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06/01/2010. Eternidex Review and Other News



Hi guys! The trend (if it’s not too early to call it that) in decent low rate of interest long term investment sites seems to be continuing with the latest one to come my way being Eternidex. Investors definitely seem to be favoring programs like this one at the moment. Actually I first saw them just before Christmas and joined a couple of days ago. And I’m reasonably confident it will prove to be a profitable decision.

The first thing you might notice when you land on the Eternidex homepage is the slogan “patience will pay off” and it really is hard to imagine a more apt description of how your investment here will work. The decision to join Eternidex or not will be made remarkably easy for you by the way by virtue of the fact that there is only one real plan. There are four variations within that plan based on how much you are prepared to spend. So if you like the plan all you really need to think about is the size of your deposit.

The plan will run for 150 business days. That’s 30 weeks in total. During that time you will be offered daily interest payments, paid 5 days per week, Monday through Friday. The size of your payment is based on the size of your deposit and that deposit will be returned on expiry. I’ll try to describe your options here:

To start with there is the Basic Plan. You can join this for a minimum deposit of just $10. The maximum is also relatively low at just $99. The daily rate of interest is 1% paid on business days. So it’s a pretty simple deduction then to work out that you will have recouped your principal after 100 business days (20 weeks) and will finish the term with a total profit of 150%, which will be in addition to your principal which Eternidex then return.

The next option is called the Standard Plan and it’s open to deposits starting from $100 up to a maximum of $499. Your deposit here will be rewarded with a daily interest payment of 1.2% per business day, enabling you to recoup your principal in just under 17 weeks. You finish the term with a total profit of 180% to which your original principal will then be added.

Not enough for you? Then consider Eternidex‘s Advanced Plan. That will cost you at least $500 to join and will accept a maximum deposit of up to $4999. The rate of interest earned here will be 1.4% per business day. At that rate (7% per week) you can expect to earn an amount equivalent to your deposit almost mid way through the investment term. Just under 15 weeks out of the 30. Your total profit on expiry should add up to 210% and as usual your principal should then be returned.

And finally for all the high rollers there is the Expert Plan. Entry here is a minimum of $5000 so it ain’t cheap. There is no upper limit to what you can spend. In return for showing so much faith in the program Eternidex will reward you with a daily interest payment of 1.8% per business day. That will add up to 9% per week and see you recoup your deposit after 8 weeks. Once the plan expires and you have collected your original principal then your profit on top of that should be 270%

All of which is great however where Eternidex let’s itself down is in the choice of payment options. This is limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. And while long term programs are often slow to catch on and get popular anyway, this is unlikely to help. I know I’ve said it before, and no disrespect to LR or PM who both have their advantages, but even people who prefer those processors anyway still like to see a choice available. Other HYIPs which only accept LR and PM at least compensate for the lack of choice by offering instant payments. Eternidex does not. But having said that, I must compliment the admin because the payments so far have still been very very fast. You are still asked to allow 24 hours (during business days) for your payment to be processed.

A couple of other things you need to be aware of in relation to the plans firstly that there is no facility in place for early withdrawal. Once you are in you are staying in tight until the very end so consider that especially if you are thinking about a larger deposit. Just make sure it’s not something you can’t do without in the event of an emergency over the coming months. The other thing is that the option of compounding is available and you are free to set the amount at any time.

Despite the minor (and fixable) drawback of limited payment options Eternidex has a number of advantages over many of its peers. In the area of security for example they are hosted on a dedicated server with protection from DDoS attacks provided by one of the very best hosting providers in the business – Dragonara. If there is a significant problem there, well, I’ll be surprised.

The script is provided by OroHyip which some of the longer term members of GNI may recognize. Here Eternidex have the added reinforcement of SSL encryption provided by Thawte. So together with the hosting the admin has made some pretty good choices there.

I quite like the design overall. It’s interesting at least and memorable. On a personal note I was amused to see a picture of a man who looks like he could he the twin brother of my old geography teacher in school. Well, anything is better than the usual mass manufactured images of blue suited yuppies smiling into their mobile phones and laptops. But seriously, it is quite easy to navigate and very well presented. And it’s well explained as well in simple terms with the technical jargon left out.

Any questions? You can put them to the admin in a variety of ways. There is of course the usual online support ticket system as well as a direct e-mail address. There is also a telephone number (though no address). Probably best of all however is a variety of Live Chat options. There is the main Live Support service for when the admin or an operator is logged in, though understandably this is not a 24 hour feature. Very few programs provide this in fact. Other options available for live support include ICQ (more popular in Europe I think) and also a Skype account.

