Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.

06/10/2012. ProfitTrusted Review and Daily News from the Industry


 Beware! ProfitTrusted has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! If you’re not too busy over the weekend which I hope is otherwise going well for you I hope you’ll have at least some free time to take a look at MNO, because there’s a lot to catch up with still. As well as the news updates there’ll be an admin interview tomorrow which will probably be a little earlier than usual, but for tonight I want to begin with a closer look at a newly launched short term HYIP called ProfitTrusted. I say it’s a short term program but technically speaking they do have some longer term “options”, but these are to be avoided at all costs as we shall see. The shorter term plans are a little better though and despite only being online for a couple of days ProfitTrusted have managed to complete enough cycles of their fasted option and therefore put at least some people into profit. That won’t always be the case, but at least there was something positive there no matter where the program goes next.

Fans of shorter term HYIPs will no doubt be immediately familiar with the plans, as you’ll have seen countless examples of this style of program in the last couple of years. And if you’ve been following them then you know the routine by now – some programs in the same style as ProfitTrusted have been hugely successful, others have been dreadful failures, but between some of the most ridiculous offers of totally unrealistic interest rates that will never actually be paid, there are some really good offers that can make you a decent bit of cash if you act fast enough. And ProfitTrusted is no exception to this as we are about to see when I describe the plans in more detail.

There are seven in total, and the first of them runs for just 1 single day making interest payments that include your principal on expiry. You can join for a $10 minimum and for anything up to $500 the return is 106% .If you are prepared to spend a little extra for an increased rate, then ProfitTrusted offer 107% back on deposits from $501 up to $1,000 and 110% back on deposits between $1001 and $3,000. For information on larger deposits see your ProfitTrusted members area. Maximum rate is 125% and the maximum spend is $100,000.

ProfitTrusted‘s second investment plan can also be joined for a $10 minimum and for anything up to a $500 deposit you will be paid 119% on expiry of a 3 day term. That also includes your principal.
Alternatively you can invest from $501 to $1000 and get paid 123% interest, or invest from $1001 to $3000 and earn 134% interest. See the members area for information on larger deposits. The maximum investment is $100,000 and the maximum rate payable is 210%.

ProfitTrusted’s third plan runs for a term of 5 days, making one single payout on expiry that includes your principal. You can join for a $10 minimum with anything up to $500 getting paid a rate of 148% on expiry. That’s only marginally better than what you might expect from re-investing in the previous plan for 2 cycles, so think about it carefully before proceeding.
If you’re going to make a larger deposit then ProfitTrusted‘s rates include 185% on expiry for deposits between $501 and $1000, and 252% on deposits between $1001 and $3000. Higher rates are available up to a maximum of 330% and a maximum spend of $100,000.

You’ll see as we progress through the plans that they begin to get gradually more risky, though not more expensive to join. ProfitTrusted‘s fourth plan for instance while only paying on expiry after a term of 7 days still only costs $10 to join. On successful completion of the cycle you are offered a single payment of 196% on any deposits up to a value of $500. You may avail of a rate of 286% for deposits between $501 and $1000.
You can find information on the offers made to larger deposits within your ProfitTrusted members area, where deposits up to a $100,000 maximum and a rate of 550% can be found.

After that it gets a little ridiculous, I mean even more so than what we’ve seen already. ProfitTrusted‘s next plan runs for a term of 15 days making one single payout on expiry, principal included. For a deposit between a $10 minimum up to $500 you are offered 465% interest, something really only achievable if amounts are kept to a minimum. But for larger deposits between $501 and $1000 you are offered 1115%, and for deposits between $1001 and $3000 the rate is an even more unfeasible 1764%. The maximum rate payable from this plan is 3700% and ProfitTrusted accepts a $100,000 maximum deposit.

Next on the list is an on expiry plan which to be blunt has very little make it look attractive for anything other than amusement purposes. While I have little doubt that some plans listed above have already made a decent return for some users I’d be a bit more surprised if anyone profits from this one. Anyone apart from the admin that is. The plan itself runs for 30 calendar days at the end of which ProfitTrusted are offering one single payment that includes your principal. It costs $10 to join and for anything up to $500 you are offered 2200% interest on expiry. And please note that I did say you are offered it, I didn’t say I expect you to actually see it, OK? Larger deposits are offered larger payouts with 3730% offered to between $501 and $1000, and 5350% available on from $1001 to $3,000. Hardly an achievable sum but there it is for your information. See your members area for the rates offered to larger deposits.

