Feb 27th, 2023 Archives

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Hello all. Another Monday and another article on the MNO blog – the most respected and unbiased blog about online investments since 2007. It has been an amazing fifteen years of hard work – the work that has been tremendously rewarding both financially and professionally. I have used the fullest experience to make my brand name and it has become one of the biggest resources solely dedicated to the HYIP industry and its brightest representatives.

Unfortunately, over the last few years the situation in the world of high-yield investments has significantly deteriorated which led to a huge explosion of fast scams and at the same time greatly reduced the amount of well-intended programs. Professionals in running HYIPs have left as the industry, have stopped fulfilling their dreams of long-term income and were immediately replaced by a bunch of chancers looking only to fill their pockets without offering investors even a slight chance to earn profits. That has created an avalanche of investors taking part in a mass exodus from the HYIP industry and switching to cryptocurrency investments instead. At least, I could understand such people – with “crypto HODLing” you will at least have a better chance to grow your money in the long term rather than giving it away to a bunch of fast scams that will rob you in a blink of an eye.

At least, we have some rare exceptions from that rule. I’m talking about the lonely leaders like ShuttleRent, for instance. The program has been running now for over three years and unlike others the admin has been making a terrific job and always pays instantly to investors’ Tether USDT and Tron crypto wallets. ShuttleRent intends to offer more payment options in the near future, but for now you may invest starting from a $10 minimum. The regular interest you can count on is 3% daily on every business day while on Saturdays and Sundays it is reduced to 1.25%. That will give you 125.5% ROI by the end of the investment term with ShuttleRent that expires after 50 calendar days. Note that the principal is already included in the daily payments, so your total profit will be 25.5% in slightly over seven weeks time – much higher than the traditional financial institutions could offer.

Personally I’m always here to answer any questions you might have on Telegram @mnoblog Alternatively, you can submit this online contact form or write to me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com To get my blog articles please submit your email address on this page or for the most up-to-date notifications make sure to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter. Although I will be leaving the cold of London for a summery Israel over the next three weeks I will still be available and active as usual, so don’t hesitate to contact if you have anything to discuss with me, guys.

Just like every other Monday the main focus of today’s blog article will be the Weekly CryptoNews Digest. It brings you the most talked about news and events that might affect the whole crypto market and your cryptocurrencies stash. So pay close attention, as we begin our journey to what happened last week – February, 20 to February, 26, 2023.


Perhaps in the greater scheme of things this isn’t exactly the most important story in the world of crypto currencies this week, but I found it interesting nonetheless. It seems a public employee in the US state of Massachusetts set up an illegal BitCoin mining operation in a school. He is charged with fraudulent use of electricity and vandalizing Cohasset High School, just outside Boston.

As I’m sure MNO readers already know, crypto is digital currency that can be “mined” through specialized computer processors. Because of the heavy computer calculations needed to verify transactions, such mining uses huge amounts of electricity. Authorities were first alerted to the possible crypto mining operation in December 2021. A statement by the police said the operation was being run from a remote crawl space that was discovered beneath Cohasset High School by its director of facilities.

Detectives interviewed the director, who said that during a routine inspection of the school he noticed electrical wires, temporary ductwork, and numerous computers that seemed out of place. Investigators discovered computers in the crawl space, and learned they were being used in a cryptocurrency mining operation that was illegally plugged into the school’s electrical system, police said. After a three-month investigation with the help of the US Coast Guard and the Department of Homeland Security, police identified the suspect. The mining operation had been running from April to December 2021, and cost the high school about $17,500 in electricity, according to court records, though it wasn’t disclosed how much money was earned by the alleged culprit.


The former boss of collapsed crypto exchange FTX has been hit with four new criminal charges accusing him of conspiring to make illegal political donations and to commit bank fraud. Sam Bankman-Fried (usually known as SBF for short) has already pleaded not guilty to defrauding customers and investors. FTX filed for bankruptcy last year, leaving many users unable to withdraw their funds. SBF now faces a total of 12 criminal charges.

Regarding the latest charges, prosecutors accused SBF of conspiring with two other former FTX executives to donate tens of millions of dollars to influence US politicians to pass laws favorable to the company. The donations were allegedly made through “straw” donors or with corporate funds, allowing SBF to evade contribution limits, prosecutors said. They claimed SBF told one executive to donate to left-leaning candidates and the other to Republicans, with many donations funded by his Alameda Research hedge fund and including FTX customer funds. SBF has already pleaded not guilty to claims that he used customer deposits at FTX to fund Alameda Research, buy property and make political donations. He was released after his arrest on a $250m bail package in December. But he faces more than 100 years in prison if convicted. Judge Lewis Kaplan set a trial date of 2 October.


Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) calls for public feedback on its newly proposed licensing regime for cryptocurrency exchanges set to take effect from June 2023. A key consideration of the public consultation window is whether to allow licensed exchanges to serve retail investors in the country and what measures should be implemented to provide a range of “robust investor protection measures.“ The SFC announced the consultation process on Feb. 20, outlining a new licensing regime for the industry which proposes that all centralized cryptocurrency trading platforms operating in Hong Kong must be licensed with the regulatory body. The SFC’s proposed regulatory guidelines are based on existing requirements for licensed securities brokers and automated trading venues, while modifications have been made to some of the existing prerequisites. A statement from SFC CEO Julia Leung highlighted the “recent turmoil” in the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the collapse of industry players like FTX as a primary reason for clear regulatory guidelines for the industry with investor protection the main priority.

According to the announcement, any person or business providing cryptocurrency-related services must apply for a license from the SFC. Furthermore, a number of requirements are set out for cryptocurrency exchanges and service providers. This includes a host of prerequisites, including the safe custody of assets, Know Your Customer, conflicts of interest, cybersecurity, accounting and auditing, risk management, Anti-Money Laundering/counter-financing of terrorism and prevention of market misconduct.

Businesses that intend to continue operating and applying for a license are encouraged to review and revise existing systems and controls to meet the requirements of the upcoming regime. Exchanges and service providers that do not intend to apply for a license will have to prepare to close down their businesses in Hong Kong. The SFC also intends to publish and maintain a list of licensed cryptocurrency exchanges and service providers to inform the general public of the registration statuses of different firms.


The International Monetary Fund’s Executive Board stated that in order to safeguard monetary stability, countries should not grant legal tender or official currency status to cryptocurrencies. The board called on member nations to clarify regulation on crypto assets and even stated that outright bans should not be ruled out. Meanwhile a new blog, also from the International Monetary Fund, has uncharacteristically highlighted crypto’s positive aspects stating the rapidly evolving technology behind crypto may ultimately hold greater promise for the financial sector.


Finally for this week’s news digest, leading crypto exchange Coinbase launched an Ethereum layer-2 network called Base, built with the help of Optimism. The testnet of Base will not be limited to Ethereum, but will also provide access to other networks such as Optimism and Solana. The aim of the project is to offer a secure, low-cost, developer-friendly way for anyone, anywhere, to build decentralized apps. Coinbase is, as many of you will no doubt already be aware, the world’s second biggest exchange provider by trading volume.

That would be it for today’s Weekly CryptoNews Digest on MNO. I hope to talk to you again and discuss what will happen later this week next Monday. Stay tuned for more!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 168 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: –
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: ShuttleRent.

And that concludes our news overview for today, guys. Stay safe and secure and have a happy week ahead of you. Thanks for your outstanding support of my work and I will talk to you again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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