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26/06/2011. TrueWealthAlliance Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! TrueWealthAlliance has stopped paying and has been moved to Problem status on MNO! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Seems to be a bit more news than usual for a Sunday which is kind of surprising, but what’s not unusual or surprising is that not all of it’s good. More about that in the news section in a moment but to start with there’s a brand new medium to long term program called TrueWealthAlliance that was added to my monitoring list right after they opened towards the end of the week just finished. Generally it’s up to quite a high standard – early days yet, I know – and the admin does seem to be quite motivated and has a clear plan as to where he wants to take the program. So let’s take a closer look and see what it’s all about.

To start with TrueWealthAlliance has three investment plans that carry various levels of affordability, though the program can be joined for as little as $10. Your first option runs for 30 calendar days, and this is the one with the $10 minimum. In return for joining you receive a daily interest payment of 1.5% interest. On expiry of the term your principal will then be returned, resulting in your payments which have by now totaled at 45% interest as your profit.

So let’s say you want to invest $100 here. That would result in you getting paid $1.50 per day for the 30 day term. That adds up to $45 in total, which is total profit once TrueWealthAlliance return the original hundred. By the way, the maximum investment in this plan is a relatively conservative $200.

The remaining plans are much longer term, as well as costing substantially more to join, but not an outrageously expensive amount to the more experienced players. The second plan for example will set you back a $100 minimum to join. The term runs for 60 calendar days and offers daily payments with your initial principal returned at the end. The interest rate is 2% per day which allows you to at least break even before the plan expires. Payments will come to a total of 120% which is then considered net profit once TrueWealthAlliance return your principal. The maximum investment for this one is $1,000.

And finally TrueWealthAlliance‘s third plan runs for 90 calendar days. The minimum price of investing goes up to $400 for this one, but if that’s easily affordable to you and no big deal, then you can earn 2.5% interest on it per day. That allows you to break even 40 days into the term (10 days faster than the previous one incidentally) and finish up with 225% in total. That’s in addition to your principal which TrueWealthAlliance should then return, leaving 225% as your final profit.

Payment options after being a bit basic at first have been expanded. They now include GlobalDigitalPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. This list will not be expanded on for reasons I’m not going to go into again here but which you can read about in the news section of the TrueWealthAlliance website. So if you were going to ask for AlertPay to be added don’t bother. It’s not going to happen and the admin has his reasons which to be honest at the moment I find hard to fault. Anyway, withdrawals are paid manually so need to be requested from within your members area. After doing this you are asked to allow up to 48 hours for the admin to complete the transaction, though to date he’s been quite a bit faster than that.

TrueWealthAlliance is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, and I’m glad to see the website is properly SSL-secured. They are hosted hosted on a dedicated server with support and DDoS protection by the ever reputable Dragonara. So everything on the security side of things is up to a decent HYIP standard here. For any questions, comments, or account related issues you can contact the TrueWealthAlliance admin by e-mailing him directly at the address provided or by filling out the ticketing form and submitting it. You’ll also find a Live Chat feature, though it’s not a 24 hour service and nothing to indicate what time it operates.

Texts are original which to me shows someone not just throwing something together for the hell of it. Typically for the HYIP industry they tell us next to nothing of value about you runs the program and what he does with the money. I doubt many of you care anyway at this point. But it does look pretty promising at this point and a solid and viable alternative to some of the less successful shorter term games that I suspect we will see a bit more of during the summer. TrueWealthAlliance may well be a slow burner as the season slows down a little now but I would say that given time they will build up a loyal client base during the coming months and prove a stable performer that can be depended on while they run. As ever spend with caution, don’t put yourself in a position of dependency on HYIP earnings, and protect yourself from serious losses by diversifying you portfolio.


First I would like to announce that tomorrow you will be able to read the interview from the short term program which many investors consider to be different from everything else around and possibly even the next big thing. I’m talking about EarnGroups (reviewed here) which has been monitored on MNO for 23 days but it’s overall time online exceeds one year. Actually I believe MNO started monitoring it straight after the program had changed direction completely from a low interest mid term program to the short term high yields currently offered – 120% after 7 days and 145% after 14 days. The minimum to invest in EarnGroups starts from $10 and you will get your payments usually instantly to one of the three accepted payment processors you originally made your deposit from – AlertPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. The admin of EarnGroups waited patiently before requesting the interview questions from me until the upgrade of his program was completed It now comes with a new layout, SSL-connection and even its own official forum. I guess you will find out more tomorrow when I’m planning to publish the interview with the admin of EarnGroups, so stay tuned for that, guys!

If you like reading interviews with program admins then you should look forward to another one with the admin of PowerfulStrategy (reviewed here). He upgraded his listing on MNO to Premium today and so I’ll be sending him some questions tomorrow. PowerfulSrategy has been online for over a month now paying instantly to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay on the following investment plans – 1.8% for 10 business days, 2% for 25 business days, 2.3% for 60 business days, 2.8% for 120 business days with principal returned on expiry. The admin of PowerfulStrategy today posted a short update on his site advising members of a small glitch in LibertyReserve due to which the deposits might not be credited to your account instantly after making a deposit. Here is the update:
Liberty Reserve in June 25 did planned works and then stopped coming reports on payments, so if your deposit does not active after the payment, do not worry, our administrator activates it manually for 5 minutes! Thank you for your understanding!

