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21/10/2015. FxIndependent Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! FxIndependent has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! I guess I should tell you right from the start that this is going to be a lengthy post as we have more news than usual to catch up on today. Something else I want to discuss with you first however is a new addition to the MNO monitor, an interesting and some would say promising program called FxIndependent. Some of you will no doubt already recognize the name, given that FxIndependent has been online in some shape or form for around three months now. That by no means makes the program old by now though, as it was kept deliberately low key and under the radar, operating as a kind of sleeper program.

I know most readers here are well aware of what that means, but for the benefit of anyone new to the industry let me give a brief explanation. A sleeper is a proper functional and working program, except that the admin deliberately keeps it out of the public eye. No one is prevented from joining as such, it’s just not really encouraged. Why not? Well, usually it’s because the admin has his own personal reasons, preferring to try and present the program as a long running going concern with a long and dependable payments history. The fact that it was only one or two monitors collecting a couple of cents is generally not mentioned! You’ll usually notice that this sudden burst in enthusiasm from the admin is accompanied by a total overhaul of the website, with much better plans replacing what ever was there first and a new more attractive and professional looking design. FxIndependent was no exception.
At first glance you might think FxIndependent is a short to medium term HYIP. Well, I suppose it is if that’s what you want it to be, but in reality it strives to allow members a greater degree of freedom. The investment plans don’t have fixed expiry dates you see, merely minimum lock-in periods during which you are not allowed to leave. On expiry of these lock-in periods the choice then falls to you what you want to do with your principal – ask for it back and leave FxIndependent or else keep it in your account and continue collecting interest payments indefinitely. The “dilemma” (for want of a better word) of exactly how long to stay a member of the program and when to leave therefore is left entirely up to you, so in that sense I suppose it’s more accurate to call FxIndependent a perpetual style HYIP. My own suggestion then is to read through all the plans carefully, decide what your goals are in joining the program in the first place, and proceed from there. Maybe you have a fixed monetary figure in mind? A certain percentage you would like as a return? Maybe there’s a specific date when you have to ask for your money back? Or in my own case (speaking as a monitor here) perhaps you simply want to leave your principal in play until the end and see how things go from one day to the next before deciding?

Something else you need to be aware of before I continue with the finer points of the investment plans is the actual business model being used by FxIndependent. It’s by no means unique or anything, in fact it’s been used quite successfully by several other programs both in the past and still running at the moment. Basically what happens is that FxIndependent pay you a different rate every day depending on the program’s performance. They post a profit figure every day, and then members will get a percentage of that profit. The full profit will be something between at least 3% and a maximum of 6%. This however is NOT the amount paid to you. You only get a share of that, and the size of your share will depend on factors such as what investment plan you are in, what term length you have opted for, and so on. Don’t worry, it’s not complicated (like I said there are other programs doing the same thing) and I’ll give you some simple examples as we go. By the way, one of the many interesting features in FxIndependent is the so-called “demo account”. If it all looks a bit complicated at first you have the option to try out a demo, or demonstration account first. There’s no real money involved of course, it’s just something that you can play around with in order to see how everything works and get yourself familiar with the program before making a proper investment.

Anyway, here’s your options. FxIndependent‘s first plan is called The FX1 and can be joined for a $20 minimum. There’s a $99 upper limit placed on deposits here so it’s really for the smaller investors or people who just play HYIPs for the fun of it. The “term”, i.e. lock-in period is just 1 single day. FxIndependent offer a daily interest payments for every day you wish to remain a member. Your only obligation is that you have to stay for at least one day before you can ask for your principal back. The exact rate you receive will be 80% of whatever profit rate is posted by FxIndependent on the day. So for example, if they post a profit of let’s say 5% for the day, they give you an 80% share of that which comes to 4% (80% of five is four). Of course you shouldn’t expect to get the same return every day. In fact if you ever receive the same return two days in a row from FxIndependent I’d be surprised. Some days it will be better, some days it will be worse. It (your payment) should be somewhere between 2.4% and 4.8% per day.

The second plan is called The FX10 and is open to investors prepared to spend a $100 minimum, so this is where a lot more of you will be coming in. FxIndependent is still paying you a share of the daily profit as posted on their website (that particular profit applies to all members big and small) except what improves is your own personal share of it. The posted profit will be something between 3% and 6%, while your share of it goes up to 90%. So as with the previous example, if FxIndependent post a 5% profit, members here will take 4.5%. Again this will rise and fall over the days and weeks, but your own earnings should always stay within 2.7% and 5.4%. Your only obligation here is that you must remain a member for at least a 10 calendar day lock-in period. After that you can request your principal back whenever you are ready, or leave it there to continue earning for a bit longer if you prefer. Maximum investments in this plan are capped by the FxIndependent admin at $999.

