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04/01/2012. JunixOverseas Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! JunixOverseas has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! I must say that the new year is getting off to a flying start already with some quite impressive new programs opening so far. I thought things would pick up a bit for January anyway as they always do after the holidays but there’s been a noticeable increase in high quality programs before we’re even a week into 2012. The latest one which I want to talk about before tonight’s news is one called JunixOverseas which was added to the MNO Premium List on Monday evening. It’s a long term investment program and (is this a trend?) just like yesterday’s review are also claiming to work in the field of arbitrage sports betting. Well, I don’t know much about that myself but what I’m pretty sure of is that JunixOverseas as far as online HYIPs go is a very promising development for the industry and fingers crossed will have a bright future in front of them this year.

The first thing JunixOverseas does to grab your attention is the eclectic mix of plans available. As I said it’s aimed more towards longer term players but I think a more accurate description of the program would be to say it’s “perpetual” – in other words there is no expiry date as such and once you agree to the minimum lock-in period then you’re fee to withdraw and leave for good anytime you please. Before I describe them in more detail by the way I just want to let you know that JunixOverseas will take investments in either dollars or euros. I’ll talk in dollars here myself as I know that’s what most readers will be working in, but the choice is there for you if you want it.

The first of three plans is perhaps the most unique, and despite the fact that it’s only going to be a temporary offer available for the month of January I wouldn’t be surprised to see a large number of investors willing to take a chance and play this one first. It’s called The New Year Special Bumper Pool and runs for a term of 30 calendar days. You can join it for a $10 minimum spend and payments are made at a rate of 0.1% per hour. Now obviously unless you’re a chronic insomniac you’re not going to be in front of your PC day and night watching JunixOverseas just to withdraw what will in the majority of cases be a couple of cents. But it does add up to a very reasonable 2.4% interest every 24 hours, and by the end of the term will come to total profit of 72%. You should then get your original principal returned. If you wish to leave before the 30 days have fully expired then you will be charged a 25% fee, so just be sure about that before joining. Maximum deposit is $5,000.

The second plan sees JunixOverseas move into more traditional HYIP territory and will be a permanent fixture in the program. It’s called The All Time Plan Daily Pool and while not having a fixed expiry date as such, does have a minimum 30 day lock-in period for all deposits. Again you don’t necessarily have to abide by this rule, but if you try to leave early you’ll be charged a 25% penalty fee which really makes the whole point of joining in the first place a lot less appealing. Anyway, JunixOverseas are offering a daily interest rate of 1.8% per day on business days (ie Monday to Friday) on deposits ranging from a $10 minimum to a $10,000 maximum. Obviously with you setting your own timetable here it’s pointless me making any practical examples for you. You’ll all have different ideas as to what you would like to achieve, such as doubling your money for example, while others are probably happy just to leave their principal there and continue earning for as long as possible. So just do your own calculations there.

The third plan, and also a permanent feature on JunixOverseas, is called The All Time Plan Weekly Pool. It works just like the previous option except that this time instead of daily payments you will only receive one per week. Though this is an extra risk on your part you’re kinda compensated by the fact that the interest rate is a slightly more generous 10% per week (deposits in the daily payments plan would only yield 9% over the same period). Deposits start at a $10 minimum and can be as high as a $10,000 maximum. With no expiry date it’s up to you to decide how you want to play this one and what you would think is a realistic expectation, but do keep in mind that the 25% fee will apply here too to anyone attempting to leave in the first 30 days.

At the moment (and I’m really not sure if this will be a permanent feature but I’ll be sure and clear this up with the admin) JunixOverseas are offering a series of bonuses on deposits to all three plans. I guess you could say it’s something akin to a cash-back scheme, where for joining the first two plans he pays you an additional 5% and an additional 10% for joining the third one. You are then free to withdraw these bonuses immediately if you wish or re-invest them if that’s what you prefer. It’s a nice gesture and one I’m sure will go a long way in establishing a bond of trust between the admin and his members. Plus the fact that this will help you clear a profit from JunixOverseas just that little bit faster will go a long way too.

Payment options are fine with the three single most popular online processors accepted. JunixOverseas are handling AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. Withdrawals from your account are processed manually and so will have to be requested. Once done the admin says he will not take longer than 24 hours to have it completed, and so far he’s been quite a bit faster than that in completing mine. The admin says he is also open to the idea of bank wire transfers under certain circumstances but I imagine this will only be for the biggest investments. Contact him yourself if this is of any real interest to you.

JunixOverseas is running off a script from ProBizScript which is under license. The program is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with quite a high degree of DDoS protection according to the admin. If you have any further questions or account related issues for him to deal with then you can contact him by filling out the online ticketing form and submitting it. Their Live chat is something of a rarity in the HYIP industry in that it actually works! I already tested it myself and can only say I was dealt with in the utmost professionalism and in the fastest most efficient manner.