When it comes to the outside business activities of Eternidex the claim “Forex, antiques, precious metals, and short-term crediting.” Wow, throw in arbitrage sports betting and you’ve got all the staple activities of the average online HYIP admin! Suffice to say little in the way of tangible proof is offered so if these things are important to you then I suggest you do a bit more digging.

Otherwise as online HYIP games go I reckon Eternidex has great potential to become a big hit over the coming months. Excellent security and sustainable plans will certainly contribute.


The first important news for today is undoubtedly the latest newsletter from GoldNuggetInvest (reviewed here). It appears that some of the members of GNI were concerned by the payouts that are being processed not in order. It looks like some of the members are being paid in time or with very slight delays caused by the holidays while a few others are still waiting for their cashouts since before they took their Christmas break. Of course it has nothing to do with cashflow issues as I know for sure that 4-digit payouts are also being processed. Probably the backlog is simply too big and that may cause a little confusion. Also the payment processors taking holidays only complicates matters. Anyway, the admin of GoldNuggetInvest Robert (interviewed here) is aware of that and promises that they are catching up and that during the next few days everybody should receive their pending payouts. So I advise you all to be patient and wait your turn. As for me I’m paid on a daily basis as usual but probably it has something to do with the fact that I always try to request my cashouts to LibertyReserve and use the opportunity to exchange STP and SP cashouts to LR taking advantage of the temporary 0% fees in the GNI internal exchanger. So I advise you all to do the same to get paid faster. In addition to some delayed payouts Robert also addressed some very important matters in today’s newsletter from GNI likewise: the discontinuation of the Weekly Rollover plan from the end of January and the safety and security of your GNI accounts and the preventative measures against possible hacking. The charitable initiative and some support ticket rules are also mentioned in the long newsletter from Robert and GNI team published below:
Warm and friendly greetings are extended to all friends of GNI in whatever part of the world you currently reside. We trust everyone made it through the holidays in one piece and, like ourselves, look forward to getting back into a routine to which we were reasonably well accustomed.
There are some changes and modifications which we are considering, some having been decided and resources invested to implement, while others are still being contemplated or considered.
While these changes will contribute significantly to the health and stability of the program, not all will be viewed as customer – enhancing changes, but the changes will be made regardless. Without making some program changes, coupled with the significant amount of funds currently frozen at Yesilada bank’s German correspondent account, our existence would be threatened, nothing anybody wants or needs. To say it again: Not our account with Yesilada is frozen, but THEIR correspondence account with a German bank.
Todd and I, with Jurgen’s input, have been working on these changes for quite some time; much thought and consideration is being taken before the decision to implement is made.
Before announcing the first significant change, they’re some other issues that warrant discussion as they are serious matters.
1. Increased Fraud Activity / Identity Theft:
This phenomenon is not unique to GNI, however, given our strength and size the organization and each member individually as well as collectively, is a target for all would be hackers and thieves. While we have been reasonably successful fighting this, it is extremely time-consuming and with a little bit of thought and members taking some responsibility for the activities they do, we could be doing a much better job and reduce the outlay of funds to zero with member assistance.
The following subject points must become routine procedures for GNI members whether working on GNI issues or when taking on non-GNI issues:
a. All computers must run with System-Wide Security provisions current and in place whenever utilizing the internet.
b. All passwords to all of your password protected IPs, MUST be changed routinely on a regular basis while avoiding the use of your own birthday or that of your spouses, social security or Driver License Numbers…etc. Use good common sense when selecting a password.
c. Don’t give out your password or USER ID information to anyone, even your referrer.
d. When making deposits, ALWAYS do it from your Back Office, NEVER from the Payment Processor (PP) site.
e. Verify the recipient’s account number belongs to GNI and is the correct account, regardless of the amount or how familiar it looks or does not look, nor which PP you are using. We will confirm that EVERY PP has had issues of hacking, malicious activity or otherwise. We don’t want to have to arbitrate a situation involving members who deposited to the wrong account because of some hacker’s switching of the client account.
2. Use of Support for Customer assistance:
PLEASE do not email Robert or Todd for support requests. All this does is slow down the response time. Use the ticket capability in your back office.
3. Delayed interest payments over the last two weeks, due to the holidays:
As some of you have realized, not all requests for payment have been realized over the last two (holiday) weeks. We’re not going to sugar-coat or mislead anyone here. We have had some e-currency / PP processor currency management issues, together with member’s requesting principal balances for the holidays, the necessary expansion of member / account verification resulting from the fraudulent hijacking of member accounts, collectively does not allow for the streamlining of payments to our members. With a concerted push, we were able to process over 1500 member payments yesterday, what is about the maximum we can do daily and we will continue today and the next couple of days. Please keep in mind, until such time we are caught up, some of these payments will not necessarily be in the order you requested them and secondly that we are receiving on a average day between 400 and 700 new withdrawal requests. Be patient…we’re trying to help everyone as fast as reasonably possible.
4. Charitable Giving:
The final tally will be made and announced later this week or early next. These charities will, I’m quite certain, be pleasantly surprised at this new infusion of funds.
5. Weekly Rollover Plan:
Effective January 30th, 2010, GNI will no longer offer the weekly rollover plan to prospective GNI members, as announced previously. There will be more information about this later. Be looking to get all funds out of the weekly rollover plan as it will no longer be supervised nor will interest be paid thereon.
For the next couple of weeks, be looking for correspondence to be flowing fairly regularly until such time we have tweaked the program sufficiently and addressed all concerns which affect the membership at-large.
We apologize for the delays – but are working diligently to correct these.
Thank you all for your time and support, Robert, Jurgen and the GNI Support Team