For investors willing to pay at least a $1,000 minimum FxIndependent have The FX20 plan. As you might guess from the previous examples (the clue being in the name) joining here commits you to at least a 20 calendar day lock in period. The profit rate paid to members here is pretty simple – it’s 100% of whatever the admin posts on the day. So if it’s 3% then you get paid 3%, if it’s 4% then you get 4%, and so on. So obviously enough with FxIndependent‘s rate falling between 3% and 6% on any given day then that is the minimum and maximum rate you should expect personally. Again, your principal is unlocked after 20 days, at which point it’s up to you to decide when you want to claim it back. Maximum deposits cannot exceed $4,999.

For the biggest investors prepared to play with upwards of $5,000 FxIndependent have The FX30. Your principal has to be held by the admin for at least 30 calendar days, and while this is happening you are offered a 110% share of the posted profit. It’s still between the limits of 3% and 6%, it’s just that now we have the unusual case of members receiving more that what is posted. So for example if FxIndependent posted a daily profit of 4% members here would expect to actually receive 4.4%. Your payments will always vary though should never fall below 3.3% or go above 6.6% depending on what the root profit is on the day. The upper limit for deposits in this plan is $35,000, and once the initial 30 days have passed you may either withdraw your principal immediately or else leave it in your FxIndependent account to keep earning until you are ready to ask for it back.

There’s a lot to choose from there but no matter what your preference or your budget I think we can all agree that FxIndependent‘s plans all have one thing in common. Flexibility. It’s impossible to give you any practical examples of how an investment might work out for you, there are as many possible outcomes as there are investors after all, but something that might be helpful is the “Trading History” page. There you will see the historical record of the company’s daily profit rates over the last couple of weeks, though don’t use it as an exact scientific guide or anything either. Smaller investors have the advantage of a shorter lock-in period but only receive smaller interest payments. Bigger spenders accept an increase risk but this is the price for potentially bigger payments, so you can see every plan has its own strong points to all sorts of differently minded investors.

Lastly while still on the subject of investment plans I think I should just give a quick word on the withdrawal of your principal, because it’s not immediately obvious in the script. Basically what you need to do when you eventually decide you want to leave FxIndependent is go to the “Deposits” section of your personal account. Click on the deposit you need (as you may have more than one), and click the button marked “Active”. This allows you to reclaim your deposit to your account balance for withdrawal. Please pay very close attention to this because the “active” button is actually kinda hard to see. In fact I didn’t even spot it myself at first. Under your deposit details you see a series of headlines giving all the various details, such as the amount, the date you made it, and so on. On the far right hand side you will see the word “active” (assuming your deposit is indeed active that is). This is what you need to click in order to proceed with the next step.

You are allowed to make a full or partial withdrawal, but do keep in mind that if continuing with a reduced amount you may no longer be under the same terms & conditions so your interest rate may drop. For example, if you take $50 out of a $100 principal you know you are also going from a 90% share to an 80% share of FxIndependent‘s daily profit, so just do the maths in advance to avoid any surprises.

So, if all that makes sense and you like the plans enough to join, the next thing you will need to know about are the program’s payment options. Pretty good overall I would say as things stand, but there might still be a major improvement if the admin is successful in adding Neteller as claimed. In fact the FxIndependent admin has already expanded the list since the his program was first launched, so at least we know he is working on things. While we’re waiting you can still go ahead and join FxIndependent using Payza (which will do a lot to encourage bigger spending players), PerfectMoney, Payeer, OkPay and BitCoin. Withdrawals are processed instantly which is always an endearing feature for most investors I think. Just log in to your FxIndependent members account area, make the request, and you should hopefully have the money in under a minute. In the event of instant payments not being possible due to circumstances beyond the admin’s control then manual payments will be rolled out. If this happens you will need to allow up to 24 hours for your payment.

On the more technical side of things such as the design and security of the FxIndependent website. Everything looks well prepared with an SSL-certificate from Comodo for secure transactions and safer browsing. Hosting for FxIndependent is on a dedicated server with support and DDoS protection provided by DDoSGuard. The program is powered from a licensed version of H-Script, not exactly the main force in that line of business but a well known and well liked name nonetheless. The individual workings of it may differ a bit from what you are more used to seeing in other programs so it’s worth referring back to this review from time to time if you need to.