As for the business behind the whole thing making it possible to meet the offered interest payments, JunixOverseas are another program claiming to be involved with the practice of arbitrage betting. In a nutshell this is basically gambling on events where the participants are so closely matched that different bookmakers offer odds that will overlap each other slightly offering a unique opportunity to bet on any possible outcome – only one of which will win obviously – and take enough money from whichever bet wins to cover the losses from the others and leave you with a small profit. Sounds simple enough the way I’ve just described it but it’s a tricky enough one to pull off on a consistent basis. Plus the fact that I of course have absolutely no idea if JunixOverseas are really doing it either or just saying that they are like all the ForEx, gold, and stock trading related HYIPs do. But at the end of the day I know that most of the folks reading MNO are only doing it because the enjoy an online gamble and accept the risk of a loss goes with the chance of a win. So good luck to you all I say! So as long as you’re happy with that and accept no guarantees then I’d have to say that JunixOverseas is as good a gamble as any, and certainly one of the better programs I’ve come across in recent weeks. The admin is also proving to be very sensible in managing the site’s finances. Offering returns that are both profitable and achievable at the same time is always a good idea but saving a ton of money by avoiding hiring any monitors who will basically do next to nothing for either him or the investor anyway is also beneficial. And I guess that’s why he has the spare cash to hand out 5% and 10% bonuses too so it’s a win/win situation, lol!

Despite it being a promising HYIP by the way you should of course heed the usual warnings to never hand more money than you can get by without to a total stranger over the net, and if you are a regular player joining JunixOverseas then do so as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I’m kinda pleased that the admin of NewGNi Jurgen is not one of those admins who try to hype their program beyond belief by providing exaggerated and fake stats. In his latest update mostly highlighting the recent review on MNO blog (click here to read it) Jurgen also reports a modest but sustainable growth level which is exactly what the program needs right now. Due to some activities on particular forums I guess NewGNi even has a good chance to outlive its predecessor and provide investors with sustainable growth and prompt payouts on their two investment plans with no expiry date via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – 1% per business day and 6% weekly with optional principal return after a 180 day lock in period. So in just under a week online NewGNi has over 260 members, a third of which are active. There is small amount of Facebook and Twitter followers which will change soon however, as NewGNi is planning to launch some interesting contests pretty soon. Don’t forget to Like or Follow the program on their social networking websites. I must say that apart from my review of NewGNi which I believe is an essential starting point, Jurgen did a great job himself by compiling a most comprehensive User Manual in PDF format which you can download from your NewGNi account. Study it to learn the finer details of funding your account, choosing an investment plan and withdrawing your profits. I feel it will be a very useful tool for every investor and his downline who might not be as familiar with the HYIP industry as other long time players. This is the latest newsletter from NewGNi:
Newsletter 4 January 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
The new year is already in its fourth day today, so time for a short update.
Last night Paul Abramson, arguably the most famous blogger in the entire HYIP arena, published an extensive review of NewGNi on his blog @ (MNO).
NewGNi has chosen MNO as our exclusive monitor, due to its broad coverage of the target group, as well as Paul’s unique attempt to provide unbiased and honest information and monitoring. Please read our review here.
Another great news to talk about: We have already 260 members, of which more than a third are active investors (34.48%).
Bad news are: Only 19 of these members like us on Facebook and only 10 are followers on twitter. Needless to say, we need to change these numbers.
First of all, if your NewGNi website is for any reason not accessible, i.e. during maintenance, we will update our clients via facebook and twitter only.
Secondly we are planning some hot social networking contests in the weeks and months to come. Guess who get a chance to win… So please sign-up if you haven’t a facebook and twitter account yet, it’s free by the way, and once done visit our facebook page and like us and follow us on twitter. This way you make sure to always be in the game.
Lastly we have decided to compile a handy User Manual on request of some of our members. This might reduce our support efforts as well. You’ll find the User Manual under the ‘Additional Pages’ link in your back office.
Until next time, yours
Jurgen. NewGNi Administration”.


