Jan 12th, 2021 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to the MNO blog which has been supplying you with important and useful information related to the HYIP industry, matters surrounding it, and delivering the most talked about investment opportunities for over thirteen years now. First let me say again many thanks for supporting MNO during these quiet times by following me on Telegram, Twitter or Facebook, or by submitting your email address here and subscribing to the regular news and updates from the HYIP industry. Also, thanks for your always welcome attention and thoughts on the MNO ShoutBox and your feedback which you can submit here, at abramsonp@gmail.com or by chatting with me on Telegram @mnoblog.

It seems the world has gone a bit crazy over the last few months as the main goal for most people is simply to survive the pandemic and go on with their daily lives with all the various restrictions and limitations. This is something truly unseen in recent world history and while we were all hoping that 2021 will be better than its predecessor it’s so far been exactly the same. The situation in many places is so dire and grim and more new strains of the virus seem to appear in frightening proportions that the population of some countries is most afraid since the first time since world wars of the last century.

It’s no wonder then that even despite the fantastic level of growth seen recently in cryptocurrency markets where new all time highs were recorded last week and BTC hit the $41K mark it’s still pretty much the same old story when it comes to the HYIP industry. People do not care much about investments at the moment (and rightly so when sometimes their very own lives are at stake!) and many are simply functioning in survival mode. At the same time the once active experienced HYIP admins prefer to collect their cryptocurrency profits and sit still waiting patiently for a market upturn. And that will inevitably happen, as it is inevitable that the Covid-related crisis will sometime end. The only question is when! And that’s the million dollar question no one can give you a direct or clear answer to, even myself.

As the HYIP industry is still very slow and quiet it might be a better idea today to talk about BitCoin which seems to continue making headlines across the world these days. Of course, I will also cover the latest updates from the only actively developing program on the MNO monitor which is QubitTech in the news section of today’s news post. First however I should discuss one other important aspect of the BitCoin market – mining. So what is the definition of mining, how you can do it and whether it’s still profitable to mine BitCoins. I’ll try to answer all those questions below so keep reading for more.

I suppose the first question on most people’s minds is what exactly is BitCoin mining and how does one go about it. I’m not going to delve too far into the past here since we’ve first of all covered the concept of what cryptocurrencies are, specifically BitCoin, in previous articles and how they work. But what exactly is “BitCoin mining” which we hear so much about?

A common misconception might be that mining BitCoins is the equivalent of creating new BitCoins and introducing them into the whole Blockchain network to be bought and sold. It’s easy to see where you might get that idea, but in fact there’s a bit more to mining than just that. In the most basic terms “mining” is the system that moves and records the movement of currency from Point A to Point B, sort of like what may be deemed the “ledger” in traditional banking but in this case not under any one central authority as such.

If you wish to participate in doing this there can be a reward in it for you, think of it as a sort of referral commission as with online HYIPs. The problem is that it’s a complicated and costly procedure which may only return a very bare marginal amount of money over that which it costs you in terms of time and resources. So here’s a very rudimentary example of how it might work. Technically the “miner” doesn’t in fact do all that much, the work is done by a computer. Transactions are complicated and random, more so that regular people can decipher, so you need a computer to figure out the algorithm. It’s just that the algorithm is so complicated it can take forever to crack.

Let’s say if we were to play a game where I was to ask you “pick a number between one and five, and if you guess right I give you a dollar”. BitCoin mining has evolved into a game where your computer picks a number between one and one million, and your reward is one cent. Theoretically yes, you can make money from it, but the time and electricity required to get the right answer means the average guy with a laptop in his home won’t profit whereas a big company with a warehouse full of high grade computers going 24/7 will. Sort of like a lottery in many ways, you can buy one ticket or buy a million tickets, no one can say who the winner is but if you have the finances to do this on a regular basis we know who will eventually earn more on average.

When your computer eventually comes up with the right batch number, it should then determine which pending transactions will be inserted in the next block of pending transactions on the blockchain. Compiling this block represents your claim for payment, a commission if you want to call it that, as you’ve now become a temporary banker of Bitcoin who gets to update the Bitcoin transaction ledger. The block of transactions you’ve participated in creating, (technically what your computer calculated, but whatever) now goes into the wider network so other computers taking part in the process can validate it. Each computer that validates your solution updates its copy of the Bitcoin transaction ledger with the transactions that you chose to include in the block.

For newbies I know that might all sound a bit technical and complicated but at the end of the day it’s your computer doing most of the work here and not you personally. All you have to do at this point is claim any transaction fees associated with what you inserted into the block. From this point on any transactions in the block entered by your machine are now confirmed by the Bitcoin network and are virtually irreversible. In simpler terms just imagine a cash in hand transaction done with a street market trader.

I guess to the uninitiated it might be easy to think of all this as free money. Just turn on your computer and allow it to run while you go off and put your feet up in front of Netflix or whatever, right? Unfortunately if it was only that easy we’d all be millionaires by now. The reality is that there are a huge number of variables here. For one thing there’s only a finite number of BitCoins out there to begin with, meaning that the more miners participate the smaller the split between the transaction commissions becomes. They can compensate for this by demanding higher fees, but ultimately all this does is make you less competitive and forces most sellers to horde their BTC until another day.

