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26/09/2014. BrinoGmbH Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! BrinoGmbH has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! As it’s Friday again and the end of the business week I hope you’re all looking forward to a couple of days with your feet up doing absolutely nothing! It’s been a hectic week in the HYIP industry, for me anyway, and it’s far from over yet. There’s quite a mixed bag of news tonight, some good stories and unfortunately some less so. But before all of that there’s one new addition to the MNO monitor’s Premium List that I want to talk about for a while called BrinoGmbH. When I say new by the way, I mean it’s just new to my monitor. In reality BrinoGmbH has been online for coming up to a month now so I imagine a fair number of you may have come across it on the forums already. In many ways however as we shall see from the investment plans it could be argued that BrinoGmbH is only getting started, and could perhaps still have its best days in front of it between now and Christmas. For those not yet familiar with the program then let’s take a closer look and see if they have anything there you might like to be a part of.

It occurs to me that I’ve been using the words “original”, “unique”, and maybe even “creative” to describe so many of the new programs joining my monitor lately that it must begin to lose effectiveness. Sorry then, but I’ve gotta do it one more time with BrinoGmbH, and this time it really is true! I honestly don’t remember ever seeing anything quite like this one before, but in such a competitive environment it really does help a lot to stand out from the crowd and try to have some memorable features. BrinoGmbH is definitely one program we can say this about, but I don’t really want to complicate things unnecessarily for anyone at this point so let’s just start with the basics.

The first thing you will need to know about BrinoGmbH is that it’s another in the ever growing, and ever popular, army of perpetual style programs. That is to say you join, there’s no fixed length term, you decide when you want to leave, but as long as you remain a member of your own choice then BrinoGmbH will reward you with a daily interest payment. How long you receive this payment is up to you. The rate is fixed and will be based on the size of your investment, obviously as is normal for HYIPs it’s the bigger spenders coaxed into joining with the higher rates of interest.

Deposits are affordable to most industry players and start from a bargain basement minimum of just $10. Returns start from a very basic 0.7%, and indeed stay quite modest for most, even a lot of the bigger deposits. They can stretch to as much as 2.4% per calendar day.

Other than the plan there’s a couple of other bonus/incentive ideas to encourage you to join. First of all the main one that will appeal to everyone is a free $10 bonus. The good thing here is that this is made available to all members and does not discriminate against the smaller investors who perhaps can’t afford as much money. It is however still loosely connected to the size of your deposit. You see, as soon as you earn $10 interest with your own money, BrinoGmbH will then add another $10 to your account. So obviously the more you invest the faster you get to the $10 profit in order to qualify for the bonus. But still, even the smallest investor with just $10 will get there eventually too. OK, I know, if you only spend $10 then it will take an eternity to get back $10 in profit, but you know what I mean, theoretically all members are entitled to the $10 bonus at some point. Some just get it faster than others.

The other incentive is probably of more interest to monitors and promoters rather than just the regular rank and file members of BrinoGmbH. The rule here is that basically the bigger your downline (that is the more referrals you bring into the program) the more favorable the interest rate made available. Like I said, it’s more beneficial to monitors, but it’s open to everyone so feel free and have a go at promoting BrinoGmbH on the forums or to online acquaintances if you think you know how to get results.

Now, this is where BrinoGmbH gets really interesting – on the return of your principal. As most of you are well aware by now, the concept behind perpetual style programs is to pay members for every day the choose to remain a member of the program, and then give them back their initial deposit when they decide to leave. Which is great of course, and I know this is popular based on the feedback I’ve been getting from readers who mostly enjoy such programs. But there are some pros and cons. For example, no one can deny the flexibility of programs like BrinoGmbH is great, and it puts greater control over the investment back into the hands of the actual investor where it belongs, and this is a major plus. On the other hand it means the cash flow can volatile, unpredictable, and open to hit-and-runners just like fixed term shorter term programs often are. The HYIP industry is I’m glad to say always evolving and as circumstances change the more experienced admins learn to change with it, and recently we have seen some interesting measures introduced by perpetual style programs to try and encourage members to stay with them a little bit longer than they are obligated to. But when it comes to originality and inventiveness, I have to say BrinoGmbH really takes the prize.