During the first week of the new year I have also successfully finished my first cycle with HYIPInnovation which was 25 business days and opted for another round. I remind you that depending on your deposit which can only be made via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney you get the chance to earn 5% interest for the duration of 25 to 40 business days.
The main topic of the latest newsletter from HYIPInnovation (reviewed here) is the video presentation uploaded to YouTube and can be watched there. I must say it’s kinda different from what we saw recently in EVBusiness’ website as you won’t find any narrator in a $50 K-Mart suit. Instead, it’s a relaxing few minutes presenting images from the HYIPInnovation website giving you a general idea what the program is about and what you should expect from it. I would like to agree with the admin Sean (read my interview with him here) that unlike the majority of HYIPs his program doesn’t offer the sun, moon, and stars and that the rates paid on your deposits are very affordable (especially when it comes to the plan offering 25% pure profit after five weeks). Anyway, I think it better you watch the presentation for yourself and form your own opinion. The link is available in the below newsletter:
HYIPInnovation – News Release 10
Dear HYIPInnovation members,
We are happy to update everyone about our program for the first time in 2012 and wish for all of your new year resolutions to come to fruition. As it often happens people are at times wishing for more than what they can actually accomplish, but the most important thing is to never give up and keep trying. One thing is however for sure – HYIPInnovation is here to help its members financially and we are committed to do so for a long time ahead of us.
Today we also wanted to share first in the upcoming series of our program video presentations with all our current members and with those who are still considering and are in search of new prime investment programs. This video clip can be seen by following the following link:
Users may also contact us to request a link for the HD version download from our website.
Please enjoy and High Innovative Five to all of you.
Sean Mebokan on behalf of HYIPInnovation Team”.


Please note that due to both a high demand for listing on MNO and my own wish to ensure the elite nature of the programs monitored on my site (ie no cheap scams, they will have to advertise on other websites!), I have decided to increase the prices for every type of listing on MNO by 10%. This will take effect in 48 hours from writing this, so HYIP admins have some time to consider if they want to list their programs on MNO for the old prices and take advantage of upgrading their existing listing. After the 6th of January the holiday period is officially over so prices for listing and upgrading will be calculated in accordance with the new rates. For example, the price of Sticky listing will be $165/week or $550/month, the price of Premium listing will be $990, the Standard listing will be priced at $660 and the Basic at $330. I can assure you that any drop in prices will not be available at least for the next several months, so if you still want to list your program on MNO or upgrade your listing you have 48 hours to do so at the cheaper prices. In the long run I concede that this might mean less programs being monitored on MNO but that’s a sacrifice I’m comfortable with as ultimately the fewer programs will for the most part be better ones.


And it looks like I already have one admin taking advantage of this offer and upgraded from Standard to Premium listing buying one month Sticky listing on the MNO monitor as well. I’m talking about TopWallet (reviewed here) – a program which really surprised me with four weeks online. This would be not such a huge achievement for a short-term HYIP if not for the winter holidays widely considered suicidal for this type of program. TopWallet not only managed to survive but also expanded its advertising strategy also promising an interview for MNO readers next week. They pay via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-220% after 3 days, 142%-600% after 7 days, 191%-1100% after 14 days, 350%-2500% after 30 days. Honestly, I never thought a month ago that TopWallet would be still paying at this time, and kudos to the admin for making an effort to achieve the impossible. Hopefully it will pay off and the program will be able to run for weeks to come and for now it all looks promising!
Apparently, the admin is not going to rest and is ready to do everything possible to achieve further expansion. That can’t really be done without some developments so the first of the new year improvements has already been implemented – multilingual Live support and redesigned FAQ. According to the latest newsletter from TopWallet things are looking bright for the program at this point and the admin is kinda optimistic regarding his program’s prospects:
TopWallet #4 Newsletter – “The First Speech In The New 2012 Year!”
Hello, This is our first newsletter in the new 2012 year. I hope you had a plenty of fun and joy during the new year’s eve and you’re back for some business now!
A new year has just begun and it’s the time when we are taking TopWallet to the next stage. Major improvements, including redesigned FAQ page and implemented interactive chat for our members, and many more improvements are going to happen at TopWallet! We strive to think globally and that is what will make TopWallet the ultimate world-wide investment program.
As the subject says, our membership consists of a total 5,000 accounts where 3,000 are at least with one active deposit. At this point I would like to remind you that we were officially launched at December 9, 2011. This means that we’re paying promptly already for 26 calendar days. For some this statement may seem nothing special, but the truth is, actually it’s an achievement to be proud of! We survived the so called “black-december” period when so many investment programs collapsed just like a domino effect.
Well, we are still here with the second breath to continue developing TopWallet! And to keep establishing it’s name as a solid investment partner in this industry, when reliability is the term what investors should always seek for.
As always, please do not hesitate to reply to this email with your thoughts, questions and doubts. I’m here for you at anytime and it’s my pleasure to provide an true admin-customer support approach when you need one.
May the new 2012 year brings you all the success and wealth you have been always dreaming for! Live in a harmony with yourself and all your dreams eventually will come true.