Also included purely for your information is ProfitTrusted‘s final plan. It offers you an 80,000% payout after 88 days on all “deposits” (no, make that “donations”) from $10 to $100,000. Again one would suspect the only person to get rich from it would be the admin, though the only reason I’m repeating it to you is I thought it might make you smile like it did me. But you know all of these type of HYIPs feature something laughable like this, though I still wouldn’t let it put me off something like joining a one day plan if I thought I had a good shot at a few bucks.

Your choice of payment methods is just about acceptable with EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney in use at the moment, which is unlikely to change. ProfitTrusted are using instant payouts to customers using LR and PM. Just request it from your members area and you should see it in your e-currency account within seconds. EgoPay withdrawals are made manually and will need to be requested from inside your ProfitTrusted members account area.

The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is also hosted on a dedicated server by AntiDdos whose services have proved to be as dependable as the better known providers in the past so I doubt there’ll be many problems on that front. ProfitTrusted also comes with with an SSL-secured connection and you’ll find whatever information you might like to know relating to things like total amounts of money deposited, paid out, number of members, and so on as they stand at the moment on the home page. Customer support if you have any questions for the admin is available by filling out the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page and submitting it. What I find unusual about this however is that ProfitTrusted list a postal address in Kansas City, USA, they then give a phone number in Germany. I suspect neither of them are genuine (ie just a re-direction service if even that), but it doesn’t very well thought out.

Texts make some vague references to ForEx currency markets where ProfitTrusted claim to be involved. I’m not aware of anything in the ForEx market or anywhere else for that matter even approaching these rates, so I guess it’s safe enough to dismiss the notion of them having anything to do with real business. So as always caution is to be used when dealing with any HYIP. Try to work it to your own benefit by sticking to the shorter term plans, never overstep your spending limits because there’s just no guarantee of what will happen next, and spread your investments out between a wide and diverse portfolio.



Who would’ve believed that after only 50 days online RightFive would become one of the most popular programs online with thousands of investors depositing hundreds of thousands of dollars already? Still RightFive is there and is doing absolutely fantastic by paying on two very attractive plans – 5% for 30 days and 110% after 7 days – with deposits accepted via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. With seven full cycles fulfilled on the shortest on expiry plan RightFive has proved to everyone that this type of program when managed by professionals can really deliver a very substantial profit to investors. Being one month in pre-launch with two big banners displayed across MNO the admin Steve (interviewed here) did everything possible for his program not to have any issues with both deposits and payouts and that the script would work promptly and securely. And it worked. RightFive‘s original script is running like clockwork and payouts are done once daily after being requested from your member’s area. Please note that although interest is credited on every calendar day, the payouts are not processed on Sundays and it could take up to 48 hours in order to get paid. In fact Saturdays were added in the payment schedule only last week and before that payouts were only processed on business days.

RightFive currently holds the #3 position on MNO’s Premium List and one of the support staff Troy can be found on MNO ShoutBox for a few hours most days if someone needs any help understanding the program’s rules. You can also read my review of RightFive published here as it explains everything in detail and contains all you need to know about the project.

A good contribution to the growth of RightFive is the extensive advertising the admin purchases on some well known sites including MNO. Just a few days ago, not waiting for his two banners on MNO to expire Steve paid me for their extension for an extra two months, and I believe that is the best evidence that 50 days online is only the beginning of a longer journey ahead and a profitable experience for RightFive‘s investors. By the way, now you can also follow the latest news from the program on their Facebook page which Steve gave in the latest newsletter posted below. Another important topic was some important info about a scam stealing and displaying on its website some of the monitoring logos for RightFive. I believe this is just some amateur trying to ride on the coat tails of RightFive which is becoming bigger and bigger every day:

