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12/11/2012. NewEnrG Review and Daily News from the Industry


 Beware! NewEnrG has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend. I suppose a lot of people had some mixed results from their investment portfolios last week, and by mixed I mean I do hope it wasn’t entirely bad news for any of you. One way or another things are going to slow down a bit in the industry at some point between now and January when business traditionally takes a major upturn once again. But fingers crossed we’ll have a couple of good weeks yet before any obvious slump sets in.

So to start the new business week I want to take a look at a controversial new short to mid term HYIP that’s been getting a lot of attention – much of it negative I have to admit – on the various discussion boards and forums since launching. The program is called NewEnrG and the reason for the debate centers around its connection with another program that ran earlier this year. The program in question was, at the time, a major success. Then again they all are as long they’re paying, aren’t they? So of course when it ended it ended badly, again as they all do, with a lot of people getting scammed. So it’s still quite a raw nerve with a lot of investors, and justifiably so in my opinion. I really don’t want to go on about it for too long, but the fact is it’s not really possible to review NewEnrG and ignore the matter. So I’ll come back to it in a moment and share some of my own thoughts on the debate, but first let me go through some of the basic features of the program.

The first thing most people want to look at is the investment plans I suppose, and NewEnrG have two of them. One that pays on expiry and one that makes daily interest payments. The shorter of the two is called The Hydro Plan and runs for a term of 7 calendar days. You can join up for a $10 minimum spend and in return NewEnrG are offering one single payout of 110% interest on expiry. This already includes your principal so it’s your own money back plus 10% net profit a week later. The maximum spend is $100,000 and the same rate of interest applies to all deposits no matter how big or small.

The second plan is a bit more complicated, and in my opinion unnecessarily so. At first glance it’s not that unusual, running for 30 calendar days and making daily interest payments to members. It’s called The Solar Plan and NewEnrG require a $10 minimum deposit to join. It gets a little tricky with the rates however. Payouts are made seven days per week for the plans duration, but rates can vary from one day to the next. From Monday to Friday for instance the rate is 7% per day, but on weekends this drops to 2.5% per day. I guess the admin most likely anticipates a lull in new investments being made on Saturdays and Sundays (which is likely) so doesn’t want to hand out too much money from his own reserves. These payments also factor your initial principal into the mix so don’t expect that to be returned.

Your final earnings from this plan can vary enormously by the way, and the “example” offered by NewEnrG is not an accurate reflection of the plan. You see, it really depends on what day of the week you sign up. No matter what day you join, the plan still runs for 30 days regardless. So by joining on Monday you will have 22 7% payments plus 8 2.5% payments, giving you a final return of 174%. By joining on a Saturday on the other hand you only encounter 20 7% payments plus 10 2.5% payments giving 165% by expiry. I really think this could have been better explained by the admin. Considering he went to the trouble of concocting an example of a theoretical deposit at all in the first place I feel he could have at least done it right. If not then it indicates it probably wasn’t that well conceived or thought out in the first place. So if you are planning to make a deposit in NewEnrG‘s 30 day plan please make sure to look at a calendar first and make a more accurate calculation than the one you are presented with on their website. You can get 74% profit, just don’t assume that you will, as is implied there.

If the plans are nothing special then at least the payment options are up to a decent industry standard, something that’s kinda expected by more and more investors as a minimum requirement these days anyway. Currently NewEnrG are taking deposits via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payments to members are as far as I can see usually paid instantly to most payment processors, though this is by no means explicitly guaranteed by them. You will need to log into your NewEnrG member’s area and make a request for it, and once received payouts to SolidTrustPay members will definitely be made manually, while users of other processors might get theirs instantly. But no matter which option you are using the NewEnrG admin still asks you to allow up to 48 hours for the transaction to be completed.