Here’s how it works. You can as I said ask for your principal at any time. OK, that much is simple enough. But what BrinoGmbH actually do is return it to you gradually over the course of the following 10 days. This isn’t a lock-in or a waiting period as such, in fact the return itself starts pretty much immediately, it just looks something like a stopwatch in your members account area. You will see two buttons in the middle of the page in your members area, one marked “Profit”, and the other one marked “Unload”. It’s this Unload button that you need to click to start the gradual streaming of your principal back into your balance that’s available for withdrawal. It starts at the full amount of your investment, and then counts slowly backwards returning money to you in small increments 24 hours per day over the following ten days until eventually it reaches zero.

While your principal is in the process of reducing, you are still entitled to an interest payment. This will now be calculated according to the remaining active principal you have at any given time. If you wish to freeze the process at any time, you simply click the Profit button. This halts the flow of your principal into your balance for withdrawal, and you continue earning interest on whatever figure you stopped on. You may resume the principal withdrawal process at a later date if you wish, or just let the remaining amount sit there earning you interest for however long BrinoGmbH can continue paying.

If all of that makes as much sense to you as I hope it does, then the next thing you need to know is what your payment options are. For now, and I think it will probably stay this way, BrinoGmbH have a fairly predictable list of processors but with the main popular ones all there. You can use any of PerfectMoney, EgoPay, or Payeer as the more traditional payment handlers, and BitCoin for those who favor crypto currencies. Payouts to members need to be requested from inside your Private BrinoGmbH members account area. Technically these are promised to be completed manually within 12 hours, however so far (for me, anyway) they’ve been instant. By the way, compounding is available for anyone who wants it.

On the more technical side of things, particularly in relation to design and security, it probably comes as no surprise to anyone that BrinoGmbH is running off a totally unique and custom developed script. What with all the different features and the operational basis of the program I guess you’d expect as much. One strongly beneficial feature here is that the BrinoGmbH website is entirely bilingual, translated into both Russian (already one of the biggest and at the same time also the fastest growing HYIP market) and of course English. Actually I’d say the Russian is the stronger of the two languages here myself, but it’s just good that the program is open to a far wider audience and anything that helps it grow and survive longer can only be a positive thing. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by OVH. An extra layer of security is added with the SSL certificate from Comodo to allow for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

If there are any further questions for the admin that you think he might explain better to you than this review or any other account related issues you need to have dealt with then BrinoGmbH can be contacted by one of two methods. You can either fill out your details on the online e-mail support form and submit it – I must say I do like how you’re obligated to click a box indicating that you have already looked at the FAQ section before this form gets submitted by the way – or alternatively you can simply write directly to the admin at the e-mail address listed. I don’t even know why I’m mentioning this but it at first seemed a bit odd that BrinoGmbH didn’t seem to include any external social media profiles such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. But then of course I remembered how most programs using these websites do absolutely nothing worth the time of day with them, so it’s probably just as well that if this admin doesn’t intend using them then he not waste anyone’s time by creating them and just get on with the business of running his program without such distractions.

For the business activities, by which I mean alleged business activities, BrinoGmbH are, we are told, involved with ForEx trading and the stock market. Texts, while original, do seem to go around in a circle a bit, talking a lot but saying nothing if you know what I mean. In other words there’s a lot to read but no information when you get there and nothing to suggest there any actual investment business being run here. There are various registration documents you can view, all of which are easily obtainable online so make whatever you like from them. But as I’ve said before, it’s not even so much about the lack of proof, it’s more to do with even if any of the HYIPs you join were genuinely involved with a real business there would still be absolutely no guarantee that such an activity would bring you a profit. Remember that millions of dollars are lost in ForEx trading and the stock markets every day just as surely as its won. So don’t delve too deeply into that side of things if BrinoGmbH is something you are interested in joining, just treat it like any other HYIP and behave accordingly. Set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose, and try and keep BrinoGmbH if you have anything there as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



