20/10/2015. Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Hello everyone, and welcome again to the MNO blog – the most popular blog dealing exclusively with high-budget investment programs. The MNO ratings have been growing again this month and so is the level of activity from readers who said recently that their profits from the HYIP industry in October have been much better thus far than September. Well, at least 77% agree with that as the voting on the MNO TalkBack page continues at least until the end of this week. You can submit your own opinion here.
The start of this business week was not all rosy though as two programs – Profit4You and CryptotechGroup – have left us with mixed results. I’ll discuss that further in the news section today which also includes updates from perfectly paying programs like Cryptof, GrandRialtoLimited, and ProfitUnity. I’ll start though with the introductions of a brand-new short-term program that only launched a couple of hours ago called GarnetStock and a longer running program, formerly running as a “sleeper” called FxIndependent that were both added to the MNO monitor today.
Let’s begin with GarnetStock which only launched today and immediately made its way to the HYIP industry’s most expensive HYIP Premium listing on MNO in hopes to attract more sophisticated and experienced investors. Although GarnetStock only accepts PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin (which is nevertheless totally normal for such type of programs) and make withdrawals manually within 24 hours, I still believe there’s a chance it can achieve some level of success with its almost perfect setup and combination of beautifully constructed bi-lingual website (available in both original English and a professional translation to Russian), Green Bar Comodo extended SSL-certificate, hosting on a dedicated server with DDoS protection by BlackLotus, a slightly modified to suit the layout licensed script from GoldCoders, and some other features to be discussed in the upcoming review here on Thursday. Why wait two days, you might ask? Well, before the full review of the program I want to make sure that the first investors going for its shortest 2-day long investment plan are going to receive their first profits which will hopefully happen in less than 48 hours from now. By the way, speaking of the investment plans offered by GarnetStock you can find a few of them all paying on expiry of various terms and all available from a $5 minimum. The full list is 107%-125% after 2 days, 120%-200% after 5 days, 160%-400% after 10 days, 300%-1000% after 20 days, 500%-1500% after 30 days, 1200%-40005 after 60 days. I would like to remind you again that the withdrawals in GarnetStock are not actually instant and are processed manually by the admin within a 24-hour maximum timeframe. I imagine he will pay much faster right from the start as my first withdrawal was quite fast and within just a couple of hours which allowed me to move the program to Paying status on the MNO monitor already. Good luck to everyone who joins GarnetStock, but remember to spend only money you can afford to lose and always diversify your investment portfolio.
You might also be interested in joining FxIndependent which was added to Standard listing on MNO earlier today. Although the program has apparently been online for almost three months now, in reality the program remained in “sleeper” mode for most of it and was only re-designed and opened some new more profitable investment plans a couple of weeks ago. Over the last few days there were also a couple of new investment options added and currently FxIndependent is working with Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, OkPay, and BitCoin with Neteller featured as “coming soon”. FxIndependent promised to process all the withdrawals instantly, and I hope to be able to confirm that by tomorrow night. Another good thing about the program is the high level of flexibility it strives to provide investors. FxIndependent sets up a minimum lock-in period for every investment plan that can be just 1 calendar day (for the smallest investors with $20 to $99 deposits), 10 calendar days (for the mid-range investors starting from $100), 20 calendar days (for larger investors with $1,000 deposit at least), and 30 calendar days (for the $5K to $35K range largest investors). On expiry of this lock-in period you have two choices – either remain with FxIndependent for an unlimited amount of time and keep earning until the end, or withdraw your initial principal any time you want. You might think at first glance that smaller investors have the advantage of shorter lock-in periods and the larger investors are penalized with longer lock-in periods.To some extent that might be true, but also you shouldn’t forget that the bigger your deposit with FxIndependent the higher your daily payment rate. You see, FxIndependent is actually working off an investment model successfully utilized by such HYIPs like AtrexTrade (reviewed here) and PokerAutomatics (reviewed here). The daily variable profit in the “company” can be anything from 3% to 6% (currently the daily average is 3.53%) and from that your own share is from 80% to 110% of the profit depending on the invested amount and duration of the lock-in period. So that means with a 4% company profit, a person with the minimum deposit will get 3.2% (an 80% share) on that particular day, while the largest investors will enjoy 4.4% (or a 110% share). If that sounds too complicated please check out the full review of FxIndependent on my blog tomorrow for a detailed but simple explanation. Otherwise you can always check out the so-called “demo account” on the website that will give you an idea how the member’s area looks before joining. On the “Trading History” page you will see the historical record of the company’s daily profit rates over the last couple of weeks, you can also see the latest deposit and withdrawal stats on the main page, plus the Live Chat available for instant support. Technically, the site also looks well prepared with an SSL-certificate from Comodo for secure instant transactions, hosting on a dedicated server and DDoS protection by DDoSGuard and the licensed version of H-Script which many investors might know from PokerAutomatics and whose slight peculiarities will be a subject of further discussion in the upcoming review of FxIndependent tomorrow. Actually the latest modifications of the investment plans which apparently only took its current shape very recently had been discussed in yesterday’s newsletter dedicated to the program’s first official three months online:
“3 month of stable work
In some days it will be 3 month since our website has started its work and we have begun to accept deposits online. We hope that during this time we have deserved the trust of our investors. We have some good news for you.
