Beware! CoinConnect has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello all, and welcome again to the oldest running blog in the HYIP industry which has been covering all major events and the biggest programs run by top-notch admins since 2007. Remember that the best way to stay informed of all the newest and best programs is to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook and Twitter. If you like my articles just click here to submit and confirm your email address to receive full updates on a regular basis. I’ve proven many times that I always try to take care of my downlines, so if you’re one of them write to me directly at or submit your query via this contact form. For a speedier response use Telegram @mnoblog and chat with me live – I’m always happy to hear your thoughts and feelings.
Overall, I’m very pleased I have stuck to my guns and keep the listing prices on the MNO monitor high. That actually allows to weed out the potential failures from the admins that only care about filling their own pockets with fast cash in favor of a more experienced group trying to actually make a difference with their superb runs allowing investors to actually make money instead of losing it. And I can easily count the admin of the CoinConnect as one such person who consistently delivers great results while allowing investors to determine how much profit is enough to satisfy their cravings. Just because of such people the HYIP industry seems to have been doing better lately, and if that requires waiting for more time to see programs like CoinConnect pave the way and lead by example as to how to manage a successful program for a long time then I’m ready to wait. I suppose many MNO readers take the same view.
Well, without further ado I would like to start today’s article with the review of CoinConnect which I introduced on my blog last Monday and which can already be safely considered one of the hottest programs of the year. While so many investors have confidence in CoinConnect and made their investments already (or are still sitting on the fence for some reason) it’s time to have a proper close-up look at this program to see what it’s all about.
The highlight of the season so far is undoubtedly the launch of one of the most eagerly anticipated programs of the year to date, which we already know by now is CoinConnect. This is mostly what I would call a perpetual or open-ended program, in other words once you join and make a deposit there is no fixed term. CoinConnect will continue to pay you either for how ever long the program manages to survive, or for how ever long you decide to remain a member. Now whether that’s going to be a day, a week, a month, or a year I really can’t say. But my own first impression is that CoinConnect is run by an admin who knows what he’s doing in the industry. There’s no iron-clad guarantee this will translate into success but it’s a pretty good start. Anyway, let’s see what it’s all about and whether you like it enough to join or not.
The most important aspect here is of course the investment plans, the basic premise for any online HYIP to be in business. In the case of CoinConnect the investment term is left very much up to the individual investor to decide how they choose to handle it, with the program being a so-called open-ended perpetual style operation. There’s no expiry date on investments, and likewise there’s no compulsion for members to commit to any particular length of time beyond an initial 24 hour lock-in. After that it’s entirely up to you how you treat CoinConnect, be it short, medium, long term, or just stay with the program for how ever long it runs. It doesn’t take long at all to see an initial profit from your investment, albeit a small one, though again it’s up to yourself how to proceed as I shall explain with the numbers below.
CoinConnect operates one single open-ended term plan which pays a fixed rate 0.15% hourly, in turn yielding 3.6% in daily interest. The principal stays locked in the system for the first 24 hours and after that can be withdrawn at any time for a 5% release fee.
How would that work out in practical financial terms then? Let’s take a simple example of say a $100 deposit and find out. For that money CoinConnect are going to pay you back $0.15 every hour, 24/7 for the foreseeable future. Over the course of a full calendar day that adds up to $3.60. Given that were you to try and leave CoinConnect at this point – which would be allowed of course – the $5 exit fee will wipe out your first days profit and still cost you money, so you shouldn’t really be thinking about such things just yet. Not until you are well into day two with CoinConnect at any rate. Regardless of when you do decide to leave, all you are going to get back for your $100 deposit is $95 in total, so try and factor that into any further calculations.
By the way, I should point out that the theoretical example of a “$100 deposit” I gave you above might be a bit misleading. I’m just trying to simplify things by using dollars, in reality you need to use cryptocurrencies where the actual value can flucuate from one day to the next. Payment options for CoinConnect are pretty good, but they work exclusively with cryptocurrencies and skip the third party handlers using dollars completely. The options you have for investments allow for BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, DogeCoin, Dash, Tether, Ripple, ZCash, Tron, and Stellar. Minimum amounts for investing and withdrawals will vary according to what currency you are using. Since I assume most of you will be using BitCoin I can tell you that the minimum amount required to invest starts from 0.0005 BTC which at the time of writing is floating around the $30 mark. You can refer to the CoinConnect website for the figures on other currencies.