On the design and security features, NewEnrG is running off a licensed ProBizScript, their website is SSL secured by Comodo, and hosted on a dedicated server from Koddos. If you have any further questions for the admin or any problems related to your account then you can contact him yourself either by filling out the support ticketing form and submitting it, or by trying the program’s Live Chat feature if you see an operator there.

As for any kind of serious business plan behind NewEnrG, well, it’s safe to say any pretense of that has been completely discredited by now. Initially as I said the admin was claiming to be the former admin of EnrG which was monitored here and many other sites this year, and that NewEnrG was a continuation of that program. I should point out that I never believed a word of this from the very beginning. Among the many many reasons included the admin’s complete lack of knowledge of any details whatsoever about my account, any e-mail exchange between us (he tried to say his “account” was hacked but of course I knew the real admin of EnrG wrote to me from several different ones), and not to mention the quality of his written English had deteriorated so badly.

It now seems that he’s backtracked completely on this claim and now says admits he never had a connection with the old version. It was a monumentally stupid decision to try and impersonate a former admin in the first place and the backlash from those who were scammed and those who warned about it was almost immediate. Denying it all later on doesn’t repair the damage and only throws up more questions I’m afraid. But at the end of the day there’s still a pretty large percentage of players out there who simply don’t care about such things. They have enough experience to know how the game is played, and that anything coming from the admin is to be taken with a pinch of salt anyway, knowing that its relationship with the truth is distant at best.

People can speculate or question the NewEnrG‘s motives all they want, but I can save you the trouble and explain them to you here right now – they are exactly the same as every other HYIP admin, to create an online HYIP as a vehicle for generating cash for its owner. The only debate here is the method. That’s the only thing that ever changes in this business, the motives do not. Feel free to argue about the “how”, the “why” is always the same. So while some people will stay well away from NewEnrG, others will go ahead and take a chance. If you are one of that group then I’m guessing you were already aware that this is no more than an online HYIP based game already, and know how to behave responsibly when you gamble. For anyone who isn’t, that means setting a modest limit on your spending that you can afford to lose (because lose it you might!) and if signing up for NewEnrG at all then do try to keep them as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



The latest news from the above reviewed NewEnrG is still coming thick and fast over the last 24 hours when I counted no less than three updates. I guess there’s no harm in keeping members updated, especially if they encountered some script-related issues with missing deposits and STP withdrawals during the first days online. Here’s the update regarding the missing deposits and if affected should be addressed to the email address provided or the live chat:

Missing Deposit
Dear Members,
If you have any missing Deposits please send your direct queries to Admin with your user name and transaction details at this email address { } don’t forget to mention your subject lines other all quarries you can discuss on our live chat box in our site. Thanks for your great support.
Thanks. NewEnrG Team”.

If you have problems with withdrawals to SolidTrustPay which is the only payment processor withdrawals to which are processed manually by NewEnrG you should also contact the admin. That is exactly what I did when on encountering the issue in my account today and was paid to STP fast enough after informing the admin. It’s really not convenient to contact the admin every time a request cannot be made so I hope it gets dealt with soon. Here is the update regarding this STP issue sent by the admin:

STP Issue
Dear Members,
Our technical Team is working to solve all Script related issues we got some mails that STP withdraw request is not successfully proceed its returned to Available Balance and some Deposits not credited If you have any related issue please send mail to Admin. All Accounts has been credited and all withdraw has been successfully completed we are doing all withdraw requests INSTANTLY our system on Automatic Withdraw Mode only STP we are doing manually but our Team is trying to fix all issues related to STP, but I request you have any problem please send your queries to Admin{} Thanks for your great support!
Regards. NewEnrG Team”.

Finally, NewEnrG has launched its Facebook page allowing you to stay in touch with the administration or use it to suggest anything important in the program be changed, or just stay updated with the latest news from the program:

Dear Members,
For latest updates we request you to visit our site and Face Book Page to stay tuned ! You can post your suggestions if you want to change any thing in our program you can send us directly or post on our Face Book page.
Regards. NewEnrG Team”.