Please note that due to a holiday in Cyprus today GeniusFunds employees will not be working (as their headquarters are located in Cyprus). So there will be no interests paid on daily plans today (1%-1.9% daily) while the weekly interest (6%-9% weekly) will be adjusted and you will see reduced earnings accordingly. I remind you that GeniusFunds is one of the most popular investment programs online firmly occupying the #2 position in MNO rating of the most popular programs only behind GNI. GeniusFunds has been successfully paying and accepting all the major e-currencies and Bank wires since August 2008. Hopefully 2010 will see more of the same for GeniusFunds. Here is the latest news taken from GeniusFunds (read my detailed review of the program here):
06.01.10 Epiphany Day
Please note that due to a Public Holiday in Cyprus our offices will be closed all day on Wednesday 6th of January. No dividends will be paid and our customer support department will provide only limited support by e-mail. Please note that World Bond Market Fund (WBMF) dividends, which are paid on a weekly basis will be adjusted to reflect the holiday. Thank you for your understanding.

Finally some good news came today for all the members of FxStar (reviewed here) who were waiting for the program to add more payment processors. Many investors contacted me already and said that they would like to join FxStar and that it really looked good for them, however they didn’t use LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney which along with WebMoney were the only payment processors accepted. Well, not anymore, as starting today two other very popular payment processors have been added – AlertPay and StrictPay. So from now on you can invest in any of the investment plans offered by FxStar (1% for 30 days and 1.3-2.3% for 100 days with the interest being credited on business days only and the principal being returned on expiration) via five payment gateways. At this moment the admin of FxStar let everybody know that they accept these e-currencies in test mode so if you have any issues with them please contact the FxStar support. Here is the latest update:
Today we have added new payment systems: AlertPay and StrictPay. At the moment we are testing the instant input and output of these e-currencies. You can deposit money through these systems now, but we ask you not to deposit large amounts in order to avoid errors. Thank you.

TheKapital also extended their payment options recently and from now on you can make credit card deposits into the program via your AlertPay account. I remind you that beside AlertPay there are four other major payment processors accepted by TheKapital program and you can invest in both daily and weekly variable return plans offering investors 1.5%-2.2% daily or 8.2%-9.2% weekly. More on TheKapital can be read in my review of the program published here. And this is an update regarding the Credit card deposits:
Credit Card payments accepted
Due to clients requests, we have now implemented a new payment option for our users. Credit card payments will now be accepted. To ensure proper security we only be accepting credit card transactions through AlertPay. This will provide a great new option that meets our credit card users needs and offers the necessary security for our client information.

There was an email from the administration of XagaEnterprise (reviewed here) sent as a reminder about the issues with the suspension of their old domain name and the introduction of the new one. Please note that the site of XagaEnterprise has now a new .com domain extension and the old one is not working anymore. Here is the latest update from XagaEnterprise:
I remind you once again, please do not use .net. It was suspended. Only use .com or .biz.
Make sure you check everything. Your signature, your referral link, your banner (get the correct code from your member area), etc. They have to be with .com otherwise they won’t work.
If you can’t access .com, please email support.
Our email address has changed to
Thank you. Regards, Diana. Support
I’m glad to report that the admin of XagaEnterprise Kevin (interviewed here) has agreed to answer some questions for a second interview for MNO as I believe the first one didn’t contain as much valuable information as it might have. The interview questions will be sent to Kevin tomorrow so I hope to publish that sometime next week.