Generally speaking the withdrawals are be processed instantly but are really only guaranteed manually within 24 hours. Up to this point I think all my own withdrawal requests were done instantly but please take this into consideration. There are several good reasons why instant payouts need to get switched off from time to time such as account replenishment which has to happen occasionally. Also for security reasons bigger withdrawals of $100 or more will only be handled manually by the CoinConnect admin, so there’s no reason to panic if your request might potentially go to pending status. CoinConnect has a minimum withdrawal policy in place so make sure you’ve accumulated enough on your balance, otherwise you won’t be able to request your withdrawal. For BitCoin the minimum requirement is 0.0001 BTC, which is around $6 at the exchange rate at the time of writing. Again, you can refer to the CoinConnect website for information on the ten other currencies accepted if you are using any of those. You may get more favorable terms there, by which I mean the interest rate is still 0.15% per hour but you might be able to make cheaper deposits and smaller withdrawal requests depending on the exchange rates. These are all outlined in the website’s FAQ.
If the unpredictable nature of cryptocurrency exchange rates and the absence of a dollar based payment processor doesn’t appeal to you – some see this as part of the thrill of gambling, others see it as a flaw – there is an alternative. I know that most of the experienced industry players will already be aware of this but I think it worth mentioning for anyone less familiar with the workings of Tether, one of the payment options CoinConnect is working with. The clue being in the name, the value of this currency is “tethered” to the US dollar at a rate of 1:1, in other words the exchange rate is permanently fixed. So if you want to invest $100 then simply do so by investing 100 USDT, it will always be worth $100 and the interest paid to you by CoinConnect on your deposit will always be worth the same with no price/exchange fluctuations. Without drifting too far off the main topic of this review, if you would like more information on working with Tether as a cryptocurrency please refer to the MNO article posted here and see if this is something you might find more useful for your own needs.
As for the total earnings you can make from your investment, well that’s an all but impossible question to answer. In other words, you’ll get 3.6% interest every 24 hours until you decide for your own reasons you don’t want to play anymore. That would get you around 25% net profit in a week and double your investment in under a month. Individual strategies are as plentiful of individual investors, you might have a fixed financial target in mind, perhaps a fixed date in the calendar, or in my case as a monitor decide to stay with CoinConnect for as long as they stay online. I’m not here to sway readers one way or another, but those who joined the program at the beginning with this last plan in mind are the ones who’ve scooped the maximum possible amount of cash and passive profit from their deposits. But that’s entirely up to you. Also, and I think this is a very important matter to keep in mind, when the time comes that you feel you might like to get your principal back, there’s no rule saying that you necessarily have to withdraw everything in full. You’re perfectly free to do so if you want, but you may wish to consider a partial withdrawal, leaving the rest in your CoinConnect account to continue earning for you. If you’re already in profit it’s just one strategy to think about.
While still on the subject of maximizing your earnings from CoinConnect, I should point out that there’s more than one way to earn, and it needn’t cost you a cent to do so either. The the admin has decided to get more competitive by introducing a so-called “Bounty program”. This is aimed at members looking to earn free funds by simply doing some promotional tasks on various social network channels like Twitter, Telegram, YouTube and so on. Info can be found on a weekly basis on the CoinConnect website, just click the tab marked “Bounty” at the top of the home page area after logging in, so watch out for more if interested. Just be aware that if you wish to get paid for promoting CoinConnect you’re going to need an LiteCoin wallet, as all bounty payments go through this currency.
If all of that’s clear, how about some information on to get moving. Making deposits and withdrawals is largely self explanatory as you will see if you create an account. To invest you simply click on the button of the currency you are looking to spend, these are spread across the top of your account/dashboard area. Then click the large button marked “Make A New Deposit” on the right hand side. By default, the minimum amount required will appear, you just make your own adjustments to that figure if you wish. Then go to the drop-down box and select to either invest from this currency directly or else to invest from your account balance (if you have one). Proceed from there. It’s more or less an identical process when making a withdrawal, except obviously you click the “Withdraw Funds” button first instead.
What might be less obvious to some readers however is how to leave. So let’s talk for a moment about how to release your deposit in CoinConnect. From inside your members account area click the button marked “Investment List”. This will show as you can probably guess the deposit you are holding in that particular currency. Underneath that you will then see another button marked “Cancel Deposit”. This won’t be activated until the 24 hour lock-in period has expired, but on clicking this you will then be shown the maximum amount, i.e. your principal. You then enter the amount you wish to withdraw, keeping in mind what I just explained above about not being under any obligation to withdraw everything. After that you just click the “Confirm” button and the money gets moved to your available balance. Then just withdraw as usual from there. Should you leave anything behind in your CoinConnect account it will continue to earn you interest every hour just as before.
