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20/06/08. LargeSum Review and Other News



It seems kinda odd to me that I haven’t noticed this program before. So thanks to one of my readers who told me about LargeSum so I could join. I’ve made my first test deposit and already received my first payment. I’m telling you from the beginning that LargeSum is only for serious investors who are able to spend $150 as that’s the minimum deposit in this program. As I told you in my previous post the program is really different from other low-ROI programs. So in my review I’ll try to outline why LargeSum is not your typical HYIP.

1) I heard the first mention of LargeSum program at the end of 2006. Let’s agree that it’s not typical for a high-yield program to last longer than a year. Even the seemingly most stable ones end before this term and I can’t remember a program that would last for 18 months like LargeSum did. Of course, back in 2006 LargeSum had slightly different plans than it has now: they offered from 0.5% to 0.7% daily for the periods from 30 to 120 days with the minimum deposit of $100. First they accepted e-gold only but now you can make deposits even via LibertyReserve.

The plans changed of course and now they became more profitable:

a) The first plan called “First Step” is aimed at investors willing to test LargeSum program with smaller amounts. You will get 1.6% every trading day for 30 trading days. The minimum amount to invest is $150 and the maximum is $750 (you can have two deposits in this plan running simultaneously). You can request a withdrawal every 24 hours by clicking “Money Recall” button in your member’s area and the money will be paid to your e-currency account within 24 hours after you made the request. The profit is calculated to your account daily from Monday to Friday. After 30 trading days your investment will mature and the principal will be returned to the e-currency account it was made from and you will be able to reinvest if you desire. If you decide to cancel your contract before your investment term matures you will get your principal back minus 20% fee within 24 hours.

b) The second plan is called “Profit Run” and you can deposit from $750 to $5,000 into this plan (two simultaneously running deposits are allowed). You will earn 1.8% every trading day and the investment term is 60 trading days. Like in the previous plan you will start to earn your profit daily but you can withdraw your profit to your e-currency account only once every 7 days. After 60 trading days your investment plan will mature and you will be able to reinvest if you wish or get your principal back. The same 20% fee will apply if you wish to cancel the plan before the 60 trading days term matures.

c) Finally “Wealth Jump” plan is for really large investors willing to deposit a minimum of $5,000 or more. They will earn 2% every trading day until their investment plan expires after 120 trading days. Then they will receive their principal back. The only disadvantage of this plan compared to others is that you can withdraw your profits to your e-currency account only once every 30 days. If that doesn’t stop you, you’re welcome to deposit there.

2) If you think that there’s nobody who deposited thousands of dollars there you’re greatly mistaken. Being more that 18 months online LargeSum program has gained a lot of credibility from the members. It has been running without any hype and slowly gaining more and more investors and fighting the issues where other sites would surrender. Including continuous DDoS-attacks during which LargeSum was inaccessible and problems with their domain name that resulted in registering two additional domains in April 2008. Of course, LargeSum constantly developed during these 18 months and recently the secured SSL-version of the site has been launched. Now you can be sure that all your info is safe and secure.

3) There are also some features that really differentiate LargeSum from similar HYIPs. First, the site is not flashy but straight forward and very convenient and easy-to-use so you could really find all the necessary info in one place. Second, the script is customized and original so it’s not easy to be hacked. Third, there’s no banners on the site which was really odd for me as I got accustomed to every HYIP having some promotional tools. I couldn’t find any monitors either so we can say that the news regarding LargeSum is mostly spread by word of mouth. So some forums even moved the thread of LargeSum to Inactive folders though the program has been operating flawlessly for many months already. This fact shouldn’t confuse you as you can be sure that from now on all the news regarding the LargeSum program will be published on my blog. If you still hesitate you can try their online support which is very friendly and is run by William Flanders. By the way, he kindly agreed to answer my questions for an interview so soon you will be able to read it on my blog.

My conclusion: LargeSum program is really worth our attention just because of the fact that it managed to stay online for more than 18 months and all this time it made stable payments to its members. The plans are sustainable and attractive at the same time and I couldn’t find any bad opinions voiced on any forums regarding this program. Many other programs would fail where LargeSum survived and it has attracted my attention as well. That’s why many investors got in there with thousands of dollars. I hope LargeSum will become another gem in my investment collection and will bring us much profit. But despite the fact that LargeSum seems to be a stable program you always should remember there are always risks involved and don’t deposit more than you can afford to lose.

Other news for today.