As you can notice, in the two last weeks the daily profit fell lower than 3% for several times only. The average daily profit in this period makes out 3.6% a day – and it’s only the beginning. According to our forecasts, the profit will only rise in the future. In this regard, we have made a decision to correct our investment plans: since today our minimal profit will not fall lower than 3%. It means, now the minimal profit on the FX1 plan will make out 2.4% a day (and this is minimally 72% profit for a month!)
In the nearest days we are going to reduce deposit hold term on the plans FX10, FX20 and FX30 – watch our renewals.”
One the most unique new programs in recent weeks has to be Cryptof, probably the only program I am aware of that pays “free money” without the necessity to ever make a deposit (not including ref commissions obviously). I mean sure, the amount is negligible, barely a couple cents per day in exchange for looking at some ads, but over time cents add up to dollars. That’s not actually the point of joining Cryptof of course, just an interesting side bonus that comes with the investment plans should you wish to make a deposit. These include 2.7% to 3.3% per calendar day for a 60 day term and were explained in more detail in the review of Cryptof first published on MNO here. If you like the look of them then payment options include PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, OkPay, Paxum, Qiwi, and YandexMoney. Deposits need to be made in increments of at least $10 and you can claim a free $2 bonus as long as you make an active investment using your own money as well. Anyway, in the latest newsletter from the Cryptof admin seems quite pleased with the programs performance, placing special emphasis on the improving Alexa rating and some stats on the deposits and withdrawals being made. Of more practical use to members is the suggestion that Cryptof will shortly be adding some extra payment options, namely Paypal (which to be honest I think is unlikely, but then it’s not up to me), Payza (which will do a great deal to boost the program both in terms of the number of investors plus the money they spend) and Neteller (of which I’m a huge fan but unfortunately don’t see much demand for in the HYIP industry). The newsletter is re-published for your information in full below:
“Buy Booster and Double Your Money–Deposit Crossing $176400
Dear User,
Another great day is just passing. We try to give our update everyday. Today our Alexa rank has come down to 60672 and our registered member is almost 8000. We are growing everyday. Yesterday we paid more than $9000 as withdraw.
How much did you earn today? $5? $10? $50? $100? Some People are earning more than $300 per day
All other programs are cheating. While we are the only program which pays free money to free users. No other program can do do that- that’s a Challenge.
Deposits Crossing $176,400 (in just 20 active days)
Withdraw Given $49,200+ (Passive Earning)
AdPayments $42,600+ (AdSurf Earning)
Very soon, Paypal, Payza and Neteller will be added.
Some good features are coming next month.
NB: If you are not able to post your referral link for promotion on Facebook, use Adfly url shortener
Happy Earnings!
Regards, Cryptof Team”
Another interesting program just recently added to the MNO monitor is GrandRialtoLimited. The program was actually online a lot longer than the time it’s been listed on MNO, however it was kept deliberately under the radar as a so-called “sleeper” program until the admin was ready with his proper re-designed website and investment plans. So it’s really only since about a week and a half ago that you can really treat GrandRialtoLimited as a serious and professionally managed HYI program. Investment plans are now expanded and the full list includes 2.25% for 25 days, 2.45% for 45 days, 2.95% for 65 days, principal back, 600% after 30 days, 1500% after 60 days, 300% after 35 days, 1000% after 65 days, 3000% after 95 days, 5000% after 125 days. These are all explained in my full review of GrandRialtoLimited which you can read here and see why I suggest some plans are OK to join and the reasons why others should be avoided. GrandRialtoLimited use PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, and NixMoney. Deposits start from a $10 minimum. In an effort to further promote his program, he waited long enough to start after all, the GrandRialtoLimited admin has added a promotional video to the website. You can read about it in the news update posted below, or better again simply watch it for yourself on the GrandRialtoLimited website or on the MNOVision page:
“You’re have to see this!
Dear investors.
The GrandRialtoLimited program announces about release of new promo video devoted to our company. Having watched this video, you will be become more clear by our purposes, our doctrine of business in general and our approaches to investment.
Watch our video presentation on the GrandRialtoLimited program site.
80 years of life of the company and 80 days of work of the program in online format! It is our next small anniversary to which we present this video presentation for you.
Watch our news.
GrandRialtoLimited – We Give Prosperity for You!
Yours faithfully, Gabriel Jakes.”