Something I don’t want to go into in any specific detail in this article is the computer hardware products that can be purchased to assist you in BTC mining. Reason being it’s not the purpose of this article and is something individual readers can research for themselves if they feel it’s something they wish to put their time and effort into. It also makes things unnecessarily complicated, while my goal here is to just give a simple basic guide to how things work. The thing is though, the private individual getting started for the first time has next to no chance of competing against the professional BTC “mining farms” as they are known. So what a lot of independent miners do is club together as part of so called “mining pools”, in other words sort of like a co-operative. Everyone combines their resources and hopefully earns more money between them than they might make alone. Again the variables that govern this are subject to extreme lengths – for example the the price of electricity in some place like Germany is going to be vastly more expensive than it is in let’s say China. What’s profitable for Mister X may not be worthwhile for Mister Y.

Finally, and I guess this is the most obvious factor, is the wildly unpredictable and fluctuating exchange rate of BitCoin itself. You can put so much time, effort, expense, and resources into it only to have the value collapse overnight and end up losing a lot more money than you invested. Just like a HYIP or a Ponzi when you think about it. It’s true that BTC has recently, at the time of writing, reached a record high, but the bigger the bubble the faster the crash. In a nutshell then it’s possible to earn from BitCoin mining, but in much the same as it’s “possible” to earn from gambling it wouldn’t always be advisable as a career choice or a primary source of income you depend on.

Since this is something I know a lot of readers think about, or at least have thought about in the past, I hope you won’t mind expressing your own opinions here in the following poll. By all means, remember that a lot of what you see on the MNO blog is just my own musings anyway and if you don’t agree then I’m quite happy to hear about it. The poll itself is totally anonymous and untraceable, but if you wish to say something either to me or to your fellow MNO readers about anything you see covered here then you are free to do so on the MNO ShoutBox. The question related to the article is as follows, please just pick the answer which comes closest to matching your own opinion:

Will you consider mining BitCoin?

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Before getting into the latest updates from QubitTech the first thing you should know is that the program at the moment does not credit members’ accounts with daily profits, but the process is due to resume in just a few days time. The first profits have to be credited to members’ accounts on January 16 and hopefully then we will see QubitTech getting back to normal business mode after fifteen days of vacation. If you ask me I don’t think it should in any way affect members, as the investment in the main program which is called the Digital License keeps earning until you get 250% ROI. That might not happen for a while for new investors as variable daily profits from QubitTech are usually less than 1%. That means you have to wait for at least four months to simply reach the break-even point and then collect profits on minimum $100+ BTC and ETH deposits. Note also that withdrawals from QubitTech (read its full review here) have to be requested once you have accumulated at least $10 on your internal USDT balance (where your cryptocurrency deposits having been initially converted to) and are all subject to a 2.5% withdrawal fee and to be processed within 72 hours.

I must add that withdrawals of referral commissions are still being processed by QubitTech on time as the recruitment of new investors has always been the main priority for the administration. That’s why I guess QubitTech has been able to reach such great levels of success over its first few months online even despite the worldwide pandemic crisis, and it seemingly refuse to stop its development and has big plans for the future as well. We will be looking forward to see when the program starts paying daily dividends again, so check QubitTech‘s status on the MNO monitor by the end of the week to see when the next batch of payments are going to be processed.

Despite the brief pause on its investment plan over the last six days there were lots of things reported on the QubitTech website news section. Included among them were the opening of the second office in Mexico (this time in Guadalajara), and new articles posted on QubitTech on some major media websites aimed at a Chinese audience. That should further propel the company’s interests in both Asia and Latin America. As for the African market, there is also an upcoming BaseCamp scheduled to start there next week to attract the thirty biggest QubitTech‘s promoters. The only thing that’s going to change is that it has been relocated from the CoVid ravaged South Africa to Tanzania. There was various information updates posted on the website in regards to the upcoming trip, but it’s really only concerning the participants, while I’m sure regular readers are more interested in other topics regarding QubitTech. For them though there were also some important updates done to increase of the safety and security of their QubitTech accounts. Some measures like the option to create your own PIN to safely manage transactions and the impossibility to change passwords within the account area couldn’t have come sooner. Please read more on this and other important news updates from QubitTech below:

Important info: Account System Upgrade
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We’re pleased to inform you about important changes in the user’s personal account, which will allow you to feel all the convenience and safety of using our platform.
You can now set a unique PIN code in your personal account on the QubitTech site. This opportunity appears only once, and we recommend that you remember it. This info may be required, for example, when changing mail – it will serve as your unique identifier.
Besides, users with two-factor identification will now be able to log into the QubitTech mobile application by scanning the QR code, which is now displayed in their personal account.
Finally, from this moment on, you cannot change the password in your personal account – a confirmation of the password change will now come to your email.
We’re constantly working to improve our website and personal account. We will inform you about further changes.
Always in touch, QubitTech Team

