenging circumstances. But was it the worst year in the industry ever? Probably a question more suited to longer term readers and investors who may actually remember enough previous years to make the comparison, though I think even those relatively new to the HYIP industry could probably take a safe enough guess. So, the exact question I put to readers went as follows: Has 2020 been the worst year you remember in the HYIP industry?

No surprise with the results, the runaway leader of this very unenviable “victory” was the option “Yes, the worst year I remember” which took 75% of the votes. In true HYIP industry fashion however there was still an optimistic view from the 25% of you who voted for the option “It was bad but I still earned money”. Just for the record, there was a third option of “No, not the worst year I remember” but this received no votes whatsoever. Pretty conclusive then I would say, it’s universally agreed that 2020 was the worst year on record for the HYIP industry, though there were still some opportunities to make a profit anyway if you either knew where to look of just got lucky.

For the next poll, moving away from the whole nostalgia theme I suppose since it is the start of a brand new year and people prefer to look forward rather than back at this time, let’s talk about 2021. What do you hope will happen in the HYIP industry over the coming twelve months or so, or perhaps a better way of putting it is what do you think will realistically happen? I think most of us believe it can’t be much worse than last year, not without being a complete disaster anyway, and with positive news coming on a Covid vaccine we are hopeful that the pandemic will at some point in the next few months begin to recede. It will no doubt take some time before various economies begin to recover, indeed in many ways the manner in which we do business may have changed forever, but at least we can finally see some movement in the right direction.

Since no one can really predict the future I’ll keep the exact question deliberately broad. There’s no point in even trying to make exact predictions in days like these, so let’s just focus on what your wider hopes and expectations are for the year ahead. Better or worse? The question will be worded as follows:

How do you see the HYIP industry developing in the next 12 months?

Please choose from the following answers, just pick whichever one comes closest to what you think:

– A huge improvement is coming in the next few months
– A slight improvement, but only later in the year
– Not much will change, it will be the same as last year
– It will get worse, the HYIP industry is almost finished

As always I’m very grateful who takes the time and effort to state their opinions on the subject. The final results will probably be drawn next week. Thanks a lot in advance for your active participation in the TalkBack polls, remember it only takes a second to participate and all votes are completely anonymous and untraceable. Though you are of course welcome to share any thoughts you have on the subject on the MNO ShoutBox with your fellow readers. You can find the voting buttons on the MNO TalkBack page here.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 144 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: QubitTech.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s about all I have for you today, guys. Stay safe and free from Covid and support your local healthcare system by staying home if you’re asked to do so by local authorities! I’ll talk to you again next week when hopefully we will be able to greet the first big program of the year here. Thanks a lot for reading MNO – For Money Lovers!

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