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18/09/2012. IntraFunds Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! IntraFunds has stopped paying! Do not invest there! 

Hi everyone! It was a slow enough day on the industry news front today so not really a whole lot to catch up with tonight. There was a couple of updates though so if there’s something affecting your portfolios there may be something of interest to you there. So keep reading. First on the list tonight however is a brand new long term program called IntraFunds. The program’s gotten off to a bright enough start so I want to start things off this evening with a closer look at their plans and other features, and see if you think IntraFunds is a worthwhile addition to your portfolios.

There’s only two plans to choose from with IntraFunds, though for all intents and purposes the second of these is priced way beyond the reach of most investors, so the choice is kinda made for you, or at least made easy for you. The first option is called The Starter Plan, and it runs for 60 business days, or twelve weeks. During that time IntraFunds will make a daily interest payment to you of 2%, made on business days only from Monday to Friday. By the end of the term that will add up to 120% in total, which can be considered net profit after IntraFunds then add your original principal to that. The maximum deposit allowed in this plan is $2,499.

A practical example of let’s say a $100 deposit would see you earn $2 per day from Monday to Friday. This would allow you to break even after 50 payments, ie earn back an amount equal to your deposit, and then finish the term with $120 in total. IntraFunds will then add your original hundred on top of that.

I imagine that’s where the interest of a lot of you will stop, considering that the minimum cost of joining IntraFunds second plan, known as The Advanced Plan, is a $2,500 deposit. The plan runs for 90 business days this time, which is 18 weeks, and every day between Monday and Friday your deposit earns an interest rate of 2.5%. That comes to a grand total of 225% which you can consider profit once IntraFunds add your principal on top of that. You should reach the break even point after forty payments and there is no maximum limit placed on how much you are allowed to deposit.

As seems to be a growing trend in the HYIP industry at the moment, and a welcome one at that, IntraFunds accept all the major payment processors right from the start. You can join the program using your choice of SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Within your members area you will also find an internal e-currency exchange service so you can swap things around a bit if you have too much of one currency that you’re having trouble getting rid of or is costing you too much to withdraw. This isn’t a free service by the way so IntraFunds will be expecting a fee. When it comes to payment withdrawals themselves, you are required to log in to your IntraFunds account area and make a request for it. The admin will process this manually and you are asked to allow him up to 24 hours to do so. IntraFunds does not have an early withdrawal option so make sure you are comfortable committing your principal to the full term of either 60 or 90 business days. Compounding is not allowed in either plan.

Moving on to the design and security side of things, IntraFunds is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection provided by CloudFlare. The website is SSL encrypted and running off a script under license from GoldCoders. For any further questions for the admin or account related issues you can get in touch with IntraFunds via a variety of methods, including the Live Chat which is already built-in for answers to your questions in real time when an operator is online, or else by filling out an online ticketing form. Any outstanding support tickets will be issued with a reference number to help you keep track of it and make sure it’s dealt with to your satisfaction.

Unfortunately enough of the texts are copy/pasted from other sources to make me lose interest in them almost immediately, so I would suggest you also dismiss anything you find on the IntraFunds website alleging any kind of genuine business interests, though to be honest those claims are sketchy at best and all a bit vague, so it was never something to get carried away with anyway. But as it stands IntraFunds is as far as the online HYIP industry goes off to a very promising start and I really hope it will live up to it’s initial promise (still being brand new as it is). Meanwhile you all know the rest by now and it’s the very same thing that applies to everything else in this business – don’t spend above your means, invest according to what you can comfortably afford to lose rather than what you are hoping to win, and of course if joining IntraFunds you would make more effective use of them if doing so as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



The admin of one of the most popular programs on MNO at the moment RightFive Steve finally agreed to take some time from his busy schedule and answer some questions for an interview I sent him earlier today. The interview is scheduled to be published on MNO on Thursday, so stay tuned to find out more about this wonderful program with a lot of supporters and members in profit. With successfully completing the first month online and paying the last payments on the 5% for 30 calendar days plan I had to make another redeposit to the same plan yesterday. In my subjective opinion, this investment plan is the better candidate of the two available. However you might also consider joining the 110% after 7 calendar days plan which will put you in profit much faster than the daily paying plan. With a wide range of payment processors including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve and an affordable minimum of $20 in both plans RightFive remains extremely popular among MNO readers combining fast returns on two sustainable plans. You can get more information on RightFive in my detailed review published here. I hope you will enjoy the upcoming interview with Steve, so don’t miss it guys!