2FXLtd (first reviewed here) is still doing really well and after seven weeks online and three weeks listed on MNO the program managed to get into the Top Five Popular Programs on the Premium List (read the latest article on this over the weekend). Moreover, I believe that the recent change in the investment plans from the original 8% for 25 days to a 4% daily forever with principal back anytime sparked even more interest in the program, and I can clearly see that 2FXLtd is becoming one of the leaders in the HYIP industry if such growth continues. A high level of flexibility, an affordable $5 minimum, plus the timely payouts to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin accounts have worked wonders wonders for the program, and many skeptics who didn’t believe it could last even for one cycle were forced to change their minds. On completion of the second 25 day cycle 2FXLtd has proven that programs like this can do really well with a talented admin in charge.

To mark an amazing fifty days online today the admin of 2FXLtd decided to reward members who take the time and effort to create promotional or explanatory videos about the program and its deposit and withdrawal process, which might be very useful for newbies taking their first steps in the HYIP industry. The results will be drawn in ten days and five lucky winners will be rewarded with a $100 cash prize each. That’s not a bad prize by any means, so any amateur Spielbergs out there who want to help 2FXLtd promote in international markets (videos in different languages are most welcome), can earn some extra money for themselves. More information on the contest is available in the latest newsletter from 2FXLtd posted below:

2FXLtd – Video Contest
Dear members,
Today we marked the 50th day of our program. Now we have more than 3,300 members with a total investment of more than $1,000,000. We thank all our members for their confidence.
And today we announce a video contest for our members. This is a special opportunity for 2FXLtd members to earn some more money with us.
Create a video tutorial, about how to use 2FXLtd. Here are some hints:
1. What we offer.
2. How to register.
3. How to deposit.
4. How to withdraw your profit and principal.
5. Why you should join it.
There are no language restrictions on the video.
5 best videos will receive a reward of $100 each!!! The contest starts on Sep 26, 2014 and ends after 10 days on Nov 06, 2014.
Important: video must be uploaded on and posted on at least 1 forum then send both links and your 2FXLtd username to
Thanks for choosing 2FXLtd


I like the approach of the admin of AriaInvestments (also known as Arriels)and would characterize him as a true professional always ready to take care of his program. So when today (very briefly) PerfectMoney website had some API issue which prevented withdrawals from AriaInvestments to be processed instantly, he immediately issued the following update:

AriaInvestments – PerfectMoney API problem.
Some of withdrawal request become to pending. The issue was PerfectMoney API. Now it is fixed and all pending requests has been processed.
Best regards, AriaInvestments team

Nevermind that the problem was only temporary and fixed almost as soon as anyone even noticed – the attitude towards investors is the important point to note here. I’m not sure if you have read the full review of the program posted on MNO (click here if not), but in a nutshell the program accepts deposits via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. Depending on the size of your investment you can join one of the following plans – 6% for 20 days, 7% for 19 days, 8% for 18 days, 9% for 17 days, 10% for 16 days, 11% for 15 days. Although with daily payouts your account in AriaInvestments will be credited every second and then you’re allowed to make withdrawals which in most cases will be processed instantly. As the minimum deposit in AriaInvestments is only $10 the program seems to be affordable to almost everyone, but what if you wish to get a higher interest rate but don’t have much money to invest? The answer to that is joining a so-called “group” of investors formed by a person who creates a pool with everyone who wishes to join him and earn more. I, for instance, have created a group called “MNO” in order to help those who join it to earn 8% daily interest once the total pool of deposits there reaches $2,500 which is the minimum to invest into the 18-day plan. Currently, there’s $950 deposits in total in the “MNO” group, so we have to get $1,550 extra in order to get paid the higher interest rate. If you wish to be part of the “MNO” group and start earning more all you need to do is to choose the “Add to group” option in the “Grouped deposit” tab and enter the group name MNO. Then your principal will earn you 6%, but once the “MNO” group is filled with $2,500 deposit every member of the group will actually benefit from the increased 8% daily interest. As you can see, the novelty is beneficial for both creators of groups and their members, so you do not lose anything by pooling the money this way. I did receive some questions from my readers over the last couple of days about it, so here I tried to explain once again what had to be done. So, join the “MNO” group in AriaInvestments and let’s all see a better profit together!