The admin of WeeklyDividend (reviewed here) has already answered some questions for my interview including those about trading robots that supposedly helping him to earn money for the members of his program. WeeklyDividend promises to pay you 1.1%-1.5% daily or 9%-11% weekly forever with no expiry (the early withdrawal of your principal is not allowed). In today’s newsletter sent to the members the admin introduced a bonus of $5 that will be credited to every first-time deposit and mentioned about the coming addition of a multi-lingual version of his website. Here is the latest news from WeeklyDividend:
It is my pleasure to issue the following updates to you. The first is that we have already crossed over the 250 member mark which is tremendous growth for such a young company as ours. I know that many people are seeing the benefit in our quick support and upfront approach that we take in regards to our business!
It’s also my pleasure to announce that starting today through March 6th we will be giving a 5% first time deposit bonus to all members who are making their first deposit. What this means is that if you are making your first deposit of 100$ then it will be like you deposited 105$ and you will earn accordingly. This goes for all amounts no matter how big or small. The only requirement is that it be your first deposit in our program. We thought this was a wonderful way of generating additional buzz about WeeklyDividend and we know that it will greatly aid you in your efforts of sharing WeeklyDividend with others.
I’m also in the process of working with our programmer to implement our site in Russian and Italian also. We feel it is absolutely essential that we cater as much as possible to our non English speaking clients and this is our first step in doing so.
I can assure you that WeeklyDividend is and will continue to be pound for pound one of the best investments online.
Again your support is very much appreciated and 2010 is going to be an excellent year for all of the members of WeeklyDividend!
Thank you, Ed and the WeeklyDividend Team

There was another website found trying to copy the very successful program AtlantisMutual. As you might remember from my review of the program published here AtlantisMutual is quite an original HYIP and it seems it attracts some less talented scammers stealing texts from the original website. They probably have no idea that copying others will not make their program a success and will only make you a laughing stock among potential members. I remember that the last program that attempted to copy AtlantisMutual failed in less than a month though it was gladly accepted by some of the less stringent monitors. Actually only original ideas will bring you success either online or offline while plagiarism will get you nowhere. The same applies to other blogs that try to copy MNO without having any original content. There are only sheep and shepherds in this business, and I don’t know many shepherds! Anyway, here is the warning from the admin of AtlantisMutual (interviewed here):
Copycat website alert
AtlantisMutual management warns you about a copycat website that partially copies content and design of AtlantisMutual website.
AtlantisMutual are not affiliated with and recommend you to avoid any cooperation with due to copycat website’s illegitimate nature. AtlantisMutual are not responsible for any loss, caused by’s action or inaction.
Please report about any suspicious/misleading website that attempts to use content or design.

TradeZoom (reviewed here) is still paying on time and recently added mobile access to their website. So you can now check your account in TradeZoom using WAP access from your mobile. In addition, the maximum investment has been increased to the fantastic level of $100K which of course nobody in their right mind would invest in an online HYIP. Here is the latest news taken from TradeZoom site:
Due to investor’s requests about remove deposit limitation, and with experts survey, we increase maximum investment to 100.000 USD in both investment plans.
Also for easy access to website, WAP access is ready to use for mobile users in address.
Our company starts New Year with different strategies and we have new plans for improve services as usual, We wish a happy year for all friends and TradeZoom investors.
Yours sincerely, Tradezoom Inc.

ZenithInvestment (reviewed here) is also paying well so far and the admin of the program (interviewed here) recently sent another quite meaningless update. Apart from the encouragement to deposit I didn’t find any valuable information there. Can you ? Read the latest update from ZenithInvestment below:
“Dear investor, Compliments of the season to you.
Guess you had a nice Christmas and new year celebrations.
We want to use this opportunity to wish you a prosperous new year and to let you know that, we are moving from strength to strength.
Thanks for being a part of us. Invest now and earn your profit as at when due. Don’t wait for too long. Thanks.
Yours ever, Admin.

Unfortunately I have to move FaithInvestment to Problem status on my monitoring due to the absence of the payouts for the last two days and the inability of the admin to answer my emails. I’m not sure what happened with the program yet but I will definitely share any further info on FaithInvestment with you if I find it. At this moment it’s advisable not to invest in this program.

It appears StableInterest are using their withdrawals only to pay some small payouts to some monitors in order to keep their status as Paying on them. I can see on the forums that apart from tiny monitor payouts nothing else has been made. So I assume that the program is now a scam and have to move StableInterest to Not Paying status on MNO from today. Please do NOT invest in that program until the payouts to all the members and not only the monitors resume!