A huge disappointment today was the collapse of TimeIsMoneyInv which was reviewed on MNO just last night. Apparently just minutes after the review was published the program went offline for some reason and I think was unreachable for 10 hours or so. Even slight downtime can be really harmful for any short-term program, especially ones that pay hourly. Investors lose confidence in the ability to stay online, and only withdraw money without ever re-depositing. It looks like after the program came back online it stopped paying at all and as usual the admin doesn’t respond. Only a day online is not a good result and many expected a much better result from this one. Well, this collapse proves only one thing – short term programs are highly unpredictable and any downtime can really kill it fast. If before the downtime I was paid properly and instantly, just after it returned the payments have stopped. TimeIsMoneyInv is currently on Problem status on MNO and most probably it’s over already. Please do not invest there anymore!

The funny thing about LucrativaFund (reviewed here) which I had to briefly move to Problem status again on MNO today is that the admin actually pays the pendings after I get complaints from my readers. I wonder what would happen if that guy who complained to me today about not being paid for over 10 days just kept silent. I guess he would never have been paid. But the fact is LucrativaFund is still paying, even though sometimes it takes longer than the promised 48 business hour term. So I’m actually pretty impressed because not many programs return to Paying status on MNO after being flagged as Problem. I’m glad that it happened with LucrativaFund, however if you’re in my downline and have some payment delays please report to me and I’m sure that the admin Richard (interviewed here) will do his best to pay my downline in his program.

It looks like Nelson, which is another alias of the admin of OscarFunds Aljibouriali who currently manages Corraliva (read more in my expose of him here) is having troubles in paying to his investors already. No wonder that the recent delay with payments prompted me to move his program to Waiting status on MNO today. If Corraliva doesn’t resume payments tomorrow as promised in the latest update from Nelson/Alji/or whatever he’s calling himself this week the program will most definitely be moved to Problem status on MNO tomorrow. Meanwhile, it’s NOT advised to invest there (well, it was never advised anyway owing to what class of a crook and racist the admin is) and here is the last update regarding the delays:
Withdrawal Delay
If you may have noticed, withdrawals have been delayed because I was on a business trip and my partner who was supposed to send payments did not do it because he had lost access to the administrator panel, sad story but true. Anyways, withdrawals will be processed tomorrow morning EST Time (-05:00) If you have any question or feedback, please send me an e-mail at
Nelson. Corraliva.

Both EurosFund (reviewed here) and ViscoCorp (reviewed here) which is most definitely managed by the same admin anyway came up with some new and very similar plans intended to extend their life. I think investors are smart enough to just ignore such extremely profitable plans aimed at greedy investors to take advantage of them. However as previous experience tells me such too-good-to-be-true plans actually mean the programs are on the verge of collapse and urgently need fresh money in order to sustain the payouts to older investors.
EurosFund currently pays up to 250% after 1 day:
New Special Promo Plans Launched.
We pay 200%-250% after 1 day.
Limited investment available daily and limited time offer. Once reach the investment limit on the day it self, no investment allow or it will return back to your account without interest.
And here is the latest very similar update posted on ViscoCorp‘s site which announced slightly smaller returns but still not worth the risk anyway in my honest opinion:
Promo Plans Launch !
Interest 102%-105% will be sent to your account after 1 day.
Principal deposit included the interest return. Interest GUARANTEED.
Limited invest amount offered daily and limited time offer as it’s promotion plan.

The administration of AlphaForex (reviewed here) apologized for any inconvenience caused by the downtime due to their recent software upgrade. As for me, the site loads perfectly well but if you are experiencing problems then wait patiently before the DNS fully propagates:
This AlphaForex Investment Limited Management
We are please to announce that we have almost completed software update and are awaiting until DNS propagates globally. Our web site should become available a soon as DNS propagation takes place. This process normally takes up to 12 to 24 hours. We appreciate your patience.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
AlphaForex has been monitored on MNO for over a month paying 1.6%-2.6% for 180 days with interest credited on business days only and the possibility to get your principal back on expiry. Payouts are processed quite fast to three accepted payment processors – AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney.

BaseBucks has upgraded from the Basic List where it was monitored on MNO for 10 days already to The Standard List. The program has quite a simple layout and a simple plan paying you daily variable returns starting from a 1% minimum for how ever long it takes you to reach 200%. It looks like this is not the first program from the admin of BaseBucks Jo as this is the second attempt. As I heard from the first round nobody lost money, however the first program was not monitored on MNO so I can’t really comment. Anyway, to invest in BaseBucks there is no registration required and by investing the minimum $3 via LibertyReserve you will be paid daily and directly to your LR account. The daily results are all shown on the BaseBucks website which is by the way hosted on a dedicated server by Panamanian provider CyberCast. The program has its own cycler but there will be more information in the upcoming review which I’m planning to make later next week.

The programs that have paid me today include:
FeoCash, OnlineWealthFund, PrimFix, InvestNetGroup, DranTex, Insectrio, EarnGroups, PowerfulStrategy, EverydayEarnings, SafeDepositary, TrueWealthAlliance, IntelliCapital, WindFund, AdvanceFund, UnitrustDirect, LucrativaFund, GorgonProjectInvest, Opulentia, StockBiz, EasyDollarsGrowth, ViscoCorp and EurosFund.

That’s all for tonight. See you all tomorrow on MNO!

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