The CoinConnect website is designed to a high enough standard, certainly all the important requirements you should expect from any program you join have been, especially those making fast hourly payments. It’s running off a licensed GoldCoders script, though might not be recognized immediately due to some modifications which were needed to meet the program’s individual requirements. On getting into your members area most regular investors already familiar with its operation will see it’s lost none of the trademark user friendliness. One area where it differs somewhat from the usual GoldCoders powered programs is in the initial logging in process to access your account. On signing in you will land on a page with eleven possible dashboards, one for each currency used by CoinConnect. Just click on the one you want to access first, remembering that if you have funds there via other currencies it’s easy enough to cycle through the other dashboards if/when you need to from inside your account area.
CoinConnect is hosted on a dedicated server by DDoSGuard with their tech support and protection from malicious attacks. For an extra layer of protection CoinConnect also has a superior Green Bar Extended Validation SSL encryption certificate by Sectigo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Also a welcome addition to the members area is the optional two-step 2FA authenticator. It’s up to yourself to turn it on of course but I really can’t think of a single good reason why you wouldn’t want to. I mean if you’ve joined CoinConnect at all one presumes your reason for doing so was to make money. The extra layer of protection here is free of charge so please use it. The admin didn’t cut any corners so neither should you.
Communication between admin and investors is also taken care of. As always though make sure the first thing you look at is the CoinConnect FAQ section if anything is unclear to you. Should you need to get in contact if you have any further questions or account related issues by writing directly to the admin at the listed e-mail address. You’ll notice a built-in Live Chat widget on the bottom right hand side of the CoinConnect website as well. Click on it first to see if an operator is available, it might save everyone a lot of time and effort if you can get your queries dealt with in real time there. CoinConnect are also well connected with the most popular social media sites, keeping profiles on the likes of Twitter, Facebook, and Telegram. Finally on the list is the one I’d be most dismissive of, namely the postal address for CoinConnect in the UK, which in turn is accompanied by a telephone number. This goes hand-in-hand with the program’s company registration in that country. You can actually check the PDF version of the UK certificate of incorporation if you’re viewing the “About Us” page. Experienced HYIP players won’t pay much attention to this, even though it’s not without its merits when it comes to attracting newer members and therefore new money.
First impressions would lead me to think that CoinConnect has an undoubted amount of potential given on one hand the general albeit slow movement in the HYIP industry right now, added to my own view that it’s an experienced admin who knows how to get the best for everyone out of such programs. I also happen to know the program was in development a long time before the admin decided to activate it.
In the interests of giving a more balanced and neutral view however, I’d also have to add that in many ways the main strength of such perpetual style payments can conversely also be their main weakness. I mean, if something is going to pay you every hour of every day unconditionally then why would anyone ever want to leave, but the fact is that at some point HYIP investors will eventually decide to go and in that case the worry is what happens if they all do it at the same time. Well, rhetorical question, I think you all know the answer there already. Still, there’s no denying that programs built along a similar business model to CoinConnect have had some absolutely exceptional runs in the past, going back several years in my memory anyway. Will this be one of them? There’s no reason why it can’t succeed as I’m confident the admin has enough experience in his field to plan for such things. Still, it’s probably best to avoid predictions, take it one day at a time, and be sensible.
So just to tie things up, as for the alleged business activities of CoinConnect, it’s claimed that they are involved with cryptocurrency and digital asset trading, though as always I’d suggest you not take it too seriously as there’s nothing there to actually prove it. And even were this to be true, it still doesn’t make it a guaranteed profitable venture. So even if it looks good to start with, remember that the risks are still there so it’s essential that you at all times stay within a sensible spending limit, and always try and diversify your portfolios.
So what do you guys think? If you’ve already come to a decision about whether CoinConnect is suitable for you or not then perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing with the other readers and answering the following poll. Remember it’s 100% anonymous and untraceable, and will eventually tell us how many people were right to go with their first impressions of the program either for better or worse. It can also indicate what standards people expect from a HYI website before they are prepared to part with their money.

CoinConnect has been online for the first week now so the results of the Bounty weekly program rewards are in. The people who support CoinConnect not only by investing but also by promoting it on various social networking channels have a chance to get some extra rewards paid to their LTC accounts. Now you can see the results for the lucky earners so it might be encouraging for others to try it out as well in order to earn some extra income.
CoinConnect earlier today experienced a temporary issue with their payment provider which required a brief pause for system maintenance, so delaying the smooth execution of both deposits and withdrawals, however everything was fixed within a couple of hours and back to normal operation before most anybody even noticed. The admin has been doing a great job by addressing all the issues so far and my referrals have been prioritized in all their questions to be answered and problems resolved, so make sure you signed up with CoinConnect via MNO for better support.
As for the daily updates posted on the main social media channels the admin has been active over the first week online and we saw him posting every day. Below you will find the last posts from CoinConnect taken from their official Telegram channel which already has over 400 followers:
Starting from package, CoinConnect offers to earn a lucrative every day profit with your Principal Back.
Larger your contribution amount is – larger is your daily return.
