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09/01/2023. Weekly CryptoNews Digest and New TalkBack Question


Hello everyone, and welcome back to the MNO blog where information always comes first and where only the best HYIPs are listed. And of course, the blog reflects my personal views on the situation both in the HYIP industry and the cryptocurrency world from where I have been given you weekly reports on every Monday of the week. And today is no exception. Plus we will draw the results of the MNO TalkBack poll after which you will be presented with a new poll to vote on (this time it has everything to do with the brilliant ShuttleRent).

As for my personal business, over the last couple of weeks I have been on a Sicilian vacation and should be home by Friday. And I must confide it has been sheer bliss to enjoy sunshine and t-shirt weather to escape the doom and gloom of the cold and dark UK weather. My mood has been lifted and I’m eager to bring you all even more relevant content on the MNO blog in the coming months and of course I’m ready to list any new promising programs on the monitor as well.

As not to miss anything important make sure that you follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter. If you like my blog articles don’t forget to subscribe for the full versions to be delivered regularly to your email address you can submit on this page. And I’m always available on Telegram @mnoblog for a quick and easy chat with both readers and HYIP admins. Plus, you may always submit your query using this online form or email me directly at

I do hope that we will see some improved activities over the next few weeks, but for now the holiday spirit is still out there and many people are still enjoying the end of the festivities. The harsh reality will still strike at some point and we should all be prepared for that. However we still hope that at least with cryptocurrencies the general downward trend that carried on for the most part of 2022 will change for the better in 2023.

Having said that, let’s have a closer look at the first Weekly CryptoNews Digest that covers the first week of 2023, from January, 2-8, and the main events media have been talking about.


In a characteristically out-of-date statement, officials in the IRS are begrudgingly starting to acknowledge what the rest of humanity has known for several years by now – cryptocurrency is “here to stay”. Those were the words used by special agent Thomas Fattorusso to describe in a recent newspaper interview anyway, adding that the U.S. tax authority must work with crypto companies, not with contention, but as more of a symbiotic relationship. Despite being so behind the times when it comes to innovations such as crypto however, it’s always interesting to see government officials slowly come to the conclusion that it’s always better to embrace technology rather than be hostile to it.

Agent Fattorusso said he believes that partnering with federal agencies helps crypto companies in their legitimacy. The IRS official added: “This is a new industry for everybody. I think we’re still trying to feel our way around it. The companies are feeling their way around it.” It’s worth noting that Mr Fattorusso in his capacity as a special agent is in fact in charge of the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigations New York office. In November last year, IRS Criminal Investigation chief Jim Lee said that the tax authority is building “hundreds” of crypto cases. And if you know anything about the success rate of that particular office then you had better watch out if you ever come on their radar!


Staying stateside for the next news story, US regulators have issued their first ever joint warning to banks over the risks associated with the cryptocurrency market. The watchdogs told financial institutions to be wary of potential fraud, legal uncertainty and misleading disclosures by digital asset firms. Banks were also cautioned over the “contagion risk” from the sector. It comes just two months after the collapse of trading platform FTX sent shockwaves through the crypto industry. In the joint statement, the US Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency said they were closely monitoring the crypto activities of banking organisations.

The events of the past year have been marked by significant volatility and the exposure of vulnerabilities in the crypto-asset sector,” the statement said. The regulators also said that issuing or holding crypto tokens, which are stored on public, decentralised networks was “highly likely to be inconsistent with safe and sound banking practices“. Banks were also encouraged to take steps to avoid problems in the digital asset market spreading to the wider financial system. “It is important that risks related to the crypto-asset sector that cannot be mitigated or controlled do not migrate to the banking system,” it added. Tuesday’s statement comes after months of hesitancy by US financial industry watchdogs to issue uniform guidelines on cryptocurrencies, despite banks inviting clearer advice from regulators.