The admin of LuxorAlliance (to be reviewed on MNO tomorrow) was kinda busy during the New Year celebrations and posted the short best wishes update on his site only last night:
Happy New Year!
Dear Investors,
Our team at LuxorAlliance wants to use this opportunity to congratulate you and your families with New Year. Wish you only bright and successful oncoming year!
Regards, LuxorAlliance Team”.
LuxorAlliance started just before New Year and pays on three investment plans with principal returned on expiry – 1.8% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.4% for 45 days, 2.8% for 60 days. The minimum to invest is only $1 and the two payment processors accepted are LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. More on MNO tomorrow!


Finally for this evening I again have to finish on a sour note and warn you that following last night’s update regarding the hacking of RiskCapitalFund (read it here), the situation there seems to have deteriorated making the future of the program even more uncertain. The program’s security was breached and the admins control of the website is completely compromised now. I would like to stress here again that I am not trying to spread panic or to damage the program. In fact I sincerely wish the admin every success in dealing with the situation. Despite his promise last night that the matter had been handled, I regret to be the one to inform you (sorry guys, but somebody has to and the cheerleaders sure ain’t gonna do it) that investments in RiskCapitalFund are unsafe and can be stolen from you at any time. And I have irrefutable proof that the admin is NOT in control of the program. Hackers are.
If you have any doubt about this I can tell you now that I was contacted by the hacker today, (AFTER the RiskCapitalFund admin emailed members promising the problem had been fixed incidentally), where right before my very eyes he started making changes to my account in the program. First the hacker changed my password and LR account details. Then he mailed me telling me about it. He allowed me to reset my account details in order to prove this was no accident. So I changed my password again, but literally right in front of me he again changed my account details proving that the admin is not in control here. The hacker did this three times by the way, and did so after the admin said, and I quote, “these people have no access to our database and your accounts have NOT been compromised.
Well, your account HAS been compromised! Because the admin went on to say “If you do not feel safe, you can change your password by logging in to your RiskCapitalFund account but we assure you there is no need to do so.” So that’s what I did. I changed my password. And right before my eyes, while chatting with the hacker live, he again changed my password and payment processor details right in front of me while I was watching. So apologies if it sounds like I have some grudging respect for a hacker (I assure you I do not!) but the fact is the RiskCapitalFund admin is telling his members one thing, while something else entirely is the truth. I hope I’m not accusing the man of deliberately misinforming investors of course, but if he didn’t then at the very least he himself was either lied to by the people he employed to deal with the problem, or made an extremely poor judgment call in hiring sub-standard technicians. Not that it matters a great deal because at the end of the day total responsibility rests with the admin, who at this point in time can no longer be trusted. Rather than fix the problem, he tried to hide the problem, and that to me means you need to stay away.
Concerning the payments I want to make it clear that in that regard I do not question the admin’s honesty or integrity. He has continued to process payments to everyone that I am aware of promptly. Some monitors including MNO did move RiskCapitalFund to Waiting or Problem Status earlier today, to which the admin reacted promptly by removing their monitoring buttons. I challenged him about this and to his credit he did restore my logo, and I’m prepared to excuse it by being a knee-jerk panic reaction that wasn’t properly thought out. But the facts are as follows:
a) His database (ie your account details!) has been stolen.
b) He promised us that the database was not stolen and the problem was fixed. 24 hours after he said you could change your password if you wanted, I changed my password and had it broken right in front of me in under 5 minutes.
 c) The problem was NOT fixed. He either deliberately lied to us or else was scammed by some sub-standard cowboy programmer. I’m not sure which is worse because neither says a whole lot about his judgment.
 d) This was proven to me by the person who hacked RiskCapitalFund, who continued making changes to my account right in front of me in real time while I was watching.
I’m not attacking the program here, or making problems for them. Only reporting the facts after they occur. RiskCapitalFund has been hacked, and there is no doubt about that. Rather than fix the problem the admin has wasted his time and effort trying to hide the problem. I am not satisfied that it is being taken seriously enough and therefore am advising all MNO readers to stay away from them for at least the next several days until the admin finally proves he can deal with the problem and protect his members accounts and money. Until that RiskCapitalFunds will stay on Problem status on MNO and please note that if you invest there now you do so at your own risk!


Here is the list of the programs I was paid by during the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: APEnergyInvest, EVBusiness, TopWallet, JunixOverseas.
From MNO Premium list: TopsFund, ReProFinance, OneInv, EurexTrade, Royalty7, WorldwideCapital, HYIPInnovation, FXMogulsForexReflex, FelminaAlliance, ProfitableSunrise, NewGNi, GeniusVenture.
From MNO Standard list: LifeTimeProfits, LuxorAlliance.
From MNO Basic list: PerfectLottery, WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment.

That’s all I have to report today, guys. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s updates and an unbiased look at the current events in the HYIP. See you all then guys!

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