Tradelite program continues to add more features to make our dealings with it even more safe and secure. Today SMS Advanced Login Authorization has been introduced and now you can be sure that nobody can access your website if he hasn’t got your mobile phone:
Once again, we have proven our commitment to the safety of our members accounts – we have now introduced an additional layer of security: SMS Advanced Login Authorization. Using this optional method for authorization, you will be able to enjoy first class security by confirming any access to your Tradelite account using an access code which will be sent by SMS to your personal mobile phone. This security feature is available from the Edit Profile section of your Tradelite account.”
Tradelite Finance Corp.
I remind you that Tradelite is another stable program that pays 118% after 20 days, 147% after 40 days and 194% after 60 days. It accepts LibertyReserve, AlterGold and PerfectMoney. If you want to know more details about Tradelite program please refer to my interview with Martin Mitchell published here.

It hurts to know that another program you put your trust in scammed you and moreover had to lie to the investors about the reason for its closure. I’m talking about V-Project that despite being offline for a few days dared to leave the following farewell update on forums:
Now the situation in quite clear and we want to explain it.
When we were offline because of a massive DDoS attack, we were not able to login either via cPanel or via FTP.
Why? It seems that we were both ddossed and hacked, since our script has been damaged, our database and backup files in the home directory corrupted. Also our main LR account was hacked, since we were processing the payments with this e-currency while, suddenly, our online connection with the server has been switched off.
Of course, V-Project has directly experienced the meaning of “unfair competition” and “blackmail”… during the ddos attack we were asked to upgrade our ddos protection for $9.000 and we refused.
The attack against us had been really “ferocious”, a violent reaction against a program which has been trying to do something different: to inform investors about DD, to provide an exceptionally fast and professional support, to offer serious and original plans, and so on.
A terrible blow and economic damage for us. Also, our commercial image has been destroyed.
Now we only have 2 solutions and we are going to try both:
1) to rebuild a part of our database on the basis of the available data and to come back online (we have a new web host provider. then you will help us to complete the reconstruction of your accounts.
If in the next week we realize that this is not possible:
2) to refund all our clients not in profit. “Refund” means: principal – paid interest.
We hope it’s worth doing this last effort.
It also depends on you: we hope you will support us.

First, the admin was caught telling lies about the extortion offer received from BlackLotus hosting provider. Here’s the reply made by BLCC admin whom Amanda was blaming: “The price was $3500.00 per month, not $9000.00 and the database was fully restored within minutes of the problem being detected. I will not allow someone to make BLCC look like the bad guys here.” Then it’s really strange and looks unnatural to me that out of the blue all the accounts were hacked and V-Project had to end like this. Of course, the refund from the program would be good but I wouldn’t have amounted to get it especially after the blatant lies the admin made on public forums. Shame on this crook and I’m sorry for those who lost any money in this apparent scam.

At least, the admin of 12Daily.Pro gave us an honest update about the start of Round 2 and the possibility to refund up to 50% to the members who lost the money in Round 1:
Our site is back up! There are no major changes except for the upgrade limit which is now 200 units ($1200) per upgrade and you can have up to 4 upgrades max. We also drop AlterGold support and don’t recommend you using this payment processor. And never use BlackLotus DDoS protected hosting if you want your site to run flawlessly. If you received only 5% of your principal back you will be getting small bonuses to your account balance during Round 2 up to the level of 50% of your Round 1 principal. Those will be distributed depending on how well we do and won’t cover your losses at once. Should you have any further questions feel free to contact us via our support form or send a PM on any of the forums.
I’m back to surfing and bought 1 ad unit today. I’m really curious if 12Daily.Pro site can become popular again. I can’t remember any sites so far that came back to life and full popularity after a sudden closure and tiny 5% refunds having been processed. Anyway, I will report you to if I get any payment in 12 days.

I received another payout from Surf-Redefined today. This is an autosurf site with 9% for 14 days daily payments and the admin John Keller the interview with whom can be read on my blog here. I remind you that referral contest finishes on July, 9 so there are still a few days left when you can upgrade without fear of Surf-Redefined closing just before announcing the results of the referral contest. I can remember at least several cases when it really did happen and I hope John will not pull the plug when the time comes to pay the prize money.

Also I received my payouts from SafeAtom, ProfitsAddict, LargeSum and LibertyInsider today. Tomorrow I’m going to publish the interview with the admin of PerfectMoney – the new payment processor that becomes more and more popular with every day. Stay tuned!

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