News Update 6 October 2012
Hello everyone,
I hope you have all had a wonderful week so far. Today being Saturday is the last day of our working week and there are a few things I’d like to cover before my day off.
First of all I would like to mention to everyone if you haven’t already been to our facebook page we have set one up for your convenience. Please do follow us there for live updates regarding our program. It is also a great place to invite your friends to join as well and have discussions about the program with other investors.
Please do invite one or two of your facebook friends to like the page, it would be great to see the page likes grow to the thousands.
Visit for the page.
Next I would like to announce that in the 6 weeks we have been online we have just reached the 5,000 active investors mark and that number is growing daily. I would like to extend my appreciation to all our new and existing members and we look forward to helping you achieve your financial goals.
I would also like to remind you that we are now also processing payments on Saturdays so if you want to be paid make sure you get your withdraw request in early enough as we do tend to process payments a little earlier on Saturday than we normally do in the week.
I would like to finish this email on a precautionary note. We have noticed that a small HYIP has our monitor codes up on their site. RoyalTradersCapital
Do not be fooled by the paying status you may see on their front page. If you hover over the icons you will see that the monitor code is for RightFive and not for them. I would advise not to invest there as this is clearly a scam tactic they are using.
Have a great weekend and we will see you all on Monday.
Steve. RightFive.


If you read my review of ROInvest published here you might know that the admin’s trademark is gradual growth and slowly lifting of the caps for investments. The first stage of development included adding their four payment handlers – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay – over a period of 10 days. Deposits start from $10 into one of the following investment plans – 1.7%-2.7% for 50 business days (principal back), or 3.5%-4.5% for 50 business days (principal included). All payments are instant except for EgoPay which may take up to 24 hours.

In the latest newsletter from today the admin Farid (I’ve always thought his name was Craig for some reason but the signature now shows otherwise, lol!) apologized for the slight delay with processing pending EgoPay withdrawals recently but emphasized the payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and STP are processed instantly and automatically as planned from the beginning. Tomorrow Craig will be able to tell us more about ROInvest, about the unusual advertising strategy, and about his plans for the future. So don’t miss this interview if you’re considering investing there soon. Let’s see what Farid/ Craig has to share with us about the latest developments in ROInvest tonight:

Dear ROInvest members,
As with all investment programs, security has to be on the top of a very long list to make sure investors money it safe, ROInvest has the best of that, however each person in our very trusted team has a task and when that person’s PC fails to work thing can get delayed, such as EGOPAY withdrawals. All EGOPAY withdraw had a slight delay on them over the last 26 hours, you will have to forgive us for that. EGOPAY withdrawals have now be processed and we will not have this problem again.
Apart from that ROInvest has had the perfect start with everything we have done. We have had no problems with the automatic LR, STP and PM withdrawals and i`ll glad you are all happy about that.
People have been saying to our MNO and FB reps that they see ROI as one of the potentially best hyips to open and with it`s slow build up it’s very possible.
We have 1 simple goal:
A slow build up of promoting and marketing with the goal to stay stable and open as long as we can, once we hit the 6 month mark, we can then upgrade and improve, that is our promise and our goal, a goal that will be achieved.
We thank you to all our new members of which we have a sizeable number already, as i said the PERFECT start.
Just a reminder to everyone to make sure you put all your PP infomation in your back office.
We will have a INTERVIEW on MNO in the coming days, i will update you all on that when it happens so you can have a little read.
Thank you so much for this amazing start to ROInvest and may it continue and grow for many months to come.
Note: EGOPAY limit of $750 per deposit has now been cut and you may deposit without limits for this PP. LR and STP still have the limits of $750
Admin Farid”.


There was a long newsletter received from TureProfit yesterday. I remind you that the program has been online for ten months already but for some reason joined MNO monitor only about three weeks ago. Since December 2011 TureProfit pays investors 8% weekly for the duration of 50 weeks, principal included, to LibertyReserve, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or SolidTrustPay accounts. In the newsletter the administration of TureProfit made what was quite a poor attempt at claiming the high returns are funded by profits made on the Forex market, which enables them not only to give you 4x more money at the end of the year, but also pay thousands of dollars monthly to their new hosting provider BlockDos which services TureProfit acquired after the recent high-profile DDoS attacks the previous provider couldn’t cope with. Surely such high returns can’t be supported by Forex trading as it’s simply impossible to deliver on a regular basis, and I’m sure that TureProfit (reviewed here) is just another ponzi-game, but much better organized than usual which allowed them to last for such a long time. I hope the admin will keep it up for many months to come and hopefully the newly hired representatives will be able to help them expand. To apply for a position of representative in TureProfit you have to have at least the minimum deposit of $10 in the program and then email the admin with all the necessary information required. The advantages of being a representatives, the required information and more news about the new hosting provider are in the following newsletter:

TureProfit News – Great Celebration.
24-hour monitoring of professional services staff. We used blockdos high level DDoS protection to prevent the powerful DDoS attack. Likely that most people are aware, blockdos in the DDoS protection field has been a leader. You’ll find out only large commercial website can use them. Of course, in order to use this service every month we have to spend thousands of dollars. Although expensive, but we are happy to use. because this is the maximum protection of the interests of investors. Just imagine, if a sites is often dropped, how large the losses investors to suffer. Now blockdos has provided our website professional protection, we believe that we will be more brilliant. During this period, blockdos gave us a great help. Their service is patience and professional, so we are impressed. Here, express our deep gratitude.
May be a lot of investors are not very clear what we are engaged in investment, how can provide such a high return for investors for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary here we make a instruction. For a long time, we have a professional team engaged in foreign exchange and commodities investment. Before September, we forecast the United States would soon launch new a round of monetary easing policy to solve the deficit problem, known only as QE3. so we at a very low price batches warehouse, buy a lot of gold, silver, as well as the euro. At that time, the U.S. dollar was very strong, but we still think this is a surface phenomenon. Really final, in September the United States announced new a round of monetary easing. Gold, silver, and Euro madness rise, the dollar plummeted. We made great gains, profits. We use the profits to pay our investors, to maintain the normal operation of our site. Worth celebrating, our website has been online for 300 days, we are proud of this. Perhaps you prefer a short-term project, but your principal is never guaranteed. Choose a trustworthy project, this is what you have to do. You can even try to promote our project, we provide you with 10 level referral program.
May be you notice that we add a new page, called representative page. If you is a novice in the investment field, you can call our representative for help. If you want to be our representative, please carefully read the details below:
How to apply for our regional representative?
As our representative, you must first have to invest. We require you to deposit, because it is you can be familiar with all of our operations. other investors from the same country with you, may have many questions. They may contact you, asking for your help. I hope you can patiently explain about our program, help them solve the problem. Of course, we will keep your referral link on our website, these investors may choose you as their upline. You can also convince them to do your downline. Once they deposit, you can immediately get a referral commission. We provide 10 level referral commission, about referral commission details you can be here to understand:
As our representative, you need to provide us the following informations:
Country(must), Full Name(must), Username(must), Telephone(must), E-Mail address(must), Language(must), Referral Link(must), YM, Skype
Send us these informations that we required. you will get a reply about your application in 2 business days.
In our specialized representative page, we will put your full name, telephone, referral link. for you help others, so that you can get free downlines.
It is worth mentioning, we add the online support service. If you have any confusion, chat with our online Customer service staff. When we are not online, you can send us an offline message. Promise: We will reply to you within 24 hours.
Best regards,
TureProfit CEO”.


The admin of Nubcoyu – a program paying 1.4% for 200 business days to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and EgoPay – is widely embracing new ideas from the members to help them generate additional cash and stay online for longer. The perks of brainstorming will be not only helping your program to outlive its main competitors and therefore profit yourself but also a cash prize of $50 which will be rewarded to the best thinkers. So who knows? Maybe your bright idea will not only help Nubcoyu but also other programs to succeed online. So don’t be shy and share your ideas by following the procedure and rules described in the latest (in my opinion way too long-winded) newsletter which I’m re-posting below. By the way, the full review of Nubcoyu will be on MNO tomorrow, so stay tuned for that, guys:

Introduction Of Nubcoyu Ideas
Greetings Our Valued Investors,
It has been another great day at Nubcoyu when we take a weekend holiday from our work. Today is the day we attended the 70th Anniversary of Hatachi High School in Akita Prefecture. It’s a small school, but it’s notable for its great performance on dancing, aero-gymastics and ballet. The stress from our past week of hard work has been relieved from one of the most fascinating show we’ve ever seen.
Back to our topic. Today, we’d like to announce our introduction of Nubcoyu Ideas. Many of you might be interested what this is. It’s the module which allows you to submit your ideas on how to expand everyone’s money invested with us. We know that HYIPs are ponzi games which will die out someday if cash flow becomes negative. We also know that the fate of an HYIP program depends solely on the admin’s decisions.
We believe that it’s time for a slight revolution. Just like we used to use monochrome screen mobile phones ten years ago. At the time, we’d never have predicted that smartphones, notably the well-known iPhone would be born from a genius like Steve Jobs (R.I.P). He simply put iPod, a browser and a reinvented phone together and then simplified it with user’s need in mind. We believe that the same goes for everything. Time has come when we have to gas up the HYIP’s industry engine to go as far as possible.
That marks the birth of Nubcoyu Ideas. We know that there are many folks with great ideas all over the world, but never has a chance to talk about it. Nubcoyu Ideas will open the opportunity to engage in idea expressions and brainstorming. From now on, members will be able to submit us with ideas and blueprints for funds management in order to increase our external income revenue. Although we have quite a few ideas which are implemented and are generating a decent amount of external income stream, we don’t think it’s time to hit the wall yet. The more we can generate cash flow, the advantageous it will be for all of us.
What we would like from you is ideas on how to invest in online or offline businesses. However, we DO NOT want spam mails with some random referral links to it. This is NOT spamming contest. What you must include in the ideas must include:
– Why you are introducing that business to us
– How you will generate income from that
– Proof on the feasibility and possibility, risk ratio and how it can be reduced.
– Strategies and knowledge about that certain business.
– (Optional, but preferred) A complete blueprint for success with that business
We plan to introduce webinars and chatboard at later point for your convenience so please look forward to it.
Plus! We’d like to announce the the rewards for the BEST idea of October. On the 31st of October, we’ll announce the best idea out there will share it amongst our members. We will then reward an amount of $50 for the top winner which will be directly deposited into your e-Currency once announced. Although the amount might be small, please regard that as a gift from all the thankful members and our management team to help ferment our land. We want to stay for a long ride so everyone, let’s cooperate to the max!
Instructions On Submitting The Idea:
1. Send your ideas to
2. Be sure to include your account ID and ecurrency you want your prize to be deposited to.
3. Feel the happiness of doing something good!
“Investors want to know where the cash flow, so do we.”
Regards, Nubcoyu.


The first newsletter since the sudden change of plan from 107% after 1 day to 7% for 23 days in PrimeX7 dealt with some important reminders about the payment processor information in your account as well as withdrawal processing time which could reach up to 24 hours after the request was made. You might remember from the original review of PrimeX7 (click here to read it) that along with the daily paying plan the program also offers several plans with payments processed on expiry – 157% after 7 days, 207% after 14 days, 267% after 21 days, 307% after 28 days – and accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. The admin recently raised some eyebrows by drastically changing the investment plans after mere days online and I myself noticed a huge decrease in public interest in his program afterwards. Let’s hope that the cashflow issues will not be severe and that tomorrow we’ll see the first payments on expiry of the 7-day plan processed. Here is the latest newsletter from PrimeX7:

First Weekend for PrimeX7
Just a little reminder for our beloved member.
Before you request a payout, please kindly make sure that you have fill in the correct information for your payment processor.
Please also know that your daily earning will go automatically into your account balance, you can see all the details by clicking the tab “Earning History”.
All your deposit, earning, commission and withdrawal will be shown there clearly and detailed.
If you still have any question, please feel free to send us support ticket.
Also, please allow us a maximum of 24 hours to respond and answer your ticket, sending duplicated or multiple ticket will not speed up the process.
Thank you so much for your understanding.
FYI, payout is process from 4 to 24 hours after your request, but as many of you have experienced already, normally you will receive it in just mins to hours.
We wish you a happy weekend.
PrimeX7 Admin”.


Another weekly newsletter was sent by the admin of DiamondAsset today. In it he claims another successful week and encourages us to follow them via Facebook and Twiitter. DiamondAsset (reviewed here) has been so far a slow burner but steady performer paying 1.8%-2.5% for 120 business days with principal back on expiry. The minimum to invest starts from $10 and all the popular processors are accepted including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. Here is the latest newsletter from them:

Interest Payments
Dear Investor,
Thank you for maintaining investment relationship with DiamondAsset.
This is to let you know that all Interest Payments for this week has been successfully processed. We appreciate your patronage and invite you to FOLLOW us on Facebook and Twitter, this will enable you to get our Latest News and Updates faster;
Kind Regards,
DiamondAsset Support Team.