In a brief news update from ProfitUnity, the admin made the very welcome announcement that Neteller is joining SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and OkPay as a another payment option. As I already mentioned in relation to Cryptof earlier, Neteller isn’t as widely used in the HYIP industry as I myself would like, but that’s not the admin’s fault. It’s an excellent payment option and the ProfitUnity admin is making it available to you. It’s up to members whether they use it or not but if you are going to join ProfitUnity regardless then this might be a golden opportunity for you to open an account with them and check it out. Investment plans in ProfitUnity (first reviewed here) include 1.8% for 20 days or 2% for 40 days (principal back, earnings on business days only), 4.9%-5.2% for 50 days (earnings on business days only), 115% after 10 days, 155% after 30 days, 60% for 2 weeks, and 44% for 3 weeks. Deposits start from a $10 minimum and withdrawals are usually processed instantly. News about the inclusion of Neteller is re-posted below, however please pay close attention to the ProfitUnity admin’s additional caveat that transactions there are expected to take longer than other processors:
“ProfitUnity Limited now accepting Neteller
Dear investors,
We would like to inform that we are now accepting Neteller, a strong payment system that a lot of members would like to use.
Just a reminder that this payment system will not fully automatically and that means there is an additional delay up to 24 hours to process your request.
For more information, please visit our page.
PROFITUNITY LIMITED – Earning More, Together.”
Unfortunately I have to finish today’s news on a sour note. Two programs, Profit4You and CryptotechGroup, have been moved to Problem Status on my monitor. In both cases, though maybe for different reasons, this should serve as a stark reminder to investors to never spend more money on HYIPs than they can afford to lose because you simply never know what’s around the next corner. With CryptotechGroup I can only speculate that the program may have deliberately been intended as a fast scam from day one, that is to say it was never the admin’s intention that anyone would ever see any profit at all. At least that’s the way it played out anyway, with the program failing to complete the first cycle of its investment plan and failing to survive long enough for even the first members to reach the break-even point. This is only made all the more frustrating by the fact that the plans were entirely sustainable if managed by the right admin, but that’s the biggest thing that you will never predict. The “illusion” of sustainability could also be a tool used by fast scam admins to lure their victims into a false sense of security, making it easy for them to be tricked into believing the promise they are offered can be delivered. The fact that they also tried to mimic the extremely popular and well run PokerAutomatics was also a way to try and associate themselves with the success of others and perhaps plant the seed in investors minds that they could achieve similar results. Then of course there was the “problem” of instant payments. Some were instant, some were not, the feature was constantly being turned on and off without any reason ever being given, despite the fact that they were never even promised in the first place with the CryptotechGroup website calling for 24 hours.
In many ways Profit4You is even more disappointing because it wasn’t a total scam. The program’s first investors did manage to make a profit with this one, it’s just that it could have been so much better. The admin really didn’t help matters much with his own unpredictable actions and lack of communication as to why certain things were happening. Payment options being the key issue here, adding them before removing them again. I imagine the unpredictability and never knowing whether the admin was really sure of himself was apparent to investors who saw all of this as a warning sign, and new deposits weren’t long in drying up.
I think it’s worth noting that in both programs members who used Payza to deposit are still getting paid. I believe payments continue in Skrill as well in the case of Profit4You. This really only goes to underline the scam because nobody else using any of the other processors is getting anything. With Payza the admins of course can’t get the money out directly (not easily anyway) without exposing their real identities and so are likely to continue for a while longer. If you have used Payza to join either Profit4You or CryptotechGroup then your best bet is to continue withdrawing for as long as you can, and when they finally stop you should then contact the payment processor for a refund. You might get something, you might get nothing, it will depend on how much money they can recover, but it’s free to ask.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: HonorForTheBrave, PokerAutomatics, AtrexTrade, Nuggetz, AntsAssetsLimited, MutualTrust, 155ProfitAds, Cryptof, GrandRialtoLimited, GarnetStock (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7, ProfitUnity, Nano67.
From MNO Basic list: –
To today’s news update it’s worth mentioning that 155ProfitAds (reviewed here) just now introduced a rule of one withdrawal request allowed per day and the admin has already confirmed it to me personally, so keep this in mind when joining. I should have more info on that possibly by tomorrow as he might cover it in the next newsletter. I’ll also have all the latest updates from all the biggest programs online and you will be able to read more about the highly original program FxIndependent too. Not to miss anything important please always follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to the daily news delivered to your email if you can’t check out the MNO blog and monitor on a daily basis. That should be every smart investor’s routine and I believe many people are already addicted to MNO and follow it regardless of whether they love me or hate me. I’m always glad to hear your questions and suggestions on the MNO ShoutBox or you can write to me from my Contact page. See you all tomorrow, guys!
Filed under Daily News by on Oct 20th, 2015.