Unless you’ve been living on the moon, you will of course be well aware by now how the cryptocurrency industry was rocked by the collapse of FTX in November. It was the world’s second largest cryptocurrency exchange and the entry point for millions of people into the digital asset market. On Tuesday, FTX’s former chief executive Sam Bankman-Fried officially denied charges that he defrauded customers and investors. He pleaded not guilty in a US court to claims that he took customer deposits at FTX to fund his other firm, Alameda Research, buy property and make political donations. Two of Mr Bankman-Fried’s closest colleagues have already pleaded guilty and are cooperating with the investigation, which has shaken the entire cryptocurrency industry. Mr Bankman-Fried was one of the most high-profile figures in the sector, known for his political ties, celebrity endorsements and bailouts of other struggling firms. He has been accused by the US of building “a house of cards on a foundation of deception, while telling investors that it was one of the safest buildings in crypto“.

The trial should get underway by October, whilst until then SBF remains at liberty though under a $250 million bond, electronically tagged, and must reside under his parents guardianship at their home. The trial is expected to last four weeks and could, if convicted, see a sentence of up to 115 years handed down to SBF. He has previously acknowledged making mistakes at FTX but said he does not believe he has criminal liability. This perception of SBF may change very quickly if prosecutors can back up claims made by them that strong efforts were made to move and conceal money to another as yet unnamed foreign country that might be seen as “more lenient” towards him. Whatever happens next, it’s sure to be interesting times for all concerned.


The United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York has launched a page on its website appealing to Sam Bankman-Fried’s alleged victims of fraud at FTX to come forward and informing them about court proceedings. In a January 6 filing, Assistant U.S. Attorney Danielle Sassoon requested the federal court allow her office to take “reasonable, accurate, and timely notice” to inform alleged fraud victims from crypto exchange FTX while under the leadership of Bankman-Fried. According to Sassoon, the government proposed an “alternative plan” for notifying victims in the FTX case through an online notice which went live on January 6. According to the court filing, the number of victims in the FTX case — more than one million creditors — made it “impractical” to rely on more traditional methods of notification “without unduly complicating or prolonging the proceedings in this matter. Judge Lewis Kaplan approved the request the same day. “If you believe that you may have been a victim of fraud by Samuel Bankman-Fried, a/k/a ‘SBF,’ please contact the victim/witness coordinator at the United States Attorney’s Office,” said the notice.

The notice on the SDNY’s website informed viewers of the eight criminal counts Bankman-Fried faces in court, as well as the rights victims have under federal law. The latter included the right to be informed of public court proceedings and plea bargains with Bankman-Fried, as well as conferences with the attorney representing the U.S. Government.


Crypto exchange CoinBase has reached a whopping $100 million dollar settlement with the New York Department of Financial Services. This is in relation to historical shortcomings the the company’s anti money laundering (AMC) and know your customer (KYV) standards. CoinBase will pay an initial $50 million dollar fine and then invest a further $50 million dollars into strengthening internal compliance programs. On the plus side, share values took a massive boost on announcement of the news, spiking at just north of 12%. In a statement CoinBase, which is the only publicly traded crypto exchange in the US said they have committed to rectifying the issues identified by regulators, and have long called for broader and clearer regulations for the crypto space despite the prevailing notion that most such companies would do anything to avoid scrutiny.

I hope that the above information has been somehow useful to you or simply improved your general knowledge on what has been going on in the crypto market last week. If you liked the article then remember to check out next Monday for the next Weekly CryptoNews Digest on the MNO blog. And now it’s time to get to the previous and current polls from the MNO TalkBack page.


Before announcing the new question for the MNO TalkBack poll allow me to draw the final results of the previous poll that was available for your votes over the last two weeks.

You may be aware that the year 2022 was not the best in the HYIP industry. I would even dare to say it was the worst one in my memory (and MNO has been covering industry events and major programs in it since 2007). And as 2023 starts asking some uncomfortable questions for the majority of us to reflect on the future of things in our own private lives, the HYIP industry has not been the thing many of us would be thinking of at all. From the economic recession to the sluggish growth of cryptocurrencies – all the possible negative factors that affect investors’ moods and expectations for the coming year. It was no surprise for me then that the vast majority of readers responded negatively to the last question of the poll asking “Do you believe the HYIP industry will have better programs sometime in 2023?

