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31/08/2012. DiamondAsset Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! DiamondAsset has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! The end of the working week is here again so I hope you’re all looking forward to a couple of days off. No such luxury for myself I’m afraid as I have a couple of things lined up with MNO over the weekend, and that will start today with a closer look at one of the most recent additions to my monitoring page called DiamondAsset. This is one really aimed at fans of longer term HYIPs, though it is of course open to everyone prepared to come up with the minimum price of joining and prepared to take a chance. So before we get to the news section in just a few moments I want to start off todays update with more details on DiamondAsset and we’ll see if there’s something there you like.

Before we start I just need to point out that DiamondAsset accept deposits in either Dollars or Euros. As I know the majority of online investors work in Dollars then that’s how I’m describing the plans below, but do be aware that the alternative option is there if you want it.

As I said, this is a long term HYIP that’s basically got just one investments plan split into three subsections depending on how much money you want to gamble with. That can start with a $10 minimum into what DiamondAsset modestly describe as The Good Plan. It runs for 120 business days (24 weeks) making interest payments every day from Monday to Friday at a rate of 1.8%. That will eventually add up to a total of 216% at the end of the term, at which point DiamondAsset will return your principal. A more important date in my opinion however is the break even point, ie the day when your interest repayments equal the amount you originally invested meaning you can’t be at a loss no matter what happens the program next. This happens after 56 business days, or in the 12th week of the term. The maximum deposit for this plan is $4,999.

With a $5,000 minimum I’m not sure the remaining options are of that much interest to many of you, but for your information I’ll give you the details anyway. After all, what you do with the information is up to you. Deposits between $5,000 and $29,999 make up what DiamondAsset call The Better Plan. The term is the same 120 business days with interest payments made from Monday to Friday at a rate of 2% per day. That adds up to 240% in total at the end of the term, which can only be considered net profit once DiamondAsset return your principal on expiry as promised.

And finally there’s The Best Plan. Best for who? Well, with a $30,000 minimum to join, clearly it is the best plan or the admin, lol! But anyway, the term is 120 business days, and interest rates are 2.5% per day with principal returned on expiry. There’s no upper limit on what DiamondAsset accept here.

The average HYIP player won’t find much to argue with in the DiamondAsset selection of payment processors. They’re already using all the popular ones, including EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payments are made manually by the DiamondAsset admin and so will have to be requested from inside your member’s account area. Once you’ve done that the transaction should be completed sometime within the following 24 hours.

There are a couple of other things you need to be aware of in the plans before joining. Not just be aware of, but actually be very careful of. To start with DiamondAsset are allowing compounding. The thing about this is that while I wouldn’t do it myself for matters of personal preferences, it’s entirely up to you what percentage you set to compound. The reason you need to be careful here is that the compounding rate is set to 100% by default on the script, so if you actually want to earn money every day AND actually receive it you need to reset this to zero, or at least something more sensible than the default settings.

Certain rules relating to minimum withdrawals will also apply, depending on what payment processor you are using. This of course is mostly of interest to the smaller investors, so if that’s you just be sure you know the limits first so you don’t imagine a problem where it doesn’t exist. The minimum withdrawal is somewhere between $0.01 and $1, so have a quick look what limit applies to your favored processor before proceeding.

The other thing is an early withdrawal feature. Some of you, namely fans of shorter terms HYIPs than this one, might be uncomfortable with having your money locked in for such a lengthy investment term. DiamondAsset do provide you with an option to request your principal back early and leave the program if you so wish. You just need to consider that this option doesn’t come cheap. In fact DiamondAsset will retain 30% of your deposit, regardless of how close or how far you are from the scheduled maturity date. Do it too early and you can lose money, too close and it really eats into your profits, so either way it kinda makes joining the program at all a pointless exercise if you’re only going to leave before the full term is up. The solution to this of course is really very simple – don’t invest money that you might need back and that could possibly cause you problems if you can’t access it in full for the term’s full duration.