Plan now at”.
“Leading Online Investment Platform
We are here because we are passionate about open, transparent markets and aim to be a major driving force in taking advantage of crypto volatility.
Visit us at”.
CoinConnect is not just an opportunity to gain profit from your deposits, but also a promising affiliate program where anyone can participate!
All you need is to start inviting new partners through your referral link.
Learn more at”.
“CoinConnect Your one-stop solution for cryptocurrency trading!
Eliminating the risk factor to earn from digital assets, the platform is created to offer exclusive interest returns.
Learn more at”.
CoinConnect is fully transparent and we do not hide our general financial statistics. You can figure it out how popular we are!
CoinConnect work with such cryptocurrencies as Bitcoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Dogecoin, Tether, Ripple, Zcash, Tron and Stellar.
Learn more at”.
In line with being fully transparent, CoinConnect Paid Out page shows every transaction that occurs on the platform.
You can click on each transaction’s hash ID to validate it on the blockchain!
Visit the paid out page now and check it out.
Learn more at”.
“Safe & Secure
CoinConnect use one of the most experienced, professional and trusted DDoS protection, with high level of security.
Many corporations and individuals have found CoinConnect a rewarding place to invest.
Register now at”.
It’s time now to take a closer look at the final results of the TalkBack poll and offer a new question to reflect on. You might remember that MNO TalkBack has become a platform where my readers can express their views on the important issues around the HYIP industry and other closely related topics.
So, let’s start with the final results of the poll which you could vote in over the last two weeks which will be followed by a new question for your consideration.
The overall design of a website can be a make or break point for potential growth with badly designed websites unlikely to ensure consistent growth in the long-term. It actually can be compared to a store front – you will unlikely to enter a retail business that doesn’t provide you with an attractive shop window full with attractive offers and seductive prices. The same applies to HYIPs – people might visit the website with an ugly design but once there they are highly unlikely to make an investment. Really, why bother if the admin was too stingy to pay an experienced designer to ensure his website looks attractive in the eyes of potential investors? And here I’m not talking about the so-called “sleepers” with a deliberately unappealing design to make sure people won’t be investing more than it necessary to stay afloat until a future overhaul. I’m talking about the finished product that will become what visitors of the website look at first that will make either a positive or negative impression on them. That’s why I believe that a program’s design does matter – along with some other important factors that can impact the future success or failure of a particular HYIP.
But did MNO readers think the same? Let’s see the final results of the poll that posed the following question – Does site design influence your decision to join an online HYIP?
As the majority of my readers have decent experience when dealing with HYIPs the answer “Not much, a solid payments record is the main thing I look for” attracted no votes at all. All the answers were distributed between the two remaining options. A 60% majority of you voted “Yes, it’s an important indicator of the admin’s professionalism” while the remaining 40% went for “Maybe if it’s user friendly, but only one of many factors for me”.
I guess the final results of the last poll on the MNO TalkBack page might be a real eye-opener for many HYIP admins who still believe that you can make a successful project without spending much money for a great designer. It looks like it doesn’t work that way as most people do pay attention to how the wrapping on your chocolate bar looks before taking a bite!
I believe the time is right to connect the new TalkBack question with a feature many successful programs now utilize. I’m talking about the Paidout page like the one CoinConnect and others have on public display for everyone to see and verify the latest withdrawal requests. As it’s quite an easy thing to verify cryptocurrency payments via various blockchains (unlike PerfectMoney, for instance) such a feature has become increasingly popular. It allows members to verify payouts independently and see just how much withdrawal activities a HYIP can boast of. This helps some savvy investors to analyze some important patterns in a program’s development that will eventually influence their decisions whether to withdraw their principal or part of it or stay for longer to earn more. So, I would like to see at how much importance you attach to features like Live withdrawal stats some programs display nowadays. The question will be as follows:
How important is it for you to see and verify the latest withdrawals in a HYIP?
And the available options to vote in the TalkBack poll are the following:
– Yes, a great deal as it provides honesty and transparency
– It influences my decision to invest but alongside other factors
– No, it doesn’t matter much to me as stats can easily be faked
Please make sure you click here and submit your vote on the MNO TalkBack page. Remember that all the votes are anonymous and untraceable, and it will only take a second to give your voice. I would greatly appreciate your participation in the poll and will analyze the results sometime next week. Thanks a lot for your contribution, guys, and stay tuned for more content and poll questions on the TalkBack!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 168 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CoinConnect.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s all the news I have for you on the MNO blog today, guys. I hope my thoughts have been useful for you and will serve you well in your quest to earn some extra money in the HYIP industry. Thanks a lot for reading and talk to you all again in a few days. Have a successful business week with MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Oct 18th, 2021. Comment.
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