Slowly but surely Sparbs is gaining momentum and after two months online the admin has proved to many people that programs that pay on plans likewise 120% after 15 days, 160% after 30 days, and even 210% after 45 days are still capable of achieving great things. Those investors who joined on day one already managed to profit significantly. After two months you could have easily doubled your capital with Sparbs so I’m glad that some people were lucky enough to have this opportunity. If you’re still sitting on the fence and are unsure about investing in Sparbs you can refer to the MNO review posted here. Check out the website for its great custom-made script and payment options including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, OkPay, and Payza. In the latest newsletter issued yesterday the admin thanked all the members for their support from the very beginning, discussed the steady and consistent growth of Sparbs over the last weeks, and highlighted some improvements that include the addition of a Testimonials and Representatives page. This includes five people at the moment who help promote Sparbs in their local areas, and more representatives are wanted. To apply for a position and read more on that see the latest newsletter posted below:

60 Days Earning Report
Hi everyone,
First of all, Sparbs would like to congratulate all our members for celebrating 60th day online anniversary with us. During this 60 days online, Sparbs has seen many growth in terms of investments and popularity (we’ll discuss later in this news). As a result, bigger investors are visiting our website to learn more about our investment plan and placing their money to make an steady passive income, without their participation.
With that said, here are quick updates for this week you might be interested:
Celebrating 60th Day Online Anniversary
Dear Sparbs members, we are celebrating 60th day online anniversary. So far, we are really happy with the progress we have made. More investors are signing up with our program, affiliates are sending us more referrals who are genuinely interested to invest with us, and more members are reaping the rewards for being patient and trusting us.
Sparbs growing and getting stronger, every day
With the ongoing support from our members, Sparbs is now growing and getting stronger daily. In the past 60 days, we have been getting more visits and inquiries from bigger investors showing their interest in our investment program. As a result, we are seeing more signups, and deposits than we did during the first 30-45 days.
Our members are helping promote our investment program on their websites, blogs, social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc), and updating their earnings reports and reviews on many popular moneymaker and investment forums.
Click here to view our program ratings.
Website statistics
As the time of writing this news, Sparbs have successfully completed 60 days online, which is a HUGE accomplishment for a relatively unknown HYIP program among its well-established competitors. The total accounts has increased to a whopping 1770, a significant rise from in the first 45 days, and the total deposit amount is now $91746.81, a drastic increase in the same period. This figures seems to be going up every day, thanks to our easy-to-get-started investment program and excellent customer support!
“Testimonials” and “Representative” system launched
As promised, Sparbs have finally launched two more important sections on our website: “Testimonials” page and “Representative” system.
In the testimonials section, you can read our customer’s honest feedbacks regarding their experience using our website, investing in our programs, and customer support service. If you’re not sure whether you should invest with us, we highly encourage you to check out our customer testimonial page.
The “Representative” system, on the other hand, lets representatives from around the world to join Sparb’s team and help it promote and grow. As a Sparb’s representative, you’ll enjoy MORE bonus than an affiliate would make. Of course, the system is absolutely FREE to get started and it only take couple minutes to become a Sparbs representative.
In order to become the regional representative, you should apply in a ‘proper’ way. All information you supply has to be valid. For example, your username, e-mail address, SKYPE ID, Facebook account (if you have any), and telephone number (if available) must be authentic. Further, you should send all these information directly to our dedicated e-mail
Stay In Touch with Sparbs, 24/7
If you have any complaints, want an immediate answers to you pressing questions, or have helpful suggestion to help improve user experience, please do read our FAQ section. If you still need help, please contact us by either “live chat”, Facebook page, or simply submit a ticket. One of our English-speaking customer support staff will be there to help you!
Final Words
Before we say goodbyes, we’d like to congratulate and thank all our members who have enjoyed their weekly earnings as well as showing us genuine support and trust in our program, which will eventually help us add more features in the future to help you make more passive income, without your participation.
We have also been receiving customer feedbacks on our website features. Our development team are doing their best to include major features on our site to make your stay on our website as convenient as possible.
Lastly, our sports arbitrage program is unique and highly reliable investment program designed to make you small but guaranteed passive income every month, without your participation. Everyone, including first-time investors, can participate and reap the benefits from one of the most trusted online investment program.
Get started with our investment program
Or visit our FAQ section to learn more about our program and how to get started.
Still have questions? Need help? Please contact us for quick customer service.
Thanks, Sparbs Team