On the technical and design side of things DiamondAsset is running off a licensed ProBiz script. The website is using SSL encryption and is hosted on a shared server by CloudShare. If you have any further questions or comments for the admin then you may submit them to the admin by filling in the online ticketing form and submitting it via the contacts page. DiamondAsset also have Facebook and Twitter accounts, though I didn’t see them make much use of either account up to now.

And generally speaking that’s where I usually tend to leave most descriptions of HYIP related websites – with a reminder not to spend more money than you can afford to lose relative to your own income and budget. Reason being is that while the texts on the DiamondAsset website revolve around them being “licensed as an Asset Manager and Investment Adviser and has grown to become a leading asset manager in the UK”. The thing is we don’t get to see that license and some of the texts are a straight copy/paste from another financial website. So much for the UK then! As always when dealing with anything related to the world of online HYIPs you need to work off the premise that there are no guarantees and everything is high risk so set yourself a sensible spending limit and always try to protect yourself from heavy losses by diversifying your portfolios.



It looks like the admin of Finvance Mark (interviewed here) is constantly looking for more ways to please his investors. You can join the program with any amount starting from $20 via EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney to an 8% for 20 business day plan. As you may remember, during the LR downtime Finvance offered an e-currency exchange allowing you to get rid of LR funds and get paid to EgoPay or SolidTrustPay instead with no fees. Today the admin went even further and for the limited time and only during this weekend he offers deposits e-currency exchange which has been unheard by me as done by other admins in the past.

Anyway, what is this offer supposed to mean to you? Suppose you have some STP which you would like to get dispose of but do not want to use exchangers because of the high fees. Then just make a deposit into the 8% for 20 business days plan in Finvance during this weekend and get your deposit converted into another currency of your choice (in your case it will be LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or EgoPay). This will be done by the admin manually after you submit a support ticket with the required information as specified in the last newsletter from Finvance. After it’s done you will have your profits paid to the e-currency account of your choice and all this with absolutely no fees involved! That would be really sweet for somebody I believe! Anyway, for more information on how to convert your e-currency deposits in Finvance (reviewed here) please refer to the latest update below:

Weekend 0% Rate for Exchanges To and From all E-currencies
Finvance is announcing a new addition to our currency exchange feature that we developed during Liberty Reserve’s downtime. In addition to our LR to STP and EgoPay exchanges we already have offered since Liberty Reserve went offline for maintenance, we will be offering a new feature of deposit exchange. For deposits during the weekend time period that we have established as: Thursday, 8PM Eastern Time (Friday, 12AM Midnight GMT) to Sunday, Midnight Eastern Time (Sunday, 4AM GMT), any deposit made during this period will qualify for multi directional currency exchange.
The following exchanges will be allowed for these new deposits:
LR to STP, LR to EgoPay, LR to PM
STP to LR, STP to EgoPay, STP to PM
EgoPay to LR, EgoPay to STP, EgoPay to PM
PM to LR, PM to STP, PM to EgoPay
All these conversion exchanges will also be at our REGULAR 0% RATE. EVEN EXCHANGE.
Once you have made an eligible deposit during the time period, please open a support ticket with the following information:
Your Username
Full Transaction Details of Your Deposit
Your Requested Exchange E-Currency
Thank you for participating in the expansion of our e-currency exchange services as it is providing us great data for the future of Finvance. We are getting close to offering full exchange services for all e-currencies we accept.


BensonUnion (reviewed here) remains one of the most popular low-ROI programs and after 225 days online it’s occupying #5 spot on MNO paying instantly to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney account on the 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days investment plan with principal return one expiry. Today it was announced that the previously mentioned multi-language callback service is already there and the second live webinar for the program’s investors will be held in two weeks from now. Note that in this webinar you will have a rare opportunity to participate in the video conference and talk with the admin of BensonUnion Ragnar (he was previously interviewed on MNO here) in the live mode. Here is the latest news from BensonUnion:

BensonUnion official newsletter
Dear investors! We promised to integrate multi-language callback service in previous newsletter. It’s already here! Enjoy the innovations from BensonUnion! The list of talk languages will be raising month by month to provide you the top-class support service. Just submit the request and we will call you back! The next webinar will take place on Thursday, September 13 (2.00PM EST)! Don’t miss this event! Everyone will be able to talk with the CEO of BensonUnion in video conference mode.