It appears BlueMoney also faced some crediting issues today but this time it affected deposits made via LibertyReserve. The admin has since confirmed that all deposits have been added to members’ accounts since then in the short update sent today:

Missing Deposits Added
All missing LR deposit are Added To members Account.
Please Contact me if i mistaken put your money on the plan.
Best regards. Diego”.

Apart from LibertyReserve BlueMoney is also dealing with PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay which are accepted in the various investment plans as analyzed in my review published here – 105%-125% after 1 day, 40%-45% for 3 days, 140%-150% after 5 days, 200%-250% after 10 days, 500%-550% after 20 days. It looks like after a slow start BlueMoney is slowly gaining momentum and in the latest update the admin Diego greeted the first 200 active investors and asked to support the program on forum threads with votes and were invited to join the program’s group on Facebook:

Important update
I like to inform you that we Running slow but sure, we have 200 active member on our dashboard already.
We want to grow bigger than ever to gain more profit for our investors,we just need all members helps to spend a little time for post and vote on forums.
Join Also our facebook group and invite your friends to come in.”.


If you’re a member of MajesticProfits you should remember that the program started with the promising instantly processed payouts on all the payment processors accepted – SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. However, just a couple of days ago the instant payouts on the 2.8%-5% for 65 days plan with principal returned on expiry were disabled for some technical reason, and though they were still paid pretty fast MajesticProfits didn’t actually manage to live up to the expectations of instant payouts from its members. Today though the admin re-introduced instant payouts and I believe that should boost the program’s ratings even further as MajesticProfits currently occupying #4 on MNO’s Premium list and possibly will climb even higher soon due to enormous popularity among readers. For less than three weeks online it’s a really well-respected achievement and hopefully MajesticProfits will keep delivering for the long time to come. Here is the last newsletter from MajesticProfits (reviewed here) announcing the instant payouts once again and asking from the members of supporting the program’s good performance by submitting payment proofs on HYIP forums:

MajesticProfits – News
For the last few days we had problems with instant payments, because of our API server, today we announce that its officially fixed. All payments are now back to instant.
If you have any problems, please resubmit your tickets and we will try to answer it within 12 hours.
We are getting bigger every day. Support us by posting payment proof on forums.
Best Wishes.


In the most recent newsletter the admin of ProsperaNova (reviewed here) explained why they don’t accept PayPal and credit cards and only deal with the popular payment processors as LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay. Apparently this happens to prevent the program from suffering chargebacks which both PayPal and credit cards enable. ProsperaNova also recommended an exchanger called Erachange to those who would like to fund their accounts in the the 2% for 365 calendar day investment plan with interest on business days. Having been online for over two months already we should see the first investors in profit pretty soon. If things work out according to the admin’s newsletter, we might see a nice run for ProsperaNova ahead.

By the way, in regards to exchangers I myself would recommend the services of two of them – MagneticExchange and xChanger. I have been using both for quite a while and they both were stable and reliable in terms of processing the exchange requests and answering support tickets. So, in addition to the one recommended by ProsperaNova you have more to choose from and can pick the one that suits you best or offer you the most favorable exchange rates. Here’s the latest newsletter from ProsperaNova in full:

ProsperaNova Newsletter
We often receive mails from inexperienced investors who ask us for advice about funding their e-currency accounts. That puts us in a bad spot, as we can’t guarantee anything for any exchanger as they are independent of us and we have absolutely no control over them.
What we can say is that seems to work the best from the experiences we had.
Also, we would like to advise you that, prior to the usage of an Internet service (either e-currency, exchangers or investment programs), you should search for and check the experiences of other users on the Internet.
We have received numerous mails from users wondering as to why we do not accept PayPal and credit cards. The reason why we do not is security. Simply put, fraudulent misuse of both PayPal and credit cards is too much of a risk for our line of work, and that is why we will not accept them.
We don’t have any big news, primarily because everything is going superbly. We had no problems for now, and everything is going perfectly. It would not be possible without your support. Thank you very much for all your support and trust.
We would also like to use this opportunity to remind you of our excellent affiliate program, which pays in three levels, with which you can earn money without investments.
Best Regards, ProsperaNova Support”.