If you have any further questions for the FxIndependent admin or any account related issues you would like dealt with then there’s a couple of ways to get in touch. I suggest you ignore the postal address of course, being that it’s not likely to contain anyone with any connection to the program physically located. But it comes with a phone number so you can try your luck on that if you think you’ll get an answer. Alternatively there are various Live Chat options both incorporated into the site when an operator is online (no working hours if they exist are given) or through Skype. You may also e-mail the admin directly at the listed address on the FxIndependent contacts page, or else just fill in your details on the online customer support form and submit it.

Overall then there’s a lot to like about FxIndependent, and it could also be argued that the timing is just right for the admin to take it out of sleeper mode and start a proper promotional campaign to take the program to the next level. I wouldn’t take the last three months or so as evidence of anything really, either good or bad, so you should only consider the program as getting started now. FxIndependent isn’t any more or less of a risk for having been a sleeper during that time though perhaps the track record (which is of course still entirely genuine, sleeper or not) will suitably impress enough investors discovering them for the first time now. As long as we can all agree that the program is still just an online HYIP and behave accordingly then it will hopefully be a better experience for all. So set yourself a sensible spending limit that you are prepared to stay within and can comfortably afford to lose, keep your expectations modest and realistic, and if joining FxIndependent at all then try to keep it as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Quite an important development from 155ProfitAds mentioned on my blog last night was officially announced today. With the program’s growth there will be only one withdrawal per day allowed. Mind that your withdrawals from 155ProfitAds will still be processed instantly, and it’s just a way to alleviate the pressure put by enormous amounts of withdrawal requests submitted daily which the admin had to deal with on a daily basis due to the program’s healthy growth. By the way according to the admin, Igor, his program has reached already 5,700 members in only about five weeks online which is almost unheard of, but again, some admins just like to exaggerate. In any case, we cannot deny that 155ProfitAds has developed into a strong program paying variable returns of 3.25% to 5% daily. You can watch your profits growing in real-time every second until reaching 155% in total on your investment. This can be anything from $5 and can be invested in by purchasing $1 adpacks via all the popular payment options including Payza, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, and AdvCash. More on that plus the deposit and withdrawal fees and the compulsory 80/20 re-purchase rule common to the majority of profit-sharing programs, plus more on the advertising options offered by 155ProfitAds are explained in my full review published here. For more ways to earn from 155ProfitAds please refer to the latest newsletter which is mostly filled with promotional stuff rather than anything important:

155ProfitAds Official Update- Tuesday -20th – October 2015!!
From 155ProfitAds Admin Desk:
On Tuesday Oct.20th, 2015 at 4.00PM!
Now Over 5,700 Strong Members And Growing!
Your referral link:
Greetings Paul
We wish to Welcome all the New Members who have joined 155ProfitAds recently.
We’re thrilled to have you on the 155P Team. As we work together, we can change lives with this amazing Advertising Profit Sharing System.
History In The Making!!
NOW with the Variable Revenue Share Program started ON 15TH September, 155PA Members can earn from 3.25% to 5.00% per day.
We are all on our way to reaching amazing new financial heights with the 155ProfitAds Pay System. Thanks for being part of the 155PA Dream Team. This program is making a huge difference for our Members and their families.
Maximize your earnings by sharing!
We have said it before, and we’ll say it again. The fastest, easiest, most
profitable way to make the Most Money at 155PA is to find people who need more
money, and then Share 155PA with them. They can make just as much or more as you do, PLUS you get Referral Commissions when they purchase New Ad Packs.
To create a “passive/residual” income, the best thing you can do is create a
team of Referrals, who basically work for you. That’s because you get a Referral Commission each time THEY make a purchase.
Imagine if you Sponsor four people, who spend $1,000 each to buy Ad Packs. You
would have an extra $240 ($1,000 x 4 x 6% – 1st level) to spend or withdraw.
And if your indirect 2nd tier referrals purchases ad packs worth of
$10,000.00 ad packs, you receive another $400.00
Now imagine if you have 20 people who spend $1,000 each.
Do you see why it pays to Share 155ProfitAds?
Don’t forget this very important point!
Spend $10, make back $15.50
Spend $100, make back $155.00
Spend $1,000, make back $1,550
Spend $10,000, make back $15,500
Spend $20,000, make back $31,000
Got the picture?
155ProfitAds is the solution for everyone. There are lots of people who are hurting
financially, so introducing them to 155ProfitAds can be just the thing that will help
them most! It will help you the most too!
Update on Withdrawals!
Due to the volume of withdrawals we received daily that are manually processed, we have set withdrawals to once daily. Members can withdraw up to $250 in daily withdrawals.
Thank you for your continued support. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help.
Always working for your success!
Join Our FaceBook Group:


There were also two updates from Cryptof over the last two days that brought some really good news for investors. If you read my detailed review of Cryptof (posted here), you might remember that at the time of publishing a week ago the program dealt with eight payment processors when it came to depositing (starting from a $10 minimum into the 2.7%-3.3% for 60 days plan) – PerfectMoney, Payeer, OkPay, AdvCash, BitCoin, Qiwi, YandexMoney, and Paxum – while withdrawals were only available to the first four payment processors. That was quite inconvenient anyone dealing exclusively with BitCoin for example, as they would have to open an account in Payeer or PerfectMoney in order to withdraw. As far as I can see that policy was overturned and the admin promised that BitCoin would be available for instant withdrawals today. It was not officially confirmed yet, but I can see the option is available in the member’s area now, so you can try it now, taking advantage of the fact that Cryptof is actually one of the very few programs that allow deposit via one e-currency and withdrawals to another without any fees. Further news for the fans of Neteller payment processor (which includes myself, by the way) – Cryptof is offering deposit and withdrawal options via Neteller as of today as well. Note that unlike many other payment gateways Neteller transactions will be processed manually by the admin for the time being, so allow ample time for Neteller funds to be added or paid. For more news and the latest stats shared by the admin of Cryptof please refer to the two last newsletters re-posted below:

Neteller Added::Deposit Crossing $198,200
Dear User,
This is a Great day. We want to give you a great news: Neteller has been added. Yes, we are accepting Neteller as a Deposit method. At present we take Neteller manually, when we make a resonable amount of transaction, we will use SCI of Neteller. Withdraw has not been activated yet, but it will begin very soon. You can now deposit via Neteller.
Today, almost 400 new users have joined Cryptof. We paid almost $16,378 as profit and free earning today.
Some People are earning more than $300 per day
Deposits Crossing $198,200 (in just 21 active days)
Withdraw Given $59,300+ (Passive Earning)
AdPayments $48,900+ (AdSurf Earning)
As Neteller is added, very soon, Paypal and Payza will also be added.
Some good features are coming next month.
NB: If you are not able to post your referral link for promotion on Facebook, use Adfly url shortener
Happy Earnings!
Regards, Cryptof Team

Buy with Neteller and Double Your Money:::Get Rich Soon !!!
Dear User,
It is a lovely day. We want to give you 3 good news about Cryptof. This good news prove that Cryptof is coming No. 1 online earning program ever. You can even check it for free. Cryptof is the ONE & ONLY program on earth which is paying free earnings to it’s thousands of members.
Now the GOOD NEWS:
1. NETELLER Added!
We are happy to announce that NETELLER has been added as deposit and withdraw method. Many people asked us to add NETELLER and finally we did it. We will process NETELLER deposit and withdraw manually. So it may take up to 6 hours to process the transaction. And, please do not submit false deposit info, your account might be banned if you do so.
2. Cryptof is now in top 50K sites!
We are also happy to announce that Cryptof is now in top 50K sites! Today our Alexa rank is 48,633. It is the fastest growing investment program on the internet now. Thank you all. It’s you, who made this possible.
3. Bitcoin withdraw coming soon!
We are working on Bitcoin withdraw system. It will be added within next 1/2 days. Our Bitcoin Deposit and Withdraw system is full automatic and instant. No other program can do that.
***Paypal and Payza will also be added***
Some good features are coming next month.
Happy Earnings!
Regards, Cryptof Team.


It’s almost a universally shared consensus now that Carbon7 is the biggest high-yield investment program of the year, bringing us down memory lane to the golden days of the HYIP industry when programs grew extensively and routinely running for months on end. With the undisputed leadership of Carbon7 in the HYIP industry nowadays, many investors keep asking me on a daily basis whether it’s still safe to invest or re-invest there. I cannot possibly answer that question accurately as in either case I might be wrong. Regardless of the size and the seeming stability of Carbon7 nobody can deny that it’s still a ponzi-based investment game that has a beginning and eventual end, but when it’s going to be no one (except maybe the admin of course) really knows.

By the way, today the admin of Carbon7 issued a very rare newsletter. Actually I believe it’s only the second one sent during almost five months online. Quite often newsletters from such stable programs like Carbon7 can be frowned upon and treated cautiously enough by investors, as usually no news is the best news for experienced players. Stable and timely payouts are the only thing they need to hear and are usually opposed to any changes. This rule is certainly not applied to every single program out there, but Carbon7 is quite a unique case with almost every investor participating there at some point which makes it quite hard for them to maintain the cashflow levels and expand outside the relatively narrow confines of the online HYIP market. So far word of mouth was good enough for Carbon7 to grow intensely and kept its advertising efforts to a bare minimum, but the stalling Alexa rating and slow down in payout schedule to some members obviously made the admin step up his efforts to maintain the future growth vital for the timely processing of literally thousands of daily cashouts.