You might remember that last night a new banner has been displayed on MNO from IdealInv and tonight I’m ready to introduce it. IdealInv is a classic short-term program launched just yesterday offering three investment plans with the payouts on expiry: 120% after 5 days (minimum to invest is $5), 150% after 10 days (minimum to invest is $20) and 195% after 15 days (minimum to invest is $50). As IdealInv is running on a Neversay script you can only invest in blocks of $5 via the following payment processors: LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay, StrictPay and PerfectMoney. The layout of the program is quite good (provided by LeadCaptureMaster) and the hosting is also reliable – a dedicated BlackLotus server protected by Koddos. The admin is quite active on public forums and there was already some activity contest announced so you can get some money for posting on forums. A referral contest is also on the way. There is a $50 bonus for all members depositing $500 or more which is quite typical for such short-term programs. Despite the originality of the texts on the site of course it’s simply dangerous to treat IdealInv as anything other than just an online HYIP-game. Such investment plans are not sustainable in the long run though the admin promised to adjust them in the end of February. But if the program is still alive at that time I will be quite impressed. Anyway, January is not such a bad time to try your luck in a short-term program like this and I believe that it could pay off if you join from the beginning. Overall, the program is not bad at all and I’m going to review it on MNO pretty soon. So stay tuned for that! Here is just the first newsletter regarding the first day of IdealInv growth which seems to be pretty impressive (providing the stats are real of course):
First 24h almost have past and our program has achieved great success!
More than 145 members joined our online program and I would like to thank them for it.
I hope you’ll keep supporting us and be a part of our community!

Another program that I joined and added to my monitoring list today is GoldenFleeceFund. It is not exactly new however – it has been online for over 2 and a half months. It’s quite a reasonable term for a low-ROI long-term program but at the same time we cannot judge if it’s sustainable in the long run as the first payments on expiry are still to be processed. The main investment plan GoldenFleeceFund is offering investors is 2.5%-4% for 90 calendar days (please note that the interest is only credited to your account on business days). The most recent addition is the test plan where you can invest any amount starting from $10 and receive 1.1% daily (on business days) with a lock-in period of 30 calendar days. Please note that on both plans you will receive your principal back after your investment term expires. Originally GoldenFleeceFund accepted only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney but recently their payment processor list has been expanded to include AlertPay and StrictPay so they became more convenient for the majority of potential investors. GoldenFleeceFund uses quite a nice design by LeadCaptureMaster, is hosted on a dedicated server with BlackLotus protection and utilizes a licensed GoldCoders script. The administration claims to be involved in the trading of precious metals, however these statements are yet to be verified. Overall, I had a very nice impression on GoldenFleeceFund so far and taking into consideration its constant improvements I believe it has some bright prosprcts. Today for instance there was another statement issued regarding the new level of treatment the VIP members of the program will get. To get a VIP status your account in GoldenFleeceFund must reach $3,501. Here are the perks you will be receiving after obtaining a VIP status:
VIP Member Services
To further prove our dedication to client satisfaction, we are introducing VIP Account Status. If you make a new deposit in the Level 3 or 4 range of GoldenFleeceFund, your account will be given VIP status. This means, new depositors of at least $3501. With the growth of Level 3 and 4 in GoldenFleeceFund, we have found it necessary to provide additional services. Below you will see our outline of the new VIP account status in GoldenFleeceFund.
VIP Account Member Services
1. Must be a new depositor of at least $3501 starting today January 6th, 2010 into GoldenFleeceFund.
2. $150 Cash Bonus that can be withdrawn immediately upon investment into GoldenFleeceFund.
3. Private telephone number for concierge account services.
4. VIP account perks such as customized gift on birthday
Thank You, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager
I’m pleased that MNO is finally an official monitor of such a quality program as GoldenFleeceFund and a more detailed review of it will be published on my blog pretty soon. Stay tuned for that, guys!

There is a very extensive list of programs that paid me for the last 24 hours which includes:
XagaEnterprise, ArbsFund, SantiVentures, WestFinance, InvestJoy, MandarinInvest, OneDailyPro, Verifield, RichAliens, RefMotor, HugMoney, GlobalFund, FxStar, Flanita, Eternidex, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, AsiaInv, ArbisPro, GeniusFunds, NanoMoneyCorp, GoldNuggetInvest, StanbicArbitrage, CedexInvest, PanaMoney, TheKapital, WeeklyDividend, Vegamex, Caziroca, InstantMoneyBets, MoneyPlus, StarkFund, Infinitum, AimTrust, TradeZoom, RosalinFinance and IdealInv (the first payment received).

That’s it for today and I’ll see you on MNO tomorrow with an interview, another review and more news from the Industry! Remember to always stay on the money with Money-News-Online!

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