The admin of Nubcoyu (interviewed here) will have double the pressure over the next few days processing the payouts on the 1.4% for 200 business days plan and answering support tickets and to the members of MNO ShoutBox on his own as his assistant Misaki was taken ill recently. I must say I also had the flu recently and can understand how easily it gets around. I wish Misaki a speedy recovery and could not help but notice how it affect the speed of processing the withdrawals, now promised to be processed within 48 hours to all the payment processors accepted – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. I will keep you updated on the performance of Nubcoyu on MNO and you can read the full review of the program here:

Misaki To Take 3 Days Off Due To Hospitalization
Dear Valued Investors,
I’ve just come back from driving Misaki to the Yamanashi Kenmin Hospital. As you know, Misaki has been sick since Thursday. Since then, her symptoms hasn’t got better, but not worse. But last night at around 11 PM Japan’s time, she vomited 5 times while she was reading her English grammar book. When I came back from my syndicate’s office, I saw her vomiting right in front of my eyes.. I was shocked to see that and didn’t know what happened. But all I knew was, she had to be diagnosed or else it could become a big problem. That’s when I’d decided to drive her to the hospital.
I’ve been looking after her closely by her patient’s bed until 8:00 PM today. According to the doctor’s analysis, she had some signs of influenza and partly due to her stress from overwork. Her digesting system also malfunctions, resulting her not being able to eat properly. She’s expected to be released from hospital after 3 days. Until then, I’ll be back to processing payouts and doing support jobs instead of her. I feel guilt of not stopping her from overworking and giving her to much work lately. I’ll be sure to treat her well next time.
Dear readers and investors, I’d appreciate it much if you send some encouragement letters to her email I’m not sure whether she has energy to read it or not, but I’m sure she’ll be happy when she does.
Regards, Nubcoyu Administrator”.


Due to the official banking holiday in the US this Monday the admin of BensonUnion Ragnar (interviewed here) announced today there would be no interest payments:

Non-trading day
Dear investors! No profit will be credited today because of national holiday in the United States.

BensonUnion (reviewed here) remains one of those rare long lasting programs that has been paying fine for about ten months already on the following payment processors – PerfectMoney, PexPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, BitCoin – and direct bank wires. In most cases the withdrawals are processed instantly while in some cases it can take up to 24 hours. You can join BensonUnion from a $10 minimum and get from 1.2% to 2.45% interest for the duration of 170 business days with the original principal back on expiry.


FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) is another program with many months of history behind it with prompt payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay since July 2011 when it was first introduced to the HYIP world. Unfortunately, FelminaAlliance is taking advantage of two country’s holidays – Panama where it’s allegedly based and the US where it’s apparently trading to finance the two currently available investment plans – 0.8%-1.4% for 90 business days, and 1%-1.6% for 180 business days, both of which returning the original principal on expiry.Most people probably don’t mind so many days off as FelminaAlliance is already a proven program and deserves its position in the Top 5 most popular programs on my list. The proper update was published today in order to provide an explanation of the accounts not credited with the usual daily interest in FelminaAlliance today. Please read it below:

[FelminaAlliance] Official Newsletter
This is an official newsletter from FelminaAlliance Inc.
Monday, November 12, 2012, is Veterans Day – one the official holidays in the United States.
We observe the official holidays in the US and Panama. According to our terms of service, we do not pay interest on weekend days and official holidays. Therefore, no interest will be paid on this day.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department, FelminaAlliance Inc.