In fact, 55% of the poll participants have given their vote as a resounding “No, there is no way 2023 will be better for investors than 2022”. It’s no wonder to me, considering the dire conditions not only of the entire HYIP industry at the moment, but the world economy as a whole too.

Then comes 27% of the MNO readers who chose a more cautious approach and answered “Possibly, but not given, only if the world economy improves”. This might be the one variant I would have personally picked if I had a glass half-full approach to go with.

And finally, only 18% of the voters have proven to be helpless romantics and answered “Yes, the next year will revert the industry back to its golden age”. I wouldn’t be that positive as the situation certainly cannot revert that quickly in the industry after years of gradual decline.

I would say that I personally am not that hopeful when it comes to positive predictions for this year. However, I would like to be mistaken and take my words back at some point this year. As they say, we will wait and see how things go. Remember that you can always educate yourself by reading the articles from the MNO popular series called “HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets” and see how the business actually works in real life, rather than the widely advertised get-rich-quick schemes. MNO doesn’t hide anything from readers, unlike so many others! This I can guarantee you as full transparency has always been my main policy.

Now it’s time to ask you another question that will be available for your votes over the next week or two. And this time I wanted to dedicate the poll to the brilliantly performing program ShuttleRent.

ShuttleRent has been listed on MNO for nearly three months now and I can confirm that it has never missed a payment so far. All the PerfectMoney payouts have always been instant and as far as I know from my readers’ feedback other accepted payment solutions – Tether USDT and Tron – have been processed instantly as well.

The minimum to invest in ShuttleRent starts from an affordable $10, but note that the program has been having daily limits of how much members can invest on one particular day. The limit I believe is about $1,000 at the moment and it resets every 24 hours, so if you failed to make a deposit today then you can only wait until tomorrow to try again. In my opinion, it is a great idea from the admin of ShuttleRent that probably helped the program to achieve an incredible three years online. As we know, all the “sleepers” which ShuttleRent definitely used to be are usually dependable performers and are capable of running for a very long time. Of course, then the admin factor should be considered as well, because in the case of ShuttleRent we can clearly see that the guy is serious about doing business and knows a thing or two about how to run a HYIP properly.

Another great thing about ShuttleRent so far was the gradual development, as the current investment plan is not the original the program started out with back in 2020. However, according to the admin’s intentions he has publicly declared it won’t be the last one, as the new offer will be on the table sometime later this year, as well as more cryptocurrencies accepted. So watch this space if you want to be among the first to know about further developments in ShuttleRent!

Speaking of the current investment plan you might love it or hate it, depending on your investment priorities and expectations. By all HYIP standards, although offering an excellent return of 125.5% within a 50 calendar days period might feel quite a small return for the risk taken. I remind you that ShuttleRent will credit your account with 3% interest every day of the week (Monday to Friday) while on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) the interest rate is being reduced to 1.25%. And so, for the poll running on the MNO TalkBack over the next week or so I would like to offer you a simple question.

Are you satisfied with the ROI offered by ShuttleRent paying 3% on weekdays and 1.25% on weekends for 50 days?

Possible answers will be:

– Yes, the total return of 125.5% after 50 days is absolutely satisfactory
– No, I think 125.5% after 50 days is rather small and not worth the risk

I think the poll is self-explanatory, so I would like to thank you in advance for taking it. So, click here to vote and we will draw the results soon! I’m sure investors’ appetites when it comes to such long-term established performers as ShuttleRent is that it should be a matter under scrutiny more often to understand the current HYIP market better.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 168 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: –
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: ShuttleRent.

That’s about all I have for you today, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading the MNO blog and will check it out later for more information from the best investment projects and the latest news from the crypto world. Have a profitable week ahead of you all and talk to you soon again on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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