Just a few days ago RightFive added a monitoring page which the admin describes rather unconventionally as THE Watchdogs page. I was pleased to see that MNO blog and monitor gets a privileged position there which is understandable considering the leading position my blog occupies in the HYIP industry and the advertising results it gives to HYIP admins who are serious about running the most successful programs. I’m really applauding the unorthodox approach of RightFive‘s admin to advertising which is already bringing him positive results in the form of hundreds of investors which were attracted by the long banner advertising campaign on my site when RightFive was still in the planning stages almost a month before its official launch. Today RightFive (reviewed here) is a top-ten program already occupying the #8 spot among MNO’s most popular programs after less than two weeks online. It pays you 5% for 30 days and 110% after 7 days which are pretty generous returns paid to your LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay accounts. If you haven’t seen the program yet you should definitely do so, as it was considered by many industry observers as the next big thing. The latest news about the monitoring page on RightFive‘s website is re-posted below:

Watchdogs page added
Please visit the page here.
Why is it called Watchdogs, isn’t it a monitoring page? Good question – yes it is!
According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, a watchdog is a person or group whose function is to monitor the practices of companies providing a particular service or utility.


The admin of the recently launched program CavalierTrade has decided to give members access to his alleged trading results. He gave a link where you can see in real-time how they generate such huge returns as to enable them to pay you from 5.32% to 8.18% every single week while returning principals on demand after a two week lock-in period. The full review of the program is going to be published on MNO blog next week. Meanwhile you can familiarize yourself with the trading platform CavalierTrade is allegedly using to bring you profits. Here is the latest news from the program:

Live trading results are now available on the site at
Regards, Admin”.


Regular readers will probably be aware of my attitude towards programs like OneInv (reviewed here) and PlexCapital (reviewed here). The programs themselves are not bad and are running for many months, but usually the admin behind them tends to mislead the investors with his constantly added new plans. Allegedly they pay you daily but he deliberately disguises them that way as in reality, when you don’t discover your profits in your account and question him about that he will tell you that you would get paid on expiry both your principal and profits. However the trick is working here as the new plans are added gradually and the investment term reduces the same way, so by the time all the withdrawals are supposed to be paid to their investors the programs scam and you never see your money again. I already wrote about these tricks more than once and for the admin’s strategy you can read the article describing it in detail using one of his previous programs as an example here. So you should really avoid investing in the new plan which was recently opened in PlexCapital and be aware that the program is going to be a scam within three months from now. Some admins can’t really change their old tricks and it becomes so obvious with time that their methods become predictable. I hope nobody will invest in this plan offered by PlexCapital now, and if you do then don’t complain later you weren’t paid as promised:

Plex 90 Plans Launch.
Interest send to your account daily for 90 days. Principal including interest return. Compound not available. Pay 7 days a week. Principal included interest return. Limited investment units offer. Will be closed for invest once the units sold out.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: YachtWealthClub.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, OneInv, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, BensonUnion, Finvance, FelminaAlliance, RightFivePlexCapitalRoyalMaxDealers, Absolutiva, KommercialityBull&BearCapital, KBSInvestmentMTResults, PipsFund, DiamondAsset (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, BGTGroups.
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds, 6Inv (the first payment received).

That’s it for today, guys. But I just need to warn you that WestFinanceGroup and InternationalForexLLC are proven scams now which have been both moved to Scam status on MNO tonight. Please do not invest there under any circumstances! See you all over the weekend!

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