Leading Asian Media about QubitTech
Dear users of QubitTech platform,
We are happy to tell you that the main Asian media platforms have published articles about QubitTech.
Bilibili is a Chinese video-sharing website based in Shanghai, themed around animation, comic, and games (ACG). It has more than 600 Mln of total visits.
163. com is a Chinese Internet technology company providing online services centred on content, community, communications and commerce.
Meanwhile, Baidu is one of the largest AI and Internet companies in the world.
Bilibili – https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv9133607
163 – https://www.163.com/dy/article/FVIKOH4L0545U0CX.html
Baidu – https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1688005778526917772
Zhihu – https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/341900995
The following platforms have huge coverage – the audience of publications averages more than 200 million visitors. In such a way, we possess ourselves in the Asian market and point out that this market is important for us.
We will keep informing you about the popularity of QubitTech among the top news platforms.
Best regards, QubitTech team

BaseCamp moves from South Africa to Tanzania
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We would like to inform you that the first BaseCamp is moving from South Africa to Tanzania in 2021 due to the challenging COVID situation in South Africa.
The event starts on January 17 and runs until January 24, 2021.
Participants of the first BaseCamp in Africa will reside in the fashionable Grand Melia Arusha Hotel (Kilimanjaro region). It’s set in a fantastic area of 18 acres of tea and coffee plantations with stunning views of Mount Meru.
Registration for the event is open – http://qubittech.ai/basecamp5/. There’re not many places left, so we recommend that you hurry up.
The cost of booking a ticket is 100 USDT. Also, in your personal account, the full cost of visiting BaseCamp in Tanzania is available for payment and is 990 USDT. This money may be deducted from your balance or from your marketing budget if you have never visited BaseCamp.
As a reminder, BaseCamp is an exclusive training program developed by QubitTech. You will improve your sales skills, work on personal growth, and release your fears. And all this with an excellent entertainment program and in the company of the educational advisor of the QubitTech Academy, the famous European business coach Andreas Thissen.
Follow our news!

Important Webinar: BaseCamp in Tanzania
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are happy to invite you to take part in the webinar held by Andreas Tissen on 8 January, education Advisor at QubitTech Academy and guru of BaseCamp’s worldwide personal growth training program.
Andreas will talk about the upcoming event in Tanzania. The event starts on January 17 and runs until January 24, 2021. Participants of the first BaseCamp in Africa will reside in the fashionable Grand Melia Arusha Hotel (Kilimanjaro region).
Andreas will also answer all your questions.
Follow the link to participate in the webinar, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89169065184.
Webinar in English language – 14:00 (UTC)
Webinar in Spanish language – 11:00 (MEX)
Webinar in Russian language – 18:00 (MSK).
Follow our news!

BaseCamp in Tanzania: Visa Assistance for participants
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We’re pleased to offer you the Tanzania visa assistance service so that you can attend our first BaseCamp in 2021.
This service will be in demand primarily by residents of other African countries, for many of whom it may take about 2 months to obtain a visa through official channels. And also by residents of some CIS countries: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.
Residents of other countries (including the EU, Russia, Ukraine) will be able to apply for a visa directly upon arrival.
The cost of an expedited visa application, in which we send all your documents through our channels, will be only $ 70 and you will be able to catch the BaseCamp in Tanzania, which starts on January 17th.
To use this service, as well as for any questions about BaseCamp – please write to our Telegram account – @BaseCampQubitTech.
Always in touch. QubitTech Team

Expedition to Tanzania: for top 30 leaders
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We’re pleased to share with you great news – an amazing event for the top 30 QubitTech leaders has started in Tanzania (Africa).
As a reminder, all the leaders were chosen following TOP 30 Rating – https://www.qubittech.ai/news/q-results-of-top-30-travel-to-tanzania/
Expedition brief:
– visiting the largest natural parks in Africa;
– participation in hunting with local residents;
– acquaintance with the culture and national cuisine of local tribes;
– numerous sessions of personal growth and yoga classes;
– business development planning for 2021.
You will learn about all the details of this trip on our social media. Do not miss it!
Best regards, QubitTech Team

Second QubitTech office in Mexico
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We are happy to announce that the second QubitTech office has opened in Mexico, in Guadalajara.
Guadalajara is a metropolis in western Mexico and the capital of the state of Jalisco.
The event brought together many guests as well as local leaders. This is another important step for our platform to capture the LATAM and Mexico market.
We congratulate our leaders from Mexico on the success in promoting QubitTech products and services and attracting new leaders.
Best regards, QubitTech team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 144 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: GlobalCryptox.
From MNO Standard list: RoboticsOnline.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s about all for today, guys. Please keep your votes coming in the MNO TalkBack poll as the final results will be drawn next week. Meanwhile I wish you all health and prosperity for the new year and HYIP season and I will talk to you again very soon. Thanks for staying with MNO – For Money Lovers!

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