Today when trying to check my account with the newly added program TureProfit I saw there was no website available and instead a message appears saying “Welcome to nginx!” I hope there is nothing serious there and they will be online again soon. The admin of TureProfit replied to my email and promised to contact the program’s hosting provider as soon as possible, but as of yet no answer was received and the site is still offline. If the site doesn’t come back by tomorrow I will consider moving it to Waiting status. I will keep you updated on TureProfit on my monitor and blog will confirm when or if the site is back online. Just be careful there for now.


A program from my Standard list went to Problem status today due to obviously fake payouts. Alleged “payment confirmations” were sent by the admin today but no actual payments were received to my STP account. There were many other similar reports on my ShoutBox and I’m pretty sure that the program has become just another fast scam not even finishing one full cycle. It’s really a shame that such amateur admins even come to MNO, but this outcome was well expected when still using a script which was hacked during the program’s first day online. It looks like after that 6MagicPay was never able to recover and perhaps the admin gave up on promoting it any further. In any case, please note that 6MagicPay and one other program from my Basic list – StableGoldenRules – are scams, so don’t put a dime into either!


I had a feeling of of deja-vu when logging into my account in EgoPay and seeing two payments from the admin of TheMoneyGalaxy being put on hold by EgoPay with the message informing me:

Dear Customer, we are on holding the transactions that you got from, as this person’s account is related with a big team of credit card fraudsters. Can you please stop any services you are providing to this user? We’ve put money on hold and will investigate further.

Well, while I was really sympathetic to the victims of credit card fraud committed in Payza due to which certain account holders found their accounts blocked last week, I can’t tolerate this as it again takes us back to the matter of supposedly irreversible transactions in EgoPay. And I talked with their Fraud prevention representative on Friday when he told me it was perfectly ok to use EgoPay account for advertising purposes. It looks though that the transactions ARE considered to be reversible now and it was still not safe to use EgoPay anymore. I will try to catch someone on EgoPay tomorrow on Live chat and ask some questions. We will see what the reply is and I will report to you tomorrow.

In any case, TheMoneyGalaxy will stay on Scam status on MNO despite the processed payouts to all the payment processors except Payza. I hope to receive a clarification from the admin of TheMoneyGalaxy regarding stolen credit cards, but until that happens the program will stay on Scam status on MNO. I will keep you updated!


Today a new program called Alconoil joined Standard listing on MNO. They started yesterday and have one investment plan paying 6% for a duration of 25 calendar days with no principal back on expiry. All the main processors are accepted by Alconoil including EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and the price of one investment unit starts at $10. As the program is running off a PHPflux script, which has proved to be extremely vulnerable to hackers by the way, and investments can be done only in blocks of $10. Withdrawals can start from a $2 minimum and the admin reserves quite a lengthy time to process cashouts – up to 72 hours. Overall quality of Alconoil is also pretty poor – with a very simplistic layout and hosting on a shared server with only Koddos protection, Alconoil at least has SSL-encryption. However, I don’t think with such a script and design Alconoil is destined to be an overall success, as there is such huge room for improvement which the admin should really have done from the start. I will take a closer look at the program in a few days when I plan to publish the full review of the program on MNO, so stay tuned for that!


The second program – ProsperaNova – was added to MNO a few days back but only to Basic Listing. Today the admin asked me to upgrade them to Premium status. The program accepts all main payment processors – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – and offers just one simple plan paying 2% interest for the duration of 365 calendar days, or simply put one full year. After the investment period is done your original principal which starts from $1 (an affordable minimum for any HYIP investor!) should be returned. The site is SSL secured by Geotrust and is running off a licensed ProBiz script. ProsperaNova is hosted on a dedicated server from LeaseWeb and it looks like they are properly protected against DDoS attacks. Since the site is quite new and has been running for less than two weeks now I hope ProsperaNova will put in a good performance and will run for a long time. More will be in the upcoming review!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HourHour,  IntraFunds (the first payments received).
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, FinvanceProfitableSunrise, RightFive, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliance, YachtWealthClub, PlexCapital,  TheBig5, MTResults, Bull&BearCapital, BensonUnion, PipsFund, CornWealth, DiamondAsset, RoyalUnion, ProsperaNova.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin.
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds, AoGo, StallionGold (the first payment received).

That’s all for today, guys. See you tomorrow with more news from the industry!

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