Please note that PlexCapital has been moved to Problem status on MNO today due to confirmed selective payouts. One of my referrals contacted me today with proof that he had not received payouts which were marked as processed in his account. I have warned many times about the admin of PlexCapital on my blog and was sure that the program would stop paying soon enough. So it happened now and finally I can kick this admin out of MNO as I’m not accepting his programs on my monitor anymore. Although all his programs are running for seemingly long times he’s notorious for misleading information about the investment plans. I warned him many times not to do this but he chose to ignore my warnings and finally I banned all his programs from coming to MNO. They are really easy to distinguish as they are run off the same script and use the same strategy over and over again. I already discussed this issue in one of his other programs EzProfit. Now finally I am free of all his programs on MNO and hopefully will never deal with this dreadful person again. What a relief, guys!


Just yesterday a brand-new short term program called ProfitaLimited joined Basic Listing on MNO but decided to upgrade to Sticky/Premium earlier. So I’ll just give you a quick overview of the program tonight with the full review coming next week. ProfitaLimited has one investment plan with several variations when by depositing via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay or SolidTrustPay you have a chance to receive from 15% to 40% payout (depending on your principal starting from a $10 minimum) for the duration of 8 business days. Your original principal is included in the daily earnings and will not be returned on expiry. Despite the instant withdrawals promised on the site my own requests have never been instant yet, but were paid within a few hours. ProfitaLimited is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, and so the payouts have to be requested from your account area. Once in pending status the processing time is set to a staggering 96 hours which is much longer than anything I’ve seen before. Despite claiming to be online for over four months you can safely dismiss this due to it not being made widely available to the public. In actual fact, ProfitaLimited was only listed on the major forums since yesterday, so you can safely consider this the real starting date. I have no idea why the admin is doing so, but I guess he’s trying to make his program look serious in the eyes of potential investors. ProfitaLimited is an SSL secured site and hosted on a dedicated server by Koddos. Everything would be fine about the website itself, however, I don’t like the fact that the admin is so blatantly misleading investors about the program’s lifespan and the instant payouts. In all other aspects, ProfitaLimited is OK, and paying kinda fast so far. Let’s hope it’s a profitable one as well.


Another interesting program joined MNO monitor tonight called AWTC though it launched only today. My first impression was positive as it looks somehow different from anything else. It’s even running off a licensed Shadow script which is used by the leader of the HYIP industry NewGNi. SSL-encryption is there too and hosting is on a dedicated server with protection also provided by the Shadows company itself which I believe might come as part of a package when purchasing the script. Three payment processors can be used to fund e-wallet in AWTC – SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. Once your account is funded you will be able to allocate funds to any of the three investment plans on offer by purchasing $1 units – 4%-4.5% for 35 business days or 10% for 11 business days. The minimum to invest is different for each plan but the lowest starts from $20. Withdrawals must be requested from your account in AWTC and are promised within 24 hours. I hope the admin lives up to expectations and make AWTC a real success with the feeling of difference he posted as a welcome message:

We are here!
We welcome you to our website. We would like to take this opportunity and offer you the best online investment services on the whole net. Please do not hesitate to join our community and feel the difference.

More on AWTC will be in the full review next week so watch out for that!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: TheMoneyGalaxy, IntraFunds, ProsperaNova.
From MNO Premium list: Finvance, RightFive, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade,  TheBig5, FelminaAlliance, SkyCrown, Bull&BearCapital, PerfectFinancePipsFund, MonetaryClub, ProfitTrusted, SiriusUnion, ROInvest, ForexEarn, OdoFx, UniversalFinance, Nubcoyu.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, PrimeX7, Alconoil, Hero10.
From MNO Basic list: CheeseCash, 10For25AdsDepositProfessional.

That’s it for tonight. Tomorrow I’ll be posting twice and first up is the interview with the admin of ROInvest Craig. Later on you can read the usual updates from the HYIP industry accompanied with a detailed review of Nubcoyu. Stay tuned for that and see you all tomorrow!

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