I forgot to mention that I was paid my principal back a few days ago by ProForexUnion which is offering several investment plans – 1.2% for 20 days, 1.7% for 30 days, 1.9%-2.4% for 60 days – whilst accepting all the favorite payment processors including PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and LibertyReserve starting from a $10 minimum. According to ProForexUnion itself, which is running for about seven weeks already the success of the program was actually paved by good ForEx trading strategy which they are now ready to teach its members too. You don’t need to pay a dime in order to participate and just need to follow the instructions provided by the admin in the latest newsletter from ProForexUnion (reviewed here). So if you’re interested go ahead and apply to learn ForEx the way it’s required by the administration:

Training FOREX ProForexUnion
Company ProForexUnion launches free training courses for beginners trading expertise in the forex market.
Voice and text conference in skype chat with one of the best traders of our company with an experience of over 10 years.
Learning conditions:
1: Your full name.
2: Phone with country and city of residence.
3: E-mail address in the area
4. Sample questions – comments, suggestions.
Please fill out the to participate in free training.
Sincerely, yours The ProForexUnion team.


It looks like DiamondAsset is becoming more popular day by day, leading to all kinds of scammers trying to take advantage on the program’s membership and target them with fake offers and phishing attempts. Please read the following update from DiamondAsset carefully (even if you’re not a member!) to avoid spammers and not to fall into their traps:

Warning from DiamondAsset
Dear client,
The Management of the DiamondAsset warns you that the frequency of Internet frauds has increased. For security purposes, do not reply to the e-mails which suggest that you should transfer a certain amount of money to receive free bonuses, prizes and presents; do not communicate your personal information, your e-currency account numbers/usernames, logins and passwords.
The staffs of DiamondAsset will never request this kind of information and will never send such e-mails. Please be attentive and careful.
Best Regards, DiamondAsset Support Team.

Just to remind you – DiamondAsset is paying on the 1.8%-2.5% for 120 business days with the original principal return on expiry. The investment can start with as low as $10 made via EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. The program has been listed on MNO for 75 days already and the full review of it can be found here.


Apparently, last night during the introduction of EvoFund on MNO I got the investment bonus rules wrong. I assumed that any investor with $250 or over deposit made into the 8%-10% for 30 business days plan via SolidTrustPay or LibertyReserve is entitled to get a 20% deposit straight away after an investment is made. However today the admin of EvoFund clarified that the bonus would be available for withdrawal only after the expiry of the original deposit (after 30 business days):

Special Bonus 20%.
Dear All,
We are offering Special 20% Bonus on the Invested Amount of $250 or more for the First 200 Investors. The said Bonus will be paid after the term completion of 30 Business Days. This is great Opportunity for you to earn extra 20%.
Invest Today and earn extra Bonus 20%.
All the Best! Admin”.

Two more short updates were also issued by EvoFund today and one dealt with the rules of submitting a support ticket to get answered faster, and another one announcing the program had been upgraded to Standard Listing on MNO and would be reviewed soon (possibly already by tomorrow). Please read those updates for more details:

Regarding Support Ticket
Dear All, You are requested to select the appropriate department regarding your issue related to before creating any support ticket to enable us fast processing of all the tickets.
Regards, Admin”.

Standard Listing in MNO
Dear All,
We are pleased to inform you that EvoFund has been upgraded to Standard Listing from Basic today. Click on


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: InvestLand.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, ProfitableSunrise, MajesticProfits, PerfectFinance, CaspianCapital, ForexEarn, ProForexUnion, BensonUnionFinanceCore, StallionGold, DiamondAsset, ProsperaNova, BlueMoney, TureProfit, NeoFunds, BulgeInvest, Nubcoyu, NewEnrG.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, BGTGroups, DP9, EvoFund, AustralianBusinessGroup.
From MNO Basic list: CheeseCash, XtremeRichness, PerfectLottery, Fxen, HippoWin.

That’s about it for tonight, guys. To finish I just wanted to warn you that Phinanci might have stopped paying already, so please do not invest there. I hope you enjoyed my issue for tonight and will check out MNO blog tomorrow for more updates from the HYIP industry. See you all then!

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