Today’s newsletter from Carbon7 re-posted below struck some of my experienced readers as a warning sign and perhaps hinting at depleting funds. That might be true to some extent, as the admin Martin speaks of increased referral commissions for three days a week, developing a new system of investment slots that will allow members to keep more than seven deposits at the same time in some cases, and some more improvements mostly aimed at satisfying the growing demands of the program’s top affiliates and addition of new payment methods (Neteller is promised to be added soon!). While such policies might be questioned by regular investors and rightly so, in my opinion the admin of Carbon7 is taking absolutely necessary steps to increase the inflow the cash without spending a cent on advertising, which might be beneficial enough for the program’s well-being and will keep it last for longer. Surely not everything depends on the admin’s good intentions though. It’s up to the average investor’s perception and point of view of these changes and increased timeframe for processing withdrawals, but for me everyone should obey the rules and not create a fuss if you’re paid within the promised 48 business hour timeframe, and which the admin also stressed in the newsletter.

Just a little reminder to those still unfamiliar with Carbon7 (where have you been hiding these last few months?) and haven’t read the review published here. Carbon7 works with two investment plans paying 110% after 7 calendar days and the more popular 7% for 30 business days plan. Investments to both plans start with the same affordable $25 minimum and Carbon7 works with all the popular payment options in the HYIP industry including SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin (and even readily accepting bank wires for larger investors). The program would have been at the #1 position on MNO if the admin had chosen to list it on Premium, as Carbon7 has managed to outperform all the other programs on my monitor over it’s almost five month run. As the admin of Carbon7 mentioned in the newsletter, I will try to remain optimistic enough and wait for its seven months online celebrations which the program will be able to achieve only with loyal members aboard which it has in abundance:

Carbon7 News – 5th Month Additions
As we are approaching 5 months online, we have done several improvements.
– NEW Affiliate Offer:
Starting this week from Thursday at 7PM until Saturday at 7PM per site time (UTC – universal coordinated time), our referral offer of 5% will be increased into a lucrative 7.7%.
This offer would be running for the following few weeks, but it is only for a limited time! Furthermore, it would only be applied for affiliates who have more than 1 active referrals.
– NEW SLOTS feature:
We have recently added a smart algorithm, to allow more slots to become available for our members to reinvest in certain situations where we have experienced high demand.
The algorithm would check for account investments volume, dates of slots (i.e frequently our members split investments into few slots on 1 single day not fully understating it).
If you are looking to re-invest and you already have 7 active investments, please try to re-invest and you may be able to do it and then view it in your overall active investments.
*Note: Many non-English speakers complaint about not being able to re-invest & Cancel withdrawal requests, so to let you know it’s possible, if you will disable the translation.
– NEW Affiliates Feature:
We have added the option for some of you to view the email address for your referrals, so you’d be able to contact and help them to become part of Carbon7 active community.
The feature is now active for our TOP affiliates, you could check within ‘AFFILIATES’ page to see it, if you can’t view the email section then it means you are still not applicable.
– Future Improvements:
We are still working to add internal “semi-automatic” exchange page so our affiliates may request to exchange their commission, among other additions like accepting Neteller.
Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to globally announce our newer members that withdrawal requests aren’t done automatically, so please remain patient and read the policy.
Looking forward to 7 months anniversary.
Carbon7 always at your service!
Thank you and warm wishes.
Freedom By Efficiency, LTD.
Martin C and Carbon7 Team.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: HonorForTheBrave, PokerAutomaticsAtrexTrade, NuggetzAntsAssetsLimited, MutualTrust155ProfitAdsCryptof, GrandRialtoLimited, GarnetStock.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7ProfitUnity, Nano67, FxIndependent (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. Hope you enjoy reading MNO and will bookmark my site to check it out often or, even better, subscribe to my daily newsletter not to miss any new high-budget programs MNO only deals with. By the way, tomorrow we should expect the first investors of the highly promising short-term program GarnetStock to be paid on expiry of their first two-day investment plans and as soon as it happens I’ll have a detailed review on the MNO blog along with the usual daily news and analysis. I believe that my readers deserve to deal with truly the best online investment opportunities, and not to waste their time or money on cheap scams, so stay tuned and always be on the money with Money-News-Online. See you all tomorrow!

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