Shocking news tonight from PiNeverEnds the admin of which did end his program only after 11 days online, therefore causing the majority of investors losses. Only those who invested in the 7 day plan managed to see any profit, and I must say I was extremely disappointed with how it all ended. The thing is PiNeverEnds did seem like the next big thing for many investors and the admin apparently collected lots of money in the first week online and departed with a pretty hefty sum in his pocket for sure. He did everything possible to explain that PiNeverEnds was just a game, but I believe that he could have run it for much longer if he made an effort. I could call him just another fast scammer, but will give him more credit than that as at least he closed the program in a more honourable fashion than he ran it – by posting the news on the website and disabling deposits so no one else would join. That doesn’t change the fact that PiNeverEnds ended very badly people still lost money. I believe even a schoolchild could have run such a program for longer period of time, and I suspect the real reason behind the closure is not the admin’s inability to run it properly but rather a desire to keep the money and run. Despite all the lofty talk about “honesty” which PiNeverEnds certainly had (the talk, not the honesty), investors don’t see it when they leave empty handed. That was a badly managed program and the admin actually admitted his own fault (who else’s could it possibly be?), but I’m sure we will hear from him again under a new name soon. Here is the farewell newsletter from PiNeverEnds which hopefully won’t spoil your Friday night too much:

PiNeverEnds Program Closure
Hello all,
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that PiNeverEnds has closed. Despite a very, very strong start, the in/out ratio started to drastically falter on Tuesday of this week, and fell consistently after that, with little to no reinvestment, and also very little referral support.
Here’s a chart demonstrating the shift:
A large number of folks made a good profit, and my apologies to those who did not. As soon as the determination was made that the program would not be able to continue, new deposits were disabled, as well as new registrations.
Thank you to everyone who supported the values of the program. While every HYIP will end, and this one is ending FAR too soon, I’m doing my best to continue to uphold these values even in the bowing out.
I do not take all of this as a judgment against honesty and having a good time with HYIPs. I believe the plans are to blame, and thus I am to blame. But a lot has been learned, and future programs will be operated with the same ethics (albeit quietly in the background; we know some of you like to play Guess-the-Admin).
Best of luck in your other investments; there seem to be a lot of great programs out there right now.
All the best, Greka Letero, PiNeverEnds Admin


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listCryptoArbs, RemiTrade2FXLtdAssuredAssetsTradingAllianceLimited, LaxoTrade, HashPrime, GepardAllianceAnanciasCryptoFarmEastOilAriaInvestmentsBrinoGmbH.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: TrustForexTrade, OgdenOrganization.

To finish for tonight I would like to warn you against investing in MaverBet which seems to be permanently moved to Problem status on some forums at the moment given their selective payouts. I have moved MaverBet to Waiting status on the MNO monitor for now, and I don’t expect to be moving it back. I’ll update you on the program’s status in Sunday’s news issue when I also plan to bring you the latest on the Top Five Popular Programs on my monitor. So stay tuned for that guys, and have a good weekend!

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